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AMH 2010

Professor Mungaray
Chapter 1

Who were the first ancestors of the Native American people?

What were the two great empires of the Americas?
Who were the Adena and Hopewell cultures? What was Cahokia?
Describe the Native American people east of the Mississippi (Eastern Woodlands).
How were these societies organized and governed?
5. Who were the Great Plains Indians?
6. Who were the Pueblo Indians?
7. Describe the indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest.
8. Describe the trading relationships among Native Americans before the arrival of the
9. What were the spiritual views of most indigenous people of North America?
10. How was the European social structure of the 1450s?
11. Describe the European peasant society of the 1450s?
12. How did the Italian merchants expand their way into the Arab-dominated trade routes
of the Mediterranean?
13. What was civic humanism? When and where did the Renaissance begin?
14. When did Christianity become Romes official religion? What is the Christian
doctrine base on? How did the Christian Church devise a religion calendar?
15. Why were the Crusades significant for Europe?
16. What was the Protestant Reformation? Who was Martin Luther? What did he
advocate in his famous Ninety-five Theses?
17. What was John Calvins doctrine of predestination?
18. What where the three great empires that arose in West Africa before the European
exploration and conquest? What was their corner stone of their power? Who was
Mansa Musa?
19. Describe the Trans-Sahara trade before the arrival of the Europeans.
20. When did the Europeans engage in the Atlantic and Central Africa trade?
21. What European country took the lead in the African slave trade?
22. What European country took the lead in the conquest of the Americas?
23. Why was the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella significant? Who was Christopher
Columbus? When did Columbus rich an island in present-day Bahamas? Who was
Amerigo Vespucci?
24. Describe the Spanish invasion of the New World. Who was Hernan Cortes? What
factors eased the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs? Who was Francisco Pizarro? How
did the Spanish invasion change life forever in the Americas?
25. Who was Pedro Alvarez de Cabral? How did Brazil become the leading producer of
Critical thinking question: What factors made American people vulnerable to conquest by
Europeans adventurers in the 16th century?

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