Capitalizing On Productivity:: The Power of Integrated Enterprise Technology Systems

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Capitalizing on
the power of
integrated enterprise
technology systems
Capitalizing on productivity:
the power of integrated
enterprise technology systems

ven as the pace of technology help improve process, communication,
continues to grow at a rapid and collaboration. It will illustrate the
speed, many construction com- productivity gains real-world compa-
panies today are still operating on nies have experienced by updating to
non-integrated information enterprise integrated systems. And finally, how in-
systems that are 10, 15, or even 20 tegrated systems can mitigate risk with
years old. And while the cost and a high return on investment—setting
time implications involved in a major businesses up for future success.
technological overhaul are significant
adoption barriers, research shows that The problems associated with
productivity problems associated with non-integrated systems
aging systems pose even greater risks
for companies. Let’s examine some of the roadblocks
of non-integrated systems, and the
Studies show that over the past 40 effect they can have on a company’s
years, the productivity of the construc- bottom line. We recommend using this
tion industry has gradually declined, as a guideline to gauge if your compa-
while other industries have achieved ny is ready for a technology change.
significant improvements.1 In fact,
labor productivity in the construction • Inefficient processes
industry has trended downward at an Are your managers continually
average compound rate of -0.6% (as frustrated by untimely, inconsis-
measured by constant contract dollars tent, or incomplete information?
of new construction work per hourly Are customers waiting on you for
work hour) while in all non-farm in- decisions? With non-integrated
dustries labor productivity has trended systems, information is often hard
upward at an average compound rate to access and share—and can
of 1.8% per year. Studies point to con- become printout-intense. Data may
struction companies’ aging technology end up being handled multiple
systems as a major factor—citing rami- times by multiple departments,
fications such as lack of integration, making it tough to track and prone
fragmented and error-prone processes, to redundancies, which can cost
and labored collaboration within and companies in time and profit.
between teams and departments.
• Poor communication
This whitepaper will take a closer look Is collaboration between depart-
Teicholz, Paul. “Labor Productivity Declines in
the Construction Industry: Causes and Remedies.” at these growing problems, and the ments difficult and labored? Often-
AECbytes Viewpoint. Issue 4. April 14, 2004. ways in which integrated systems can times with non-integrated systems, | 800.333.3197
critical data is stored in separate What to expect with an
silos. This can disrupt the flow of Integrated system
information and prolong decision-
making processes. Employees may Let’s dive deeper and explore how an
end up exchanging information integrated system can position compa-
manually—spending more time nies for success now and in the future.
importing, exporting, and duplicat-
ing data than using it for business Experience enhanced process
intelligence. efficiency
Integrated systems with one point of
• Unnecessary expenses entry put all employees on the same
Are your current systems expensive page, making it easy to share infor-
to maintain? Are you constantly mation across teams, divisions, and
dealing with break-fix scenarios? projects. Companies no longer have
Oftentimes, older systems don’t to juggle between multiple systems or
work with the latest tools and sift through redundant data to retrieve
applications, and companies have specific information. They can easily
to invest in expensive peripheral drill down to the granular data they
software or spreadsheet work- need through customized, easy-to-
arounds. What’s more, with every read dashboards. And they can access
new release on an aging system, this information in real-time—even
companies have to piece together remotely. This helps employees make
broken links, costing needless time decisions faster. They can take more
and money. risks because they are able to see
results before they have a negative
The case for integration impact, and then adapt on the fly. Plus,
integrated systems provide simplified
A system that allows for full integra- document management solutions for
tion with all corners of a company every step in a project life cycle. Here
quickly saves money and optimizes are some examples:
business performance. It allows ac-
counting, operations, and project • Project management: capture
management to work more effectively billable events and change orders
and efficiently together. It enables
web collaboration for real-time project • Subcontract management: create
communications with customers and contracts, track compliance, and
the field, helping to shorten decision view committed costs
cycles. And it provides solutions for
document management that streamline • Client billings: create automated,
operations and enhance organization— timely billing cycles
ensuring instant access to accurate
data: anytime, anywhere. Achieve greater profitability
With an integrated system, companies
“When we switched to can accomplish more, with less over-
head and lower system maintenance
an integrated system, costs. They can more accurately track
a project’s progress, enabling them to
we went from seven confirm completion dates, and make
any necessary changes to get a delayed
systems to one.” project back on track. They can find
- Steve Hathaway, out about potential issues sooner, so
they can control cost overruns and
SEMA Construction | 800.333.3197
make adjustments to labor and other meaningless transactional work, and
What to look for in an resources to compensate. And they more time analyzing business. They
integrated system can eliminate excessive paperwork can easily share information within
and processing, enabling employees to and between departments. And they
focus on more important work. can provide the information customers
While there’s a lot of industry talk and investors need, when they need it,
about integration, companies Gain more transparency no matter where they are. Ultimately
often find that many solutions only Through real-time, easy-to-access data this will help companies achieve more
made available by integrated systems, profitability with less effort, manpower,
vaguely deliver on it. Here’s a quick managers can see firsthand how their and investment.
checklist to consider when narrow- actions affect the entire organization,
ing your choices. Look for: giving them more incentive to deliver
results. For example, they can quickly
access equipment information, find
• A system that integrates all out how it’s being used, and transfer
corners of business from project it to other sites where it will have “We were able to
more efficient usage. It’s also easier for
management and accounting to
managers to see how jobs are perform- transfer four people
operations ing. They can access daily diaries,
• A flexible technology platform
job progress updates, and job-specific to other areas of our
transactions—or analyze job costs
compatible with the applications through profitability evaluations and company.”
your departments work with- reports. They can also set up project-
specific websites that enable access to
- Steve Hathaway,
(e.g. Microsoft SQL / .NET)
accurate information on the fly. These SEMA Construction
• Customizable user interfaces— can be customer- or investor-facing,
helping to improve communication
forms, grids, and menus—that
and build trust.
work the way users work
Easily meet the changing technology
• The ability to quickly build re- needs of every department
ports: job costs, job progress, The best of today’s integrated sys-
billings, and more tems allow for significant flexibility
and personalization. They enable the
• The flexibility to grow as your customization of menus and forms for
business grows each department—from project man-
agement to accounting and all the way
• A roadmap that assesses the through to human resources. They also
impact of technology changes allow companies to add new features
and functionality as they change and
and the cost of upgrades for all grow.
areas of business
Make the switch, reap the
productivity rewards

Retooling internal processes and

software infrastructure takes time and
effort. But with an integrated system,
companies can experience dramatic
productivity gains that reverse the
trends in the industry today and give
them significant competitive advan-
tage. With an integrated system, com-
panies can spend less time performing | 800.333.3197

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