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Research Objective: Primary Research Objectives (PRO):

The main objective of the research is to find out condition of Videocons service in the market
and to know about satisfaction level of dealers or retailers with the services which are provided
to them.
Also we are trying to find out the position of Videocon products with respect to top players in the
industry i.e. Samsung and LG.

To achieve our Primary Research Objective, we need to form Secondary Research

Objectives. These Secondary Research Objectives are nothing but break-up of PRO into
small objectives which would help us to achieve Primary Research Objective.
Questionnaire has to be designed in such a way that all Secondary Research Objectives
are fulfilled.
Most of the PROs are provided by the company because they already had idea about the
factors which actually leads to customer and dealer satisfaction.

Secondary Research Objectives (SRO):

1) To determine whether the Quality of Product is adequate to influence buying behaviour
of the customer.
2) To determine whether the Demo and Installation service of product is adequate to
satisfy the customer.
3) To determine whether the Follow up calls to customers service is adequate to satisfy
the customer.
4) To determine whether the After Sales Service is adequate to satisfy or delight the
5) To determine whether the Pick-up and delivery of faulty products is adequate to satisfy
6) To determine whether the Availability of spare parts is adequate to satisfy or delight the
7) To determine whether the Free service camps is adequate to delight the customer.

For successfully completing the project both primary as well as secondary data was used.
Secondary data was provided to me by the company from their website, annual reports and
business journals.
Primary data plays a very important role since it gives first-hand information which was done
through survey method with the help of personal interview through questionnaire. The source of
primary information was the extensive dealer network of Videocon Industries Ltd.
It provides us with important information like
Preferences of customers.
Perception of dealers.
Motivating factor for the customers.
In order to collect the correct information, it is very important to interview the right people who
understand the importance of the research and provide the true information. In case of Videocon
Industries Ltd., I interviewed dealers in Aurangabad to find out their perception about Videocon
Group Products and their observation about the customers likes and dislikes and the factors that
motivate the customers to buy product of particular brand. It is really very important to
understand and to know on what factors does the customer makes a buying decision is it the
brand, price, after sales service, quality or promotional activities?
Sampling procedure consists of three sequential steps Sampling unit: who is to be interviewed- sampling unit refers to the target population to
be interviewed. In this research it was the dealers and retailers who were to be interviewed.
Sample frame: It is the data base of the dealers/retailers that was provided by the company.
Sample size: The total sample size selected was 200 dealers or retailers.


Survey method was adopted in order to collect the primary data required for the Study.

Questionnaire was designed with open-end and close-end questions. The questionnaire was
designed in such a manner so as to cater to all the areas and aspects of the study.

1. Sampling Procedure: Random Sampling.
2. Sampling Size: 200 respondents.
3. Geographical Coverage: Aurangabad.
4. Duration of the Survey: 1 month.

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