10.12 Eng089 Caps Numbers WhoWhom Which That Parallelism

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Capitalization, numbers, who/Whom,

Which/that, parallelism


Names of specific people
Tucker, Lola, the Joneses
family, boy, girl, sister, cousin

*capitalize mom, dad, gram, etc. when it replaces their

Hi, Mom! Welcome home, Dad.
My father and my mother are busy. Could your mom or
dad drive us home from the bar?

Days of the week, months, and holidays, but not
Monday, December, Passover, Easter
autumn, fall, spring, winter, summer

Ranks and titles, but only when used right before a
particular persons name
This is Doctor Smith. This is Aunt Anne, and that man is
General Bradshaw.
That man is my doctor. That woman is my aunt, and that
man is a general in the army.
*the word president is only capitalized when it comes
before the presidents name
President Washington had wooden teeth.
The president, George Washington, had wooden teeth.

geographic areas such as cities, states, countries,
counties, rivers, oceans, streets, parks, etc.
North Dakota, Ohio River, Atlantic Ocean

The ocean is deep. The mountains are high.

regions of the United States but not directions
I was born in the Midwest, but I grew up in the North.
I live on the north side of the river.
I live in the Northside.

Historical periods
the Renaissance, World War II, the Middle Ages, the Civil
It was a long war. We live in an age of computers.

religions, nationalities, races of people
Christians, Jews, Asians
There are many churches, temples, and mosques in our
city, and they are attended by people of different

languages, countries, and adjectives related to those
Denmark, Danish art, German exchange student
french fries, venetian blinds, brussels sprouts, roman
*Are roman numerals just used in Rome? Are french fries
unique to France? Dont use a cap unless you need it!

various names for God and the names of sacred books
God, Jehovah, Allah, Bible, Koran
There were many gods and goddesses in ancient myths.

specific school courses but not general subjects
Im taking Algebra 101 and History of China.
Im taking algebra and history. I am majoring in

names of specific schools, businesses, buildings,
organizations, brand names, etc.
Apple Computer, Phillips Middle School, the University of
Chevrolet Camaro, Nintendo, Cheerios, Nestles Crunch
I want a new computer. That building is a middle school.
I plan to attend a university.

first, last, and all important words in titles of movies,
books, chapters, and articles
*ignore a, an, the, but, and, for, or, nor, to, as, all
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, Tar Heels Beat
Duke 102 96, Diary of a Wimpy Kid


What is the rule for writing numbers?

Numbers differ according to style guide

MLA use numerals for numbers above one hundred
(starting with 101)
MLA spell out numbers one hundred and below
MLA spell out large round numbers (fifteen million)
APA spell out numbers one through nine, 10 and
above written numerically
Both when one number immediately follows another,
spell out one number and use numerals for other
(three 100-meter events, 25 four-poster beds)
Both always write out numbers that begin a sentence

use numerals according to convention

Dates July 4, 1776; 56 BC; AD 30

Addresses 77 Latches Lane, 519 West 42nd Street
Percentages 55 percent (or 55%)
Fractions, Decimals , 0.047
Scores 7 to 3, 21 18
Statistics average age 37, average weight 180
Surveys 4 out of 5
Exact amounts of money - $105. 37
Divisions of books volume 3, Chapter 4, page 189
Divisions of plays act 3, scene 3 (or act III, scene iii)

use numerals according to convention

Identification numbers serial number 10988675

Time of Day 4:00 p.m., 1:30 a.m.
o When not using a.m. or p.m., write out the time in words
(two oclock in the afternoon, twelve noon, seven in the

Who VS Whom

Who vs. Whom

I love you.
Subject is the person doing something
I am performing the love; therefore I am the

Object is having something done to them

You are the object of my affection

Who vs. Whom

Use who when referring to the subject of a clause
Who loves you?
I think it was Thomas Jefferson who was the third
president of the United States.
Use whom when referring to the object of a clause
Whom do you love?
Mrs. Dimwit consulted an astrologer whom she met in
Seattle. (She met him in Seattle.)

Who vs. Whom

He/Him trick
Him and whom both end with the letter m
When trying to choose between who or whom,
ask if the answer to the question would be he
or him
Who (or whom) do you love?
Answer is I love him, so whom is correct
Who (or whom) broke his heart?
Answer is She broke his heart, so who is

Who vs. Whom

1. Joe is the chef (who/whom) cooked that fabulous stir fry.
2. (Who/Whom) is that for?
3. Joyce is the girl (who/whom) got the job.
4. I decided to vote for (whoever/whomever) called me first.
5. Into the dark apartment walked David, (who/whom) we
nearly killed with surprise when everyone shouted Happy
Birthday and jumped from behind the furniture.

Who vs. Whom Extra



What is Parallelism?
Using the same pattern of words to show that two or
more ideas have the same importance
Patterns fall into four areas:

Words and phrases


Parallelism Words &

Do not mix patterns with the ing form (gerund) of words:
I like playing baseball, reading about sports, and tacos.
I like playing baseball, reading about sports, and eating

Parallelism Words &

Do not mix patterns of infinitive phrases.
Mary likes to shop, to read, and jogging..
Mary like to shop, to read, and to jog.

Parallelism Words &

Balance parallel ideas presented as pairs
not onlybut also

bothand whetheror

The teacher not only wants his students to keep

quiet but also to do the task.
The teacher wants his students not only to keep
quiet but also to do the task.
Thomas Edison was not only a prolific inventor
but also was a successful entrepreneur.
Omit was

Parallelism Forms
Do not mix forms.
The teacher said that he was a poor student because he
waited until the last minute to study for the exam,
completed his lab problems in a careless manner, and
his motivation was low.
The teacher said that he was a poor student because he
waited until the last minute to study for the exam,
completed his lab problems in a careless manner, and
lacked motivation.

Parallelism Clauses
A parallel structure that begins with clauses must
continue using clauses.
The salesman expected that he would present his
product at the meeting, that there would be time for
him to show his slide presentation, and questions would
be asked by prospective buyers.
The salesman expected that he would present his
product at the meeting, that there would be time for
him to show his slide presentation, and that
prospective buyers would ask him questions.

Parallelism Clauses
Repeat function words to clarify parallels
By, to, that, because
Our study revealed that left-handed students were more
likely to have trouble with classroom desks and
rearranging desks for exam periods was useful.
Our study revealed that left-handed students were more
likely to have trouble with classroom desks and that
rearranging desks for exam periods was useful.

Parallelism Lists
Be sure to keep al the elements in a list in the same form.
The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find
word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and
looking up irregular verbs.
The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find
word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and
irregular verbs.

For Monday
Rough draft of either causal, argument, or
Grammar exercises
pg 567 practice 1
Pg 588 review practice 1
Pg 575 practice 4

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