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Algebraic Expression Definitions

1. Algebraic Expression:
An expression consisting of arithmetic numbers, letters (used as symbols) and operation signs is
called an Algebraic Expression
2x + 3y , -9p + 2r, x2 + 5x + 6, a3 + b3 + 3ab2 + 3a2b
2. Constant:
Algebraic symbols that have a fixed value and do not change like variables (which are used as
place holders) are called Constants
In 2x + 3y + 4, 4 is a constant. In 2a2 3ab + 7, 7 is a constant
3. Variable
A symbol in Algebra that can be plugged in with different numerical values (numbers) is called a
In 5p + 6q + r, the letters (symbols) p,q are called Variables.
Note: 5p + 6q + r is also a variable, since any number can be plugged in for p, q and r as
4 .Terms of an expression
The parts in an algebraic expression connected by the operation signs + or are called Terms
In 2y + 3, 2y is one term and 3 is another term.
5. Monomials
An algebraic expression containing only one term is called a Monomial. Monomials are also
called simple expressions.
2x, 5x2 , pq are examples of monomials.
6. Binomial
An algebraic expression that contains two terms is called a Binomial
2x + 3y, 2p2 + 9y3 are some examples of Binomials.
7. Trinomial
An algebraic expression that has three terms is called a Trinomial.
3x + 4y + 5z, ax2 + bx + c are examples of Trinomials.
8. Polynomial
An algebraic expression that contains one term, two terms, three terms or more is called a
By this definition, each of monomial, binomial and trinomial is a Polynomial.
Examples of Polynomials are:
3x, 4y2, pq, (which are Monomials)
3x + 4y, 5q + 9t, -m2 n2 (which are Binomials)
ax2 + bx + c, 3a - b + (5/3) c. (which are Trinomials)
9. Factor:
Symbols or Numbers in multiplication are called factors.
In pq, p and q are factors in the multiplication p q.
pq is called the product of the factors p and q.
2 and 3 are factors in the multiplication 23 which is equal to 6.
2 and 3 are called Numerical Factors
6 is called the product of 2 and 3.
In the product xy, x and y are the factors and xy is called the product of x and y.
x and y are called Literal Factors.
10. Coefficient:

Coefficient is of two types. Numerical coefficient and Literal coefficient.

Numbers form Numerical coefficients and symbols form literal coefficients.
In 2xy, 2 is the number or the Numerical coefficient while xy, the symbol, is the Literal
In the Monomial y, the Numerical coefficient is 1 and the literal coefficient is y
In the product 100xy, 100 is the Numerical coefficient and xy is the literal coefficient.
11. Like Terms:
Two or more terms that have the same literal coefficients are called Like Terms. Like terms can
have different Numerical Coefficients, but not literal coefficients.
4pq and 100pq are like terms as the literal coefficients xy are same in the two terms.
-13p2q2 and 13 p2q2 are Like terms as only the numerical coefficients are different but the literal
coefficients are same.
12. Unlike Terms
Terms that are not Like terms are Unlike Terms.
So, Unlike terms have different literal coefficients.
3xy, 3xy2 are unlike terms
Definition of a polynomial:
An algebraic expression of the form a + bx + cx2 + dx3 + .. in which a, b, c, d are
constants (numbers) and x is a variable, having non-negative integral exponents is called a
polynomial in x.
The numbers a, b, c, d.. are also called coefficients (therefore constants as they are numbers
that do not change like variable x)
Another standard say of defining a polynomial is given in the table below:
An algebraic expression of the form:
a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + +anxn.. in which a0, a1, a2, a3an.. are coefficients and x
is a variable having non-negative integral exponents is called a polynomial in x.
Degree of a polynomial in one variable:
The greatest power of the variable is the degree of the polynomial.
Examples of polynomials in one variable:
2y + 4 is a polynomial in y of degree 1, as the greatest power of the variable y is 1
ax2 +bx + c is a polynomial in x of degree 2, as the greatest power of the variable x is 2
3p4 -10p3 + 2p 4/3 is a polynomial in p of degree 4, as the greatest power of the variable p is 4
100 is also a polynomial (constant polynomial or monomial - that which contains only one term)
in any variable, say x, because 100 is same as 100x0, and we know that x0 = 1.
Degree of a polynomial in two variables:
The degree of a polynomial which contains two or more variables is the greatest of the different
sums of the powers of the variables in the various terms of the polynomial
Examples of degree of a polynomial in two or more variables:
In 2x2y+3xy+4, the sum of the powers of variables x and y in:
2x2y is 2 + 1 = 3,
3xy is 1 +1 = 2,
0 in 4.
Among the various sums of the powers of the variables in the terms, 3 is the greatest and
therefore the degree of the above polynomial is taken as 3.

Caution: Add the powers of the variables in each term to find the greatest sum. Do not add the
powers of the variables of all the terms.
What is NOT a polynomial?
In the polynomial, the exponent of the variable must be non-negative integers.
Examples of what are NOT polynomials
1/x, x/y, x2/y3 and 2x1/2 + 3x + 5 are not examples of polynomials because:
in the first example, the power of x is -1,
in the second example, the power of y is -2,
in the third example, the power of y is -3.
Each of these powers in the variables is negative, i.e. not positive.
In the fourth example, the power of x in 2x1/2 is , an exponent which is not an integer.
Therefore, the exponents of variables must be both integers and positive to call the algebraic
expression a polynomial.
Note: Non-negative integers are positive integers including 0. 0 is neither positive nor negative,
so to include it along with the positive integers, it is referred to as non-negative.
Types of Polynomials:
1. Linear Polynomial:
A polynomial of degree 1 is called a linear polynomial.
Example : 3x, 5y + 6, 9p + q
2. Quadratic Polynomial:
A polynomial of degree 2 is called a quadratic polynomial
Example: in ax2 + bx + c, the degree is 2
3. Cubic Polynomial:
A polynomial of degree 3 is called a cubic polynomial.
Example: a3 +b3 + 3a2b + 3ab2
Standard Form of a Polynomial:
If the terms in a polynomial are written in ascending or descending powers of the variable in it,
then the polynomial is said to be in Standard Form.
3x3 - 9x2 + 2
is in standard form, as the powers of the variable x are in descending order.
-9 + 6x 4/5 (x3) + x4
is also in standard form, as the powers of the variable x are in ascending order.

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on coefficients (numerical & literal). The questions
are based on indentifying the numerical coefficient and the literal coefficient in each term.
1. State whether the following statement is true or false:
(i) The coefficient of x in 10x is 10x
(ii) The coefficient of mn in mn is -1
(iii) The coefficient of b in -7ab is -7
(iv) In product 9pq, 9 is the numerical coefficient of pq
(v) In product 4abc, b is the literal coefficient of 4a
2. Write down the coefficient of x in each of the following:
(i) x
(ii) x
(iii) 7x
(iv) 3ax
(v) (1/3)xy
(vi) bx/y
3. Write down the numerical and literal coefficients in each of the following term:
(i) 45m2n
(ii) -7u/v
(iii) 3/5 ab3
(iv) -11/z
4. In 7ab2c3, write the coefficient of:
(i) 7
(ii) a
(iii) b2
(iv) c3
(v) 7a
(vi) ab2
5. Write down the coefficient of mn2 in each of the following:
(i) -mn2
(ii) 5mn2
(iii) -7mn2
(iv) (2/5) mn2
(v) 3mn2x
(vi) (-3x/y) mn2
6. Write the coefficient of:
(i) a in -2ab2
(ii) a in -ap
(iii) b in -b
(iv) b in (2/p) b
(v) ab in -7abc
(vi) ap in -ab2p
(vii) a2b in -5pa2b
(viii) ab2 in 7pab2
(ix) x2 in -10x2y
(x) x2y in 7abx2y

7. State the numerical coefficient of each of the following:

(i) 3mn
(ii) xyz
(iii) 7abc
(iv) -2m/n
(v) 3/5 mn2
(vi) -13ab/3c
(vii) -9a b
(viii) -5p (3q)
(ix) a/-b
(x) p/-q


1. (i) False
(ii) True
(iii) False
(iv) True
(v) False

2. (i) 1
(ii) 1
(iii) 7
(iv) 3a
(v) (1/3)y
(vi) b/y

4. (i) ab2c3
(ii) 7b2c3
(iii) 7ac3
(iv) 7ab2
(v) b2c3
(vi) 7c3

5. (i) -1
(ii) 5
(iii) -7
(iv) 2/5
(v) 3x
(vi) -3x/y

7. (i) 3
(ii) 1
(iii) 7
(iv) -2
(v) 3/5
(vi) -13/3
(vii) -9
(viii) -5/3
(ix) -1
(x) 1

3. (i) 45, m2n

(ii) -7, u/v
(iii) 3/5, ab3
(iv) -11, 1/z

6. (i) -2b2
(ii) -p
(iii) -1
(iv) 2/p
(v) -7c
(vi) -b2
(vii) -5p
(viii) 7p
(ix) -10y
(x) 7ab

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on types of algebraic expressions. The questions
are based on identifying whether the algebraic expressions are monomial, binomial, trinomial or
1. State whether the following statements are true or false:
(i) Expression 5a2 + a is a trinomial
(ii) Expression ax2 + bx + c is a trinomial
(iii) 5 mn is a binomial
(iv) 11 + xy is a binomial
(v) a3 3ab + 7a + 9 is a polynomial
(vi) 2x3 + 7xy + 3x + 2 is a multinomial
(vii) 1 + 2x + 3x2 + x4 + x5 is a binomial
(viii) p2 + q2 + r2 is a trinomial
2. Which of the following expressions are polynomials?
(i) 10 13x
(ii) z + z2 + z5 - 7
(iii) 1 + 1/a + 1/a2 + 1/a3 +1/a4
(iv) (m2 + m 2)/(m 3)
(v) 1/2 5/(4 + u)
(vi) 1 + 5m
(vii) 1 + 5u + 4u2
(viii) 1/x + 5
3. For each expression, given below, state whether it is a monomial, binomial or trinomial:
(i) mn
(ii) mn + m
(iii) 2a b
(iv) 7abc
(v) 7 + u + v
(vi) 2p2 p
(vii) k
(viii) ax2 + bx 7
(ix) -3mn + t
(x) 1 + a + z
(xi) 1 + a z
(xii) a + ab b2

4. Identify the following expressions are monomials, binomials, trinomials, polynomials:

(i) 11pqr
(ii) m + 2n
(iii) a + b + c
(iv) 1 m + m2 + m5 m7 + m9
(v) 2ab + c
(vi) 1 + 3a + 4a3

Answers for the worksheet on types of algebraic expressions are given below to check the exact
answers of the above expressions.
1. (i) false
(ii) true
(iii) false
(iv) true
(v) true
(vi) true
(vii) false
(viii) true
2. (i) polynomial
(ii) polynomial
(iii) not polynomial
(iv) not polynomial
(v) not polynomial
(vi) polynomial
(vii) polynomial
(viii) not polynomial
3. (i) monomial
(ii) binomial
(iii) monomial
(iv) monomial
(v) trinomial
(vi) binomial
(vii) monomial
(viii) trinomial
(ix) binomial
(x) trinomial
(xi) binomial
(xii) trinomial
4. (i) monomial
(ii) binomial
(iii) trinomial
(iv) polynomial
(v) binomial
(vi) trinomial
Practice the question s given in the worksheet on degree of a polynomial (monomial, binomial,
or trinomial). The questions are based on finding the degree of a monomial, binomial, or
1. Find the degree of a monomial:
(i) 7xyz
(ii) -5abc4
2. Find the degree of a binomial:

(i) -11x2 + 3xyz

(ii) 5p2q + 3pq3r
3. Find the degree of a trinomial:
(i) a + b + c
(ii) yz2 y3z2 + 5x2y2z2
4. For each of the following polynomials write down its degree:
(i) 1 + 3z
(ii) 1 + 3m + 5m2
(iii) 4u + 5u3 + 17u5 + 7
(iv) a9 + 4a3 + 7a2 + 10
(v) -11p + 7
(vi) m6 + m9
5. State the degree of the polynomials:
(i) 2a2 + 3a2 + 4a
(ii) 5a3b 7a2 + 11b2
(iii) (2/7)xy2 (7/2)x2y + y
(iv) (5m2n)/6 9m2
(v) 4a3 4a2 + 5a - 6
(vi) 102n + 5mn2 + 1
6. Find the degree of the polynomials:
(i) a + a2
(ii) 2b2 5b + 2
(iii) -9ab + 11b
(iv) p3 + p8 p10
(v) 1 100c20
(vi) 10 + 17k 23k3
7. Form a binomial, trinomial or polynomial for the following descriptions:
(i) write a binomial in m with a degree of 7
(ii) write a trinomial in a with a degree of 11
(iii) write a polynomial in z with a degree of 5
(iv) write a binomial in x with a degree of 1
(v) write a trinomial in p with a degree of 3
Answers for the worksheet on degree of a polynomial are given below to check the exact
answers of the above questions.
1. (i) 3
(ii) 6
2. (i) 3
(ii) 5
3. (i) 1

(ii) 6
4. (i) 1
(ii) 2
(iii) 5
(iv) 9
(v) 1
(vi) 9
5. (i) 2
(ii) 4
(iii) 3
(iv) 3
(v) 3
(vi) 3
6. (i) 2
(ii) 2
(iii) 2
(iv) 10
(v) 20
(vi) 3
7. (i) -5m7 + 11
(ii) 2a11 a2 + 9a
(iii) 13 + 5z + 10z2 17z3 + z4 5z5
(iv) x - 1
(v) -3p3 3p2 + 5

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