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Answer the following short Questions. Each question carries equal marks.

Define simple and facilitated diffusion?

Define Osmotic Pressure

Which organelles contain DNA?

Define reticulo endothelial system?

Define different volumes and capacities?

Describe antigen antibody formation?

Define the role of Ca-ion in smooth muscle contraction and action potential?

Describe in brief neuromuscular transmission?

Differentiate between Bile Salts and Bile Pigments?

10 Write composition of Gastric Juice?


Enumerate the types of GIT movements in various parts?

efine nerve Action Potential?
Which forces keep the fluid inside the vessels and which oppose to that?
Define ventilation perfusion ratio?
What is normal cardiac output and its calculate?

Note: Solve any four questions from following. Each question carries TEN marks.
Q.1 Describe active and secondary transport mechanisms along with examples?
Q.2 Describe intrinsic and extrinsic pathways?
Q.3 Describe factors that shift oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve?
Q.4 Draw and label neuromuscular junction ?
Q.5 Describe the mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction in detail?


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