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Why we need English, we are Indoneian right?

Oleh: Achmad Faizal Fachrurrozi (140511603505) S1 PTM 2014

In modern era, rapid technological advances development. Ranging from mobile phones,
kitchen equipment, agricultural equipment, and equipment all the techniques had been
developed. In fact, thinking someone also progressed. Technology is not only needed by one
country alone, but all the countries in the hemisphere will also need the technology to
facilitate a job.
However, not all countries can create their own latest technology. Most of them still as State
connoisseurs only. This means that they are only imported from advanced countries to be sold
and used in their country. Technology that spreads easily throughout the world, needed a
language to be used in devices such technologies.
The world have agreed on English as an international language they are. That is, the language
used to communicate between one country and another, both written communication through
a variety of technological advances in the product, as well as direct communication. So, by
understanding the English language, which a technology created by one country, can be
enjoyed by all people in the world.
However, not be as easy as turning the palm of the hand, but there needs to be an emphasis on
a country's government to put the English language in parallel with the country itself.
Because it certainly can be guessed that, the country where people are blind to English more
likely to be countries that are far behind, especially for developing countries. However, if the
public is better in English, Maybe these countries can follow the flow of technological
Therefore, as a successor to the nation's youth. Let us be serious in studying Science Religion
and Science World according to our field. But keep in mind also that Indonesian is not an
international language, not the language of the community at large. While, English is used
most of the world community. So, do not underestimate English because is not our language,
but learn English because more benefits there.

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