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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

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Protection techniques with renewable resources and smart

gridsA survey
M.M. Eissa (SIEEE)
Electrical Power and Machines Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Helwan, Egypt

art ic l e i nf o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Received 3 November 2014
Received in revised form
9 August 2015
Accepted 10 August 2015

Interconnection between countries and surrounding countries provides a large power grid. With the
improvement of wind power technology, increase of wind power capacity, the impact of wind power on
the grid has become an important research topic as well. Large power systems are facing new challenges,
such as increasing penetration of renewable energy sources, in particular wind generation, growing
demands, limited resources, and competitive electricity markets. Under these conditions, the large
power systems have had to confront some major operating problems in voltage regulation, power ow
control, protection, and stability. The traditional stand alone (unit) protection schemes are not capable to
protect large scale grid system, particularly after large disturbances. As it is known large disturbances
might provoke a series of cascading outages, which can lead to the total system blackout and
catastrophic consequences to the equipment and society. Current approaches adopted for implementing
protection are not signicant advancement in such conguration. Advancements in the protection and
control have to be brought into the domain of wind farm application to address the specic needs and
challenges of this conguration. This paper introduces a complete survey about traditional protection
techniques for transmission line connected with renewable resources and the main shortcoming points
for such techniques. Also the most recent techniques and new trends of the protection available
nowadays for applying and facing such challenges are given. Smart devices deployed on the smart grid
and smart based wireless devices can enhance and provide novel ideas for facing such challenges.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Wind farm
Smart grid
Renewable resources
Digital protection


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The traditional power grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Smart grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Smart grid with renewable resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The basic operation characteristic analysis of wind farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Power ow in smart grid including wind farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Voltage and reactive power balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Power grid faults and reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Smart grid with microgrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Small and large wind penetration [27]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Fault study of wind turbine generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Intelligent data analysis techniques for diagnosis and prognosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1364-0321/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

Fig. 1. Traditional power grid [9].

1. Introduction
Most countries are facing challenges with energy crisis. Smart grid
system can solve many of the problems for power shortage. Industry
and utilities are seeking with innovation solutions that help them for
reliable assets to protect their investment and critical operation of the
aged grid. The growing global population is driving an even greater
increase in the demand for electricity. Added to this, governments
around the world are focusing on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions by increasing the utilization of renewable energy sources in
the power chain. Today, existing grids are under pressure to deliver the
growing demand for power, as well as provide a stable and sustainable
supply of electricity. These complex challenges are driving the evolution of smart grid technologies. The greatest future challenge is the
integration with the renewable energy resources and controlling of it
to reect the best impact on the massive energy production [1].
Optimal use of ageing assets strategy is as much determined by
economic factors as it is by technical issues. Factors such as
obsolescence need to be considered when determining future
needs. Increasingly companies are turning to risk based assessments to provide a holistic approach. Any Asset Strategy should be
implemented and supported by a range of policies covering
process safety, maintenance and inspection, renewal, and competence. The smart power transmission networks are conceptually
built on the existing electric transmission infrastructure. However,
the emergence of new technologies (e.g. new materials, electronics, sensing, communication, computing, and signal processing)
can help improve the power utilization, power quality, and system
security and reliability, thus drive the development of a new
framework architecture for transmission networks [2].

2. The traditional power grid

The traditional power grid is unidirectional in nature. Electricity is often generated at a few central power plants by

electromechanical generators, primarily driven by the force of

owing water or heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or
nuclear power. In order to take advantage of the economies of
scale, the generating plants are usually quite large and located
away from heavily populated areas. The generated electric power
is stepped up to a higher voltage for transmission on the
transmission grid. The transmission grid moves the power over
long distances to substations. Upon arrival at a substation, the
power will be stepped down from the transmission level voltage to
a distribution level voltage. As the power exits the substation, it
enters the distribution grid. Finally, upon arrival at the service
location, the power is stepped down again from the distribution
voltage to the required service voltage(s) [3]. Fig. 1 shows an
example of the traditional power grid [4].
The challenges: As the supply and demand for electricity has
skyrocketed through the computer revolution, growth of the
Internet, and proliferation of electronic devices, there has been
no signicant investment in the transmission and distribution
infrastructure that connects the two. At a time when 60% of the U.
S. gross domestic product depends directly on electricity (compared to 20% in 1950), we rely on an electric power infrastructure
that is aging and outmoded [5].

3. Smart grid
The future grids can be regarded as an electric system that uses
information, two-way, cyber-secure communication technologies,
and computational intelligence in an integrated fashion across
electricity generation, transmission, substations, distribution and
consumption to achieve a system that is clean, safe, secure,
reliable, resilient, efcient, and sustainable. This description covers
the entire spectrum of the energy system from the generation to
the end points of consumption of the electricity [6,7]. Fig. 2 shows
a typical conguration for the future grid. At the beginning of the
century, a new concept emerged in how electricity is managed.

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667


Fig. 2. Future power grid [10].

Table 1
Comparison between traditional and future power grid.
Traditional power grid

Future power grid

One way power ow
One way communications
Few sensors
Low power quality
Limited power ow control
Manual monitoring
Manual restoration
Failures and blackouts
Few consumer choice
No interconnected Renewable resources
Stand alone protection techniques

Multi-way power ow
Multi-way communications
A lot of IED sensors
High power quality
Full power ow control (FACTS)
Self-wide area monitoring
Adaptive and islanding
Demand side management
Accept Renewable resources
Wide area protection
Protection techniques based data sharing

Under this model, the grid becomes less of a one-way highway and
more of an integrated, interactive network. Many smaller power
plants are distributed throughout this network, including renewable energy generation. And most importantly, this new grid gains
intelligence and two-way communications [8]. The smart grid
has main three components (Smart devices, Two-way communications, and advanced software). The smart devices such as
meters, monitors and intelligent electronic devices gather information about the ow and condition of power, and about the
condition of equipment. The smart devices transmit the information over a two-way communications pathway. In Europe, many
systems use power line communications, which broadcast over the
electric power lines themselves. In the U.S., radio frequency (RF)
communications are more common, typically systems that resemble the Wi-Fi networks used for personal computers. And many
systems are hybrids, incorporating cellular, satellite, ber-optic or
other forms [8]. Advanced software processes the data and uses it
to power applications. Some of those applications help run the
grid itself. Others handle billing, service and other customer-facing
activities. The following Table 1 shows a comparison between the
traditional and future power grid from different point of view.

4. Smart grid with renewable resources

Among the renewable energy, wind power is the most mature
technology, so large-scale wind power generation access to grid is
the inevitable trend. Based on the random and undulant characteristics of wind power generation output, so accessing to grid

Fig. 3. Wind turbine model diagram [11].

will inuence the stable operation of power system. The basis of

wind farms, the basic operating characteristics of wind farms or
the stability of smart grid after wind power accessed for problems
of smart grid after large capacity of wind power got accessed [11].
Actually large-capacity of wind farm often contain dozens, hundreds or even thousands of wind generators. All wind turbines in
wind farm could be the equivalent of several or one units which
access to the equivalent of wind generators. The premise of
equivalent value is to be the same with the equivalent of wind
turbine model number and run on the same wind conditions,
small deviation of slip in the transient in the generator is allow
[12]. Wind farm is a complex system involving multi-disciplinary,
primarily consist by three parts, such as wind turbines, driving
system and generators, as shown in Fig. 3.


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

Fig. 4. The different types of the WTG model [13].

Fig. 5. Typical conguration of two types of WTG with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) [16]. (a) Full converter-based wind turbine generators (WTGs)
with a PMSG, machine-side converter (MSC), and load-side converter (LSC). (b) Variable-speed doubly fed asynchronous-WTG showing the location of the crowbar circuit.

Historically, most dynamic models for WTGs have been developed by manufacturers and consultants as proprietary userdened models. These models are required for demonstrating
compliance with power system reliability criteria and for planning
system expansions. With increased installed capacity and larger
nameplate ratings, it is imperative that wind power plants be
properly represented in power system dynamic simulations. This
paper summarizes work performed by the WECC Wind Generation
Modeling Group and the IEEE Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation regarding generic Wind Turbine
Generator models, their development, and specications [13,14].

This effort has led to the development of prototype generic WTG

models for each of the four major WTG topologies: (1) Type 1:
Induction generator; (2) Type 2: Induction generator with variable
rotor resistance; (3) Type 3: Doubly fed asynchronous generator;
4) Type 4: Asynchronous or synchronous generator with full
converter interface [13,14].
Fig. 4(a) shows the modules and connectivity of the generic
WTG model of Type 1. The model consists of three components:
generator, wind turbine and pseudo governor. The generator is a
standard induction generator excluding its inertial equation. The
turbine is simply the inertial model of the wind turbine-generator;

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667


5. The basic operation characteristic analysis of wind farm

disconnection and fast reclosure, or by disconnection of the

equipment in question after a few hundred milliseconds. In all
the situations the result is a short period with low or no voltage
followed by a period where the voltage returns [21,22]. The grid
system under study is shown in Fig. 6.
The dynamic behavior of the grid system with a wind farm is
studied under a three phase fault to ground on the grid bus. This
demonstrates the needed protection scheme requirements and to
identify the protection scheme criteria that should be taken into
consideration to be reliable and capable for implementation with
such systems. The dynamic performance of the grid wind turbines
during three phase fault at the grid bus is shown in Fig. 7. The
generators rotor speed when the three faults occurs causes the
rotor speed starts to be accelerated which make the system
unstable. This is one reason of turbines shut down. The three
groups of wind turbines active power are shown in Fig. 7 and
indicates that when a three phase fault occurs, the active power
are decreased suddenly to zero due to that, the demagnetizing of
the induction generators as the shunt capacitor discharge its
reactive power to the power system, more than that the rapid
acceleration of the rotor speed.
The behavior of the three turbine groups reactive power are
shown in Fig. 7 as it introduces that when the fault occurs, the
reactive power are decreased instantaneously to negative direction
as it will start to deliver its reactive power to the power system till
its charge cancelled and then it drops to zero.

5.1. Power ow in smart grid including wind farm

5.3. Power grid faults and reliability

The access to power system will inuence the distribution of

power ow while the random characteristic of wind power system.
The conventional calculation method of power ow is not practical
for this reason the power ow with wind farm must consider the
features of wind turbine generators. The asynchronous generator
itself hasnt excitation adjuster, it hasnt voltage adjustment ability,
therefore not like the regular synchronous generators can be as PV
nodes, asynchronous generator inject active power to system and
absorb a certain of reactive power at the same time, join in reactive
power compensation devices at access point is necessary, the size of
absorption of reactive power is related with voltage of machine,
developed active power and the sliding closely, therefore cannot be
treated as PQ nodes simply[17].

With the expansion of the power generation capacity and the

scale of the wind farm, urgent need research large capacity of wind
farm put in power grid then the inuence to the system reliability
and troubleshooting. When the system disturbance or a fault is
occurred, the uncertainty of the wind power can reduce reliability
of the system. When make reliability assessment on smart grid
which contain wind farm, it needs to consider the way that wind
farm access in, operation mode and state policies, geography,
establish applicable reliability calculation model, to ensure that
the system reliability requirement, build the most applicable
reliability evaluation system. Under the strong smart grid, should
combine wind power system, the analysis theory of the smart grid
security, the self-healing control framework, automatic control
equipment, etc, in order to ensure safety and reliability of the wind
power grid access in intelligent power grid [15].

this model can be used to represent one or two masses. Fig. 4

(b) shows the modules and connectivity of the generic WTG model
of Type 2. This model consists of four components: generator,
wind turbine, pseudo governor, and rotor resistance controller.
The generator is an induction generator with provisions for
adjusting its rotor resistance via the rotor resistance controller.
This controller has as inputs the rotor speed and generator
electrical power; the model calculates the portion of the available
rotor resistance to be added to the rotor resistance included in the
generator module. Fig. 4(c) shows the modules and connectivity of
the generic WTG model of Type 3. The model is based on the
detailed GEs wind turbine model [15,16] and consists of four
components: generator/converter, converter control, wind turbine,
and pitch control. Several simplications were made to the GE
WTG model, for instance: the active power control and GEs Wind
INERTIA control were excluded. Fig. 4(d) shows a typical conguration of a Type 4 WTG with a permanent magnet synchronous
generator (PMSG). This model consists of three components:
generator/converter, converter control, and wind turbine. The
model is based on GEs wind turbine model documented in [16].
The generator model is very similar to the Type 3 generator model.
Fig. 5 shows a typical conguration of two types of WTG with a
permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG).

5.2. Voltage and reactive power balance

large wind turbine generators interconnected power grid has
signicant inuence to secure state and stable operation of the
power system, one of the most prominent problems is caused of
the decrease of voltage quality of surrounding area seriously,
because of the change of power output of wind farm interconnected power grid can cause the change of reactive power of the
system, and then affect system voltage, even lead to voltage
collapse [18]. Therefore, we should adopt reasonable of reactive
power compensation scheme, otherwise, the voltage-reactive
power stability problem of wind farm the will hinder the development of the wind power, especially the limit of construction of
large capacity of wind farm.
As the wind power penetration into the grid increases quickly,
the inuence of wind turbines on the power system protection is
becoming more and more important. Short circuits take on a
variety of forms in a network and are by far the most common
[19]. In severity they range from the one phase earth fault caused
by trees growing up into an overhead transmission line, over a two
phase fault to the three phase short circuit with low impedance in
the short circuit itself [20]. Many of these faults are cleared by the
relay protection of the transmission system either by

5.4. Smart grid with microgrid

With their grid-interconnectivity advantages, advanced microgrids will improve system [23] energy efciency and reliability and
provide enabling technologies for grid-independence to end-user
sites. One popular denition that has been evolved and is used in
multiple references is that a microgrid is a group of interconnected
loads and distributed-energy resources within clearly dened
electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with
respect to the grid. A microgrid can connect and disconnect from
the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or islandmode. Further, an advanced microgrid can then be loosely dened
as a dynamic microgrid. The value of microgrids to protect the
nations electrical grid from power outages is becoming increasingly important in the face of the increased frequency and
intensity of events caused by severe weather. Advanced microgrids
will serve to mitigate power [23].
Microgrids, which are localized grids that can disconnect from
the traditional grid to operate autonomously and help mitigate grid
disturbances to strengthen grid resilience, can play an important
role in transforming the nations electric grid. Microgrids can


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

Fig. 6. Future power grid [13].

Fig. 7. The wind farm dynamic behavior.

strengthen grid resilience and help mitigate grid disturbances

because they are able to continue operating while the main grid
is down, and they can function as a grid resource for faster system
response and recovery. Microgrids also support a exible and
efcient electric grid, by enabling the integration of growing
deployments of renewable sources of energy such as solar and
wind and distributed energy resources such as combined heat and
power, energy storage, and demand response. In addition, the use of
local sources of energy to serve local loads helps reduce energy
losses in transmission and distribution, further increasing efciency
of the electric delivery system [24]. The Energy Department has a
comprehensive portfolio of activities that focuses on the development and implementation of microgrids to further improve reliability and resiliency of the grid, help communities better prepare for
future weather events, and keep the nation moving toward a clean
energy future. Advanced microgrids will contain all the essential

elements of a large-scale grid, such as the ability to (a) balance

electrical demand with sources, (b) schedule the dispatch of
resources, and (c) preserve grid reliability (both adequacy and
security). In addition to these basic features, an advanced microgrid
will also be able to interact with, connect to, and disconnect from
another grid [25]. Fig. 8 shows part of the Micogrid and smart grid
5.5. Small and large wind penetration [27]
Wind Turbine Generators have made up only a small percentage of the total installed generation capacity of a power system
[27]. This was commonly referred to as low wind penetration.
During a fault condition or any other system condition that was
adverse to the WTGs, they were allowed to disconnect from the
power system. However, as wind power penetration has increased

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667


Fig. 8. Micogrid and smart grid system [26].

Fig. 9. LVRT requirement [27].

Fig. 11. Piecewise linear curves VDL1 and VDL2 [27].

Fig. 10. Conguration diagram of the simulation model [27].

and makes up a larger portion of the generation capacity of the

power system, disconnecting the WTGs during power system
disturbances severely affects the stability of the power system.
This is because after the fault is cleared, a large part of the
generation base is no longer available. This has led regulatory
authorities, such as FERC in the United States, to propose an LVRT
capability for large WTG installations. The LVRT rule species the
depth of the voltage sag versus the time for which a WTG is
expected to remain online. Fig. 9 is a graph of the LVRT requirements. From Fig. 9, it can be seen that if the terminal voltage at the
WTG decreases to 60% of its nominal voltage, the WTG will have to
remain online for a minimum of 2.1 s. However, as shown, there is
currently a proposed modication to the LVRT curve. With this
modication, the WTG has to stay online for at least 0.15 s, even if
the voltage at the terminals of the generator is zero. Manufacturers
will therefore have to provide extra ride-through capabilities for
their generators. This further changes how the generator behaves

Fig. 12. WTG pu current (top) and voltage (bottom) for a three-phase fault at Bus 3 [27].

during fault conditions because the MSC must not be disconnected

during a fault condition so that the generator is available to
support the power system once the fault is cleared. This clearly
illustrates that the fault behavior of these types of WTGs will
change as new design ideas or regulations are implemented [27].


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

6. Fault study of wind turbine generator

In [27], very extensive study for a voltage-behind-the-impedance
model does not work for converter-based WTGs, a detailed transient
time domain model is examined to study the short-circuit characteristics during faults. A transient time-domain model can represent the
power converter and its control algorithm in detail for greater
accuracy. Fault current contribution from the Variable-speed doubly
fed asynchronous WTG is similar to that of full converter-based wind
turbine generators WTG, except during severe faults when the
crowbar circuit is activated.
Fig. 10 shows the simplied one-line diagram used for the
study. The model consists of ve Variable-speed doubly fed
asynchronous WTG (rated at 2 MW each) lumped as one equivalent generator. The WTG model and control are based on the GE
turbines presented in [28]. The WTG connects to the collector grid
via a pad-mounted transformer, a collector circuit, and a station
The output current of the grid-side converter was limited by
the current limit logic during faults. The piecewise curves dening
the limits of the active and reactive current used in the model are
shown in Fig. 11. The VDL1 curve corresponds to the reactive
current limit, and the VDL2 curve corresponds to the active
current limit as a function of the WTG terminal voltage. The limits
on active and reactive currents (Ipmax and Iqmax) are calculated per
the WECC current limit logic.
The simulation starts with the WTG set at P priority (i.e.,
supplying active power to the grid). At t 0.3 s, a balanced threephase fault is applied at the WTG terminal. The case study is a
three-Phase Fault at WTG Terminal (Bus 3). Fig. 12 shows the WTG
instantaneous current and voltage. The fault current following the
fault hardly increases beyond 1.1 pu, as expected of a Variablespeed doubly fed asynchronous WTG [27]. A three-phase balanced

Fig. 13. WTG pu current (top) and voltage (bottom) for a three-phase fault at Bus 2 [27].

Fig. 14. WTG pu current (top) and voltage (bottom) for a single-phase-to ground
fault at Bus 3 [27].

fault is applied at the collector bus, Bus 2. Fig. 13 shows the fault
current contribution from the WTGs and the terminal voltage
before and during the fault. Regardless of the line and transformer
impedances between the collector bus and WTG bus, the fault
current magnitude is close to the fault current contribution
observed during the three-phase balanced fault at the WTG
terminals [27]. This illustrates the fact that Variable-speed doubly
fed asynchronous WTGs are operated as a controlled current
source and the impedance between the generator and fault
location has no effect on the fault current contribution. Hence,
the conventional voltage-behind-the-impedance approach to calculate fault current does not apply to converter-based WTGs [27].
The response of the WTG to an unbalanced fault is shown in
Fig. 14. A phase-to-ground fault is applied at the WTG terminal
(bus 3) at t 0.3 s. As observed, the fault current does not change
signicantly relative to the pre-fault current. Even for a line-toground fault, the current from the WTG remains balanced. This is
because an unbalanced fault would result in a signicant ripple on
the dc bus and therefore would require a larger capacitor [27].

7. Intelligent data analysis techniques for diagnosis and

With the development of the communication and digital
technology, the acquisition of the information after fault in a
power system has become more and more convenient. When fault
occurs in a power system, huge amount of data pours into the
dispatching center, by which the dispatcher will be overwhelmed
and could not make the right decision timely. Thus, a tool is badly
needed to help supporting the real-time decision-making process.
To solve the problem of fault diagnosis of the power system, there
are many methods proposed home and abroad, such as the expert
system [25], the articial neural network (ANN) [29], the Petri net
method [30], the fuzzy set theory [31] and so on. Although the
literature presents a great variety of works considering the
problem in subject, few of them were totally developed and
applied in real large-scale power systems. All the methods
presented above are based on the operation information of circuit
breakers (CB) and protection relays (PR) in the power system,
namely the switching-status data. However, actually when a fault
occurs in a power system, there are always the cases of the
malfunctions or failure to operations of the CBs or PRs, as well
as the missing of the fault information during communication. In
this case, methods presented above that are based on the switching status data may give incorrect results. In this case, the circuit
and voltage information after fault, namely the continuous-time
data, has the advantage of more accuracy, more completeness and
more fault tolerance comparing with the switching-status data.
Then, more accurate results may acquire using both the
continuous-time data and the switching-status data.
The High Voltage AC transmission system and High Voltage DC
transmission system with Steady-state performance and transient
behavior of a wind energy system connected with grid has been
modeled and analyzed by many papers [32,33]. The high voltage

Fig. 15. Wind farm integration based on HVAC [39].

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667


Fig. 16. Power system under the study [40].

DC transmission system is used to transfer large scale of power

cross a long distance with economical costs [3235]. Especially, an
isolated wind farm could be paralleled to grid and operated well
with VSC-HVDC (high voltage DC with voltage source converter)
system [3638]. The main purpose of [41] study is to develop a
simulation platform of the interconnected wind farm, and evaluate
the variant performance of the transient characteristic with
different transmission system. Model of different type of transmission system connected with wind farm and grid are established.
Furthermore, some key character of transient stability of power
system, such as the critical clearing time (CCT) of three-phase
short fault is studied. Fig. 15 shows the wind farm integration
based on HVAC.
The digital simulation results of critical clearing time of threephase short fault show that VSC-HVDC is a better measure to solve
the problems of system instability due to large wind farm
integration. With VSC-HVDC, the transient stability of system
could be improved better by exible operation and control [39].
Analysis should be provided for improving the design of interconnected wind farm system.
In Fig. 16 [40], double-fed wind power and direct-drive wind
power were connected to the system grid through line 1 and
conventional power access system through line 2 and can be
disconnected when necessary. Tests were done on doubly-fed and
direct drive wind power dynamic system under different fault type.
For example, the wind farm carries 50% rated power pre-fault and
failure time is 330 ms (three-phase short circuit fault time is
680 ms), the wind farm has low voltage ride through capability.
Differential protection of transmission line that connected the
wind farm and grid would have problems [4044]. Terminal
voltage of the wind turbine drops when fault occurs, and the
inverter control strategy is different to achieve different control
behaviors depending on different dropping degrees. If the voltage
amplitude drop is small, the inverter acts to increase the phase
current phase by adjusting the current on the fault phase and
through a balanced three-phase power output. If the voltage
amplitude drop is large when phase to phase fault occurs, the
doubly-fed unit will start the crowbar circuit, making the doublyfed machine fault current has a characteristics of decaying after a
sudden increase, and maintaining at a certain value [4044].
By using the dynamic tests in [40], the authors summarized the
failure characteristics of wind turbine and analyzed their impact
on line differential protection. For the problem of not be able to
start properly of line differential protection on wind power side in
some cases, taking measure of using auxiliary low-voltage components to start or contralateral movements signal to ensure
correct start and action export of line differential protection. Using
auxiliary low-voltage components on line differential protection
on wind power side is benecial to phase selection, and can
prevent the phase selection error situation [40].

Fig. 17. The voltages under fault and FRT requirement with different fault clearance
times [46].

Fig. 18. The block diagram of protection measure for FRT of DFIG WT [46].

The installation of wind energy has increased rapidly around

the world. The grid codes about the wind energy require wind
turbine (WT) has the ability of fault (or low voltage) ride-through
(FRT). To study the FRT operation of the wind farms, three
methods are given in [45,46]. First, the rotor short current of
doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) was limited by introducing
a rotor side protection circuit. Second, the voltage of DC bus was
limited by a DC energy absorb circuit. Third, STATCOM was used to
increase the low level voltages of the wind farm.
The increasing and expansion of wind power has set some new
problems to power system. The power system with large scale
wind power will involve problems not only in steady state
operation but also in contingency condition. FRT requires keep
the WTs on the grid during faults so that they can contribute to the
stability to the power transmission system. Experts have done
many researches about the behaviours of WTs. Fig. 17 gives the
simulation results of the behaviour of induction generator based
on WT following grid faults. We can nd after 250 ms, if the fault
still cannot be cleared, it will lead to voltage collapse [46]. The
block diagram of protection measure for FRT of DFIG WT is given in
Fig. 18.
As results showed in [46], the power system fault will lead to
voltage dip on WTs. To maintain the grid stability, wind farm is
required to keep connected in the power system for a dened time
period under grid fault, this is called FRT. Actually, the voltage is
not always dip to zero, it can be just a voltage sag. So many
researchers put their efforts to deal with the so called low voltage
ride-through problem. The main differences in FRTs requirement
of different countries are the depth of voltage drop, the time
period and the boundary where WTs can be tripped. New FRT


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

needs not only the WTs keep on grid but also can provide voltage
support or generator reactive power to the power system.
Paper [47] gave detail studies about the post-fault behaviour of
the power system with wind power connected. The paper mainly
concerned the voltage and reactive power support to the power
system during the fault. However, some publications [4850] also
gave some suggestions and simulation results about the fault ridethrough of wind turbine generator systems.
Technical impacts associated with high penetration of wind
power could affect the protection and control performance of the

Fig. 19. Main stages of large scale grid integrated wind energy systems [52].

Fig. 20. The block diagram of OWF integrated to onshore grid with VSC-HVDC [52].

power system [51]. Fault current contribution could have an

adverse impact on the instrument transformer behavior, protection coordination and control performance. In this paper, a 9 MW
wind farm is modeled and simulated for symmetrical and asymmetrical faults at different locations within the wind farm and in
the power system. Voltage and current waveforms are presented
and compared with those under ideal fault conditions. Impact of
grounding methods of the generator step up transformer and main
step up transformer on the fault voltage and current is discussed.
Understanding fault current behaviour will help in selecting
proper instrument transformers, switchgear and control gear,
and in designing effective protection systems.
Very extensive study is done in [27], variable-speed doubly fed
asynchronous and full converter-based wind turbine generators
(WTGs) have complex fault current characteristics governed by
proprietary controls. The control technique of some manufacturers
is to produce balanced three-phase fault current during unbalanced faults. At present, short-circuit analysis tools commonly
used by protection engineers are inadequate in representing the
fault current behaviour of these WTGs. The study presented the
fault current characteristics of a WTG using a detailed MATLAB
and Simulink model that incorporates pseudo control logic for this
converter type. The study presented a case study of a misoperation
of directional overcurrent relays connected to the collector circuit
in an actual wind power plant during a fault. The study provided
valuable recommendations on protecting wind power plants with
these converter-based WTGs.
The wind power generation is considered to have a huge
potential for its growth. In the past single turbine with less power
ratings of about hundreds of kW were installed but today, Offshore
Wind Farms (OWF) are planned with capacities even above
1000 MW. Thus, it may be said that OWF are in demand for
generating electric power as compared with other renewable
resources [52]. The main parts of large scale grid integrated wind
energy conversion system are Wind farm, converters, transmission
lines and switchgear [53]. The rst block as shown in Fig. 19 is the
electrical collector system which interconnects the wind turbine
and doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). In this, the turbine is
pitch regulated and connected to wound rotor Induction generator
with AC/DC/AC power converter connected between the rotor

Fig. 21. System response at different points [52].

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

terminals and grids. This brings it to a central collection point

which then connects it to the main grid called as point of common
coupling (PCC). The connection of wind turbine is either string or
star layout. In star clusters, each turbine is directly connected to a
centre point where a transformer is installed. Here the voltage is
increased. In star clusters there are multiple collection platforms
for transformers and switchgear. From the collection point, the
transmission link to the grid can be HVAC or HVDC with line
commutated converters (LCC) or VSC-HVDC [52].
As the paper stated [52], the simulation of the control strategy
for a doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) based wind generation system integrated with VSC-HVDC system was carried out in
MATLAB software package. Fig. 20 shows the block diagram of the
system implemented. The DFIG is rated at 1.5 MW. The onshore
grid is rated at 230 kV with HVDC voltage of 100 kV. The simulation was carried out for 3 s. The per unit values and rated values is
shown in Fig. 21. The grid voltage at rectier end is shown in
Fig. 21(a) and (b) which is 1 pu and 230 kV, respectively. The VSCHVDC voltage is steady at 0.2 s with perturbation of 8898 kV at
both the ends. The rated power of DFIG is shown in Fig. 21(e) and
(f) which is stable at 1.8 s with perturbation at 0.60.8 s and 1.4
1.8 s. The dc link voltage is also seen stable at 1080 V at 1.8 s with
slight perturbation. The voltage at the common collection point
(PCC) is stable at 0.25 s for the rated voltage of 690 V with a
voltage dip at 0.60.8 s and 1.41.8 s as shown in Fig. 21(g) and (h).
As concluded in [27], the distortion in fault signals coupled
with the change in the angle difference between the fault voltage
and current sometimes affects the ability of existing protective
relays to identify the correct fault direction. Considering that
directional elements are used to supervise a number of other
protection elements, they pose a signicant risk to the reliability of
the power system if they misoperate. Directional overcurrent
elements can be supervised with load encroachment logic to help
prevent this. However, in the future, a collaborative effort should
be pursued between relay manufacturers and WTG manufacturers
so that better directional protection algorithms can be developed
to protect systems with Variable-speed doubly fed asynchronous
and full converter-based wind turbine generators WTGs. Line
current differential relaying with pilot protection schemes should
also be considered for wind power plant systems because they

Fig. 22. The faulty line model of 220 kV MN line [60].


would be unaffected by the WTG control algorithms and inherently secure. While more expensive than overcurrent relays, the
cost of such schemes is arguably insignicant when compared
with the value of the lost generation and system stability as wind
power plant output increases.
Ref. [53] proposed multi-terminal DC (MTDC) is one of the
preferable solutions to solve the grid interconnection issue of wind
generation. The paper mainly focuses on the application of the
voltage source converter (VSC) based MTDC technology to integrate large scale wind farms to the electric power grid. A radial
MTDC system is explored as the best choice for wind power
integration, due to that it can mitigate the uctuation of the
aggregated wind power. Based on the analysis of the VSC model
and control, the coordinated control strategy for the proposed
MTDC system is designed. The operation performance of a fourterminal MTDC system connecting two DFIG-based wind farms,
the local and remote grids is also given, and the proposed control
strategy is adopted to achieve a constant power for long distant
transmission to the load center under wind speed variations and
faults on DC line. In [5456], MTDC systems for transmitting
power between conventional AC networks and connecting wind
farms based on induction generators, DFIG, and synchronous
generators were proposed. In [5759], a simple four terminal
MTDC system was proposed for integrating two offshore wind
farms into two onshore ac grids situated in various geographical
location and the power sharing and DC grid management strategies were outlined. Still the protection schemes are facing big
The Mal-operation Analysis of Directional Pilot Protection is well
mentioned in [60]. Fig. 22 shows a 220 kV transmission line with
integration of wind farm. The neutral-point of the main transformer
at M side is directly grounded, while the neutral-points at N side is
grounded with air gap. There are two independent main protections
on transmission line, one is optical current differential protection,
and the other is directional pilot protection. Besides, single-phase
automatic reclosure is applied in this case. As shown in Fig. 22,
instantaneous BG fault occurred on the line, the B phase circuit
breaker at M side tripped and single-phase reclosed successfully,
whereas three phase breakers at N side tripped together without
reclosing because three-phase reclosure is not applied in this case.
The mal-operation accident results in wind farm isolation from
power grid. MN line is 41 km in length; the fault point was 3.3 km
from M substation. As the study concluded, the waveform of the
faulty phase current is similar to that of sound phase in the aspects
of magnitude and angle. This means that zero-sequence current is
dominant in the fault current, that is, N side takes the characteristics of weak feed. The study illustrated the mal-operation of
directional pilot protection on a transmission line connection with

Fig. 23. The voltage behavior and the reactive power transient behavior of three wind turbines terminal [61].


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

wind farm. The study showed that wind farm side of transmission
line takes on weak feed characteristics. The positive and negative
sequence branch coefcients C1 and C2 at wind farm side are not
equal. It led to failure of fault phase selection based on the theory of
current- difference sudden-change. Therefore, single-phase grounding fault was judged wrongly as a phase-to phase fault. Then three
phase breakers tripped together in this case.
With the increase of wind farm capacity in distribution network,
the transient stability of electrical grid may be inuenced by the
dynamic behavior of wind farms in the grid fault, and may be
different by variable wind turbines [61]. In order to analysis the effect
on grid caused by x -speed wind turbine with cage generators and
variable-speed turbines with doubly-fed induction generators and
direct drive synchronous generators, the models of these wind
turbines and wind farms consisting of these wind turbines are
established in DIgSILENT/PowerFactory. In this study [61], the stability of induction machine is lower than the other two wind turbines
through the compare in transient stability and terminal voltage of
three wind turbines. It is demonstrates that variable-speed turbines
increases the transient stability margin of the electrical grids, when
compared with xed-speed wind turbines, and variable-speed turbines helps to avoid other problems as voltage collapse due to the
reduction in dynamic reactive demand. Additionally, the study
reports an investigation to determine the impact of integrated
generator on the settings of protective devices of electrical feeders
emanated from the substation to which integrated wind turbines are
connected. The maximum clearing time which is acceptable for
nominal operation of integrated generator depend on the type of
integrated generator. For the network under consideration, it is found
that the maximum clearing time of integrated synchronous generator is higher than wind turbines. The critical clean time of
equivalent wind turbines are less than the clearing time normally
used in the absence of integrated generator. So protection coordination should be carefully looked at depending on the type of wind
type when integration of wind turbines into a distribution network is
considered. Fig. 23 shows the voltage and the reactive power
transient behavior of three wind turbines.
The inuencing factor of fault currents of DFIG system is
discussed in [62]. An adaptive instantaneous trip current protection
is adopted in this study as the relay protection method. Adaptive
instantaneous trip current protection is to change the protections
operating characteristic or setting value instantly according to the
change of systems operation mode and fault type [63]. It is adopted
in this study because of its reliability, directivity, automaticity,
suitability and optimal protection domain.
Generally, pilot wire protection that is often used in high
voltage lines has no concern with wind power. But the instantaneous overcurrent protection which is regarded as the main
protection of the distribution grid is inevitably inuenced by wind
warms [64]. Both the False tripping and failure to trip can be
caused after connecting the wind farm. The three-phase shortcircuit ground fault current which has a high initial value and
rapid damping has an inuence on the sensitivity coefcient and
protection reach. On the other hand, the unsymmetrical fault
which has a low initial value and slow damping can affect both
the instantaneous overcurrent protection and overcurrent protection with denite time delay. Therefore, the relay protection can
be directly affected by system run mode, capacity of wind farm,
fault location and fault type. So it is vital to take the wind farm into
account when working out the protection arithmetic [62]. So the
setting value of the protection arithmetic is changed and the
criterion of phasing current should be adopted. And the internal
impedance can be computed on the basis of symmetrical component method. The DFIG system can be regarded as a linear circuit
at the time when the fault is applied. Thus the superposition
principle can be used to analyze the currents setting value.

Fig. 24. IEEE 34-bus test system with wind farms under the study in [67].

Some corresponding improvements, such as fault current

direction identication and adaptive impedance relay, have been
presented in [65]. To deal with different fault conditions, traditional primary protection algorithms of transmission network are
discussed in [66]. In [67] the inuence of wind turbine generator
(WTG) for protective relays has been studied, but a very few
papers are presented to study relative inuence to primary
protection. This study proposes a detailed analysis for the operating characteristic of transmission line primary protection in power
network which are connected to wind farms. When fault occurs on
tie lines, fault current is fast restricted by the regulating effect of
full power converter and the operation of chopper protection.
Consequently, indispensable improvements are illustrated to overcome the sensitivity deciency of primary protection. Simulation
tests based on IEEE 34-bus system with high wind penetration
demonstrate the validity of presented methods, see Fig. 24.
Study done in [68] solved some problem encountered in
conventional methods to protect an individual wind turbine
generator (WTG) proposed in [69,70]. These conventional methods comprise multi-functional protection based on over/under
voltage, over/under frequency, instantaneous phase/neutral overcurrent for generator phase/ground faults, and inverse time phase
over-current for generator overload. These schemes can successfully protect a WTG when an internal fault occurs. However, they
are not able to distinguish between a collector feeder fault, an
inter-tie fault and a grid fault [68]. The study achieved in [68] tried
to minimize the outage section, the protection should operate
instantaneously for an internal fault or a connected power collection feeder fault, whilst remaining inoperative for an internal fault
on a parallel WTG connected to the same feeder or an adjacent
feeder fault. In addition, the protection should operate after a
delay (i.e. as back-up) for an inter-tie fault or a grid fault. A fault on
the parallel WTG or the adjacent feeder is discriminated based on
the magnitude of the positive sequence current. To distinguish an
internal WTG or connected feeder fault from an inter-tie or grid
fault, the phase angle of the negative sequence current is used to
determine the type of fault and then the magnitude of the positive
sequence current is used to decide if the operating response
should be instantaneous or delayed. The performance of the
protection is veried under various fault scenarios based on
EMTP-RV generated data. The results indicate that the algorithm
can successfully distinguish faults that require instantaneous
operation, delayed operation or non-operation.
In Ref. [71], an extensive study is given, the power electronics
associated with some wind turbine generators (WTGs) and photovoltaic (PV) inverters can produce current waveform signatures that
are signicantly different from those of traditional synchronous or
asynchronous generators. Fig. 25 shows the system under the study
in [71].

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667


Fig. 25. System penetrations under the study [71].

 Collector lines

Fig. 26. The wind turbine connection with collector sub [74].

Traditional short-circuit (SC) modeling techniques do not

accurately represent the behavior of renewable energy resources
during SC events and accurate SC models of renewable energy
resources are not available. Consequently, protection and system
planning engineers are required to make judgments based on
limited information about the behavior of these devices during SC
events. As the percentage of renewable energy resources increases,
so will the likelihood of experiencing problems caused by the
assumptions being made regarding the SC behavior of renewable
energy resources [71]. The unconventional SC current waveforms
that converter interfaced WTGs introduce to the grid may have a
signicant impact on relays performance and relays setting techniques. The constant, low value (close to nominal) fault current
may result in misoperation of overcurrent or distance relays,
especially in systems with increased renewable integration. In
addition, a signicant impact is also expected in performing
protection coordination and circuit breaker duty studies. The study
concluded that SC response of the WTG depends highly on its
control scheme. For the type III WTG, the location of the fault has
an impact on the SC current contribution. In case of a close fault
that leads to a signicant drop of the voltage at the terminal of the
WTG, a SC with peak value of 3.2 pu is injected and then it decays.
For a remote fault the maximum current immediately after the
fault is 1.87 pu and the WTG remains connected providing reactive
power support to the grid. For type IV WTG, the location of the
fault does not impact considerably the SC response of the WTG.
The maximum SC current is 2.2 pu for a severe fault and 1.48 pu
for a remote fault. However independently of the fault location,
after 1 cycle the SC contribution is the same and approximately
1.28 pu [71].
As given in [7274], some protection issues are given for relay
setting as; DFIG short circuit response quite different from
Synchronous generators, Low AC component exhibit during faults,
Affection to the relays setting when using fundamental component extraction, and No zero crossing for several cycles. As Fig. 26
showed, the

overcurrent relays
 Coordinated with generator step-up transformer fuses and
relays on the other lines
Power transformer
Current differential & sudden pressure relays to detect
internal faults
Overcurrent relays to protect the transformer from damage due
to slow clearing of line or bus faults 4.5 kV bus
High speed protection is desirable to limit damage
Including the bus in the transformer protection zone may delay
the restoration of the bus.

Present activities were focused on transients occurring during

normal wind turbine operation [75,76], when frequent switching
operations may take place. Wind turbines, considering variable
operation conditions, for example, wind strength, power network
conditions, service, etc. need to be controlled through the breakers, connecting and disconnecting the transformer HV terminals to
the wind park network. The authors in [77] enhanced these facts
and add new contribution in this point.
A new wind turbine transformers protection method against
high du/dt switching transients taking place during a wind turbine
operation is described. High-frequency transients, characterized
by a high rate of voltage rise (du/dt) and overvoltage at the wind
turbine transformer high-voltage terminals may be a result of
operations of the turbine switchgear typically comprising a
vacuum circuit breaker. The protection concept described in this
paper is a follow up of research activities on a transients suppressing method dedicated for distribution transformers. The principle
of operation of the protective device proposed and parameters
optimization procedures for windmill transformers are provided
in this paper. The performance of the device was veried by means
of Alternative Transients ProgramElectromagnetic Transients
Program simulations. The physical device was built and experimentally veried by full-scale functional tests reecting a real
wind turbine power network [77].
In Ref. [78], an analysis of several protection coordination
problems that may result from the integration of small wind
turbines (less than 100 kVA) into the electric distribution system is
given. Such problems include the characteristic contributions of
fault current, fault detection ability, effects of increased shortcircuit capacities, interaction with line reclosers, and islanding of
dispersed generators. The most serious problem found was the
possibility of isolated operation of wind turbines on a section of
un-faulted feeder, separated from the utility. Synchronous and
self-commutated inverters will maintain terminal voltage if the
generator output is sufcient to support load. Induction generators
and line-commutated inverters will self-excite under lightly
loaded conditions with sufcient capacitor compensation. On
heavily loaded feeders with small short-circuit capacities, the


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

addition of a large penetration of small wind turbines will cause

the fault withstand ratings of some equipment to be exceeded. The
most vulnerable feeders are those that are in need of voltage
upgrading. Examples presented show this effect on a lightly
loaded three-wire feeder and a more heavily loaded four-wire
feeder with various penetrations of wind turbine generation. The
problem of protection equipment miss-coordination was investigated for radial feeders. No interference in the proper functioning
of time current coordinated interrupting devices was found for
these small machines.
The limited overcurrent capacity of the semiconductor switches
comprising the VSC requires converter controls to limit the fault
current contribution from the WTS to 1.11.2 pu. In order to meet
the LVRT requirements of the grid codes, the controls may force the
converter to supply balanced fault currents with a leading power
factor for a xed time based on the percentage of voltage sag, to
help support the voltage at the fault point. These characteristics
imply that the fault currents contributed by the Type-IV WTS do not
have signicant magnitude compared to the conventional synchronous generators [79]. In order to reduce stress on the power
converter and dc link capacitor, the converter controls are designed
to supply balanced currents. As a result, the fault current provided
by the grid side converter also lacks signicant negative and zero
sequence currents for unbalanced faults. The study has shown how
some of the commonly used protection elements may misoperate
in such cases. The response of the protection elements largely
depend on the response of the converter during the initial transient
before the controls shift to the current limiting mode. The phase
overcurrent elements pick up only during this initial transient
which is due to the time taken for the current limiting controller
to respond or due to the delay included in the mode controller and
also because the thresholds are set very sensitive. The distance
elements also pick up only during this initial transient some
distance elements may not pick up in cases where the time delay
in the mode controller is lesser or zero. The fault identication logic
detects a balanced fault even for unbalanced fault conditions
because the converter always tries to provide balanced currents.
The directional elements are unable to detect the direction of the
fault accurately, and hence, there is no trip issued in any of these
cases. This concludes that the Type-IV WTS cannot be treated
similar to the conventional synchronous generators which can be
represented as an equivalent voltage source behind impedance.
Hence, the conventional protection schemes and practices need to
be revisited in such systems to reliably detect faults [79].
When a transmission line close to points of common coupling
(PCCs) encounters a short circuit (SC), the resulting PCC voltage
dip triggers fast reactive power control of the corresponding grid
side voltage source converter (GSVSC) to boost the PCC voltage
[80]. The control action can cause the fault distance to be overestimated by its backup relay located on the adjacent line. It is
possible for a Zone 2 fault to be viewed as a Zone 3 event, resulting
in mis-coordination between protective relays. Numerical

Fig. 27. H shaped HVDC Offshore wind network [80].

simulations demonstrate the effect of HVDC offshore wind network on distance protection of an ac grid. On the other hand,
HVDC reactive power adjustment can increase the stability margin
of onshore ac grids, as shown by contingency simulations. With
the addition of HVDC-connected offshore wind turbines, the
voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) control can
function as an element of the overall power system defense plan to
prevent system instability, reducing or avoiding the implementation of the last resort remedial optionload shedding.
Fig. 27 shows the conguration of a HVDC offshore wind
network. Two offshore wind farms based on doubly fed induction
generators (DFIGs) are connected to an onshore ac grid through an
H shaped HVDC connection. Two WFVSCs are controlled to collect
the generation of offshore wind farms and convert it to dc power.
Two GSVSCs are used to deliver the received dc power to the
onshore ac grid. Due to the large scale of offshore wind farms, the
HVDC connection for wind power transmission is expected to be
connected to the transmission levels of onshore ac grids [80].
With the increasing penetration of offshore wind power, a
signicant addition of VSC-HVDC links will be connected to ac
mainland grids. The potential effects of VSC-HVDC control discussed in this paper include line distance protection and stability
protection: (1) Due to HVDC fast reactive power adjustment, the
fault distance of a SC fault can be overestimated by its backup relay
located on the adjacent line. Numerical simulations in this study
demonstrate possibilities of a Zone 2 fault being viewed as a Zone
3 event. The resulting protection mis-coordination may endanger
system security; (2) In addition, simulation results indicate that
the available HVDC control can play the role of a system protective
function to reduce the impact of contingencies [80].
Some studies used the fault component of the current at the
relaying point [81], which is dened as the fault-generated
current, instead of the measured current at the relaying point.
The fault component of the current at the relaying point is
obtained by subtracting the load current from the measured
current after the fault inception. It is assumed that the magnitude
of the load current during a very short period after the fault
inception, i.e. two or three cycles, remains the same as that prior to
the fault. Hence, during the very short transient state, the fault
current can be calculated by subtracting the current prior to the
fault, which is the load current, from the measured current at the
relaying point during the fault [82]. In the steady state, the
positive-sequence fault component is almost zero, since only the
load current exists prior to the fault. When a fault occurs, the
positive-sequence fault current signicantly increases. Hence, the
positive-sequence fault current shows much better characteristics
than those of the phasor of the current to detect a fault. A
directional algorithm based on the positive-sequence fault components [82] is used in this study [81] to distinguish different
faults. This algorithm is suitable for any type of fault, has no
voltage dead zone for close-up faults and can hold their fault
direction decision stably. The study is mainly used a wind turbine
generator (WTG). The relay uses the magnitude of the positivesequence component in the fault current to distinguish faults on a
parallel WTG, connected to the same feeder, or on an adjacent
feeder from those on the connected feeder, on the collection bus,
at an inter-tie or at a grid.
The focuses on the control of the negative sequence component
of the wind turbine (WT) short circuit current is given in more
details in [83]. In many applications the negative sequence
component is suppressed partially or entirely. Full negative
sequence current suppression control would reduce the line-toline short circuit current to the level of the load current or even to
zero, thus interfering with the proper functioning of the conventional protection devices, which would require WT to inject a
clearly dened level of negative sequence current. The injected

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667


Fig. 28. The full rated converter based wind turbine (Type 4) and DFIG based wind turbine (Type 3) [83].

current will additionally reduce the negative sequence voltage and

improve the voltage phase symmetry. However, negative sequence
current injection will limit the control capability of the WT in the
positive sequence. The effect of different control options has been
demonstrated using simulation on a test network and conclusions
deduced. The study will establish a clearly dened condition
following faults, the extension of the current grid code is proposed. As per the proposal WT are to be required to inject a certain
level of negative sequence short circuit current proportional to the
negative sequence voltage. This will result not only in higher short
circuit current but also in the reduction of the negative sequence
voltage and thus better phase voltage symmetry. With the proposed negative sequence control the short circuit current of WT
and other converter based units will not be determined by the
load only [83]. A Fig. 28 shows the studied system in [83].
Ref. [84] gives an analysis of several protection coordination
problems that may result from the integration of small wind
turbines (less than 100 kV A) into the electric distribution system.
Such problems include the characteristic contributions of fault
current, fault detection ability, effects of increased short-circuit
capacities, interaction with line reclosers, and islanding of dispersed generators. The wind turbines considered include small
synchronous and induction generators as well as generation
sources utilizing line commutated or force commutated inverter
interfaces. The most serious problem found was the possibility of
isolated operation of wind turbines on a section of unfaulted
feeder, separated from the utility Synchronous and selfcommutated inverters will maintain terminal voltage if the generator output is sufcient to support load Induction generators and
line-commutated inverters will self-excite under lightly loaded
conditions with sufcient capacitor compensation. The problem of
protection-equipment miscoordination was investigated for radial
feeders. No interference in the proper functioning of time-current
coordinated interrupting devices was found for these small
machines Over size range investigated (less than 100 kW), the
short-circuit capacity of the small machines was small compared
to the utility short-circuit capacity Even for fairly large penetrations, the time-current characteristics of the fuses, reclosers, and
relays involved were such that unexpected or undesired separations did not occur due to reverse fault current [84]. A traditional
directional overcurrent element application on a wind farm
collector is susceptible to incorrect tripping for desirable generator
output. Adding load encroachment supervision provides security
over the entire range of generating current angles without
compromising detection of faults on the collection collector [85].
The load encroachment function in the relay is designed to block
overcurrent elements from operating for load. The relay monitors
the positive sequence impedance. When the impedance is in the
load region the overcurrent elements can be blocked. The element

Fig. 29. Load encroachment diagram [85].

is designed to provide exible regions in the forward and reverse

direction independently. Fig. 29 shows the load encroachment
The growing number and size of wind power plants gives rise
to a tendency to the coupling of wind turbines to the transmission
grid. Comparison between both grids is impossible due to fundamental differences and there is a rising interest in describing the
interaction between transmission grid and wind turbines. There is
a general consensus about the challenges system operators face
concerning grid protection when connecting wind turbines to the
grid [85]. The parameters inuencing the behavior of the wind
turbines, and thus the protection, the most are the generation
technology, the rated power, the operating condition and the
location of the grid fault. Three main technologies are distinguished on the current market: the squirrel cage induction
generator (SCIG), the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) and
the direct-drive synchronous generator (DDSG). During a short
circuit, the behavior of the direct-drive synchronous generator is
determined by the converter connecting the generator to the grid.
Because of the small thermal capacity of power electronics, the
current may never exceed the imposed limits of the converter. In
contrast with traditional generators, the short-circuit current is
limited by the power electronics. The converters determine the
current behavior independently from the wind turbine. Both the
SCIG and the DFIG have an induction generator directly coupled to
the grid. Thus, the short-circuit behaviour depends highly on the
machine characteristics [86]. Wind generation is evolving from
single wind turbines to wind power plants with an installed
capacity of tens of megawatts. Therefore, wind turbines are also


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

Fig. 30. Stator voltage and stator phase currents during a three phase short circuit [87].

coupled to the transmission grid instead of the distribution grid.

Problems arise during grid faults as the behavior of wind turbines
equipped with doubly-fed induction generators differs fundamentally from traditional synchronous generators. The short circuit
behavior is vital for protection issues. A distance relaying problem
in a Belgian grid topology is emphasized and studied. This study
concludes that the distance relay is not performing correctly in
case of three phase faults. Moreover, varying parameters such as
the crowbar resistance and the wind turbine loading have a
signicant impact on the relay performances. Fig. 30 shows the
stator voltage and stator phase currents during a three phase short
circuit [87]. The fault is applied at time t0 0 s. Large oscillating
currents appear in the stator. Because of the magnetic coupling,
large rotor currents are initiated. The converter at the rotor side
must be protected and the crowbar is activated shortly after the
fault. After 500 ms, the fault is cleared. The crowbar is removed
after a predened time of 600 ms after the fault initiation. Fig. 30
illustrates the phase currents generated by the DFIG and the
voltage at the point of common coupling.
From these results [87], it follows that this distance relay with
its actual settings is not suitable as a backup protection for the bus
differential protection in this grid topology including wind turbines equipped with DFIG. Further research should focus on this
problem and suggest possible solutions. Also the study concluded
that during a three phase fault, the detection is interrupted due to
small currents resulting from the loss of excitation. A single line
to-ground fault is detected and removed correctly unless the
crowbar resistance or the load is lowered. A higher number of
generators increases the short-circuit power and has a positive
inuence on the detection behaviour. A lower crowbar resistance
causes an unpredictable detection behaviour resulting in a backward detection and an early, uncorrect fault removal [87].
Conventional protection for a wind farm faces challenges
regarding the coordination, selectivity and sensitivity of relays.
In this study, the coordination between the wind turbine generators protections and the wind farm operation rules required by
the national standard in China is discussed. Principles to choose an
appropriate fuse for step up transformer are put forward. Conguration, setting and performance of two kinds of collector lines
over-current protection are analyzed and compared, and the better
one is suggested. Besides, protections for main transformer and

buses are also suggested. Setting of WTGs network-related protection should coordinate with the requirements of the national
standard and choice of step up transformers fuse should adhere to
two basic principles. It is recommended that stage current protection is better for collector lines over-current protection. The
instantaneous over-current relay should satisfy the required sensitivity when two-phase fault occurs at the end of the collector
line and the operating time is 0 s. Denite-time over-current relay
should satisfy the required sensitivity when two-phase fault
occurs on the low-voltage side of the far-end step up transformer
and the operating time should cooperate with the melting time of
the fuse. If maximum load current or fault current provided by
WTGs surpasses the MOCs, low voltage blocking element or
directional element is considered to be congured [88].
In [89], the power output of a wind farm uctuates throughout
a day. The transmission system connecting such a farm to the grid
will observe power and voltage variations. It is found that the
wind farm conditions, including the number of generating units,
affect the trip boundary of the distance relay signicantly. To take
into account the changing wind farm condition, an adaptive
setting method for the distance relay is proposed. At the wind
farm side, the relay requires information on bus voltage, current,
and the number of generating units participating at an instant.
Simulations results for a system demonstrate the potential of the
approach to be applied in power system. When there has a sudden
drop of grid voltage, crowbar protection circuit is a widely used
method to improve the low voltage ride-through ability of wind
turbines with doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), which is
commonly used in wind power [90]. This paper studied threephase symmetrical short circuit current characteristics of DFIG
with crowbar protection in depth. The analysis and simulation
results showed that, the output short circuit current concerns with
crowbar resistance, dc-link voltage clamp effect and control
strategies of the grid side converter (GSC). Short circuit current
characteristics of a DFIG wind turbine become complicated
because of the responses of GSC, when the dc-link clamp effect
occurs. The GSC will also provide a high current to the short circuit
point. And an impedance voltage source model was proposed and
has been veried which could congure the relay protection of
distribution networks better [90].
Some other papers in same topics related to protection of wind
farms are available where the issues of infeed and overcurrent
settings are addressed for distribution systems. Protection adaptive
schemes are proposed for distribution systems connected with
wind generators and other protection of the protection of transmission line connected to such farms is given [91,92] and [93].
In [94], the performance of the protection for an actual wind
farms is studied. Some effective factors such as fault position, fault
type and pre-fault load are considered by dynamic simulation. The
transient phenomena caused by the wind power is studied by
simulation and results showed that the special transient phenomena may decrease the sensitivity of current based protections, the
reliability of sequence components based protection elements and
the operation speed of blocking element [95].
The large diffusion of wind plants has signicant impacts on
the electrical system, including planning, operation and power
quality aspects [96]. In [97], the study addresses a number of
aspects referred to availability of the wind turbines operating in a
wind power plant. Starting from the experimental data gathered
on-site through SCADA systems, and from a recorded data indicating the operation of various types of protections, the causes of
unavailability are investigated in terms of determining the impact
of the different types of failures as represented by the tripping of
the corresponding protections. The results obtained show that the
variability of occurrence and duration of the protection tripping
for the different wind turbines is relatively high. This impacts on

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

the identication of suitable values and shapes of the failure

parameters that can be used to build a reliability model of the
wind power plant with probabilistic entries [97].
The selection of proper protective devices and settings of
protective relays for wind power plants (WPPs) present unique
challenges for protection engineers. Due to the differing types of
wind turbine generators (WTGs) and their behavior during shortcircuit conditions, the determination of fault current levels within
the WPP needs special attention. Efforts are currently underway to
clearly dene the behavior of different types of WTGs during
short-circuits in the WPP, as well as on the transmission or
subtransmission system, through the IEEE PSRC C17 Working
Group[98]. The study presents a summary of the most important
protection and coordination considerations for wind power plants.
Short-circuit characteristics of both aggregate wind plant and
individual wind turbine generators, as well as general interconnection protection requirements are discussed. Many factors such
as security, reliability, and safety are considered for proper conservative protection of the wind power plant and individual
turbines [98]. In this way, study given in [99] introduces the
protections of wind farms and indicates that special considerations
should be taken for the in-feed contribution from the Wind
Turbine Generators on the adjacent collector lines. Paper [100]
provided protection for the wind farms and transmission line are
introduced and some special considerations caused by wind farms
characteristics such as three terminal transmission line and
reverse load on a collector line are discussed qualitatively.
As mentioned in [101], distributed generation (DG) is by denition generation which is of limited size (few kilowatts to few
megawatts) and interconnected at substation, distribution feeder or
customer load level. DG technologies include photovoltaics, wind
turbines, fuel cells, micro turbines, gas turbines and internal combustion engines [102106]. In this study, conventional power distribution system is radial in nature, characterized by a single source
feeding a network of downstream feeders. Protection scheme for
distribution system, primarily consisting of fuses and reclosers and,
in some cases, relays, has traditionally been designed assuming the
system to be radial. After connecting distributed generation (DG),
part of the system may no longer be radial, which means the
coordination might not hold. The effect of DG on coordination will
depend on size, type, and placement of DG. This study [101] explores
the effect of high DG penetration on protective device coordination
and suggests an adaptive protection scheme as a solution to the
problems identied. Coordination between fuses and between fuses
and reclosers in a distribution system can be disrupted with
substantial penetration of distributed generation. The methods
proposed the problem that is not satisfactory from operational point
of view. The adaptive scheme proposed here offers a practically
acceptable solution to this problem that is independent of size,
number, and placement of DG in the distribution system. The
proposed scheme is adaptive to temporary as well as permanent
changes in distribution network and its region of implementation
can be extended to more than one feeder. Loss of load in the
distribution system in case of a permanent fault would reduce in
most cases after the implementation of this scheme. The scheme will
not work well for systems with low DG penetration, but coordination
in such systems will not be lost in most cases, and even if it is lost,
solutions already reported in the literature could be used since DG
would not be crucial for reliability. Study given in [107] focuses on
the impact of DG on the feeder protection, specically the impact on
the overcurrent relay performance. The study presents simulation
results to show the extent of deterioration a DG can cause on the OC
relay performance. The study presents an approach to solve this
problem and restore the overcurrent relay performance.
The integration of distributed generation transforms current
distribution networks from vertically operated to horizontally


operated. This transition leads to problems related to protection

coordination. In the future, new protection philosophies should be
applied which guarantee the increase of the during-fault distributed generation availability. The paper presents a protection
scheme based on fault transient analysis. It also explicitly
describes the concept of integrated protection unit and the
IEC61850-9-2 process bus concept. The effectiveness of the protection principle is tested for a converter based doubly fed induction
generator wind turbine. The proposed technique makes use of
current waveforms wavelet transform analysis.
The protection approach overcomes also the problems due to
the lack of sustained fault by depending on the transients to detect
and locate a faulted network element [108].
Static Var Compensator (SVC) can dynamically change values of
the shunt capacitors and reactance. In another words, it can
dynamically change the SVCs output of reactive power. It can
control voltage of the bus connected to SVC and even that of buses
which need remote control [109]. This study analyses the dynamic
reactive power compensation during fault condition for wind
farms with wind turbine protections. Based on the analysis of
dynamic characteristics of SVC and the establishment of a 45 MW
wind farm system model, this study shows that SVC has good
dynamic characteristics. When a SVC is connected to a wind farm,
it can supply reactive power commensurate with the capacity of
SVC for the wind farm, so that as the reactive power transmission
from the grid to the wind farm can be reduced. When severe
voltage sag occurs in the grid side, SVC is able to adjust the output
reactive power dynamically to help rebuilding the terminal voltage
of wind turbine, and to play an important role in supporting grid
voltage. To a certain extent, it is also able to improve the fault ride
through capability of wind turbine. The further ability of SVC will
support wind farms during fault conditions with the consideration
of wind turbine protection effects, such as the AC overvoltage
protection, AC undervoltage protection and DC overvoltage protection has been established.
Study given in [110] showed signicant increase in the penetration of distributed generation that resulted in a possibility of
operating distribution systems with distributed generation in
islanded mode. The overcurrent protection of an islanded distribution system is still an issue due to the difference in fault current
when the distribution system is connected to the grid and when it
is islanded. The study proposed the use of adaptive protection,
using local information, to overcome the challenges of the overcurrent protection in distribution systems with distributed generation. The trip characteristics of the relays are updated by
detecting operating states and the faulted section. The faulted
section detection using time overcurrent characteristics of the
protective relays is also given.
Wind turbines are based on technologies different from the
synchronous generator, such as the squirrel cage induction generator and high or low speed generators that are grid coupled
through a power electronic converter [111]. When connected in
small amounts, the impact of distributed generation on power
system transient stability will be negligible, but, at the present
time, dynamic analysis of power systems has a great signicance
and several wind turbine models has been developed, but very
little attention has been given to development of wind generation
models to support fault analyses by protection engineers. The
study given in [111] analyzes the wind turbine models applied in
protection engineering software, used to calculate and test the
response and the coordination among protective devices. The
study has been applied to the overcurrent protection. Study given
in [112] extended this concept, while different types of fault and
their effects are investigated in this study. It is illustrated that the
three-phase and single-phase faults could not distinguished by
overcurrent relays, using conventional regulation methods, but


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

two-phase fault can be detected by overcurrent relays. However,

shifting pickup currents based on voltage reduction during the
fault time helps to solve the problem and signicantly improves
the performance of fault detection. The amount of voltage drop
proves to be a perfect basis to obtain an efcient scale in order to
perform curve shifting. It is indicated that the fault detection time
improves signicantly using the proposed method.
In this study, the short circuit current in wind turbines declines
rapidly in a short time after fault occurrence. This is mainly
because there is not an independent excitation circuitry available
for the DFIG generator (it is self-excited). This phenomenon
extremely affects the operation of the relay in terms of fault
detecting, because the time duration available for the relay in
order to fulll this task is far less than the time needed. As it is
illustrated in Fig. 31, if we considered the red curve to be the
relays function curve then the value of t is less than the required
value. Shifting the protection diagram can solve this problem. The
diagram can be shifted horizontally or vertically [112].
In [113], a study describes the design and evaluation of a
protection relay for wind farms with xed-speed induction generators. The relay provides short-circuit protection for a mediumvoltage collection circuit and the medium-voltage (MV) and low
voltage (LV) windings of the generator transformers connected to
it. The ability to protect the generator transformers allows a
signicant reduction in wind farm construction cost, since the
MV fuses normally used to protect the generator-transformers are
not required. The study showed the operating characteristic for the
protection, implemented in a processor based relay and then
tested using a wind farm simulator and test set.
As given in [114], a schematic of wind farm is studied, see
Fig. 32. The study assumed that the generators terminal voltage is

690 V with frequency of 50 Hz, and stepped up by a transformer to

20 kV, another transformer is used to increase the voltage to
230 kV. Wind farm provides power to the grid through the
transmission network which protected by distance relaying
[115]. Phase-A to ground fault is occurred on the line. Fault
resistance is Rf, and the relay is located at R.
The impact of wind power plant equipped with doubly fed
induction generator is studied. Results are provided for a line-toground fault case and the concept can be extended to other types
of faults. It is found that wind farm conditions, such as varying
wind farm loading level, voltage level and source impedance affect
the trip boundaries of distance relay signicantly. From these
results, it is obvious that distance relay with xed setting is not
suitable for protection lines connected to wind farms. To take into
account the changing wind farm condition, the adaptive setting
method could be useful [114].
A protection relay for a WTG in a large wind farm based on the
positive- and negative-sequence fault components was proposed in
the study [116]. An internal fault of another WTG connected to the
same feeder or an adjacent feeder fault, where the relay should not
operate, is discriminated based on the magnitude of the positivesequence fault component. The relay uses the magnitude of the
positive-sequence component in the fault current to detect a fault
on a parallel WTG, connected to the same power collection feeder,
or a fault on an adjacent feeder; but for these faults, the relay
remains stable and inoperative. A fault on the power collection
feeder or a fault on the collection bus, both of which require an
instantaneous tripping response, are distinguished from an inter-tie
fault or a grid fault, which require a delayed tripping, using the
magnitude of the positive-sequence component in the fault current.
An internal fault, where the relay should operate instantaneously, is
distinguished by a directional algorithm based on the positivesequence fault components. The relationships between the positiveand negative-sequence fault components, which depend on type of
fault, are used to distinguish the fault types.
The full name of RTDS is real-time digital simulator. It is
developed and manufactured specially to study the electromagnetic transient of power system by the company RTDS. Real time
refers to that the power system algorithms can be calculated fast
enough. Therefore, RTDS output analog signal, converted from
digital signal, could truly represent the situation in real networks.
Thus, RTDS output signal can be directly connected to the control

Fig. 31. The value of t is relatively small considering that the fault current drops
very fast [112].

Fig. 32. A schematic of typical wind farm studied in [114].

Fig. 33. Digital-physical hybrid simulation system for VSCF wind turbine using
RTDS [121].

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

system or protection devices of power system. RTDS can simulate

plenty of power system transient process, which is difcult for the
physical device simulation [116121]. A digital-physical hybrid
simulation system is designed to model a variable speed constant
frequency (VSCF) wind turbine using RTDS. An actual converter
controller is used, to omit the digital modeling of the complex and
undeclared converter control system. The Digital-physical hybrid
simulation system for VSCF wind turbine using RTDS is shown in
Fig. 33. The actual converter controller and RTDS simulation
platform are connected through the communication interconnect
card [121]. The digital-physical hybrid simulation system is one of
promising research tools for wind power technology. The study
given in [121] adopts the digital-physical hybrid simulation system
to model a VSCF wind turbine. Furthermore, an actual wind farm
and the main power system are established. The protection relay

Fig. 34. DFIG WT with control and protection [123,124].


device closed-loop test is done to research the impacts of wind

farms on outgoing lines relay protection. Through a large number
of experiments, the study summarized three typical issues of the
impacts [121]. From the measuring impedance trajectories during
fault period, during the rst three cycles, the power frequency
component cannot accurately measure the distance and direction
and distance protection will fail to act [121].
The fault ride-through and grid support capabilities of the
doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines mainly
address the design of DFIG wind turbine control with emphasis
on power converters protection and voltage control issues. The
study given in [122] presented the development of a protection
and voltage control strategy for DFIG wind turbines, which
enhances the fault ride-through capability of DFIG wind turbines
and their ability to provide voltage control during grid faults. The
switching in of the crowbar resistor at full grid and thus full stator
voltage has been presented and analyzed. The drop down in stator
voltages with additional switching in of the crow bar resistor has
been analyzed. The study applied the DFIG wind turbine system
conguration given in [123,124]. The grid faults, the controllability
of the DFIG variable speed wind turbine embraces both the wind
turbine control for preventing over-speeding of the wind turbine
and the control and protection of the power converter during and
after grid faults. Fig. 34 shows the main components of the DFIG
wind turbine system conguration [123,124].
A study uses the concepts of IEC 61850 process bus and a
centralized relaying unit in protection is given in [125]. Wind
generation and wind farms are becoming an important part of the
generating capacity of the modern utility grid. Protection of wind
turbines and wind farms collector systems has been the subject of
numerous papers over recent years as wind generation grows more
prevalent. These papers have focused on the basics of protecting the
wind turbines, protecting the wind farm, and modeling the wind
farms for stability studies. These few papers focused o practical
aspects of protection and control systems when wind turbines and

Fig. 35. Wind farm protection using IEC 61850 process bus and integrated P and C system [125].


M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

Fig. 36. The electricity complex distributors in smart grid [132].

collectors systems are distributed over many square kilometers of

surface area. This study presented the protection and control
requirements of a wind farm and discussed the evolution of
technology in protective relays. An integrated protection and control system for wind farms is given that uses the concepts of IEC
61850 process bus and a centralized relaying unit with parallel
processing ability. The application of this system in a wind farm
brings in signicant improvements such as reduction in protection
and control system total installation cost; ease of installation,
commissioning and maintenance; ease of conguration; faster and
reliable transfer tripping schemes; and new approaches to identify
and isolate faults sections and restore. Fig. 35 shows the wind farm
protection using IEC 61850 process bus and integrated P and C
system [125].
Nowadays protection schemes used in distribution networks
have a signicant lack of distributed resources and intelligent
networking capabilities [126]. These schemes for distribution
network protection use local information of voltage and current
signals, limited communication, and standalone decision to make
decisions. Some new protection schemes proposed for smart grid
based on voltage and current signals for non tapped transformers
in [127131]. However, with a high connection of distributed
generation in low voltage busbars such as given in Fig. 36 the
system becomes complex and none of these protection schemes
are able to be used. Many loops of fault current will contribute the
fault point and therefore, a malfunction of those schemes is
expected to happen. The traditional protection devices cannot be
able to protect such complex power system conguration due to

many fault current loops will feed the fault point. Relays based on
standalone decisions cannot provide reliable and correct action
when used on a complex distribution system. This new trend in
protection concept studied by [132136]. proposes new protection
philosophy using wireless technology. Data sharing among relays
to obtain reliable and accurate decision are introduced. Wireless
Token Ring Protocol (WTRP) as a wireless local area network (LAN)
protocol inspired by the IEEE 802.4 Token Bus Protocol is used for
data sharing. WTRP is selected to improve efciency by reducing
the number of retransmissions due to collisions. WTRP architecture and protocol are described to verify operation.

8. Conclusion
Renewable Resources will play a major role in the Smart Grid
implementations and will allow benets on system operation and
expansion and on market efciency. Renewable Resources have
some effects on short circuit current. The renewable resources
change the traditional protection schemes of distribution networks. One of these effects is reducing short circuit current of
wind turbines in a short period of time after faults, as fault current
magnitude comes below the pickup current of overcurrent protection. Nowadays protection schemes used in distribution networks
have a signicant lack of distributed resources and intelligent
networking capabilities. These schemes for distribution network
protection use local information of voltage and current signals,
limited communication, and standalone decision to make

M.M. Eissa (SIEEE) / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52 (2015) 16451667

decisions. However, the usage of wind farms can be a potentially

good way to provide sustainable and clean energy. There are major
types of fault in power systems; the balanced and the unbalanced.
The majority of faults in power systems are unbalanced, such as
phase to phase and single phase to ground faults. The three phase
fault is classied in symmetrical (balanced) fault type. All of the
power distribution networks should have protection system to
sustain their equipment safe during the fault time. When a fault
occurs it is important to detect and isolate it in a proper way by
relays. The protection methods of the wind farms as one of the
renewable resources are different from of the power stations.
Many different types of wind farms are modeled as the variable
torque (caused by variations in wind velocity) cause short circuit
current the main reason behind this difference. Also, in this paper,
a lot of protection schemes are reviewed, many of problems and
fault types are mentioned in more details. The paper covered
many other items; the traditional power grid, smart grid concept,
effect of smart grid with renewable resources, basic operation
characteristic analysis of wind farm with power ow in smart grid
including wind farm.

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