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Om Sai Ram

The Word called Digital & Digital media

Digital usually refers to something using digits, particularly binary digits
Being composed of such sequences of digits, such data (and hence any
machine making use of it) became known as digital. Digital computers were
generally considered more adaptable and powerful than their analogue
counterparts, and digital computing completely took over:
Digital technology
That generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive
and non-positive. Positive is expressed or represented by the number 1 and
non-positive by the number 0. Thus, data transmitted or stored with digital
technology is expressed as a string of 0's and 1's.
Digital electronics
Digital electronics is the foundation of modern computers and digital
communications. Massively complex digital logic circuits with millions of
gates can now be built onto a single integrated circuit such as a
microprocessor and these circuits can perform millions of operations per



The third industrial Revolution

The 20th century, then, proved to be something of a boom period for the
word. However, it may be that the 21st century will see a fall in its usage for
the simple reason that once something has become almost entirely digital,
theres no real need to specify it as such any more.
Digital computer is an example of this having already taken place: the term
is not particularly common today for the simple reason that nearly all
modern computers are digital ones, and so are simply called computers its
the much rarer analogue computerwhich must be denoted by an adjective.
By the same process, as technologies such as digital photography and digital
television entirely replace their analogue counterparts, they will perhaps
come to simply be called photography and television. So as digital
technology becomes ever more pervasive, the word digital itself may return
to relative obscurity.

Involving computer technology or the Internet

As well as becoming more widespread, as digital has become more
significant to the general population, new senses with a wider meaning have
also begun to emerge. Terms such as digital art, digital economy, and digital
money have come into use, and digital has come to be applied to pretty
much anything involving computer technology or the Internet its
associations with numerical digits being almost entirely forgotten.

Digital media:
Digital media are any media that are encoded in a machinereadable format.[1] Digital media can be created, viewed, distributed,
modified and preserved on computers. Computer programs and
software; digital imagery, digital video;video games; web pages and
websites, including social media; data and databases; digital audio, such as
mp3s; ande-books are examples of digital media. Digital media are
frequently contrasted with print media, such as printed books, newspapers
and magazines, and other traditional or analog media, such as pictures, film
or audio tape.
Media are tools we use to communicate.
I think everyone has a pretty good idea what media are. Humans use tools,
and the tools we use to communicate across distances, across time and to
more people at once than we could with our own voice and body are
"media." Although the definition could include interpersonal and non-mass
media, like the telephone, in common usage we typically have a sense that
"media" are for communicating with more than just one person. Traditional
examples include books, magazines, newspapers, film, radio, and television.
Digital relates to the use of computers.
Digital is even easier, in a sense, since it is almost entirely a technical
definition and relates to the use of computers with their "binary" language

of on/off, 1/zero, bits and bytes. This is the digital world and includes
computers, the software to run them, and the movement and storage of
digital information via networks and storage (hard drives and cloud services).
So then is digital media just media with digital tools?
In a sense, yes, but in another sense, no. (See, academics are not just picky
and pedantic, they equivocate).
If you put the radio on the internet, you certainly have digital media. And if
you put a newspaper in a tablet, then you have digital media, as well. The
problem with sticking with that definition is that it misses two important
elements that have been made possible by the combination of computers,
software, and networks: interactivity and group forming.
Interactivity is made possible because most computer networks are bidirectional and addressable. In other words, you can specify where your
message is to go, and get a return message right away. This is a feature that
is built into the telephone, but most mass media are one-way, or broadcast,
media. They are engineered to deliver the same message to many people at
once, but they dont provide for any return messages. Digital media
networks are different you can still send the same message to many people
(e.g., Netflix, or streaming radio, or just a simple web page), but you can also
have interaction ranging from minor elements (choosing shows and rating
them on Netflix) to major components (posting pictures and comments on
other peoples photos on Flickr). For more on the value of interactivity in
telecommunications networks, see the wikipedia entry on Metcalfe's Law.
The second unique feature of networked digital media is that because it is
based on software the people participating in the network can organize
themselves into ad-hoc and arbitrary groups. This is most obviously seen in
Facebook, where you can instantly and easily create a new group around any
sort of topic. These "group forming" networks have enormous value since

they help us coordinate, communicate, and collaborate on projects large and

small from parties to promotion of brands.
When you look at it in this way, the most important parts of digital media are
not simply the conversion of regular media to digital formats. That is the
easy part. The hard part and the part that unleashes tremendous value for
society is taking advantage of these new capabilities relating to
interactivity and group forming

Examples of digital media


Compact disc

Digital video

Digital television




Video game

World Wide Web


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