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8. Publish fresh content frequently Ifyou publish new artidles on a daily or weekly basis, Google will crawl your website more often and will give you more authority. With new content, you also get more chances of ranking for new keywords. Websites that rank higher tend to publish more content. 5. Publish outstanding content Your content is the most important part of your website. Without good content, it’s impossible to rank high in Google. Your articles must be well- written and provide real value to your readers. Google gives more credit to longer articles and posts that get a lot of engagement, like comments, for example. Do your best to engage your readers and make them share their thoughts. Short articles that don’t bring anything new to the table can get your website penalized by Google Panda. Also make sure you are not covering the same topic too many times, or your site may start to look like a content farm. 10. Improve website speed Website speed is a ranking factor. Even if t's not a critical one, it’s something to consider if you want to create a good overall user experience. Websites that Joad in more than § seconds can be labeled as slow by Google. 12. Use unique and relevant titles Just as anything on your website, your titles have to be unique. Add your primary keywords in your titles. Ranking high without having the main keywords in your title is a very rare scenario. Your titles have to be catchy and not longer than 55 characters. 13. Meta descriptions By using a meta description, you give Google a summary of your content. Describe what your articles are about and use your main keywords inside. Use a unique and relevant meta description for every page on your site. Ifyou are using WordPress, download SEO by Yoast plugin and use it to customize your meta titles, descriptions, and keywords. 14. Use a sitemap A sitemap helps Google easily find your site’s pages and crawl them. I your website has thousands of pages, a sitemap is very important. There are numerous tools that can help you create a sitemap and even some WordPress plugins.

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