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I Design Handbook for REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS Design Handbook for Reinforced Concrete Elements, 2 Edition A. Beletich and P. Uno Corrections and updates Corrections exist for the pages listed below. cach change. Page xi Page xiii Page xv Page xvii Page 10 Page 18 Page 25 Table 2.4 AND page 285 Table 2.4 Page 32 Table 3.2.1 Page 36 Page 56 Page 60 Equation 5.11 Page 62 Page 68 Page 70 Chart DRCB-32 Page 77 Figure 6.5 Page 83 Page 107 Page 116 AND Page 311, Chart D2 Page 130 Page 137 Page 151 Page 174 Page 213 Figure 12.3 Page 217 Page 233 Question 3 Page 268 Equation 13.20 Page 285 Table 2.4, refer to page 25 Pages 294-297 Page 311 Chart D2, also refer to page 116 Page 316 Chart V2 Page 326 Chart FP, refer to page 234 Page 349 Chart RC2132-9 Please refer to page listings for details of Page xii Page xiv Page xvi Page xviii Page 10 Figure 1.5 Page 23 Figure 2.7 Page 26 Page 34 Table 3.3 Page 41 Page 57 Page 61 Table 5.1 Page 63 Page 69 Page 71 Question 2 Page 82 Page 103 Table 8.1 Page 113 Page 123 AND page 314, Chart S3 Page 131 Page 139 Page 154 Page 179 Page 216 Page 222 Page 234 AND page 326, Chart FP Page 271 Page 287 Table 3.4 Pages 298-309 Page 314 Chart $3, refer to page 123 Page 319 Chart T3 Page 339 Chart RC4f65-9 Page 385 Page DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page xiv Ms Ns Page xvi ee Page xvii vo = Vos Vioo= ws Dead loads resisting inscability. i ro ge Gc . lesser of Effective span of beam'L and (Ln + D) or (Ln + D/2} for cantilevers, Clear span between inside of supporting beams, columns oF walls. Span lengch used in the simplified method, L. minus 0.7 times the sum of Xfor each support. i = sorted on four sides. Long effective span of a slab panel Reduced ulkimate strength in bending for k, = 0.4 condition. is reduced ro 0.4. Ag Shear steel ratio Be, d.). Ultimate shear strength exchiding shear reinforcement. ~ : ath. ‘The ultimate shear strength of a slab where M*, = 0 Contribution provided by shear reinforcement to the uldimate shear strength of a beam. Distributed design load. Conditions. Shear strength coefficient for comparable increase in shear of shallow beams. Shear strength coefficient for axial load effects. Shear strength coefficient to account for increased strength when concentrated loads are applied near supports (short shear span ay < 2d.) Creep factor for sustained loading. The ratio of the longest overall dimension of the effective loaded: area, Y, to the overall dimension X, measured perpendicular to Y. Bending moment coefficients for two-way slabs supported by rigid beams and walls. Deflection obtained from calculations, DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page xviii 5p. 8s be = Moment magnifiers for braced and sway columns. A A $X = Maximum deflection - normally expressed as a ftaction eg BAIL), Mord SK = Strength reduction factor. 1 XK Ratio of depth of simplified rectangular stress block to depth of NA.” Pages xi to xiii and Page I, add the following symbols E, = Ultimate earthquake action. Su = Ultimate action due to combination of various actions. W, = Serviceability wind action. ‘W, = Ultimate wind action. Page 10 (b) Strain is linear ie. itis directly proportional to the distance from the NA for all ‘moments up to and including the ultimate bending moment D&G Muo Page 18 alter dimension for yk,d and identi| gures a, b, c,d Figure 2.4 'g Tr : | oe | | ae Page 10 Figure 1.5 42 The design load over evn _ ABis wy, = 42 KN/m due, ORR RAR ory co dead and live loads while the design load over BC due to dead loads only 0 = 24 iswro=l ne Page 3 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 23 Replace Figure 2.7 z00 | Ductility or Curvature x10~* Steel Ratio Page 26 25 034*0.852% = Del 0.0145 = 0.34 Prax 0.34Y: 500 Page 25 Table 2.4 AND Page 285 Table 2.4 4) Bending with axial comoressio: () NuskNub > Page 32 Table 3.2.1 (b) Hear-castal (1 am to $0 km fom coastline)and any climatic zone 8 (€} Coastal (upto 1k fom coastline but exclucing tidal and splash zones) CBD dei any climatic 2one 44, SURFACES OF MEMBERS IN WATER Page 34 Table 3 Exposure Classification 20MPa a5 MPa Page 36 Page 4 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 41 477 + 66 = 543 Required total depth of beam, D = Dee mm. Page 56 If €, 2 0.0025 then the compressive reinforcement HAS yielded and the required | area of compressive reinforcement 1s qbabra-the tensile ares. __ Asafey fe — 0.85% Ife, > 0.0025 Page 60 equation 5,11 add ® to denominator M2 olf, —.85f, [d—d,.) Page 61 Table 5.1 ‘able 5.1 - Parameters for Maximum Steel Ratio Parameter fein MPa 20 32 “0 50 0.850 0.822 0.766 0.696 pes 0.0116 0.0179 0.0208 0.0237 paze7 0.2890 0.27 0.2604 0.2368 oe 3.838 5,979 7.057 8.1468 9.998 Page 5 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 62 Assume single row of N24 tap (compression) bars and single bars. From Tables 3.3 and 3.4, 4. =64mm d = 500 - 4 = 33@ mm 68 432 Primary Beam From Table 5.1 read, = 0.0179 A 25,979 of tensile reinforcement in primary beam, A, = 0.0179°350°986.432 = 232mm’ 2706 Moment capacity of primary beam, M, = Abd 432 = 5.979°35026""10° = 3928 kNm 390.5 Secondary Beam Moment to be carried, M, -=M-M, 465 — 39%R 390.5 506 = 350mm #7, (4-d,) 0.8%500(336-64) 7 ea 432 de 4 pez cee 432 row of N 2 Page 6 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 63 From Chart B2, read K= pay 1.42 Area of compressive reinforcement required, A, =A; 1,42 = bay-4s2 642 - 30 mm’* Total tensile arca required, Ae eAg +A = 2732 + 3D 452 = D2 mm? 3184 Total tensile arca required, 3404 A, = 2556 + eC - Degvmm* 848 Page 68 From Chart DRB-32 for d/d = 0.0125 and bM,/(bd') = 9.29 MPa read the required steel ratios p, = D36%and p. = DAME, Figure 5.5 shows the construction lines required to read the cha0.0276 0.0126 0.0276 5 Required arcas of reinforcement 4, = D-#3tet x 350 x 400 3864= 2256mm? 0.0125 1764 = TOSS & 350 400 = 238% mm’ »_, 4N24 6N32 bars in ewo rows of three bars gives A, = 4800 mm? and B88K bars gives A, 1860=248mm*. From Table 3.4 adjusted dimensions for exposure A2 are d= 246mm and d,. =F mm. Repeating the procedure using new values of dand d, 415 49 Page 7 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 69 117 = . 4 OM,,/bd? Sour. Chart DRB - 32 read P, * 0.0251 419 A. = 1 350 X33E= 4175 3666 Required A,. = 0DK5x350x P= 86 1320 0.009 419 Reguired. 40.0126 eee | DK 0.0276 Tensile Steel Ratio p, 6N2R hare 3700 aNd 1350 Choose SEAAFREG giving A, = 3289 mm’, KE PY mm* Check primary beam steel tio. 599 1359 a PSs) 350 "BKC 419 = DBS < pax (= 0.0179) 0.0162 Page 82 3 From Table 3.4 choose 6N36 bars place in two rows of & bars whose area A, = 6120 Checking the steel ratio for the primary beam, Page & DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 83 SOLUTION Data: 6 d=540 1-100 f,=25MPa M =38¢kNm 175 =3.72MPa £0 eae %, 350 ae aad en en 150 Usig 6714 T-18A for dg g 18, ead the required steel io — p= (2884 for S8° = d22 MPa and bibw = 0.43, e Using the smaller value of Ud, the steel ratio read from T-18A will be slightly conservative, a more accurate valle yy sto can be obtained by interpolating between the results P obtained from Charts T-18 and T-20 although the difference may not be discernable. Hence the required rensile area, Pe 0.0114 a A, = 08884"150°940 = ‘ : Figure 6.8, = 38d mm" 923 8 br CHART T-18 Fess re-onles ec 7 | t= 018 —— : | ee iF d f+ 5 fi | Eg : 4 1 ae E i Hi 3 2 NT oes y os sell = Hella oa BaES aistelse t © 0.008 a.o10 a.o18 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 STEEL RATIO. p= Aah Page 9 OL ose IY [291g aTsuay, ot oro'o Se0'0 S200 fe 490°0 oro sro BuMO[OY PIM ZE-IA uey covjdoy oz Beg SLAGHS VLVANY — SINTNITA ALAYONOD CaNOANITY AOA MOOMANVH NOISTG DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 71 Question 2 300 Page 77 Figure 6.5 FESO eee Load Carried by B | é oad Carried by Beam : 1750 | Effective Flange Width | teal ot eth T YZ 420 500 rau ee ree eg ee bl Page 11 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 103 Table 8.1 3. For cantilevers, value of DOK given in this table applies only ifthe roxation at the supports included in the deflection AlLese Page 107 . MPa Bea. ig SEO a E, = 3450 Bae e880 Page 113 sver | ne To determin sive first have to calculate A,. If we ignore the presence of the int then Px€ for rectangular sections is bD/2 (= 122,500 mm‘), The beam is in flexure thus k,-0.6. The maximum pezmited steel scress f, for N28 bars is 185 MP2 (Table reinforcer Steps 2&3, Step 4 < 1860 mm? (3 N28) ~. no need to increase A, STEP 5 To calculate the tensile stress in the reinforcement at a cracked section under short term serviceability loads f,,, we must calculate the design bending moment at the serviceability limit state M’s, the neutral axis depth kd and the D& Ter n.M*s.d~kd) Page 116 and Page 311 on Chart D2 change D to A Page 12 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS. Pages 123 and 314 replace chart $3 with following OR simply plot line for RL918 mesh from 16.8 kNm for d=80mm to 51.3 kNm for d- 230mm on existing chart. 65 58 metre width of slab ily @MyykNm per Moment capa Page 13 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Sei dk fe BEAM SECTION stresses, Kd “TRANSFORMED SECTION: TRANSFORMED SecTION Page 131 (kay dt: Ry enA,(d- kd) + (n- DA, (kd - 3)? (8.12) age 137 We must now recalculate € ., and fin longer term since concrete shrinkage will be greater as will be the tensile stresses induced by these shrinkages. Using Table from AS3600 for a 30 year life and ¢, = 195 mm, the new)Xwill be 670 microsteain (i.e cs, Page 139 mm = 16005, = 240mm? fests) (ASAE ggjebut 20g BBX (suggested minimum) Page 151 Im STRENGTH Deston FoR A DRC WiDE STRuP Page 154 lLaiger dinndion oa closed iecbiular torsiode Shear strength coefficient for. comparable increase in shear capacity of shallow beams. Shear strengeh coefficient for axial load effects Shear strength coefficient ro account for increased strength when concentrated loads are applied near supports (short shear span 4, < 2d,): Page 14 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS ~ ERRATA SHEETS Page 174 Alter Text in Chart Heading and Vertical Axis Format Chart 73 TIESPACING ee enter ee PTus _ PAswfey. Be a ar Page 179 = 0.00275 + 0.0024 soo Page 216 and B, in equ unknowns B, and 2B, . Substituting Page 217 3 4 @ or cantilever footings, as shown in Figure 12.1}Kand Figure 12.9. The philosophy is Page 15 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 222 Page 233 Question 3 qe The factored soil bearing capacity 3% = 400 kPa. Pages 234 and 326 Chart FP Horizontal Axis Symbols (se od Oe = 0 2000 3000 Punching Shear Capacity te Vic KN Page 268 Equation 13.20 Myy BEG= 10 kNm , = 280 few 25 MPa 950 kN 50 kN BE = 90 kNm My BEG =25kNm Mig Page 287 Table 3.4 Modify Sketch Pain Hay — | Cann ee | CS le rat Page 385 ‘rsion Factors Chart 172, 173, 174 Web Crushing 167 Page 16 Ly o8eq, G oney iaa1g artsuay, avo seo o£0'0 200 0200 too 1 A et 2.900 SEER ON NAN | oN ae | | oro Pai te Ba va sv'0 | 020 edNGe = 2F OV O=™1 sz -aoud eKD ceo AT ROTOY HIM SUEY STE[TSY LEC V6C “S6C POC SBE SLATE VLVAAY ~ SLNANATG ALTAONOD GAONOANTAY AOA MOOMANVH NOISTC gs] fed W oney joa1g ansuay SEO'O o060'0 oz0'0 290°0 oro sro ae a F020 op edNze = 93 0F0=1 ge sou WeyD ——= seo SLUTHS VLVAAA — SLNIWATA ALAYONOD CAOUOANITY AOA MOOMANVH NOISTG W ony pais o seo'0 060'0 oz0°0 = 290°0 SLAGHS V.LYUNY ~ SLNAWATY ALIAONOD CAUOANIAY HOA MOOMANV NDISAC 0¢ o8tg ld ory [23g epsuay, og 220'0 ——2.90°0 oro pow ma e Bou ro e o. | aly ozo Panos ov o="4 0S-soud 1eND sao SLAAHS VIVA — SINAWATY ILIMINOD GaADIOANIAY AOA MOOMANV NOISAG, 17 o8eg pq d By OLLVA st0'0 O10°0 S000 sI00 Ol00 S000 0 ] ] z ols | |S | | Bas [2 a Pet] a p oro => OT— 1 LaVi | wanee dos ean SLAG VWI ~ oc © a ‘AIA ALTUINOD GAIAOANITY UOI MOOMANVH NOISAC zz ateg pq. Sy = d ozoo sl0';0 O10 S000 sloo aloo S000 bs fxd oy Jo} OWS janeso=9l0 \ | PANbe! 25-1 ee SLATHS VLVANY — SINAWATY TLIYONOD (ADNOANIAY AOI MOOMANYH NOISIG 0 ez afeg eq d ce OLLVa THALS sI00 O100 S000 G1O;O OLO'O SOOO Oo 1 { 0° 1 a T Te | Opts | 10 | ce leajeatnn for | nek F BIGEB RIE [°° Lift E Bi - as — Li , . = | LLL 5 = | pa a = | LU . T , d | | ; | Le g janes 1 ange iia VI-L LUIVHO | | | 7 SLITHS VLIVUAY ~ SUNAWATY ALAWINO) GAINOANITY AOI MOOMANVH NOISAG DrsIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS 8 T T ~ | CHART T_16 ‘eo25i t= 5 + eM go> 0.16 6 : t | 5 | | 5 - | uw | | 2 4 1 rh = e] 3 - t a q HI | é | i | i | 2 T ai aly olnfolia, | %&} a] } a] 9} | | O.E sz He | j = 2 2) 8 op ly | zZ5 “lp CEE | o 1 0 0,005 0.010 0.015 0.005 0.010 0.015 STEEL RATIO Pp Page 24 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS ~ ERRATA SHEETS. ro=RENPal a He aah CHART _T 18 7 £ tt E | | Bt 3 T + | | | | 5 | | 2 + | BRL [aha * + -| | koe 0.5) Bl Bde | 0.2 I | I 0 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 = ee 2S aya Page 25 9% ang pa wy = 4 OWA TS 0200 StO0 O1O'0 S00'0 sI00 O100 so0'0 0 | Z : ald og : | aslo BF ii] fe L Oe— 1 LYVHO waned =P] | pange=o SLAGHS VLVYUNG — SINIWAIY ALTAONOD CAQMOANIAY HOA MOOMANVH NOISIC 0 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS— ERRATA SHEETS Page 311 Chart D2 ~ Replace title block a £8 se 6 x $s a 1 2 ie = #o< e Page 27 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 316 replace Chart V2 1200 4 Chart V2 STIRRUP SPACING 1100 1000 900 800 =| 700 \ = Vus/do 600 400 Ye at = es 300 —— 250. - 60 100 150 200 250 300 STIRRUP SPACING = mm Page 28 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS. Page 319 replace Chart T3 600 2 Chart_T3 | Se TE SPACING 850 — | Tus PAswfayt i 2A; cot s mes wf 400 \ 350 on BA, cot, 300 250 200 150 50 100 150 200 250 300 TE SPACING s mm Page 29 DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS — ERRATA SHEETS Page 339 replace Chart RC4f65-9 with Chart RC2f65-9 below CHART RC2f65-9 Ty fe ats Page 349 replace Chart RC2{32-9 with RC4f32-9 below 48 CHART RC4f32-9 40 eer] 4 ead bs faunas 38 20 a Soe 2a eae 38 : BNy Log wD La, (ouPa)20 e | fee | SISA Ma, (Pay ae y Page 30 A UNSW Press book. Published by ‘University of New South Wales Press Led. University of New South Wales UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA ‘ © Argeo Beletich and Paul Uno First published in 1992 First seprint 1996 Second reprint 1998 (with amendments) Second edition 2003 “This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, aaa review, as permed under the Copyright Act no pare may be reproduced by any process without written permission, Inquiries should be addressed to the publisher National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry: Beletich, A. $. (Argeo Sergio), 1940- Design handbook for reinforced concrete elements. New ed. Includes index. ISBN 0 86840 621 X. 1. Reinforced concrete construction - Handbooks, manuals, exe, 2, Structural design - Handbooks, manuals, etc 1. Uno, Paul John. 11. Title. 624.1834) Printer BPA Disclaimer Design in reinforced concrete i an ever-changing protess based on nei developments in patel and research. The authors and publisher of chs book have checked sources believed srt eliable in their efforts ro provide information that is completely ip accordance with voaeands accepred atthe time of publication. In view ofthe possibilty of human error or changes in design processes and codes of practice, however, ncither the authors nor the publisher warrant tha dhe informacion contained herein is in eX respect accurate oF Pomplete and they disclaim all responsibility for any erors or omissions the results cera vcd from the use of information and design aids contained in chs book. ER1 Limit State Conditions, Loads and Load Combinations ER2 13 Singly Reinforced Concrete Beams ER3 31 Beam Design ER4 45 Design Aids for Singly Reinforced Concrete Beams ER5 53 Doubly Reinforced Beams ERG 73 T-Beams and L-Beams ER7 85 Developmental Length and ‘Termination of Reinforcement ER8 101 Serviceability ERS 143 Continuous Beams and Continuous One-Way Slabs SS vii DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS CHAPTER10 153 Shear and Torsion CHAPTER 11 183 ‘Two-Way Slabs CHAPTER12 211 Footings CHAPTER 13 235 Columns DESIGN TABLES AND CHARTS 283 Design Tables Area of Reinforcing Bars Table 2.2 284 Areas of Standard Welded Wire Mesh Table 2.3 284 Strength Reduction Factor ® Table 2.4 285 Exposure Classifications Table 3.1 286 Minimum Concrete Cover for Standard 286 Formwork & Compaction Table 3.3 Areas of Reinforcement and Minimum Beam Dimensions 287 for Exposure Classification Al Table 3.4 Tensile Developmental Length L, Table 7.1 288 Deflection Limitations Table 8.1 289 Areas of Reinforcement in mm*/m Width Table 8.3 289 Bending Moment Coefficients for Slabs Supported 186 on Four Sides Table 11.1 End Span Moment Distribution for Flat Slabs 198 Table 11.2 Distribution of Moment between Column and 198 Middle Strip Table 11.3 Minimum Footing Outstands for Developmental 223 Length Table 12.1 Design Charts Singly Reinforced Concrete Beams Chart BI 46 Singly Reinforced Concrete Beams SRB25-SRB50 290-293 Compression Reinforcement Multiplier Chart B2 61 CONTENTS vii Doubly Reinforced Concrete Beams 294-297 DRCB25-DRCB50 Depth of Stress Block in T-beams Chart B3 77 T-Beams Charts T10A-T20B 298-309 SF and BM Coefficients for Continuous Members 147 Figures 9.3 & 9.4 Beam Serviceability Chart D1 310 Slab Serviceability Chart D2 311 Moment Capacity of Slabs Charts $1-S3 312-314 Shear Design Flow Chart 163 Torsion Design Flow Chart Figure 10.11 171 Shear and Torsion Charts V1, V2, TIL, TIS,T3 315-319 ‘Two-Way Slab Moment Coefficients Chart $4 320 Rectangular Footings Charts F1-F20, FP 321-326 Columns, Designations 329 Rectangular Charts RC2f25-6 to RC2F1 20-9 330-345 Charts RC4£25-6 to RC4F120-9 346-361 Circular Charts CC8b25-6 to CC8b120-9 362-377 ences 379 383 First edition Tas book is designed to provide an introduction to the design of reinforced concrete elements. The began as an aid for students co understand the design of conerete elements, not just as a cal seudy, but as a practical operation in the design of seructures. In its development it has S2ei from the original brief to provide a more complete picture. The resulting book has become a blend. A blend of theory, Code requirements and Design “SE Iris this blend that helps to provide the balanced process for the design and analysis of _Seecsete components that every engineer and student needs to work with. Ee i nor possible to comprehend the formulae and the expressions without having an Scion of the models used to depict the behaviour of concrete elements. ‘The theory in this “Seok presents the basic models in a simplified form. For a more comprehensive understanding of “Se Scory there are a number of excellent Australian books, many of which develop from first Sessles the models behind the Code requirements. The Code itself, AS3600, provides the practicing engineer and student with the current "... ‘om requirements for the design and construction of concrete structures and members ..." “Tes book has taken some of the fundamental requirements and related them to practical examples & Schlicht the use of the Code in the design and analysis of elements. The design office would be incomplete without computer programs and design aids to assist in “ese casks which are often repeated. In today's world, engineers and students do not have the time = Zsclop tools to assist them in their tasks. This book contains a large number of design aids have been developed to provide practical rools for the solution of problems. Many of these exc evolved during the development of the book. They have already been tried and tested by “eesns. Some, like the column chasts in chapter 13, have undergone numerous minor revisions “e Srout to produce more readable charts. Ic is always a fine line becween developing a design aid

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