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Volume 77, number 1 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 1 June 1990



Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NYl1973, USA

Received 5 December 1989

We present theory and numerical simulations of the performanceof an x-ray free-electronlaser in the amplified spontaneous
emission mode with an optical klystron undulator configuration. This device can produce picosecond pulses of high brightness
with a significantlyshorter undulator than a conventional FEL.

1. Introduction for a moderately long undulator. An optical klystron

consists of two undulators separated by either a long
The amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) re- drift space or a shorter dispersive magnet. This mag-
gime of a free-electron laser (FEL) can be used to net configuration translates the energy spread cre-
produce coherent soft x-ray radiation in a long un- ated in the first undulator section (modulator) into
dulator ( 5 ~<L ~< 10 m ) [ 1-6 ]. In such a regime, the significant changes in the electron phase
initial incoherent radiation, with an optical power ~,= (k+ ko)z-o~t when the electron pulse arrives at
proportional to the number of electrons, is amplified the second undulator section (radiator). If these
by the electron beam itself as it traverses the inter- changes are arranged in a suitable manner we can
action region subject to the combined periodic mag- achieve significant bunching and, consequently, a
netic and radiation fields. This collective phenom- larger optical gain.
ena leads to exponential growth until the system We first use a simple one-dimensional linearized
reaches saturation [5,6]. To achieve this situation theory to obtain an approximate estimate of the FEL
the undulator has to be made sufficiently long and field enhancement produced by the optical klystron
the accelerator has to provide a high brightness elec- magnet configuration; then, we numerically solve the
tron beam, well above the values required for a mul- complete non-linear set of one-dimensional FEL
tipass oscillator experiment. However, the ASE has equations including both energy spread and emit-
a number of advantages in comparison with an os- tance. Our results show that an optical klystron is a
cillator; first, good reflectivity soft x-ray mirrors are very attractive alternative to achieve saturation in
not needed; second, an ASE-FEL only needs a single an ASE-FEL with less than half the undulator length
pulse traversing the undulator reducing the beam of a conventional FEL and producing the same out-
loading problem [7 ] in the electron beam acceler- put power.
ator, and thus makes it easier to produce a high
brightness, nearly monochromatic beam.
In this work we discuss one possible alternative 2. Theory
undulator configuration that will reduce its length
keeping the total power output of the laser approx- A free electron laser in an optical klystron config-
imately constant. An optical klystron [ 8,9 ] has been uration uses a beam of relativistic electrons going
used to improve the gain of FELs in weak optical field through a periodic magnetic field consisting of two
and small gain. We show that the same concept is undulators separated by a dispersive section. The
useful in a short wavelength ASE-FEL thus allowing spontaneous emission of the electron beam produces

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Volume 77, number l OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS I June 1990

an optical field which, in combination with the un-

X = - ~ Yo/z~"exp (i/ll r) . (3a)
dulator magnetic field, acts back over the electrons
to introduce an energy modulation in the beam. This Y= -~Yo exp (i/~ r ) , ( 3b )
energy modulation is transformed into bunching of
Z = i l Yo/q exp(i/ll r) , (3c)
the electrons as they go through the dispersive sec-
tion. The optimal position of the dispersive magnet where ~ t ~ = ( 1 - i x / 3 ) / 2 and /1~' is the complex
occurs at the point where the laser power starts to conjugate.
grow exponentially which correspond to a gain length The dispersive section can be taken as an instan-
Lcj, defined as the distance for e-folding of the laser taneous interaction at rD with the following con-
power. This forced bunching results in a discontin- straints on the dynamical variables (X< and X> de-
uous jump of the gain as the electrons enter the ra- note the values right before and after the dispersion
diator undulator. interaction, respectively),
To describe this system below saturation, we use
the linearized, 1D FEL theory for a helical undulator X> =X< , (4a)
given in refs. [5,6]. The FEL dynamics are then de- Y> = Y< - ~ Z < , (4b)
scribed by defining three collective variables [ 5 ] for
the laser field X, the bunching function Y, and the Z> = Z < , (4c)
energy spread Z,
where ~ = p k D with
Y= (exp( -i~uo)0),

(lb) D-{ e ~aidz,(idz,,Bt)(z,, ,

- \?mc2) o o
Z = p - ' (exp( - i~uo)rl> , (lc)
A simple example of a dispersive section is given by
where ~'0 is the initial electron phase, O=~'-~'ot, 70
a three-section magnet of total length s and field
is the initial electron energy and ~/= (7-70)/7o.

P= (K~o/87r~C)2/3(4~reC2 ~e/~)1/3 BD(z)=Bo , 0~<z< Is,

=-Bo, ~s<z<~s,
is the FEL parameter with 20 the wiggler period, K
the undulator parameter; re is the classical electron =9o, 3s<z<~s. (5)
radius and ~ is the particle density of the electron
beam. In the limit of small p the FEL equations of This configuration gives D=~(eBo/mc;7)2s 3 and
motion [6] with initial conditions X ( 0 ) = Z ( 0 ) = 0 satisfies the condition that the first and second in-
and Y(0) = Yo are tegral over z of the magnetic field must vanish so as
to have no transverse and angular beam displace-
J(= i d X - i Y , (2a) ments. The cj parameter turns to be ~2500 for a 1
)>=Z, (2b) GeV electron beam, p = 1.2× 10-3,2=2.5 nm, Bo= 1
T and s = 1 rn. After the dispersion section, the dy-
2= - x . (2c) namical variables will evolve as in the first section
but now with the initial conditions
where d is the detuning parameter d=(r 2-
7?)/2yRp and 72 = (20/22) ( 1 + K 2) and J(=dX/dr X> (~'D) = X < (I"D) , (6a)
with r=4gpN, N being the number of undulator
periods. Y> (TD) = Y< (TD) -- ~ Z < (rD)
Nontrivial solutions of the form exp(i/tr) exist if = Y< (rD)(1--i/~, c/), (6b)
~t satisfy the characteristic equation/t 2(/~- 6) + 1 = 0.
In the high-gain self-spontaneous emission, the max- Z> (rD) = Z < (~'D) , (6c)
imum gain rate is obtained with 6=0; keeping the therefore we can immediately write the laser field as
fastest growing root we write

Volume 77, number 1 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 1 June 1990

x>(o= - '3#,* Y< (ZD) (1 -i/xi ~ ) Therefore, further improvements are needed to sat-
isfy the emittance requirements. On the other hand,
× e x p [i/t1 ( 3 - r D ) ] • (7)
the peak current I = 4 0 0 A for a 1 ps electron pulse
This last expression shows that the enhancement fac- and energy spread aE~ 10 -3 corresponds to a lon-
tor introduced by an optical klystron is given by the gitudinal brilliance B L = l/trEy= 200 A which is rather
factor ~ ~~ which, for the parameters considered in modest compared with the experimental results at
our example is of the order of 103. To obtain an Los Alamos and the expected values at BNL. As il-
equivalent growth in the field in the conventional lustrated in fig. l, the saturation power achieved by
FEL configuration, the length of the undulator can an optical klystron is larger than the one obtained
be estimated from exp(i/qAr).~ 10 3 which, for the with a standard wiggler and, more important, we ob-
value of p used, corresponds to ~ 400 magnet pe- serve significant power levels at less than half the un-
riods. This simplified model is only valid in the lin- dulator length. As expected, introducing the beam
ear regime and for a perfect electron beam; it is not energy spread and emittance reduces the output
intended to describe saturation. power level of the laser; however, in the high gain
To understand this increase in the output power regime, larger gain than in the case of the standard
106 we have used a ID simulation code to solve undulator case is observed even for energy spread
the full set of FEL equations including energy spread Ay/y as large as p. Although our results were ob-
and emittance. To simulate a realistic electron beam tained in the context of a ID theory, for the set of
with energy spread and emittance, we use a uniform parameters used, the gain length of the device is
distribution in ~'o and a product of a gaussian dis- shorter than the Rayleigh range of the laser and, con-
tribution in energy spread, transverse position and sequently, 3D effects will not significantly modify our
injection angle. In table l we list the parameters of conclusions [ 13 ].
the electron beam and undulator; we notice that to In summary, we have shown that the optical klys-
achieve this rather large value o f p we must resort to
tron configuration of an FEL can be used to advan-
external quadrupole focusing [2 ] along the undu-
tage in the high gain collective regime, making a soft
lator with a typical effective fl-function fl* ~ 1. This
x-ray FEL in the ASE mode more feasible by reduc-
additional focusing is essential to reach the electron
beam brightness required for an x-ray F E L [ 10 ]. Ad-
ditional comments are pertinent here regarding the I I I l I l
10 8
brilliance of the electron beam presented in table 1.
There are a number of experimental groups studying
10 6 /f /
laser-driven photocathode electron guns. Los Ala-
mos [ 11 ] has produced an electron beam of nor-
malized emittance of 40n m m mrad and simulations .,6
10 4
,\ / .S.ogoO,,TO,
studies at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) 10 2
[ 12] have suggested an emittance of 6n m m mrad.
p°- /...--1
i l/l/ 0 //
Table 1
Electron and undulator parameters used in the simulations ,o-Z J,,"/ 0 0 0 -

i~//~//0"° 0 0 0
wavelength (nm) 2.5
, 0- 4
energy (GeV) 1.02
p × 103 1.2 0I/ 0 " 0 0l I I 1 t
L(m) 8.1 io-6
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0,8 1.0 1.2 1.4
undulator period (cm) 1.0 z / LENGTH - UNDULATOR
gain length L G (m) 0.75
peak current (A) 400
normalized emittance (ram mrad ) 1.0 Fig. 1. Laser power versus z/L from the simulations for both
external focusing if' (m) 1.0 standard undulator and optical klystron, at=0.0 (solid);
aE=0.1% (dash) and aE=0.2% (circle).

Volume 77, number 1 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS I June 1990

ing in half the undulator length and maintaining the [4] J.C. Goldstein, B.D. McVey and C.J. Elliott, Nucl. lnstrum.
MethodsA272 (1988) 177.
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[ 5 ] R. Bonifacio, L. Narducci and C. Pellegrini, Optics Comm.
50 (1984) 373.
[6] J. Murphy, C. Pellegrini and R. Bonifacio, Optics Comm.
Acknowledgements 53 (1985) 197.
[ 7] P.B. Wilson and J. Griffin, in: High energy electron linacs;
applications to storage rings rf system and linear colliders,
We wish to thank J. Goldstein for advice on the Physics of high energy particles accelerators, eds. R.A.
numerical algorithm. This work was supported by Carrigan, F.R. Huson and M. Month, AlP Conference Proc.
the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract num- 87 (1982) p. 450.
[8] W.B. Colson and I. Boscolo, Phys. Rev. A31 (1985) 2353.
ber DE-AC02-76-CH0016. [9 ] A.S. Artamanov et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods 177 (1980)
[ 10 ] W.A. Barletta and A.M. Sessler, Radiation from fine, intense,
self-focused beams at high energy, UCRL-98767 ( 1988 ) and
References private communication.
[ 11 ] J.S. Fraser and R.L. Sheffield, IEEE J. Quantum Electron.
[ 1 ] J. Murphy and C. Pellegrini, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B2 (1985) QE-23 (1987) 1489.
259. [12]K.T. McDonald, 1EEE Trans. Electron Device ED-35
[2] C. Pellegrini, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A272 (1988) 364. (1988) 2052.
[3] Kwang-Je Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57 (1986) 1871. [ 13 ] Li-Hua Yu and S. Krinky, Phys. Rev. A35 (1987) 3406.


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