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1) Why does most of what we know about sexual behaviour come from

studies of other species like rats?

a) Research on sexual behaviour in humans has been considered off
limits for years and hence hard to get funded.
b) Male rats copulate many more times than humans, up to 20 times a
c) Researchers can alter the hormonal control of animals, which would
be unethical in humans.
d) All of the above (*)
2) Anti-androgen drugs, such as those given to some individuals convicted
of sexually-based crimes, are ___ in treating deviant sexual behaviour.
a) minimally effective
b) highly effective (*)
c) inconsistent and unpredictable
d) are not as popular as surgical castration, because they dont work
very well
3) Which of the following statements supports a relationship between the
menstrual cycle and female sexual activity?
a) Couples are more likely to have intercourse when the woman is
actively menstruating only in the winter months due to low levels of
b) Couples exhibit a spontaneous decrease in sexual activity during the
middle of their menstrual cycle when the woman is most likely to
get pregnant
c) Women are more likely to initiate sex during the middle of their
reproductive cycle when the woman is most likely to get pregnant
d) Women on birth control pills exhibit a peak in sexual activity for only
a few days after menstruation occurs
4) Which of the following neurotransmitters increases in the nucleus
accumbens during sexual activity?
a) Dopamine (*)
b) Serotonin
c) Norepinephrine
d) Endorphin
5) The set of behaviours that are considered appropriate for males but not
for females and vice versa in a given society is referred to as:
a) sex
b) gender
c) gender role (*)
d) gender identity

6) Chuck and Diane have been trying to have a child since they got
married three years ago, but have been unsuccessful. Upon genetic
testing, they learn that Chuck has a defective gene on his Y
chromosome that is to blame, which prevents his testes from making
sperm cells. Which parent gave him that gene?
a) mom
b) dad (*)
c) one of his grandmothers on either side
d) all of the above is possible
7) In the absence of the SRY gene, the undifferentiated (indifferent)
a) Develop a difference in sexual development (DSD) pattern
b) Develop into ovaries (*)
c) Develop into testes
d) Disappear
8) During which time period do hormones usually exert organizing effects?
a) Early in development (*)
b) Puberty
c) When sexual interest occurs
d) Adulthood
9) All of the following make it difficult to determine if there are genderrelated differences in behaviour and cognition except:
a) the results show evidence for strong differences, but people dont
want to accept them (*)
b) different researchers tend measure the same characteristic in
different ways
c) the differences that exist are relatively small
d) people tend to talk to children dressed as boys or girls in different,
subtle ways
10) Male to female transsexuals, who frequently take supplemental
oestrogen to look more feminine, score higher on measures of ___ than
males with normal levels of oestrogen.
a) verbal ability (*)
b) mathematical ability
c) visual-spatial ability
d) aggression
11) During childhood, homosexuals often show a high degree of ___, by
engaging in activities and mannerisms usually preferred by the
opposite sex, along with a preference for opposite-sex playmates.
a) gender nonconformity (*)

b) gender negative conformity

c) atypical gender conformity
d) gender conformity

1) Distinguish between the following terms: sex, gender, gender role, and
gender identity.
2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of viewing sexual
orientation as having a biological basis? In other words, describe the
social implications of this view.
3) Compare and contrast the neutral-at-birth position versus the
sexuality-at-birth position.

Extra Readings Questions

1. What is the effect of testosterone on the functioning of the heart
and circulatory system?
2. What is metabolic syndrome?
3. Can and should testosterone be supplemented for men with low
levels of testosterone?
4. What is a meta-analysis?
5. How did the authors select the studies that they included in their
6. The established view within psychology is that women will prefer
different characteristics in their partner, depending on whether they
are in the fertile or non-fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. Did this
study support that previous view?
7. What are the strengths of performing a meta-analysis? What are the
8. What is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? What is the difference
between structural MRI and diffusion MRI?
9. Describe some of the differences between mens and womens
brains in terms of how the regions are connected.
Is it important that there are differences in the way regions of
mens and womens brains are connected or in the way they

Define multitasking and provide some examples of how you
have either done it or seen it done today.
In what ways do men and women differ in their ability to
Was the experimental procedure used a valid way to assess
multitasking ability? What would you do differently, if it was your

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