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So Rich, Such Wealth!

Choose either "so" or "such" to fill each space in these sentences.

1. I was __________ happy to see my aunt yesterday. I haven't seen her for nearly
two years.
2. Greg plays tennis __________ well! I played him today and lost 6-0, 6-1. It was
3. Greg is __________ a good tennis player. He should try to turn professional.
4. Look at those people vandalising the flowers. __________ people make me
really angry.
5. It was __________ cold yesterday that the TV was warning people not to go out
unless it was really necessary!
6. It's __________ a nice day today. Let's go for a picnic!
7. You haven't used that camera for __________ long that the batteries are
probably flat by now.
8. Look at your daughter dancing. It's great to watch. __________ elegance!
9. Your grandmother is 98. I knew she wasn't young but I didn't know she was
__________ old!
10. Jenkins! __________ behaviour from you once again and you will be back at
this school until midnight! Do you understand?

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