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Report Text about Snake (5)

Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by
their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping
scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey
much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes paired organs (such as
kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species retain a
pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.
Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and on most smaller land masses; exceptions include some large
islands, such as Ireland and New Zealand, and many small islands of the Atlantic and central Pacific. Additionally, sea snakes
are widespread throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans. More than 20 families are currently recognized, comprising about 500
genera and about 3,400 species. They range in size from the tiny, 10 cm-long thread snake to the reticulated python of up to 6.95
meters (22.8 ft) in length. The fossil species Titanoboa cerrejonensis was 13 meters (43 ft) long. Snakes are thought to have
evolved from either burrowing or aquatic lizards, perhaps during the Jurassic period, with the earliest known fossils dating to
between 143 and 167 Ma ago.The diversity of modern snakes appeared during the Paleocene period (c 66 to 56 Ma ago). The
oldest preserved descriptions of snakes can be found in the Brooklyn Papyrus.
Ular merupakan reptil yang memanjang, legless, karnivora dari subordo Serpentes yang dapat dibedakan dari kadal legless oleh kurangnya kelopak mata dan
telinga luar. Seperti semua squamates, ular ectothermic, amniote vertebrata tercakup dalam skala yang tumpang tindih. Banyak spesies ular memiliki tengkorak
dengan beberapa sendi lain dari leluhurnya kadal, memungkinkan mereka untuk menelan mangsa yang jauh lebih besar daripada kepala mereka dengan jaws
sangat mobile mereka. Untuk mengakomodasi tubuh mereka sempit, ular organ-organ berpasangan (seperti ginjal) muncul satu di depan yang lain bukan
berdampingan, dan sebagian besar memiliki hanya satu fungsional paru. Beberapa spesies mempertahankan panggul ikat pinggang dengan sepasang vestigial
cakar di kedua sisi kloaka.
Hidup ular yang ditemukan di setiap benua kecuali Antartika, dan pada sebagian kecil massa tanah; pengecualian ini mencakup beberapa pulau besar, seperti
Irlandia dan Selandia Baru, dan pulau-pulau kecil banyak Atlantic dan tengah Pasifik. Selain itu, ular laut tersebar di seluruh Samudra Hindia dan Pasifik. Lebih
dari 20 keluarga saat ini diakui, terdiri dari sekitar 500 genera dan spesies sekitar 3.400. Berbagai ukuran dari kecil, 10 cm panjang benang ular desis ular piton
hingga 6.95 meter (22.8 kaki) panjangnya. Spesies fosil Titanoboa cerrejonensis adalah 13 meter (43 ft). Ular dianggap telah berevolusi dari kadal baik menggali
atau air, mungkin selama masa Jurassic, dengan fosil yang diketahui awal dating ke antara 143 dan 167 Ma yang lalu. Keragaman modern ular muncul selama
periode Paleosen (c 6656 Ma yang lalu). Deskripsi tertua diawetkan ular dapat ditemukan dalam Brooklyn Papyrus.

Narrative text The Orgin Of the City Surabaya

Once upon a time, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya
was a crocodile. They dwelled in an ocean.
Once Sura and Baya were looking for some nourishment. Abruptly, Baya saw a goat.
Yummy, this is my lunch, said Baya.
No way! This is my midday meal. You are greedy said Sura. Then they battled for the goat. After
several hours, they were very exhausted.
Feeling exhausted of battling, they lived in the different places. Sura dwelled in the water and Baya
dwelled in the land. The border was the sandy shore, so they would never battle afresh.
One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some nourishment in the stream. He was very famished
and there was not much nourishment in the sea. Baya was very furious when he knew that Sura broke
the pledge.
They fought afresh. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He
bit very hard until Sura eventually provided up and A went back to the sea. Baya was happy.
Sekali waktu, ada dua binatang, Sura dan Baya. Sura adalah nama hiu dan Baya adalah buaya. Mereka berdiam di lautan.
Setelah Sura dan Baya sedang mencari beberapa makanan. Tiba-tiba, Baya melihat seekor kambing.
"Yummy, ini saya makan siang," kata Baya.
"Tidak mungkin! Ini adalah makan siang saya. Anda serakah "kata Sura. Kemudian mereka berjuang untuk kambing. Setelah beberapa jam,
mereka sangat kelelahan.
Merasa lelah dari berjuang, mereka tinggal di tempat yang berbeda. Surah berdiam di dalam air dan Baya berdiam di negeri itu. perbatasan
adalah pantai berpasir, sehingga mereka tidak akan pernah berperang lagi.
Suatu hari, Sura pergi ke tanah dan mencari beberapa makanan di sungai. Dia sangat lapar dan tidak ada banyak makanan di laut. Baya sangat
marah ketika ia tahu bahwa Sura pecah janji.
Mereka berjuang lagi. Mereka berdua saling memukul. Sura sedikit ekor Baya ini. Baya melakukan hal yang sama untuk Sura. Dia menggigit
sangat keras sampai Sura akhirnya tersedia dan A kembali ke laut. Baya senang.

The importance of Sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right
times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. Why Is Sleep Important?
Sleep helps your brain work properly. While youre sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. Its forming
new pathways to help you learn and remember information.

Studies show that a good nights sleep improves learning. Whether youre learning math, how to play the piano, how
to perfect your golf swing, or how to drive a car, sleep helps enhance your learning and problem-solving skills. Sleep
also helps you pay attention, make decisions, and be creative.
Physical Health often relate to quality sleep. It plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is
involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased
risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.
Besides that, sleep also helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full
(leptin). When you dont get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This
makes you feel hungrier than when youre well-rested
Tidur memainkan peran yang penting dalam kesehatan yang baik dan kenyamanan sepanajang hidup. Mendapatkan tidur yang cukup dan berkualitas pada saat
yang tepat dapat membantu melindungi kesehatan Anda baik mental, fisik, kualitas hidup, dan keselamatan. Mengapa tidur itu Penting?
Tidur membantu otak Anda bekerja dengan baik. Saat Anda sedang tidur, otak Anda ada dalam proses mempersiapkan segala hal untuk hari berikutnya. Ini
membentuk sebuah cara yang baru yang bisa membantu Anda belajar dan mengingat informasi.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidur malam yang baik meningkatkan pembelajaran. Apakah Anda sedang belajar matematika, belajar cara bermain piano,
belajar bagaimana untuk menyempurnakan ayunan golf Anda, atau belajar cara mengemudi mobil, tidur membantu meningkatkan pembelajaran dan kemampuan
memecahkan masalah. Tidur juga membantu Anda fokus, membuat keputusan, dan menjadi kreatif.
Kesehatan fisik sering berhubungan dengan kualitas tidur. Hal ini memainkan peran penting dalam kesehatan fisik Anda. Misalnya, tidur ikut membantu
penyembuhan dan perbaikan jantung dan prmbuluh darah. Kekurangan tidur secara terus menerus bisa menyebabkano penyakit jantung, penyakit ginjal,
tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes, dan stroke.
Selain itu, tidur juga membantu menjaga menjaga hormon yang membuat Anda merasa merasa lapar atau kenyang secara seimbang. Bila Anda tidak
mendapatkan cukup tidur, tingkat ghrelin naik dan tingkat leptin turun. Hal ini membuat Anda merasa lebih lapar dari pada saat istirahat.

Expressions of relief
1.What a relief!
2. Thats a relief.
3. Im very relieved to hear that.
4. Im glad everything is running well.
5. Im glad its done.
6. Its very relaxing.
7. Thank God for that.
8. Thank goodness.
9. Thank heavens.
10. I feel so relieved.
11. Oh, good!
Daughter : Mom, can I go to my friends birthday party tonight?
Mother : Whose party, honey?
Daughter : Davids party.
Mother : What! Do you mean that David? I dont think hes a suitable boy. I will never
allow you to go there.
Daughter : But, mom.
Mother : No buts, Sarah! You are not going to a party at his house. Never!

Expressions of pain

1.Its very painful. I cant stand it.

2. The pain hurt me very much.
3. That hurts!
4. Oh, my headaches.
5. It hurts me so much.
6. My back pains me.
7. Ouch!
8. Oh, its killing me!
(James falls down from the tree. Andy tries to help him.)
Andy : Are you okay?
James : Ouch! That hurts.
Andy : Let me help you.
James : Thanks.
Andy : You should be more careful.

Expressions of pleasure
I am so happy.
I am so excited
That is awesome
I am very happy
It is good news
It is really delightful
It is my pleasure
It is wonderful
I have a good time
I am so delighted to hear that. ( Saya senang mendengarnya )

Lisa: Hello, whom I am speaking to?
Tika: Hello, I am Tika.
Lisa: Anything I could do Tika?
Tika: I just wanna say many thanks for you.
Lisa: For what Tika?
Tika: It is about your gift. I have opened it. And I really love it.
Lisa: I am so happy to hear that. I hope it will be useful for you.

Tika: It is so useful for me. It is my pleasure to call you Tika. See you soon.
Lisa: Bye.

Expressions of advice
Do you think I ought to call the police?
What do you think I should buy him for his birthday?
Do you have any ideas about how I can sell my motorbike?
Vira : Hi, Mira. Why are you look sadMira : Hi, Vira. I am very miss with my parents in Indonesia. I want to go home to see
them. But, I cant left my study in here. I am so sad about it.
Vira : I know your feeling, Mira. I suggest you to call them. They certainly feel happy listen your voice
Mira : Oh, thats a good idea, Vira. Thank you for your advice. You are my best friend.
Vira : You are welcome, Mira.

-I suggest you to
-How about
-It might be a good idea to
-One thing you should/have to do is
-The most important thing is to
-You might try
-This idea probably works
-My recommendation is
-In this situation, I suggest you to
-A wise man once said
-You should / must

Expressions of warning
-Dont push so hard on that toy, or you might / will break it!
-Watch out! Be careful!
-Dont step on the grass!.
-No smoking!
-No hunting!
-Work hard otherwise youll fail your exam.
-No camping without permission!
-Do not cut down the trees!

: Mom, let me go out for a while, please?


: Where are you going to, Win?


: Id like to visit Ririn. She got accident this morning. She is in the hospital now.


: Okay, but take care when you drive! The road is very slippery.


: Thank you, Mom.

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