Used To

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Prof .

Jos Wolney
Aluno (a): ______________________________________ N _____
Turma: _____

Domnio e aprofundamento do contedo, organizao e clareza das

A interpretao das questes ser considerada como item do
critrio avaliativo;
As questes objetivas no devem ser rasuradas, caso ocorra no
sero aceitas;
Resolva as questes caneta azul ou preta;
No utilize lquido corretivo.

1 Read the text answer the exercises

I want nothing to change, says $315m lottery winner

By his own account, Andrew Jack Whittaker was already blessed and he was wealthy
by most standards when he turned up yesterday to claim his $314.9m (197m) lottery winnings.
"I've been blessed my whole life," Mr Whittaker said after picking up his cheque in
Charleston, West Virginia. "If I can help it, nothing is going to change. I'm content."
The owner of construction companies with an annual turnover of $17m, Mr Whittaker,
55, was remarkably calm about his windfall. After all, he told reporters, he was not even a
regular lottery player. He only bought tickets when the pot grew larger than $100m.
He said his first action would be to offer money to three pastors of the Church of God,
where he is a regular worshipper. The next largest portion of the winnings, which shrink to
$111m after tax under the immediate payment option chosen by Mr Whittaker, will be used in
the familyowned engineering companies.
Mr Whittaker said the companies, which specialise in the building of water treatment
plants, had recently laid off 25 employees and he wanted to provide new jobs to get them back
to work. Reporters eventually coaxed from Mr Whittaker the admission that he had been
thinking of buying a helicopter, but he kept on saying that his lifestyle would remain the same.
He would rise every day at 5am, and then drive over to the petrol station and
convenience store in Hurricane for his morning biscuit, just as he did on Monday when he
bought the winning ticket. "I tell you every morning when I wake up I feel like I've won the
lottery," he said.
It was the first time in US lottery history a single winner has taken such a huge prize.
Britain's biggest individual win on the national lottery was in 1995, when Terry Benson of Hull
won 20m.
Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Friday December 27, 2002
The Guardian (adapted)

1 Choose the correct option to finish each sentence according to the text.
1.1 Andrew Jack Whittaker is a lucky man because
a) he has already won the lottery before.
d) He has a beautiful wife
b) he is a very rich person.
e) N.D.A
c) he has been blessed all his life.
1.2 Andrew,
a) played the lottery every week.
b) never played the lottery.
c) only played the lottery when the prize was
very high.
1.3 The first thing he is going to do is,
a) buy a helicopter.
b) invest in his family company.
c) give money to his chuch.

d) found a winning ticket

e) N.D.A

d) spend a lot with women

e) all alternatives above

1.4 The morning when he bought the winning ticket, Andrew,

a) got up at 5 a.m. and had breakfast at the petrol station and convenience store in Hurricane.
b) got up at 8 o`clock and went to his company in Hurricane.
c) got up at 5 a.m. and had breakfast at a coffee-shop in Hurricane.
d) got up at 8 a.m was to CNSP and found there the winning ticket
e) N.D.A

2 Match the beginning of each sentence with the correct ending.

3 Susan has changed a lot since she was 18. Look at the sentences below. How did
she used to be? Write the opposite, using used to.


a) She is very fat.

She used to be slim.

b) She watches soap operas.


c) She doesnt have a pierced tongue.


d) She can design web pages.


e) She works five days a week.


4 Tom is thinking about when he was a younger. Many things have changed! Look at
the speech bubbles, and write sentences about his thoughts, using 'used to'


Tom used to____________________________________________________________


5 Match each expression on the left with its correct meaning on the right
a) I used to do it means

this is normal for me

b) I was used to it means

this was normal for me

c) I am used to it means

I did it regularly, but I dont any more

d) Ill get used to it means

I wasnt used to it at first, but now I am

e) Ive got used to it means

Im not used to it now, but Ill be.

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