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Solutions to Significantly Reduce their Worldwide Espionage, Drug Cartels, Fabricated Wars & Terrorisms

New Republic of the United States + The BRICS Alliance

The Worlds Mass Media is still very much in the control of the cabal. But the
truth is there is already a New Republic of the United States that is legally
running the internal affairs of America for the last two years. This New Republic
is under the control of General Dunford acting as the Interim President while
the formal civilian government is still being formed. However, the monetary
and military affairs of the US has already shifted silently into the New Republic.
When the time is right General Dunford will announce the New Republic along
with the new currency (USN) and a new set of government personnel.
For a very long time the USA is under the control of the cabal and that every
President elected were just president of a corporation; as the USA, Inc. is a
privately owned corporation. It was all done in fraudulent and illegal operations
a long time ago. But now, the goodnews is the New Republic was born and it is
now in the control of good people. The Worlds Mass Media is still not letting
the world know that today the US Military refuse to obey the commands of the
cabal and that the wars and violence being done in Syria and Iraq are not done
anymore by US Military instead by private armies and mercenaries of the cabal
hired to do the military operations in the middle east. The cabal operations in
Syria is being prevented by Russia who is helping the Syrian government and its
On the brighter side, the New US Republic is already in alliance with the EAST.
That includes the BRICS. This means, in the long run these major SuperPowers
will converge and join FORCES to defeat the global criminal cabal, also known
by others aka Khazarian Mafia. Literally, they cannot win against the combined
forces of the EAST + the BRICS alliance and the US. Also, the Europeans are also
aligning to move away from NATO. And this will become the REAL hunt for the
global terrorist which is the Khazarian Mafia.

New Testment Prophecy Fulfillment

The cabal members and minions worldwide will be
hunted like criminals by the combined forces of the
Republic of the US and the BRICS alliance. First they
will be rounded up in the US and then in Europe and
eventually, it will all converge in Israel fulfilling the
prophecy of the bible.
If the cabal will not surrender it will fulfill what was
prophesied by Jesus in the New Testament bible about
the End-Times saying:
and Jerusalem will be surrounded by foreign armies .
No More Off-World Support
The Cabal are not really completely Jewish. The truth
is this group does not represent the Jewish people.
But secretly this group blended with the people of the
world this includes infiltrating the Jewish people by
obtaining human physical bodies. So, they appear
visually as human but their true identities are Annunakis
who landed in the middle east in the ancient times and
the Reptilians from Khazarian region. This secretive
group is what people call the cabal.
Their support from the Annunakis and the Reptilian
overlords are GONE! They no longer have any support
from their alien members. The cabal on Earth are
completely on their own. And so everyday their source
of power and control are rapidly diminishing.

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