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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 445 (2000) 124}127

High power femtosecond pulses from an X-ray SASE-FEL

C. Pellegrini*
UCLA, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547, USA


We discuss how to use the large-gain bandwidth of an X-ray SASE-FEL to produce femtosecond long pulses by
chirping and compressing the output FEL radiation. We consider the power level, spectral width, and intensity
#uctuations of the compressed X-ray pulses, compared to the case with no compression.  2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

PACS: 41.50; 78.47; 41.60C; 42.55

Keywords: Free-electron laser; Femtosecond; X-rays

1. Introduction where o is the FEL parameter, related to the 1D

gain length by ¸ "j /2(3po [1].
An FEL in the high-gain regime has a rather The FWHM line width of a spike is
large-gain bandwidth [1]. When starting from
noise in a SASE-FEL, the gain bandwidth leads to *j j
" . (2)
the presence of spikes in the temporal distribution j 2pp

of the ampli"ed radiation [2}4], if the electron
bunch length is larger than the spike length. The For a radiation pulse of r.m.s length p , the pulse
existence of spikes and the statistical properties of consists of a number of spikes, N , each one occu-
the photons emitted in a SASE-FEL have been pying a length 2pp . We evaluate the number of

recently veri"ed experimentally in the infrared re- spikes by dividing the FWHM pulse length by
gion of the spectrum [5,6], with good agreement 2pp .

between theory and observations.
In a SASE-FEL operating at the wavelength j, 2.35p
N + .. (3)
the r.m.s. spike length at saturation is p , the co- 1 2pp
operation length, given by Refs. [2}4].
For a same pulse length FEL, not starting from
j noise, but from a coherent uniform signal longer
p + (1)
 4po than the pulse length, the Fourier transform limited
line width would be

* Tel.: #310-206-1677; fax: 310-206-5251.

*j j
" (4)
E-mail address: (C. Pellegrini). j 2pp
0168-9002/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 9 0 0 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 2 6 - 1
C. Pellegrini / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 445 (2000) 124}127 125

smaller than Eq. (2) by a factor N . Hence for duced by accelerating the bunch in the full linac, or
experiments needing high-frequency resolution, it is in part of it, at a RF phase di!erent from 903. By
important to try to reduce the line width near to properly choosing the RF accelerating phase, and
value (4), as proposed and discussed in Refs. [7,8]. controlling the wake"elds e!ects, we can obtain
For other experiments, like pump}probe and/or total control of the electron energy chirping, and
non-linear e!ect studies, it would be convenient to thus of the frequency distribution along the radi-
reduce the pulse length to that of one spike. Achiev- ation pulse.
ing this result isolating a single spike has two disad- In what follows, we will make an initial estimate
vantages: (a) a reduction in the total intensity in the of the frequency chirping needed to compress the
pulse; (b) a large intensity #uctuation, since the bunch, and of the grating pair needed to transform
intensity in a single spike #uctuates as the negative the frequency chirping into a bunch length reduc-
exponential distribution [2}4]. In this paper we tion. For this initial evaluation we assume that the
propose a method to reduce the pulse length to that wavelength variation that we introduce is small
of a single spike by superimposing all the spikes. over a spike or
This system has the advantage that there is no
intensity reduction, and the additional advantage dj *j
; (6)
that the intensity #uctuation is still that of a SASE- ds p

FEL, of the order of the inverse of the square root where *j is the spike line width (2). We can also
of the number of spikes. rewrite this condition, using (2), as
The method we propose is based on chirping the
radiation pulse, i.e. changing the frequency of each 1 dj j
spike by a quantity proportional to the spike longi- ; . (7)
j ds 2pp
tudinal position inside the pulse, and compressing A
the pulse using a pair of di!raction gratings. The We now assume that we produce a central
pulse length can then be changed between p and wavelength variation per spike, equal to a fraction
. a of the spike line width (dj/j)
p . In the case of an X-ray SASE-FEL like LCLS  
"aj/2pp , with

 a(1. We call a the chirping parameter. The result-
[9], this allows us to change the X-ray pulse length
from about 200 fs to about 1 fs. The system peak ing total chirping, total wavelength variation along
power is thus increased by a factor of about 200 to the bunch, is then
the Terawatt level, while the intensity #uctuations
dj j
and the line width remain unchanged. 2 "aN (8)
j  2pp

with the chirping parameter a(1.
2. Chirping

The radiation wavelength of an FEL depends on 3. The grating compressor

the beam energy, c, measured in rest mass units as
In this Section we discuss the characteristics of
j"  (1#K ) (5) the grating compressor. The geometry of the com-
2c  pressor is shown in Fig. 1. The incidence angle, h ,

is assumed to be smaller than unity, but larger
where j and K are the undulator period and the
  compared to the angular spread in the radiation
average undulator normalized vector potential. beam. The grating lines are separated by the dis-
A correlated frequency distribution along the radi- tance a, and the two gratings are separated by d.
ation pulse chirping can be obtained by changing Considering "rst-order di!raction, the scattering
the electron energy along the electron bunch, i.e. angle, h, is related to the incident angle, h , by
chirping the electron bunch energy before it enters 
the undulator. This energy variation can be pro- a(cos h !cos h)"j. (9)

126 C. Pellegrini / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 445 (2000) 124}127

The angle h is a function of the incident angle and

of the ratio j/a. For two rays with wavelength j,
and j#dj, corresponding to the angles h and
h#dh, the di!erence in path length is AC!
AB!BC cos h . We de"ne the compression factor,

F, as the di!erence in path length divided by the
rms pulse length, p . We also de"ne
x"j/a, x#d"(j#dj)/a. Let AC"s, AD"¸,
BC"l. Then Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the compression system.

s(x, h , d)" (10)
 sin h(x, h )

¸(x, h , d)" . (11)
 tan h(x, h )

The distance BC"l, giving the minimum grating
length, is
l(x, d, h , d)"¸(x, h , d)!¸(x#d, h , d). (12)
The compression factor is then given by
F(x, d, h , d, ¸ )"+s(x, h , d)!s(x#d, h , d)
  M M
!l(x, d, h , d) cos h ,/p . (13)
M M . Fig. 2. Compression factor versus grating separation d for
a"0.5 (solid line), a"0.05 (dotted line), a"0.025 (dashed line).

4. The LCLS case small enough to avoid damaging the grating. Since
the X-ray pulse is di!raction limited, its angular
We consider now an example similar to the spread is about 4;10\ rad, so any value of h lar-

LCLS [6], with j"1.5;10\ m, o"2.4;10\, ger than 10\ is acceptable. For what follows, we
p "2;10\ m. We then have p &5;10\m, will assume as an example h "0.05. The corre-
N &150. The spike line width is then sponding value of h is h"0.07.
*j/j&5;10\. The Fourier transform limit of In Fig. 2 we plot the compression factor versus
the line width is about 10\. We assume for the the separation of the two gratings, d, for di!erent
grating a"10\ m, and evaluate the X-ray energy values of the wavelength chirping introduced in the
density incident on the "rst grating, and the separ- X-ray pulse, dj (8). The three curves in Fig. 2 cor-
ation of the two gratings for di!erent values of respond to a value of the chirping parameter
chirping and compression. The power density in a"0.5, 0.05, 0.025, full, dotted and dashed lines,
the incident beam is reduced by the factor h . respectively. A full compression to a bunch length

Respect to the normal incidence case. To estimate equal to the spike length is obtained for F"!1.
the energy density at the compressor we assume For the LCLS case we have N *j/j"150;
that the spot size is increased from the original 30 5;10\"7.5;10\. To obtain this chirping we
to 100 lm, by proper choice of the distance of the would need a 3.7% energy chirping in the electron
undulator exit to the "rst grating. The LCLS peak bunch, too large to avoid electron phase-space dilu-
power is about 10 GW, corresponding to an energy tion due to chromatic e!ects. A value one tenth of
per pulse of 3 mJ, and an energy density of 10 J/cm that corresponding to the dotted line, is acceptable.
for normal incidence. The energy density incident From Fig. 2 we see that to obtain full compression
on the grating is then 10h J/cm. For h (0.1 the we need d&1.2 m, a value leading to a possible,
incident energy density is smaller than 1 J/cm, practical design.
C. Pellegrini / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 445 (2000) 124}127 127

The value of l, the grating minimum length, for by the US Department of Energy under Grant ER
the case of a"0.05, d"1.2 m, is l&15 cm, again No. DE-FG03-92ER40793.
an acceptable value.

5. Conclusions References

We have shown that by chirping the electron [1] R. Bonifacio, C. Pellegrini, L. Narducci, Opt. Commun. 50
bunch longitudinal energy distribution in the linac (1984) 373.
[2] R. Bonifacio et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 70.
it is possible to correlate the frequency with the [3] E.L. Saldin, E.A. Schneidermiller, M.V. Yurkov, DESY
longitudinal position of the spikes in a SASE-FEL. Report No. TESLA-FEL 97-02, 1997.
Using the line-width of a single spike we can com- [4] K.J. Kim, in: Proceedings of the ICFA Workshop in Non-
press the X-ray pulse with a pair of di!raction linear Dynamics, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 395,
grating, and reduce the length of the LCLS X-ray 1996.
[5] M. Hogan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 289.
pulse to about 1 fs, increasing the peak power to [6] M. Hogan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 4867.
more than 1 TW. [7] J. Feldhaus et al., Opt. Commun. 140 (1997) 341.
[8] L.H. Yu, Phys. Rev. A 44 (1991) 5178.
Acknowledgements [9] Linac Coherent Light Source Design Study Report, LCLS
Design Study Group, SLAC-Report, 1998.
The author wishes to thank H.-D. Nuhn for
many useful discussions. This work was supported


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