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Core Measures – Case Management Drives Compliance,

Performance Improvement and Revenue

Case Management often serves as the bridge between hospital resource management and clinical care. This position has led to the diverse
scope of current hospital case management practice. Case Management departments are tasked with managing widely varied functional areas,
intervening in problem areas as they arise, and managing new issues that affect both hospital resources and clinical practice. One such issue
that has arisen in the past few years and impacted case management practice are the Core Measures reimbursement incentives developed by
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Core Measures are the tangible forerunner of two emerging issues: public reporting of
physician and hospital performance, and pay-for-performance – compensation based on documented performance as an alternative to the
historical fee-for-service system of reimbursement.

Section 501(b) of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 improvement surrounding reporting compliance, documentation, and
“provides a financial incentive available during FY 2005 – 2007 process improvement. Core Measures data collection revealed scores
for certain hospitals to report to CMS on the quality of inpatient that would cause reductions to Medicare reimbursements. In January
care provided to all patients.” This was one of a series of steps to 2006, the case management department assumed responsibility and
promote public reporting of hospital quality information. began an initiative focused on improving Core Measures compliance
The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 made Core Measures a fixture on and documentation, and developing structures for process
the acute care landscape, and improvement based on Core
defined a total of 21 measures Measures outcomes. The
for four clinical topics: Acute Brownwood Regional Medical Center results of this initiative have
Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Coree M
Cor Measur
easuree T
easur Triggers
riggers been rapid improvement in
Congestive Heart Failure CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE Core Measures scores for all
(CHF), Pneumonia (PN), and ■ History
istory of CHF
four clinical topics. In January
Previous diagnosis of AMI, clinical diagnosis of angina, diabetes, hypertension and accompanied
Surgical Care Improvement by at least three of the follo
following symptoms: 2006, prior to the initiative, the
■ Shortness of breath
Project (SCIP). Reporting of ■ Trouble sleeping overall scores for each were as
■ Fatigue
Core Measures data remains ■ Dry,
Dr hacking cough
follows: AMI was 89 percent,
voluntary. Reporting hospitals ■ Swelling
■ W
Weight gain (3 lbs. or more in one day or 5 lbs. in one week)
CHF was 48 percent, SCIP was
can now, based on ■ Anorexia 35 percent, and PN was 78
■ Dizziness
performance, gain up to percent. Proving the
an additional two percent ■ Physician diagnosis of pneumonia effectiveness of the initiative,
of Medicare reimbursements ■ Fever (greater than 100.4° F) with no other cause
■ Leukopenia (less than 4000 WBC) or leukocytosis (greater than 12,000 WBC)
scores for March 2007 were:
for these diagnoses. ■ Altered mental status with no other cause in patients greater than 70 years of age AMI was 100 percent, CHF was
Further accompanied by at least one of the follo following:
Non-reporting hospitals, ■ Purulent sputum (or change in character of sputum) 86 percent, SCIP was 92
however, may have their ■ New onset or worsening of cough
■ Dyspnea or tachypnea
percent, and PN was 96
Medicare reimbursements ■ Rales or bronchial breath sounds percent. The improvement
■ W Worsening
orsening gas ex
change (oxygen desaturations PA PAO2/FIO2 less than 40)
reduced by two percent, as produced by this initiative is
can hospitals that fall below ■ Diagnosis of R/O MI expected to generate
the 50th percentile. ■ Previous MI/CABG
increased revenue to the
Exhibiting signs/symptoms of an AMI:
Triad Hospitals is a Texas- ■ Chest pain hospital of greater than two
■ Jaw,
Ja shoulder
shoulder, back, or arm pain
based for-profit health system ■ Sweating
Sw percent of the Medicare
that owns or manages 51 ■ Shoulder pain
■ Pounding heart
reimbursements for the
hospitals with over 7,800 beds. ■ Nausea effected DRGs.
■ Other:
The decision was made at the
corporate level to participate EARLY CASE IDENTIFICATION
in Core Measures data Unit
Unit Secr
etaryy Signature
etar ignatur Charge N Nurse Signature
The process
collection and ongoing Pa ient Label
Pat improvements targeting
performance improvement in FORM 3512; 1/2006 • WORKSHEET - NOT A PART OF THE PERMANENT RECORD
Core Measures scores at
Core Measures areas. Brownwood Regional
Additionally, the Core FIGURE A recognized that increasing
Measures initiatives in each hospital are lead by and the responsibility Core Measures performance would require concurrent management
of Case Management. of these cases. Therefore, early identification of patients with applicable
Brownwood Regional Medical Center is a 196-licensed bed facility diagnoses was critical. A method was needed to identify cases even
serving the rural area around Brownwood, TX. The Quality Department before a formal diagnosis was reached so that management for Core
at Brownwood Regional began collecting Core Measures data in 2004, Measures could begin as early as possible. Case management created
but scores consistently indicated the need for performance and implemented a “trigger sheet” (see Figure A) to include in the
continued on page 8

Core Measures – Case Management Drives Compliance, Performance Improvement and Revenue (continued from page 7)

initial nursing assessment. This sheet is used to identify patients whose Management as they are produced, providing real-time performance
symptoms indicate the likelihood of a CHF, AMI, or PN diagnosis. The improvement information.
trigger sheet travels with the patient’s chart and initiates a case
management referral as the patient is admitted to a unit. STRUCTURES FOR PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT
The Core Measures initiative also expanded the function of the unit THROUGH CORE MEASURES OUTCOMES
secretaries to include them in the identification process of these cases. Reports submitted to CMS display the percentage of compliance
Unit secretaries are responsible to bring cases that meet criteria as with and completion of all Core Measures, which is the key measure on
indicated on the “trigger sheet” to the attention of the case manager on which incentive reimbursements are based. For example, of all the
the unit, who then assumes management of the case for Core Measures patients treated at the hospital for that PN during that month, what
compliance. In addition to expanding their role, the initiative influenced a percentage had all Core Measures treatment steps completed in time
change in reporting that moved the unit secretary positions under the and documented?
Director of Case Management. This structure provides case management In addition to the measures required by CMS, data abstraction
control of a patient’s chart as soon as they are admitted to a unit. It also makes available additional information useful for performance
creates a structure for managing new Core Measures as additional clinical improvement. Reports are generated for each case where complete
diagnoses are added by CMS or as the existing measures are modified. Core Measures compliance was not achieved, displaying the diagnosis,
the specific task(s) left incomplete and/or undocumented, admitting
CORE MEASURES MANAGEMENT source, and all parties responsible for the patient including case
When unit secretaries identify a chart meeting “trigger sheet” manager, physician, nurse, and pharmacist. Performance improvement
criteria, they attach a “gold sheet.” This is a single page listing each opportunities identified through this process are then pursued through
Core Measures treatment step for that diagnosis, and providing a structures created as part of the Core Measures initiatives process.
check-off box and initial line indicating completion. The unit case Identified performance improvement needs are brought to
manager uses this sheet to manage and document Core Measures physicians and the medical staff in two ways. For each instance when a
compliance, actively working with the attending physician and other missing physician order caused Core Measures failure, the physician is
caregivers while the patient is in-house. The “gold sheet” helps the case sent a letter detailing the incident. A copy of this letter is also sent to
manager prioritize and monitor each measure. The “gold sheet” used Peer Review. In addition, Core Measures scores for individual physicians
for SCIP patients is show in Figure B. are abstracted and sent to each physician quarterly. These individual
While Core Measures are primarily managed by case management, scores, with names excluded, are presented quarterly at meetings of the
other services are also involved. Most of the Core Measures steps are Physician Leadership Group, the Medical Executive Committee, Surgery
performed by the medical staff – by nursing or by physician order. Committee, and Medicine Committee. Each physician already knows
Respiratory Therapists conduct adult smoking cessation education his or her individual performance scores, and can then see them in
with AMI patients. Discharge instructions for CHF patients are comparison to the rest of the medical staff. If consistently poor
provided by nursing and checked by case management. performance is recognized, then Peer Review will be initiated.
After the patient has been discharged, the “gold sheet” remains Identified performance improvement needs are brought to nursing
attached to the chart for easy identification of Core Measures patients staff through a standard Friday afternoon meeting that includes all Nurse
in Medical Records. As part of the restructuring, two positions were Managers, the Abstractors, and Case Management. The Abstractors
present any performance shortcomings by
detailing the case, missing steps or non-
Abstraction Validation Tool • Surgery urgeryy P
urger Patients
compliance, and the individual staff nurse
Patient Acct# MR#
responsible. The Nurse Manager for that unit
Incision Time Antibiotic Time then reviews the case and brings the issue to the
Antibiotic Stop Time and Date Attend DR.
A individual nurse’s attention as needed, along
geon with instructions for improvement.

Antibiotic infused within 1 hour of incision ■ Yes

Prep done with clippers ■ Yes
Y ■ No At Brownwood Regional Medical Center
Antibiotic stopped 24 hours from surger
surgery end time ■ Yes
Y ■ No support from the health system’s corporate
level enabled Case Management to procure
FIGURE B the resources necessary to drive Core
created to abstract Core Measures and mortality data. These positions, Measures. The primary barrier encountered during restructuring and
housed in Medical Records, are staffed by experienced patient care implementation was a lack of education regarding Core Measures.
nurses and report to the Director of Case Management. The Abstractors The Case Management and Quality Department staff members had
pull charts with “gold sheets” attached and abstract Core Measures some familiarity with the system, but many of the medical and nursing
data into a vendor-purchased software. Data is submitted monthly to staff members did not. To address this barrier, significant (and ongoing)
CMS. Core Measures reports are available to the Director of Case educational efforts formed the foundation of the restructuring. Case

w w w . a c m a w e b . o r g

Core Measures – Case Management Drives Compliance, Performance Improvement and Revenue

Management, Nursing, Respiratory and Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, added to Core Measures, and that reimbursement for this diagnosis will
and medical staff all received educational in-services on Core Measures. likely begin in 2008. In preparation for this addition, Brownwood Regional
Physician understanding of and enthusiasm for the Core Measures Medical Center has added this diagnosis to their current Core Measures
initiative was one of the most vital components of success. To increase system. Beginning in March, the unit secretaries began screening
physician understanding of and buy-in to the system, the education charts for this diagnosis, and the abstractors began tracking data for
first made clear that Core Measures were developed to reflect evidence- these cases. This will allow Brownwood Regional to develop a base-line
based patient care practices. Additionally, Core Measures performance measure of performance and, more importantly, to identify areas for
was not presented as a hospital outcome, but as performance improvement so that corrections can be made before performance in
measurements specific to individual physicians, and the system of the treatment of this diagnosis is tied to financial reimbursement.
ongoing monitoring and public comparison of scores was introduced. As Core Measures expand, other services will increasingly become
Significant education was also provided for the unit secretaries involved in their management. At Brownwood Regional, social
regarding their new role in Core Measures management. Educators first workers have not yet become involved in Core Measures management.
provided the background of Core Measures, emphasizing the basis in However, they were part of the same educational process as the case
quality patient care, and then taught the unit secretaries how to use the managers, and it is likely that Core Measures compliance will soon
“trigger sheet” (Figure A). This tool was designed to allow non-clinically involve this service as well, primarily in assessment of patients and
educated staff to effectively identify cases. The education included the arrangement of compliant discharges.
expectations for managing “trigger sheets,” auditing their completion, The evolution of Core Measures will continue as performance
and communication standards. Unit secretaries are expected to create scores improve nationwide. The score required to receive maximum
case management referrals for indicated cases upon their initial reimbursement is continuously increasing, raising the reimbursement
contact with the chart. They enter a referral into the computer system curve. This trend will continue as the program matures and as
which then automatically sends a fax to case management. Core organizations increasingly seek to leverage the financial incentives
Measures outcomes were added to the performance evaluations of unit available. For organizations that successfully manage Core Measures
secretaries as well as case managers. performance, the final effect will be increased reimbursements and
publicly reported quality performance. Patients, however, will be the
THE FUTURE IMPACT OF CORE MEASURES ultimate beneficiaries as they receive increasingly higher quality care.
Although the Core Measures system is relatively young, it has already
been expanded by CMS – in 2005 the original 10 quality measures were Jacqueline McClure
McClure, RN, BHCA, FAACM, has been the Director of
expanded to 21, and SCIP was added to the original three clinical areas. Clinical Resource Management at Brownwood Regional Medical Center
It is likely that CMS will continue to expand the system. Triad Hospitals in Brownwood, TX since 2004. She previously held the same position at
monitors communications from CMS regarding expansions and Shannon Medical Center in San Angelo, TX. She earned her Diploma RN
changes and regularly communicates these to its hospitals, including from Kaiser Foundation Nursing School in Oakland, CA, and her BHCA
Brownwood Regional Medical Center. from Graceland University in Independence, MO. She will complete her
CMS has indicated that Pediatric Asthma will be the next clinical area MSN/MBA from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ, in December.

Pay for Performance and Commercial Reimbursement Contracts

In addition to CMS, commercial payers are also using quality indicators for payment incentives. The experience of Arnot Ogden Medical Center in
Elmira, NY illustrates the significant role that quality indicators can play in commercial reimbursement contracts.

Arnot Ogden Medical Center is a 212 licensed-acute-bed hospital in patient safety indicators and the remaining 50% to three clinical
Elmira, NY. The hospital began collecting quality indicator data in 2003 as indicators. The specific indicators and reimbursement weights are
part of the initial CMS/Premier Inc. Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration chosen by the hospital and Arnot Ogden chose quality indicators that
(HQID), which was the first national pay-for-performance project of its aligned with and overlapped the CMS HQID Measures. The specific
kind. Core Measures are driven by the Case Management Department, thresholds for these indicators are determined through negotiation and
and have consistently produced additional revenue for the hospital. must be met in order to receive the assigned percentage of Blue Cross
In 2005, Blue Cross in New York approached certain hospitals, reimbursements. When the contract is renegotiated annually, the
including Arnot Ogden Medical Center, regarding changing the structure indicators and thresholds are reevaluated and renegotiated.
of their contracts. Arnot Ogden had the option to remain with their The CFO, CNO, and Senior Director of Continuum of Care met to
standard contract, receiving regular reimbursement rates, or add to the discuss which indicators to include in the contract. The quality
contract quality indicators that would be tied to as much as a four indicators, thresholds, and payment weights they chose are as follows:
percent increase in payment. Since Blue Cross patients account for 20 • CHF – Discharge Instructions Provided
percent of their inpatient population, Arnot Ogden management chose – Threshold: 90% – Reimbursement Weight: 12%
to pursue the incentive revenue. • PN – Oxygenation Assessment
The Blue Cross offer tied 50% of incentive reimbursements to two – Threshold: 99% – Reimbursement Weight: 25%

continued on page 11

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