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Past tense

01. Complete com o tempo verbal adequado as frases abaixo:
a) Francis ________________ home yesterday.(to leave)
b) I ________________ to Guaruj last week. (to go)
c) She ________________ that house a year ago.(to buy)
d) Mark ________________ to you last month.(to write)
02. The Brazilian football team _______________ to Venezuela last week.
a) flew
b) fly
c) flown
d) flying
e) have flown
03. I wish tomorrow ________________ Easter.
a) has been
b) is
c) were
d) be
e) wil be
04. I ____________ what he ____________ but I could not understand it.
a) hear / said
b) heard / says
c) hear / say
d) heard / said
e) hearing /saying
05. Now I realize that I acted as if I ________________ a child.
a) was
b) be
c) were
d) is
e) am
06. The little boy ______ the picture of a garden at school last Monday.

a) draw
b) draws
c) drawn
d) drew
e) drawing
07. My mother is not very patient. I wish she _____________ our problems.
a) understood
b) understands
c) will understand
d) can understand
e) may understand
08. Yesterday, while he _______ down the street, he _______ an old friend of his.
a) has walked / met
b) walked / had met
c) was walking / met
d) walked / was meeting
e) walks / met
09. I wish I _______ more money: I would buy a new flat.
a) earn
b) earned
c) earns
d) to earn
e) am earning
10. The British Ambassador to Paris _______ his first public speech.
a) makes
b) make
c) is making
d) made
e) to make

01. a) left
b) went
c) bought
d) wrote

02. A
06. D
10. D

03. C
07. A

04. D
08. C

05. C
09. B

Perfect tense

01. Complete com o tempo verbal adequado do verbo entre parnteses:
a) You _____________ ever caviar?
(to eat)
b) She ___________ just from France.
(to arrive)
02. Paul ___________ half the work, when they ___________ in.
a) finished, came
b) has finished, came
c) had finished, had come
d) has finished, had come
e) had finished, came
03. Paul ___________ in Germany since 1998.
a) lived
b) has lived
c) will live
d) lives
e) live
04. (UNIP) Things ___________ a lot since October.
a) changed has
b) are changing
c) has changed
d) change
e) have changed
05. (ITA) A: Would you like some more whisky?
B: Yes, you ___________ it.
a) have already drunk
b) have already drink
c) already drink

d) has already drunk

e) have already drinking
06. Which is the correct form?
a) The Mr. Patrick is our professor since March.
b) Mr. Patrick have been our professor since March.
c) Mr. Patrick is our professor since March.
d) Mr. Patrick has been our professor since March.
e) Mr. Patrick has been our professor from March.
07. My brother _________ to me for months.
a) doesn't write
b) don't write
c) has not written
d) has not being written
e) have written
08. He'd been a businessman before he ___________ an actor.
a) becomes
b) has become
c) become
d) is becoming
e) became
09. ________________ his watch yet?
a) Didn't he found
b) Hasn't he found
c) Doesn't he find
d) Don't he find
e) Do he finds
10. (MACKENZIE) A: Was that 9 o'clock train?
B: Yes, you ___________ it.
a) have just missed
b) has just missed
c) have just miss
d) have just missing
e) had just miss

01. a) Have you ever eaten caviar?
b) She has just arrived from France.
02. E
06. D
10. A

03. B
07. C

04. E
08. E

05. A
09. B

Present tense

01. Complete com o tempo correto do verbo indicado as frases:
a) Take the money just in case you ________________ it.
(to need)
b) As soon as he ________________ back, Ill tell you.
(to come)
02. Complete com o tempo correto do verbo indicado as frases:
a) Leave the money with me in case he ________________.
(to return)
b) She _________ while her husband ___________ the paper.
(to cook) (to read)
03. Complete com o tempo correto do verbo indicando as frases:
a) Waithere until they ________________.
(to arrive)
b) Be quiet! He ____________ now.
(to sleep)
04. Wake me up as soon as my brothers________________.
a) will arrive
b) arrived
c) arrive
d) had arrived
e) is arriving
05. Hello, Ann. What are you doing?

I _______________ my books.
a) were looking
b) had looked
c) has been looking
d) am looking for
e) looks
06. Will you see her when she __________ ?
a) arrived
b) does arrives
c) did arrive
d) arrive
e) arrives
07. "My wife learned to play bridge."
"How nice! We _______________."
a) play often that game, too
b) often play that game, too
c) also that game play often
d) play also that game often
e) play too often that game
08. I'm taking my umbrella in case it ________ later on.
a) rains
b) rain
c) raining
d) is rainning
e) rained
09. A: I',m sorry: I forgot to post your letter.
B: Never mind! I'll post it myself when I _________ out.
a) going
b) am go
c) go
d) goes
e) gone
10. As long as I ___________ I'll not move from my home town.
a) lives
b) to lives

c) live
d) am living
e) to live

01. a) need (present aps in case)
b) comes (present aps expresso de tempo as soon as = assim que)
02. a) returns (present aps in case)
b) is cooking / is reading (present continuous indicando simultaneidade)
03. a) arrive (present aps expresso de tempo until = at)
b) is sleeping (present continuous com now)
04. C
08. A

05. D
09. C

06. E
10. C

07. B

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