Servicenow Imp

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1)Which of the following can be performed by inbound email actions

a)Create or update task records

b)Send an email when a task record changes
c)create a new table
d)Send scheduled reports
2)What process does the knowledge Base Manage?
a)Ordering and billing cycle initiated when items are purchased using the
service Catalog
b)Weekly and Monthly Operations reports done on archived and current data
c)Document review cycle, which includes submission,feedback from subject
matter experts(SMEs),and publishing
d)System asset reassignment accomplished as the real-time tracking of
hardware and software assets
3)In Service Catalog, when a user orders several items(for example, a desktop
computer,keyboard, and mouse),the types of numbers
Generated to track the order are REQ,RITM and..?
a)Procurement Grown Number
b)BSM Map number
c)Fulfillment Task Number
d)Catalog Task Number
4) Which one of the following statements is true for system administrators who are
deleting tables?
a)Deleting a table does not delete other associated elements like views and
gauges. These elements must be deleted separately,
b)Only tables beginning with a u_ can be permanently deleted.
c)Deleting an out of box system table permanently deletes it form use by all
instances at a customer site,
d)An ESS user can delete any configuration item that is referenced by the
problem table , saving you time.

5) which one of the following is a true characteristic for workflows in service

a) The start and end activities in workflows can be changed
b)Workflows can have multiple rounds of Approval actions
c)workflows can have a maximum of five rounds of approval actions
d)Only one rollback activity is allowed in a workflow.
6) What does the acronym RITM stand for?
a)Request Infrastructure Task Module
b)Record Integration Task Manager
c)Requested Item
d)Requested Top Requests Module
7)What is a sys_id?
a)Unique identifier used to call server scripts
b)Unique identifier used in routing data to a data-center
c)A unique value that is used in reporting
d)Unique identifier that is assigned to every table record
8)An Access control is a feature of what type of security methodology?
a)Physical Security
b)Contextual Security
c)Barrier Security
d)Compliance Security
9)When adding a variable to a catlog item,what does the order field determine?
a)The order field sets the availability of the variable item by graying the item
if it is not available to be ordered.
b)The ordered field displays a fulfillment priority value by calculating and
presenting an expected delivery date.

c)The order field value is used to display the variable by price.the order is
more expensive to less expensive.
d)The order field establishes the display order of the variables.Variables are
listed by ascending order values.

10)What is an Access Control defined and applied to?

a) Specific table user
b)Specific role or user
c)Specific group of users
d)Specific user on a configuration item
11)Which module contains SLAs,OLAs, and Underpinning cotracts?
a)Asset Contract
b)Service Level Management
c)Content Management
d) Service catalog
12.)Which one of the following statements is true when using the slushucket(are
also known as list collectors) to design a form or list?
a)The available column is a list of the fields that are currently displayed on
the existing form.
b)If the field name appears is a bold font alter being moved to selected
column ,the field is a reference field.
c)When a field is moved from the selected column to the available
column,the field is removed from the form
d)To exactly position fields on the form,use the left and right buttons.

13)The company requests workflow is a workflow running against the

RequestItem[sc_req_item] table. What are the ways the workflow cab be attached to
specific requests?
a)Workflows cab only be attached to specific requests automatically based on

b) Manually on the catalog Item form, automatically based on conditions or

automatically if there are no other workflows attached.
c)Manually on the catalog Item form, only manually based on conditions, or
only manully if there are no workflows attached.
d)Workflows can only be attached to specific requests manually on the
catalog Item form.
14)Which one statement correctly describes access control rule evaluation?
a)If a row level rule and a field level rule exist, both rules must be true before
an operation is allowed.
b) Rules are evaluated using roles. The role with the most permissions
evaluated the rules first.
c) Rules are evaluated from the general to the specific, so a table rule must
be active to continue.
d)If more than one rule applies to a row, the older rule is evaluated first.

15) when is data stored?


16) Which one of the following statements describes the purpose of an update set?
a)By default, an update set includes customizations,Business Rules. And
b)By default, the changes included in an update set are visible only in the
instance to which they are applied.
c)An update set is a group of customizations that is moved from production to
d)An update set allows administrators to group a series changes into a
named set and then move this set as a unit to other systems.

17) When running Transform on a n import set, how does the service Now system
handle the data being imported?
a)Records are ignored when the data in the instance matches the data being
b) Records are overwritten when the data in the instance matches the data
being imported.
c) The Transform Map acts as a staging area for records imported from a data
d) The import set table allows you to define destinations for imported data on
ServiceNow tables.

18)What is Single Sign-o(SSO)?

a) A type of integration that enables a user to log in once and pain access to
the resources of multiple software systems without being prompted to log in again.
b)A process that gets access to third-paty software that allows servicenow to
write to outside databases.
c) A serviceNow application that maintains, stores and validates passwords
for access to servicenow applications.
d)A type of serviceNow release that updates existing serviceNow instances.

19) What are two of the stings that can be made in the contextual security
a) Ability to change release dates and manage group persona
b) Ability to change release dates and restrict automatic notifications
c) Ability to set the maximum attachment size and specigy the attachment
file types
d) Ability to disable applications and to set the maximum notification size
20)which section of the serviceNow GUI contains the global search feature?
a)List pane
b)Lower Navigation bar

d)Application Navigator
21) Which one of the following modules can be used to view field settings for a
a)Columns and Fields
b)Tables and Fields
c)Tables & Columns
d)Access Control
22) What are the main components of the service now graphical user interface
a) Application Navigator, News Content Frame,List pane and information
b)Application Navigator ,Banner,Power Edge, and Content frame
c) Navigation Bar, Report Gauge frame, Power Bar, and News Content Block
d) Application List, Repot Gauge frame, Power Bar and Details pane
23)In a typical serviceNow instance, what types of users are in the system? Choose
one list that orders from 1= most seats to 4= least amount of seats.
a)1)System Aministrator2)ITIL user3)Delegated Administrator4)ESS user
b) 1)ESS user2)Delegated Administrator3) ITIL user4) System Administrator
c) 1)System Administrator 2)Delegated Administrator 3) ITIL user 4) ESS user
4) 1) ESS user 2) ITIL user 3) Delegated Administrator 4) System

24)What is the organizing structure used in the knowledge Base to organize

a)Within the knowledge Base , articles are organized by the incident that thet
are attached to.
b) within the knowledge Base application, me articles module organizes
articles by author.

c)within a knowledge base topic, articles are organized into categories.

d)Within a knowledge Base topic , articles are organized alphabetically for
every week of the month.

25)Because a homepage is dynamically generated , which one of the following is a

way to influence performance?
a) Set Refresh to off or to longer time increment.
b)Rearrange the homepage to place al gauges at the top of the page.
c) Add more gauges to the homepage so that the data is reused between the
d)Rearrange the homepage to place all gauges at the bottom of the page.

26) What is the primary purpose of the Impersonate Feature?

a) To check what role is given to a specific user
b) To check password strength of another user
c) To check if a UI Policy applies to a Business Rule
d) To act as a different user for testing purposes

27) Which one of the following includes a quick way an approval manager can
approve a service Catalog request?
a) In the Requests list, right click the REQ Number and select Approve
b) In the Catalog Tasks list, right-click the TASK number and select Approve.
c) In the Catalog Tasks form , Select Approve from the state field drop-down
d)On the requested Item form, select Approve from the Request field dropdown list.

28)Which one of the following statements describes the purpose of a service

Catalog workflow?
a) The service Catalog workflow is used to deive complex fulgillment
processes and sends notifications to defines users or groups
b) The Service catalog workflow generates three basic components: item
variable types,tasks, and approvals
c) The service Catalog workflow generates three basic components: item
variable types, tasks, and notifications.
d)Although a service Catalog workflow cannot send notifications, the
workflow drives complex fulfillment processes.

29) which of the following is a list of what the service Catalog contains?
a) order Guides , Catalog Items, and Interceptors
b) Catalog Items , Asset contracts, Task Surveys
c) Order guides, Exchange Rates, calendars
d) Record Producers, Order Guides , and Catalog Items
30) Within a form m which of these methods can be used to view the Dictionary
settings for a field?
a) Double- Click on field label
b) Right-click on the form header and select Personalize>Form Layout
c) Right click on the reference icon and select personalize>Dictionary
d) Right-Click on the field label and select personalize>Dictionary
31.)In an incident form,which one of the following is an example of a UI policy?
a.)Export field data from list
b.)Add a module to an application
c)Make the policy field read-only
d)Export field data fro, a from.

32.)M aking the background color of the development instance different from the
production instance makes it easily recognize.which one of the following is a correct
list of steps to customize the background color of the header bar?
a)Banner and list caption background color > drag new color
into banner > save
b)Right portion of the page header and browser title > type in
color code > save
c)Rightmost portion of the page header and browser tide > type
in color > code > save > refresh
d)Banner and list caption background color > type in color code
> save > refresh page
33)New records ,new groups, and modified configuration items (Cis):what do they
have in common?
a.)They are included in an update set.
b)They are customization.
c)They do not have anything in common.
d)They are not captured in an Update set.
34.)In the Application Navigator , how is the list of applications determined?
a)The list of applications is determined by the service level agreements(SLAs).
b)Every user has a applications and uses filtering to End and access assigned to
the user.
c)The list of applications is but according to the roles that have been assigned to
the user.
d)The department manager assigns applications to each user in the department.
35.)Why the Bussiness Service Management(BSM) map is displayed for a
configuration item,where is configuration item located in the maps.
a)The configuration item is at the bottom of a flow chart structure,and all the
configuration items that feed data to the configuration item are shown above.
b)The configuration item is at the ton of a flow chart structure,and all the
configuration items that feed data to the configuration item are shown below.

c)The configuration item is in the center of the map,with upstream

configuration items and downstream configuration items displayed.
d)The configuration item is at the top of a pyramid structure.showing all the
configuration items affected by it.
36.)Which of the following ia an accurate list of changes that are captured in an
update set?
a)Changes made to:tables,forms,Bussiness Rules, and data records
b.)Changes made to:tables,forms,views and fields.
c.)Changes made to:tables,forms,schedules, and client scripts
d)Changes made to:tables,forms,groups and congiration items(Cis).
37.)When does the submit batton appear on a form?
a)When changing a new record
b)When changing the reference field in an existing record
c)when saving an old record
d)When updating an existing record
38.)What is a workflow primarily used for?
a)To send email notifications
b)to automate a sequence of activities.
c)to order catalog items
d)To schedule reports
39.)When a uer customize a homepage,the system make a copy the homepage
a)Renames me homepage with the name of the user
b)Adds a MY prefix to the homepage name
c)Does not change anything
d)Maintains the homepage name
40)Which one of the following is an example of a one-to-many table relationship?
a)User table[sys_user] references the Task table[task] assigned to field.

b)Thye Task table[task] assigned to field reference the user table[sys_user}.

c)Incident table[incident] opened field reference the calendar table
d.)The Incident [incident] table reference all tables with open tasks.
41)When creating a new table named abc.what is the system table name that is
automatically assigned by the system?
42)What is an Update set used for?
a)To reconfigure system resources
b) To apply changes that have been checked and verified in another instance
c) To apply updates to hardware resources
d) To determine relationships between Import set tables and existing
servicenow tables
43.)Incident,problem, and change tables extend which table?
b)Prosess steps [access_steps]
44)What is the Retroactive Start field within an SLA definition record used for?
a)ALLows new SLAs to be Associated with existing tickets.
b)Prevents users from creating tickets with a date in the past
c)Allows the SLA to set its Start time to a specific day/time field from an
earlier event
d)There is nomRetroactive Start field

45)What is the industry term used to describe the computing platform and solution
stack that supports the delivery of web applications?
a)Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
b)Single Sign On (SSO)
c)Platform as a Service(Paas)
d)Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP)
46)Which of the following statement describes the purpose of an order guide?
a)Order guides restrict th number of items in an order to only one itm per
b)Order Guides provide a list of guidelines for Administrators on how toset up
item variables.
c)Order guides provide me ablility to order multiple,related items as one
d)Order guides take the user directly to the checkout without prompting for
47)How is Coalesce Used in Import sets?
a)Coalesce is a method to merge multiple transform maps before the load
data step in import process.
b)Using Coalesce,I the import set application does match source values to
currently existing target vaues,a new record is inserted.
c)Using Coalesce,Import setsnmay update existing records in a destination
production table.
d)If multiple fields are set to coalesce,then only the first coalesce value is
used to match an existing record.
48)What setting allows users to view a Knowledge Base article even if they are not
logged in?
a)The allow AI role
b)The view AI setting
c)The public setting
d)The ESS role

49)Which statement is true for a user who belongs to more then one group?
a)When a user ia a member of multiple groups,each group grants permission
to the user.
b)When a user is a member of multiple groups,the group with the most
permissions has precedence over all the other groups.
c)When designated as a delegate,a user must belong to the same
department as the user who is not available.
d)when designated as a delegate,a user cannot belong to the same group as
the user who is not available
50.)Which one of the following phrases completes the statement:the purpose of
tramsform map do?
a)Create a set of new tables before any data is imported during the load
b)It adds a dummy record to align fields in a table before an administrator
runs transform.
C)Determine the relationship b/w displays in an import set table to the fields
in an existing servicenow table.
d)Encrypt data within the instance for higher security.
60)My company wants to have the incdent number prefix as IN instead of the
default INC As an admin,what do I need to do?
a)GO to the Number Maintance application and change the prefix to IN for
b)Create a Bussiness Rule that modifies the prefix before the insertoperation
c)submit a change request to servicenow technical support.
d)The prefix of an incident cannot be changed because it is a builtin feature.

51) On a homepage which one of the following page elements accesses knowledge
base articles?
a) System information

b) News
c) My Requests
d) Service Catalog
52) How do you make a table field the display field for reference lookups against
that table?
a) Create a client script on the table with the syntax setDisplay(fieldname)
b) Right-click on the field label you want to make the display value and click
set as
c)Personalize the Dictionary entry for the field and check the Display
d) Change a Business Rule by adding a filter that reads
53) which one of the following statements correctly describes the differences
between a client script
and Business Rule?
a)A client script runs before a record is loaded and a Business rule runs after
record is loaded.
b) A client script is run on the server and a Business Rules is run on the client.
c)A client script runs on the client on load ,on Change of a field, or on
submission of
a save to the record. A Business Rule runs on the server before or after a record is
deleted, or updated.
d)A client script runs on the client-only on load of a record . A business rules
runs on
the server only after a record is loaded, inserted, deleted or updated.
54) What are the three major steps to create a service catalog request workflow and
make it available to

a)Define workflow properties, create workflow activities and publish the
b)Create workflow activities, create approval action activities, and pblish the
c) Define workflow properties, create workflow activities and create
stage tasks.
d) Define workflow properties, create mark item approved tasks, and create
deployment stage tasks.
55)What list does the house icon(/.\) access?
a)List of most visited web pages
b)List of home pages
c) List of company locations
d)List of gauges used on homepages.
56) Choose one of the following to fill in the blank: A _______ is a user in the system
that receives
another user messages like approval requests, media invitations, and other
business messages
a) ESS user
b) ITIL user
c) Knowledge user
d) Delegate
57) Which one of the following statements describes the contents of the
configuration Management
a) The CMDB contains ITIL process data pertaining to configurations items.
b) The CMDB contains data about tangible and intangible business assets.

c) The CMDB archives all Service Management PaaS quipment metadata and
d)The CMDB contains the Business rules that direct the intangible
assets used by a company
58) Which one of the statements below describes the relationship between the
Incident table and the
Task table?
a) The Task table extends the Incident table.
b) The Task table is a child of the Incident table.
c)The Incident table is a parent of the task table
d) The Incident table extends the Task Table.
59) Which one of the following statements is correct when referring to UI Actions?
a) UI Actions on the Task table are not available to its extended tables
b)UI Actions are only executed on the server
c) UI Actions cannot use scripts or be scripted.
d) Conditions can be specified to determine when a UI Action appears
60)My company wants to have the incdent number prefix as IN instead of the
default INC As an admin,what do I need to do?
a)GO to the Number Maintance application and change the prefix to IN for
b)Create a Bussiness Rule that modifies the prefix before the insertoperation
c)submit a change request to servicenow technical support.
d)The prefix of an incident cannot be changed because it is a builtin feature.

Sample Test 2

41) Please provide an example of when you use Access control record in service
a) To make the updated field on the incident form editable for admin but read
only for ITIL users.
b) To make the updated field on the incident form editable for admin but read
only for ITIL & ESS users.
c) TO change the Security Mechanic settings.
d)To move the admin to selected column with high security settings.

42) Because a homepage is dynamically generated , which one of the following is a

way to influence performance?
a) Set Refresh to off or to Longer time increment.
b) Rearrange the homepage to place all gauges at the top of the page.
c) Add more gauges to the homepage so that the data is reused between the
d) Rearrange the home to place all gauges at the bottom of the page.
43) What is contextual security in service now?
a) Protects a record based on its contents and table location, Data is acted
upon based on the position of the information in the table hierarchy. Defines access
control rules to only level.

b) The contextual security manager provides incredible flexibility and power

to protect information by controlling read/write authorization.
c) It doesnt apply the security rules to any level in the object hierarchy.
d) In platform security settings, High automatically activates the contextual
security plugin if it is already active.
44) After the High security Plug in is activated, a security_ admin privilege is
created. What is an elevated privilege?
a) When a user account has privileges greater than its normal user privileges,
which are temporarily authorized by system admin.
b) The Elevated Privileges Application Launcher is designed to assist a fairly
arrow spectrum of the application compatibility issues.
c) An elevated permission is a role that has special permissions for the
duration of the log in session.
d) Elevated Privileges(EP) allow you to perform configuration changes or
other advanced functions on your computer that ordinary users are not authorized
to perform.

45) What the CMDB application does form the following in service now?
a) Helps locate failed changes.
b) Facilitate quick impact analysis.
c) Increase cost savings to the business.

46) What are the two major record types in the ucmdb?
a) Core Configuration, CI RelationShip.
b) BSM Map, CI configuration.
c) Configuration Item, Relation Type.
d) CI Relationship Builder, Flat Layour.

47) What is a Business Service map(BSM)?

a) Business Service Modeling solutions allow you to map application and
infrastructure performance and availability problems to real defined business
service and end-user impact.
b)A Business service map graphically displays the configuration items that
compose a business service and indicates the status of those configurations items.
c) A Business Service management(BSM) map graphically displays the
service catalog(SC) which shows the status will be refreshed manually.
d) Business Service Management is an enabling technology at the
intersection of business and IT alignment. The days of IT organizations operating
with only an understanding of the IT perspective are quickly passing.
48) Single Line Text, and Select Box are what type of elements is serviceNow?
a) Variable Types
b) Date/Time.
c) Text Area.
d) Data Types.

49) What are the types of metrics?

a) Field value, Metric Instance.
b) Field Value duration, Reporting on Metrics.
c) Metric Instance, Reporting on metrics.
d) Field value duration Script calculation.

50) What does custom charting plug-in allow you to do?

a) It Combines data from inside the service now platform with internal data
only to produce a single char.
b) It combine reports that service Now creates into a single chart.
c) Custom Charting allows you to create charts when you have a requirement
that can not be satisfied with the Report application.

d) It merges data form single table in the platform to create a meaningful


51) What does a service-Now homepage provide?

a) A dashboard of frequently used content which usually includes reports, A
personal space that is configured to be the first page seen after login, Access to
multiple personal home pages, Access to other global homepages the user has the
rights to view.
b) The service catalog ordering page is essentially also a homepage
configured. It shares the same functionality and the information below applies to it
as well.
c) When a user logs into servicenow, theyll be taken immediately to their
homepage. If the user has a personalized homepage, thats what theyll see. A user
sees the homepage with the lowest order value.
d) Servicenow documentation that did not provide an answer, copy and paste
the URL into the text box to help us improve our product documentation.

56) what are the 3 types numbers from orders?

a) Requested Item , Procurement, Fullfillment.
b) Fulfillment, Procurement, Catalog Item, Requested Item.
c) Request Number(REQ),Request Item(RITM), Catalog Task Number.
d) Request Number, Catalog Item.
57)What role allows users to define catalog items.
a) Catalog_admin Role.
b) Service Role.
c) Knowledge Admin Role.
d) Admin Role.
58) Which of the following are you allowed to make customizations to
a) A table.
b) A form.

c) A field.
d) All of the above.

59) By default in servicenow, what customizations are added to update sets?

a) Changes made to data.
b) Changes made to a form.
c) Changes made to a schedule.
d) Changes made to an homepage.
60) Which of the following are workflow activities?
a) Approvals
b) Notifications.
c) Timers
d) All the above

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