Abbreviation Telecom PDF

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AP - Access point (WLAN)

APS - Abandon platform shutdown

AIL - Asset Integrity Level
AIS - Automatic Identification System
ACS - Access Control System
AHU - Air Handling Unit
ALS - Accidental Limit States
ASL - Above Sea Level
ATE - Atmosphere Explosive
ATEX - (Atmospheres EXplosibles) Directive
AFTN - Aeronautical Fixed Telecomunication Network
ATIS - Automatic Terminal Information Service
AGC - Automatic Gain Control
ALC - Automatic Level Control
ATIS - Automatic Terminal Information Service

BGAN - Broadband Global Area Network

BCR - Bridge Control Room (FSO)
BS - Base Station
BHD - Bulkhead
BL - Base Line
BBL - Barrel

CC - Collaboration Centre
CER - Central Equipment Room
CCTV - Closed Circuit Television
C2H2 - Acetylene

CAA - Civil Aviation Authority

CCR - Cargo Control Room
CCS - Cargo Control System
CER - Central Equipment Room
CL - Centre Line
CO - Crude Oil
CoG - Centre of Gravity
COW - Crude Oil Washing
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CS - Current Speed
CSP - Chlorosulphonated polyethylene
CTR - Contractor

DSLAM - Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexor

DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System
DCS - Digital Selective calling
DARPS - Differential Absolute and Relative Positioning Sensor
DB - Distribution Board
DC - Direct Current
DG - Diesel Generator
DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System
DNV - Det Norske Veritas
DO - Diesel Oil
DP - Dynamic Positioning
DWT - Deadweight Tones
DX - Direct Expansion

DME - Distance Measuring Equipment

DDI - Direct Dial In

E.R. - Engine Room

ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display System
EDMS - Electronic Document Management System
EIL - Environmental Integrity Level
ERR - Emergency Response Centre
ESD - Emergency Shut Down
ESPA - European Selective Paging Association
ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information
EPIRB - Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
ECR - Engine Control Room
ECS - Electrical Control System
EMC - Electromagnet compatibility
EMI - Electromagnetic interference
EPR - Ethylene propylene rubber
ERR - Emergency Response Room
ESB - Emergency Switchboard Board
Ex - Marking for explosive atmosphere
Exd - Flameproof Ex protection method
Exe - Increased safety Ex protection method

F&G - Fire and Gas

F.F. - Fire Fighting
FE - Finite Element
FEED - Front End Engineering Definition

FES - Fire and Explosion Strategy

FGS - Fire and Gas System
FO - Fuel Oil
Fr - Frame
FRC - Fast Rescue Boat
FTS - Fluid Transfer System
FW - Fresh Water
FSO - Floating storage and offloading vessel
FO - Fibre Optic
FAT - Factory Acceptance Tests
F&G - Fire and Gas Detection System

GMDSS - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

GLONASS - GLobal NAvigation Satellite System (Russia)
GPS - Global Positioning System (USA)
Gb - Giga bit, 10 9
GA - General Arrangement
GPS - Global Positioning System
GRP - Glass Reinforced Plastic
GSWB - Galvanised steel wire braid (Armour)
GTS - General Technical Specification

HDTV - High Definition TV

HTCC - Helitower Control Centre
HSE - Health, Safety, Environment
HART - Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
HAZOP - Hazard and Operability

HC - Hydro Carbons
HMI - Human Machine Interface
HPU - Hydraulic Power Unit
HRP - Hydro acoustic Reference Positioning
Hs - Significant Wave Height
HSE - Health, Safety and Environment
HTS - High Tensile Steel
HV - High Voltage
HVAC - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

ISPS - International Ship and Port facility Security

IACS - International Association of Classification Societies
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
ICSS - Integrated Control and Safety System
IMS - Information Management System
ISD - Information System Department
IS - Intrinsically Safe
IP - Internet Protocol
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICLL - International Convention On Load Line
ID - Identification
IE - Instrument Earth
IEC - International Electrical Commission
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Inmarsat - International Marine Organization
IMSO - International Mobile Satellite
IALA - International Association of Lighthouse Authorities

IG - Inert Gas
ILO - International Labour Organization
IMO - International Maritime Organisation
IMR - Inspection Maintenance Repair
IPR - Ingress Protection Ratings
ISCS - Integrated Security Communication System
ISO - International Standard Organisation
ISS - Instrumented Safety System
IDC - Insulation Displacement Contact
IT - Insulated neutral system
ITR - Instrument Technical Room
ITU-R - International Telecommunication Union Radio Sector
ITU-T - International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector

KVM - Keyboard, video and mouse

LOS - Line of Sight

LQ - Living Quarter
LAN - Local Area Network
LBP - Length Between Perpendiculars
LC - Loading Case
LER - Local Equipment Room
LGL - Longitudinal
LQ - Living Quarters
LORAN - LOng RAnge NAvigation

MARPOL - The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ships (IMO)

MCC - Motor Control Center

MCS - Marine Control System
MCT - Multi-cable transit system
MEL - Master Equipment List
MGO - Marine Gas Oil
MICC - Mineral insulated copper cables
MOB - Man Over Board
MOU - Mobile Offshore Unit
MSL - Mean Sea Level
MTO - Material Take Off
MWL - Minimum Break Load
MMSI - Maritime Mobile Service Identity
MTR - Main Telecommunication Room
MWD - Measurement While Drilling

NAVTEX - Navigational Telex

nm - Nautical mile = 1.85200 kilometres
NMEA - National Marine Electronics Association
NMD - Norwegian Maritime Directorate
NPT - Norwegian Post- and Tele Administration
NDB - Non-Directional Beacon
N/A - Not applicable
N2 - Nitrogen
NCS - Norwegian Continental Shelf
NMD - Norwegian Maritime Directorate
NORSOK - Norwegian Oil Industry Standards
NPD - Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

NR - Norwegian Regulations

OCR - Offshore Control Room

OOC - Onshore Operations Centre
OSD - Oil Spill Detection
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OSD - Oil Spill Detection
O2 - Oxygen
OCIMF - Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OILYAP - Oily Compartment A PS
OILYBS - Oily Compartment B SB
OLS - Offshore Loading Station
OWT - Oily Water Separator

P&ID - Piping & Instrument Diagram

PABX - Private Access Branch Exchange
PAGA - Public Address and General Alarm
POB - Personnel on Board
PoE - Power over Ethernet
PSS - Process Shutdown System
PCS - Process Control System
PDCS - Power Distribution Control System
PSA - Petroleum Safety Authority / Port Security Assessment
PTS - Personnel Tracking System
PTT - Push to talk
PSD - power Shut Down
PBWB - Phosphor bronze wire braid

PC - Personal Computer
PCS - Process Control System
PDS - Process Data Server
PE - Protective Earth
PFD - Process Flow Diagram
PLC - Programmable logic Controller
PLT - Pneumatic Line Thrower
PMS - Power Management System/Platform Monitoring System
POB - Personnel On Board
PS - Port side
PSD - Process Shut Down
PSF - Partial Safety Factor
PSS - Process Shutdown System
PSV - Pressure safety Valve
PTT - Push to talk
PU - Platform Unit
PVSV - Pressure Vacuum Safety Valve
PL - Phase Lock (to non-audible code)

Q - Flow Rate
QoS - Quality of Service

RFID - Radio Frequency Identification

RIO - Remote Input Output
ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle
RTC - Real Time Clock
RTC - Real Time Clock

RACON - Radar Beacon

ROV - Remotely Operating Vehicle
RASTI - Rapid Speech Transmision Index
RX - Receive

S/S - Stainless Steel

SFI - Norwegian System for Classification of Technical and Economic Ship Information
SSAS - Ship Security and Alert System
SART - Search and rescue radar transponder
SDTV - Standard Definition TV
SIE - Enterprise Information Network
SIL - Safety Integrity Level
SOIL - Secure oil information link
STR - Secondary Telecommunication Room
SPL - Sound Pressure Level (dB)
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
STR - Secondary Telecommunication Room
SAT - Site Acceptance Test
SB - Starboard side
SG - Specific Gravity
SII - Industrial Information System
STI - Speech transmission Index
STR - Secondary Telecommunication Room
SLD - Single Line Diagram
SMYS - Specified Minimum Yield Stress
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
SOE - Sequence Of Event

SOLAS - Safety of Life At Sea

STB - Starboard side
STL - Submerged Turret Loading
SW - Sea Water
SWB - Switchboard
SWBM - Still Water Bending Moment
SWL - Safe Working Load
SWSF - Still Water Shear Force
SSP - Ship Security Plans
SSA - Ship Security Assessments
SINAD - Signal-Puls-Noise-Distorsion to Noise-Plus-Distorsion Ratio

TETRA - Terrestrial Trunked Radio

TMS - Tele Monitoring System
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TEMPSC - Enclosed Motor Propelled Survival Craft
TMS - Telecom Monitoring System
TWL - Total Water Level
TZ - Zero Crossing Wave Period

TX - Transmit

U10 - Mean Wind Speed at 10 m above sea level (ASL)

UHF - Ultra High frequency
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
UV - Ultra-Violet
UFR - Umbilical, Floating & Risers

UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply

UHF - Ultra High Frequency
UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator
UMTS - Universal Mobile Telephone System

VHF - Very High Frequency

VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal
VOD - Video on Demand
VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network
VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal
VTS - Vessel Traffic System
VOC - Volatile Organic Compound
VOD - Video on Demand

WAN - Wide Area Network

WB - Water Ballast
WBM - Wave Bending Moment
WH - Weathertight
WiFi - Wireless connection
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
WSF - Wave Shear Force
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

XPLE - Cross linked polyethylene

-> SOLAS and ISPS code for at sea safety and security, for marine installations.

-> ICAO, for helicopters.

-> ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-G for telecommunications, radio-communications and optic fibres systems.

-> ATEX Directive for explosive atmosphere. NORSOK,

-> CR EP TEL 001, stating that an optical fibres ring shall be considered as the base case for
telecommunication support between processing units and head offices.

-> GS EP TEL, GS EP SAF, GS EP ELE, GS EP CIV, GS EP INS, GS EP GEO, GS EP LSO (not limited to) for
telecommunication systems design.

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