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El proyecto oral puede ser desarrollado individualmente o por parejas. Sugiero

desde ahora empezar a hacer un borrador para ste. Para este primer bimestre
cuentan con un tiempo de cinco (si es individual) a diez minutos (si es por
parejas). Si tardan menor tiempo NO hay inconveniente. Lo ms importante es
que sea una actividad agradable para ustedes mismos y pongan en prctica
aquello que han aprendido. Por favor eviten leer durante sus presentaciones;
obviamente pueden apoyarse en fichas, carteleras, imgenes. Ya hemos vistos
que esto funciona de acuerdo a los grupos que nos han acompaado en las
sesiones de clase.
Algunas ideas son:
Talk about your holiday (What do you do on holiday?/Where do you go
to?/Who do you go with?/What do you like doing at that time of the year?
And so on).You can write a dialogue and include details. (I think that this is a
Talk about peoples abilities. Pueden recrear una situacin en donde no
puedan realizar alguna actividad especfica y necesiten de una persona que
si lo pueda hacer. All, es til contemplar lo que les gusta hacer por que
dependiendo de ello tambin se desarrollan habilidades. (I think that this is
a dialogue)
Talking about eating habits in Colombia (Pacific Region, Amazonia Region
and Insular Region) or in three different countries that you have ever visited.
(I think that this is a presentation).
Talking about your diet and lifestyle. You can interview a person to know
how healthy is the diet and the lifestyle. For instance: What do you usually
have very early in the morning?. Do you prefer junk food to vegetables?
What time do you go to bed? How many hours of sleep do you have a day?
El tema puede ser muy rico en contenido. Se debe explorer. ( I think this is
an interview-dialogue)
How to order food in a restaurant (In this Project you can work by three
students) Make a role-play in a restaurant.
Describe where you live. I mean describe Bogot, its weather, its
atmosphere, the activities that you can do here. Maybe you can make a
role-play too. Invite a native friend to visit your city and show him/her this

Talking about yourself. Where/when you were born, what you do/ what you
like doing/who you live with/ Name/ Nickname/ Birth Date/ Place of birth/
Family members/Skills/ Hobbies/Sports.
Survey and tell the class your findings (Find Someone Who...) Often gives
to beggars. Never gives to beggars. Hates to sing Karaoke. Never goes to a
nightclub. Doesnt dance very often. Drinks coke in the disco. Hates action
movies. Loves horror movies. Seldom goes to the cinema. Likes to read
books. Doesnt like to study. Doesnt watch much TV. Has never had a dog.

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