Go Ii: GO OVER Examinar o Estudiar Con Cuidado. GO ROUND Proveer, Ser Eficiente

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GO OVER examinar o estudiar con cuidado.

He went over the plans and discovered two mistakes.
GO ROUND proveer, ser eficiente
Will there be enough wine to go round?
ir a tu/su/vuestra casa
I think Ill go round tonight
GO THROUGH examinar cuidadosamente (normalmente varias
Well have to go through the accounts and see where the mistake is.
Sufrir, aguantar, resistir
No one knows what I went through while I was waiting for the verdict.
GO THROUGH WITH terminar, llevar a buen trmino (a pesar de las
He went through with his plan, although his friends advised him to
abandon it.
GO UP subir (precios)
The price of strawberries went up towards the end of the season.
Explotar en llamas y ser destruido
When the fire reached the cargo of chemicals, the whole ship went
GO WITHOUT arreglarse sin ellos
We had difficulties with the translation, but we went without

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