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Sulekha Go Anti-Jugaad

This is an ad that depicts a middle class man in a semi-urban setting, who uses the
famous Indian Jugaad to solve problems and create quick-fixes in life. The man is
depicted as a serial Jugaadu, and it tells multiple stories of his solutions to
problems and their eventual success or failure.
Catchy Song and funny storyline
The music and lyrics of the song are catchy and increase the retention factor of the
ad. The storyline is amusing and highly relatable, which makes it funny as well as
easy to interpret for the audiences. The multiple failures of the Jugaads, which are
most of the times inadequate as well as unaesthetic lead to highly uncomfortable
situations for the protagonist, but he is constantly proud of his achievements until
his wife gives him an ultimatum. It re-creates for the audience the familiar feeling of
fear of the jugaad falling apart.
Value proposition
Easy, single-click access to trusted professional services through the Sulekha app
on a digital medium can help you get all your household solutions sans
inconvenience, and you need not resort to temporary, time-consuming solutions to
your problems.
Target segment
The target segment is not highly apparent in the ad, but given the nature of the
setting, it will work very well in urban and semi-urban areas. Their plans to launch it
on digital, radio, outdoor and TV platform in cities across the nation in different
languages are well placed given the prevalence of the idea. A specific segment to
which this ad will especially appeal is to those families which have recently
migrated to another place: their traditional reliance on their relations with local
service professionals is no longer available, so they typically have to fix things on
their own in the new place. They want to seek high quality local services, but due to
the amount of efforts they would have to put in to get access to services from
trusted professionals, they end up procrastinating.
Product placement
Sulekha has been perceived to be a classifieds website, and what the ad is trying to
do is rebrand them as a one-stop-shop solution to all the household problems faced
by people.
Message conveyed
This ad appeals on a cultural level to Indians because jugaad has always been a
part of our lives and has always included a component of compromise. It has
traditionally been associated with the lack of resources, but in a world where you
have those resources easily available to you, you need not have such temporary,
parsimonious fixes (which are also not appreciated by all members of the family and
society, as seen from the expression on the face of the father-in-law when the
wedding cars deflated wheel is fixed by jugaadu in an unsatisfactory manner).

When jugaad works, all is well and good, but when it falls apart, it usually does so in
an embarrassing way.
Succinctly put, Kaam jugaad se nahi banta. Go #AntiJugaad. You have dependable
services on your fingertips with sulekha, so there isnt a need for these. Easily
accessible permanent, professional solutions are preferable over quick fixes and

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