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Case study: Colgate Palmolive Company- The Precision

Assignment Questions:
1 What changes are occurring in the toothbrush category? Assess
Colgate Palmolives competitive position.
2 How is the toothbrush market segmented? Compare consumer
behaviour for toothbrush and toothpaste.
3 What are the arguments for launching Precision as (a) a niche
product and (b) a mainstream brand?
4 What marketing recommendations would you make to Steinberg?
Case Study: Atlantic Computers A bundle of pricing options
Assignment Questions:
1 What price should Jowers charge for the
Atlantic Bundle (i.e., Tronn servers+PESA software tool)? Evaluate
different options.
2 Think broadly about the top-line revenue implications of each of the
alternative pricing strategies evaluated in last step.
3 How are customers in your target market likely to react to your
recommended pricing strategy?

Case Study: Eureka Forbes Ltd: Managing the sales effort

Assignment Questions:
1 Should Goklaney roll out the new Bettering the Best program
through the entire sales organization? What changes would you
recommend (if any) to the current plan?
2 Define the role of the EuroChamp. What are the sales tasks that the
firm wants the EuroChamp to undertake?
3 What are the qualities of a good EuroChamp? Compare and contrast
the EuroChamp with the other examples of sales representatives.

4 Explain the reasons for the sales process failures that Goklaney
observed in the field. What are the reasons for the current situation?
5 Do you agree with the firms current approach to compensation?
How does the new program change this approach?
6 Assess the other aspects of the sales management practices at
Eureka Forbes Ltd. What changes would you recommend (if any) to
the firms approach to recruitment, training, supervision, evaluation,
and compensation?
Case Study: Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, India: In service for
Assignment Questions:
1 Can you identify the key factors that have led to Aravinds success?
2 What has Dr. Venkataswamys role been in all this?
3 How do you evaluate the quality of service at the free hospital? At
the paying hospital?
4 What has been the role of Aravinds clinical and support staff in all
this? Are they dedicated and altruistic or do they have an ulterior
5 Are there any weaknesses at all with the Aravind model of
delivering eye care?
6 How should Dr. Venkataswamyb expand the Aravind model to other
parts of India, Asia, and Africa?

Case Study: Vietnam Market entry decision

Assignment Questions:
1 Does Vietnam present an attractive investment opportunity?
2 Is it too late for U.S companies to enter Vietnam?
3 What Recommendations would you make to each of the three US
MNCs regarding whether to enter Vietnam, mode of entry, and
4 What factors will determine the success of MNCs in Vietnam?

Case Study : Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google

Assignment Questions
1. Define the contested Boundaries among Amazon , Apple , Facebook
and Google ?
2. One of the major revenue streams is Advertising how the contest
between major players and retail advertising is and mobile search
.Google is a dominant player in this space .What will be the ratios in
three years time?
3. In the digital arena, do core competencies matter the way they do in
world of physical goods and services?
4. Value of data captured may be more valuable than the margin on
the item sold. Comment on the digital marketing context.

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