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Guidelines for Contributors

Articles for publication should be original material not published or under consideration for
publication elsewhere. They should not exceed 8,000 words and should preferably be shorter.
Unsolicited reviews are not accepted. Contributors are requested to provide abstracts of their
article, in both English and Spanish, the length of each abstract not to exceed 150 words.
Submission to Bulletin of Hispanic Studies is via Manuscript Central at
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the site to search FAQs, email the team, or locate a Guide for Authors.
All contributions must be submitted in a form ready for publication, with double line-spacing
and one space only after a full stop. All quotations and references should have been verified.
Single quotation marks should be used throughout the article, but long indented extracts do
not require quotation marks. Double quotation marks should be used only within single ones.
Articles are peer reviewed anonymously. The authors name should not appear on the title
page; references to the authors own work should be made in the third person.
Please submit articles in the end-bibliography and textual reference (authordate) style. Titles
of books and periodicals should be in italics, titles of articles within single inverted commas
and periodical volume numbers in Arabic numerals.
Bada Margarit, Antonio, 1958. El habla del Valle de Bielsa (Barcelona: CSIC).
Bustos Gisbert, E., 1992. La alternancia ove / pude en castellano medieval y clsico,
in Estudios filolgicos en homenaje a Eugenio de Bustos Tovar, ed. Jos Antonio Bartol
Hernndez, Juan Felipe Garca Santos, Javier de Santiago Guervs (Salamanca: Univ. de
Salamanca), I, pp. 137-65.
Dworkin, Stephen, 1985. From ir to ecer in Spanish: the loss of O.Sp. de-adjectival ir
verbs, Hispanic Review, 53: 295-305.
Mena, Juan de, 1989. Obras completas, ed. Miguel ngel Prez Priego (Barcelona: Planeta).
Rico, Francisco, 1986. El pequeo mundo del hombre: varia fortuna de una idea en la cultura
espaola, 2a ed., Alianza Universidad, 463 (Madrid: Alianza).
Notes to articles should be kept to a minimum; reviews must not have footnotes. Footnotes
should be indicated serially within the text using superscript Arabic numerals. References
within the text or within footnotes should cite the authors name and the year of publication
of the item, with pagination where necessary, in parentheses as follows: (Dworkin 1985:
Contact details:

The Editors
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
The University of Liverpool

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