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ow Raapid Fluctuaation
o Uric
c Acid Trigg
Goout Atttack


or gout patient who is

• Fo s having a long term
hyyperuricemia, chances are high
h that he w
will get a goutt
atttack, be it a mild joint discomfort or a serious s
infflamed and swwollen feet, after
a he has ttaken a meal
with some high purine food.


his is because high purine fo

• Th ood will cause
e in a surge off
uric acid in the
e blood after the food is digested and

• Thhis sudden inncrease of urric acid conce entration will

crease the rate of crystalliization of urate crystals in
thee joint which kick start thhe immune rreactions thatt
bring the gout attack
a sensatioon to the victiim.


eople often tho

• Pe ought it is the
e sudden incre
ease of purinee
or uric acid conc
centration thaat causes the g
gout attack.

• Bu
ut there is another condittion which iss exactly the
pposite - the sudden dropp of uric acid level in the
ody will, too, triggers the
e gouty inflammmation and
sometimes the pain is more severe that th
he usual goutt


• Goout attacks when the internal 'imm mune police'

deetected the ex
xistence of ura ate crystals flo
oating around
in the synovial fluid
f of the joints.

sually, it hap
• Us g the formation of new
ppens during w
ystals becausse of the sud
dden increase
e in uric acid


• Aftter the inflam

mmation and the swelling subsides and
e gouty pain disappeared,, it does nott mean thosee
ystals have disappeared too

• It is not easy fo
or those fine tiny urate ston
nes to get outt
of the joints thrrough the synnovial membrrane. Instead,
thoose crystals will
w deposit on o the interna al surfaces off
thee joints waiting to be dis ssolved and carried away y
baack to the bloo
odstream for removal.


• In most cases, the blood uriic acid level o

of the patientt
ways remain on
o the high siide which doe es not provide
ny room for the re-absorptio
on of the uratee crystals.

s the incidents
• As s of gout attack repeat, moore and more
ystals will de
eposit inside the
t joints whhich makes itt
muuch easier for the attacks to
o be activated


hen at certain
• Th n point the patient
p decide
ed to go forr
some alternativ ve treatments such as takin
ng high doses
of Vitamin C or drinking ionized alkaline or some e
kalizing calcium ions.

• At the beginning g of these trea

atments, the uuric acid level
in the blood will drop signifiicantly and th his gives way y
forr the old hid dden urate crystals
c to g
go through a
revversal proces ss where it will
w dissolve in nto the body y
intterstitial fluid and then carrried out by thee blood to the
dney for remo oval through thhe urine.

• If this reversal process happ pens too sudden, this will

'sttir up' those urate
u crystals sediments on
n the internal
surfaces of the joints and a huge amount of those tiny y
neeedle like crysstals stone will
w float around the joints s
wh hich triggers the exact same or more serious goutt


• If you are goinng try some alternative trreatments forr

goout, make sure
e you go through that therapy gradually

• I can
c understannd how desperrate you wantt to get rid off
thee notorious diisease, but yo
ou have to understand thatt
it took years foor those crysttals to form in
n your joints.
Thhus, it shouldd take about the same tiime for it to o
ssolve away.


"Annd now I would

w like
e to invite
e you to
claim your Free
F Instaant Accesss to one
of my co omprehen nsive repoorts
on Common
Gout Treaatments w when you
sit http:///www.say yonaragou”

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