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IPTC 14846

Mathematical Modeling of Fines Fixation in the Sandstone Cores Soaked by

MgO Nanofluid
A. Habibi, SPE, M. Ahmadi, SPE, A. Bastami, SPE, P. Pourafshary, SPE, Institute of Petroleum Engineering,
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, and Sh. Ayatollahi,SPE, EOR
Research Center, School of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Shiraz University (now with Sharif University of
Copyright 2011, International Petroleum Technology Conference
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, 1517 November 2011.
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Formation damage in oil reservoirs as a result of fines migration is a major reason for productivity decline. Fines loosely
attached to the pore surface are in the equilibrium with the pore fluids. These particles start to flow when the equilibrium
state is disturbed which, may end up in permeability reduction in porous media. Different solutions have been suggested to
prevent detachment of fines from surface such as acidizing, ionic clay stabilizer, polymers and etc.
Nanofluids containing metal oxide nanoparticles show specific properties. They have various applications including catalysis,
waste remediation, additives in refractory and paint products. Our previous published works showed that MgO nanoparticle
could be used as the best adsorbent of the fines in s synthetic porous media. In this work, Unit Bed Element (UBE) model
and material balance were proposed to describe the effect of nanoparticles presence on fines fixation. UBE model relates
dimensionless parameters of surface forces to fines removal efficiency of porous media. Material balance modeling provides
an estimation of effluent fines concentration based on the injected fluid flow rate. Also the main mechanism for this fixation
has been studied by surface forces analysis.
Results show that soaking the core for 24 hours with 0.1% wt MgO nanofluid and water injection with 800 cc /hour could fix
the fines which could used in particles release rate calculation in porous media. UBE and material balance modeling showed
that the experimental results are trustable.
Fines migration is a challenging problem in the production from oil reservoirs. Fines are feeble particles present in the
porous media, which can detach and move easily due to fluid flow. Flow of suspension causes formation damage because of
filtering at pore-level in the porous media (Muecke, 1979; Vaidya, et al, 1990; Civan, et al, 2007). Colloidal and
hydrodynamic forces are found to be responsible for the fines detachment and their release from the pore surfaces. London
Van der Waals attraction, double layer and Born repulsion and hydrodynamic forces are the dominant forces in the
detachment of fines from porous media (Khilar, et al, 1998; Schramm, et al, 1996; Ahmadi et al, 2011). Hibbeler et al, (2003)
provide an excellent review on the practical recipes to reduce fines migration.
Schechter (1992) and Schramm (1996) reviewed mathematical modeling of fines migration in reservoir based on the
material balance of fines, parallel-pathway modeling, filtration theory, UBE and network modeling. Civan (2007) described
all phenomena that cause formation damage and presented models to assess, characterize and mitigate their effect. Numerical
modeling of fines detachment and migration has been a challenging issue for last decade and still further studies are
necessary to understand the effect of important factors on fines release and deposition. One of the earliest works on modeling
the fines migration has been reported by Gruesback and Collins (1982) in which they characterized the fines release and
deposition by simple models. There are extensive studies on the effects of colloidal forces (Sen et al. 2002; Sen et al. 2004)
and hydrodynamic forces (Ochi and Vernoux, 1999) on fines detachment. These models are based on calculation of
adsorption coefficients and experimental constants or finite difference scheme and calculating the permeability reduction
during fines migration. Ju et al. (2007) developed a 3D field scale mathematical model for fines migration. Civan (2010)

IPTC 14846

presented a finite difference scheme model for fines particle release and deposition. Moreover, there is a similarity between
this subject and the clay detachment during water injection of sandstone formations (Khilar and Fogler, 1984).
During recent years, tendency to use the nanotechnology has increased as a solution to some of the difficulties in reservoir
engineering. These researches lead to apply the nanoparticles in fixation of fines and the prevention of fines migration in
sandstone formations (Huang et al. 2008; Huang et al. 2010; Ahmadi et al. 2011; Habibi et al. 2011).
In our previous study (Habibi et al. 2011), the ability of nanoparticles in fixing the fine particles and their capability to
prevent the migration of fines is studied by experiments. In this paper mathematical modeling of our previous study has been
presented, including UBE1 and material balance modeling. By using UBE, the amount of fines fixation can be studied by
calculating the dimensionless affecting forces parameters. Material balance modeling enabled us to calculate the fine particles
release rate. Ultimately, a comparison between experimental and modeling results is presented.
Experimental Work
Habibi et al. (2011) introduced the experimental procedure for fines fixation in glass bead packed containing original
fines in between of the porous media, where soaked with MgO nanofluid. Several tests have been designed to study the effect
of MgO nanoparticles concentration and injection rate on the reduction of fines migration in these synthetic cores. Table 1
shows the main tests conditions, effluent fines concentration by means of spectrophotometer, and the measured zeta potential
for each MgO nanoparticle concentration by zeta meter apparatus (Malvern ZEN 3600).
Table 1. Experimental Results
Experiment No.

NP concentration (%wt NP)

Fluid Rate (cc/hr)

Effluent Fines Concentration (gr/cc)

Zeta Potential (mV)

1 (Reference Test)









































Mathematical Modeling
Theory of UBE Modeling
Unit Bed Element (UBE) is a method for mathematical modeling of fines release and deposition in porous media based on
the granular filtration (Schramm, 1996). In this method the porous medium is divided into equally sized elements with length
le. Each filter bed element consists of collectors that play the pore-throat role in the porous media. Figure 1 shows the
approach used by different researchers including Tien and Romarao (2007).

1 Unit Bed Element

IPTC 14846

Unit bed

Filter bed





Figure 1. UBE model (Schramm, 1996)

Constricted tube is the best representative collector of porous media among other collectors, because it considers the
variation of pores radius. If the number of elements is large enough, filtration coefficient ( ) will be constant for each unit.
The removal efficiency ( ) is defined as the difference between concentration of fines entering and leaving each element as
Using this approach, it is possible to evaluate the net force acting on the fines present in porous media or suspension
(Schramm, 1996; Tien and Romarao, 2007). DLVO theory was previously used to evaluate the forces acting on the fines
present in porous media with and without nanofluid (Habibi et al. 2011). The main forces are:

London Van der Waals force

Electric double layer force
Hydrodynamic force

Dimensionless parameters were defined to study the effect of each force. Then, removal efficiency was correlated to
dimensionless parameters using the experimental results (Tien and Romarao, 2007). Table 2 introduces the dimensionless
parameters that use in the UBE theory for constricted tube collector.
Table 2. Dimensionless parameters associated to surface forces (Tien and Romarao, 2007)
London Van der Waals
Electric Double Layer

Dimensionless Parameter
NE1, NE2, NDl

As mentioned before, London Van der Waals is an attractive force to attach the fines on the pore wall. Eq. 2 demonstrates
the London dimensionless parameter.

9a u


Electric double layer as the second main force involved in DLVO theory deals with the surface charges to show that if the
fines are adsorbed or desorbed due to the types of surface charges as the results of attractive or repulsive forces respectively.
The porous medium used in this study was coated with MgO nanoparticle to study the effect of electric double layer force.
Zeta potential measurements showed that surface charges of fine particles and pore wall after treatments were negative and
positive, respectively. This treatment resulted in electric double layer to be changed from repulsion to attraction using MgO
nanoparticles. Eq. 3-5 show the double layer dimensionless parameters (Tien and Romarao, 2007).



IPTC 14846




The last force involved is the hydrodynamic force which mechanically releases the fines from the pore surfaces. Eq. 6
defines the Reynolds number as the dimensionless representation of this force in the fine migration process (Takahashi and
Kovscek, 2010).

Theory of Material Balance Modeling

UBE modeling studies the effects of surface forces on the fines release and deposition rates. There are models that
describe the fines release and deposition in macro scale. The model used in this study would consider the most important
mechanisms affecting the fines release and deposition.
Eq.7 describes all contributing mechanisms affecting the migration of fine particles in pores and throats,

R Rc Rh Rd R p


This equation considers all four main mechanisms including the particle release rate from the pore wall due to colloidal
forces ( Rc ), particle release rate due to hydrodynamic forces ( Rh ), the deposition rate on pore surfaces ( Rd ) and the
capture rate at pore throats ( Rp ) (Ju et al. 2007; Sbai and Azaroual, 2011) .
The particle release rate due to colloidial forces is defiend as:

Rc c C sic C si


The particle release rate due to hydrodynamic forces is defiend as:

R h h 1 c


The deposition rate on pore surfaces is defiend as:

R d d C l


The capture rate at pore throats is defiend as:

R p pC l


In this study, as the size of throat to fines ratio is about 7 (Habibi et al. 2011), the capture of fines at pore throats is
neglected. Colloidal forces are considered as direct effects of salinity and since in the current tests the salinity has not been
changed, the colloidal does not have any effect. Since the experimental procedure was set to check the fines detachment from
the pores wall surfaces, refer to Experimental Work, therefore the deposition of fine particles on pore walls (Rd) has been
Hence, Eq. 7 leads to:

R Rh


h 1 c

IPTC 14846


and c are release coefficient due to hydrodynamic forces and critical velocity, respectively. The detachments

of particles from the pore walls do not occur until the velocity exceed its critical value. In these equations, release coefficient
and critical velocity have been obtained by experiments.
Integration of Eq. 12 results in,

1 10 .exp h c t ,

1 1 ,


l c
l c

Results and Discussion

UBE Modeling
To investigate the surface force effect on porous medium adsorption efficiency, dimensionless parameters are calculated
and compared. Table 3 demonstrates the constant parameters used in Eq. 2-6 where collected from different sources (Khilar
and Fogler, 1998; Habibi et al. 2011).
Table 3. Constant Parameters

Hamaker Constant
Particel Radius
Superficial Velocity
Dielectric Constant (Water)
Debye Length
Fines Zeta Potential
Collector Zeta Potential
Fluid Density
Grain Size Diameter

6 10
1 10 Pa.S
1 10
Table 1
7.083349 10
-9 -1
(3.29 10 ) m
-34 mV
Table 1
1000 kg/m
420 10 m

Effect of the London Van der Waals Force

It is evident that the London Dimensionless Parameter depends on the Hamaker Constant and superficial velocity. In our
system Hamaker constant doesnt change, hence the main parameter is the critical velocity as the main parameter in our
experimental work. As the injection rate altered, the ability of London force to attract decreased, thus adsorption efficiency
of the bed changed. Figure 2 shows change of adsorption efficiency as the London parameter changes for different MgO
soaking concentrations. The main contributing factors on London dimensionless parameter are Hamaker constant and
velocity. Since the Hamaker constant is the same for all states of MgO soaking, the dimensionless London value is a sole
function of superficial velocity. Based on this fact; Figure 2 shows that adsorption efficiency increases when the superficial
velocity decreases.

IPTC 14846

Adsorption Efficiency


0.05 % wt MgO Conc.

0.1 % wt MgO Conc.


0.2 % wt MgO Conc.


London Dimensionless Parameter

Figure 2. Adsorption Efficiency vs. London Van der Waals Dimensionless parameter

Effect of the Electric double layer force

Electric double layer dimensionless group are composed of three parameters. NE1 and NE2 describe the interactions
between fines and pores wall while NDL deals with double layer thickness. In the current experimental work, the double layer
thickness was remained constant since the ions concentrations in the water were not changed, as distilled water was used in
this investigation.
Surface potentials of the collector change by soking in the MgO nanofluid. In the reference state as described in Table 1,
surface potentials for colloetors and fines were -34 mV that led to strong repulsion between two solid bodies. After treatment
with MgO nanoparticle, surface potential of the collector not only improved but also became positive, indicating of attractive
Electro kinetic parameter (NE1) depended on the zeta potentials of the particles and collectors. Using different MgO
nanoparticle concentrations would result in different zeta potential of the surfaces as they are shown in Table 1. Figure 3
shows adsorption efficiency versus electro kinetic parameter (NE1) at the constant concentration of MgO nanofluid based on
Eq. 3. It shows that NE1, at constant MgO concentration, increases as the injection rate decreases, thus adsorption efficiency
was improved. Therefore, in this case this main adsorption mechanism is the zeta potential alteration.
Double electric layer acts as an attractive force and improves the fixation of loose fines. At the 0.2 % wt MgO nanofluid,
most fines attracted to the pore wall at different injection rates.

IPTC 14846



0.05 % wt MgO Conc.

0.1 % wt MgO Conc.


0.2 % wt MgO Conc.





Figure 3. Adsorption Efficiency vs. Electrokinetics parameter No.1

Electro kinetic parameter (NE2) is only related to the zeta potentials of collectors and particles. Table 4 shows calculated
value of NE2 for all states of soaking with nanofluid. This parameter only changes with zeta potential (Eq. 4). When the sign
of the pore wall surface potential and fines differes from each other, the sign of the NE2 becomes negative which means
attractive forces are dominant. Also by increasing the concentration, the amount of the NE2 increases as shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Calculated values of NE2 for different MgO nanofluid concentration

Concentration of MgO nanofluid


Calculated NE2

Effect of the hydrodynamic force

Its obvious that fines detachement from surface occurs rapidly when fluid flows faster in the porous media. Reynolds
number for three injection rates were calculated based on the Eq. 6. Figure 4 demonstrates the effect of injection rates on the
adsorption efficiency. Repulsive force as the results of fluid flow through bed can interact with other forces. Increasing the
injection rate would increase the detachment of fines from the pore wall although the flow in the porous media remains
laminar in all cases.

IPTC 14846

Adsorption Efficiency


0.05 % wt MgO Conc.

0.1 % wt MgO Conc.


0.2 % wt MgO Conc.









Reynolds Number

Figure 4. Adsorption effieciency vs. Reynolds number

Material Balance Modeling

Using material balance modeling enabled us to calculate the effluent fines concentration for each test. This value is
directly related to the concentration of nanoparticles. In fact, soaking the media by nanoparticles results in apparent reduction
in 10 , in Eq. 13 which needs further information on the release coefficient and critical velocity where found experimentally.
The time is set to be at 3600 sec (for the 9 pore volume fluid injection) for all of the tests.
To measure the value of release coefficient; one single test has been conducted without nanoparticle treatment at
800cc/hr. The critical fluid flow rates in which fines begin to release from the pore walls and also the concentration of
effluent fines have been measured. The fine particle release rate decreases exponentially with time for velocities greater than
critical velocity. The experiments show that the release coefficient for the reference test is equal to 1.4810-2 cm-1. Khilar and
Fogler (1984) stated that the release coefficient is proportional to the flow rate. Hence, Eq. 14 can be used to estimate the
release coefficient for other flow rates.

q2 h 2

q1 h 1


The measured and estimated values of release coefficients are listed in Table 5. Moreover, critical velocities have been
measured for each set of experiments as shown in Table 6 based on test results and material balance modeling.
Table 5. Release coefficients found for different tests
Flow Rate (cc/hr)


Release coefficient (cm )



Experimentally Measured
Estimated by eq. 14
Estimated by eq. 14

Table 6. Calculated critical velocities for different tests at different nanoparticle concentrations
Nanoparticle Concentration (% wt)

Critical Flow Rate (cc/hr)


Critical Flow Velocity (cm/s)


Table 6 shows that critical rates calculated for each test is directly proportional to the nanoparticle concentration. In other
words, the treatment with MgO nanoparticles not only adsorb the fine particles on the pore walls, but also increases the

IPTC 14846

critical velocity of fine migration through the porous media, hence improving remediation of formation damage due to fines
migration for a wider ranges of operational velocities far from or close to the well bores.
To check the validity of the model, a reference test without using nanoparticles was conducted. The aim of this test was to
study the effect of nanoparticles on preventing the fines release. In this test, the fluid flow rate was adjusted equal to 800
cc/hr. As it is shown in Table 7, the amount of measured effluent fine concentration is 0.00533 gr/cc and the simulated value
through material balance modeling was found to be 0.00534 gr/cc, very close to each other.
Table 7. Result comparison between experiments and model for reference test (without NP)
%wt NP



Effluent Fines
5.34 10


5.33 10


Effluent fines Concentration (gr/hr)

To check the validity of the model, a set of the experiments at 0.05 wt% of nanoparticle concentrations was conducted. In
these tests, the injection velocities were set to be greater than the critical velocity. The effluents fines concentrations were
measured experimentally and the values estimated mathematically are both demonstrated in Figure 5. Figure 5 shows that the
flow rate has a direct effect on the fines release, however, the experimental values and the calculated effluents fines
concentration are in good agreement especially in the lower rates.









Flow Rate (cc/hr)

Figure 5. Effluent fines concentration for the tests using nanoparticle treatment (0.05 wt%)

Figure 6 demonstrate the same experimental results and modeling for the cases of 0.1% concentration of nanoparticle
treatment. In the case of flow rate equals to 800 cc/hr, the rate is less than the critical flow rate of fines release, therefore
based on the Eq. 12, the fines release rate is equal to zero. It should be noted that the comparison between Figures 5 and 6,
show that the increase in the concentration of nanoparticles leads to the reduction of effluent fines concentration.


IPTC 14846

Effluent fines Concentration(gr/hr)










Flow Rate (cc/hr)

Figure 6. Effluent fines concentration for the tests using nanoparticle treatment (0.1 wt%)

The experiments are repeated for 0.2% concentration of fines. In these experiments, all three selected velocities which
have discussed earlier are performed at the velocities lower than the critical velocity and therefore in the effluent stream, the
fines release rate is equal to zero. Thus, for this concentration of nanoparticles, the calculations of fines release rates were not
UBE modeling is developed to explain the effect of the MgO nanoparticle treatment for fines fixation mathematically. The
main results are
Adsorption efficiency improved when London dimensionless parameter was increased.
Soaking the porous media with MgO nanofluid altered the surface potential. This led to switching double layer
repulsion into attraction. Besides, the changes in Electro kinetic Parameters No.1 and No.2 improved the adsorption
efficiency and fixed the fines to the pore surfaces.
Increasing the injection rate detaches fines from the pore wall which was shown mathematically in this work.
Material Balance model was used to estimate the effluent fines concentration. The release coefficient needed in this model
was determined experimentally.
Mathematical model confirms the importance of critical velocity, where at the velocities less than the critical value
the fines release is negligible.
The MgO nanoparticles increase the critical velocity in which fines begin to release. Moreover, the concentration of
nanoparticles directly affects the amount of fines which can be detached from the pore walls.
Results obtained by the model confirm that by increasing the flow injection rate, the amount of effluent fines
concentration increases.

C si
C sic

Particle Radius
Concentration of fines at the entering element
Concentration of fines at the leaving element
Concentration of salt for composition i of the particles
Critical concentration of salt for composition i of the particles
Concentration of fine particles in the flowing fluid
Grain Size Diameter
Hamaker Constant
Element Length

IPTC 14846

NE1, NE2, NDl



London Van der Waals dimensionless parameter

Electric Double Layer dimensionless parameters
Hydrodynamic dimensionless parameter
Flow rate
Net particle change rate on the pore surfaces or at pore throats
Release rate of fines by colloidal forces


deposition rate of particles on pore surfaces


Superficial Velocity
Rate coefficient for fines release by colloidal forces



Release rate of fines by hydrodynamic forces

Capture rate of particles at pore throats

Rate constant for the deposition of particles on pore surfaces

Rate coefficient for fines release by hydrodynamic forces
Capture rate constant of particles at pore throats
Dielectric Constant (Water)
Filtration coefficient
Collector Zeta Potential
Fines Zeta Potential
Removal Efficiency
Debye Length
Flow Velocity
Critical Velocity
Fluid Density
Fine particles concentration on pore walls
Initial fine particles concentration on pore walls

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