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A. Phenomenon

Salt is one of materials for cooking, so salt is very needed for housewives. Salt
is easy to get in grocery store. But some housewives consuming the kiloan salt or
iodized salt because of it flavor is delicious, cheap and longer time to consuming and
it all leads trouble on their economy of each household. The other is husbands
support in the selection of food was limited food menu, not on foodstuffs, for example
is salt. Whether or not iodine content in salt consumed, not noticed by their husbands.
Meanwhile, according to a housewife, that salt iodized taste more bitter.
B. Purpose of Experiment
Identify the iodine of the salt sample.
C. Subject Matter
A chemical element or is a species of atoms having the same number of
protons in their atomic nuclei. There are 118 elements that have been identified.
Another commonly used basic distinction among the elements is their state of matter
(phase), whether solid, liquid, or gas.

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1. Iodine
Iodine mineral substances usually found in table salt are available freely in the
market, but not all types and brands of table salt contains iodine. Iodine is
essential for helping the development of intelligence in children. Iodine can also
be petrified prevent mumps. Iodine is used to form a tyrosine substance that forms
in the thyroid gland.
2. Sodium (Na)
Sodium is a mineral that we rely on as forming salt in the body and as a conductor
of impulses in nerve fibers and the osmotic pressure in cells with the cells
maintain fluid balance in the surrounding fluid.
D. Tools And Materials
1. Tools :
- Grail
- Pipette
- Spatula

3 pieces
3 pieces
1 pieces

2. Materials :
- Salt brands A, B, C
- Starch solution
2 mL
- Lime solution
2 mL
- Aquades
2 mL
E. Formulating Problems
F. Hypotheses

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G. Variables of Experiment
Manipulates Variable
Controller Variable
Responses Variable
H. Procedures

Prepare the tools and materials that needed for experiment.

Prepare branded salt A, B, C then inserted each salt into each grail.
Added 2 mL of aquades into each grail and stirred.
Added 2 mL of starch solution into each grail and stirred.
Added 5 drops of lime solution into each grail and stirred.
Recorded the color change of solution.

I. Observation Result
(Brands of Salt)

Color Changes
Contain Iodine or Not



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J. Analyze

How the color changes of sample in before and after dropped by lime solution ?
Which sample that contain iodine and not ?
Which sample that contain more iodized ?

K. Conclusion

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A. Formulating Problem
How can we identify the sample of salt that contain iodine ?
B. Hypotheses
If salt is dropped by lime solution then change color from white to purple, so that
sample is contain iodine.
C. Variables of Experiment
Manipulates Variable
Sample of salt
Controller Variable
Lime solution
Responses Variable
Change of color
D. Observation Result
(Brands of Salt)

Color Changes


Contain Iodine (Yes or


White solution

Purple (+ +)


White solution

White solution


White solution

Purple (+)


E. Analyze
1. How the color changes of sample in before and after dropped by lime solution ?
Answer :
Sample A
Before added lime solution : white solution
After added lime solution
: purple solution (+ +)

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Sample B
Before added lime solution : white solution
After added lime solution
: white solution
Sample C
Before added lime solution : white solution
After added lime solution
: purple solution (+)
2. Which sample that contain iodine and not ?
Answer :
Sample that contain iodine is sample A and sample C.
Sample that not contain iodine is sample B.
3. Which sample that contain more iodized ?
Answer :
Sample A because of this color is more purple than sample C.
F. Conclusion
Salt in sample A and C is contain iodine, because after mixed with starch solution then
dropped by lime solution, the color of solution is change from white solution to purple
solution. Sample is more iodized than sample C, because the color change of solution
in sample A is more purple (+ +) than sample C.

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