MC Users Guide 1.0 SIMS 4

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February 4, 2016
MC Command Center Users Guide 1.0 (The Basics)
Author: egwarhammer
Disclaimer: I am NOT a professional writer!!
Initial Guide info and screenshots based on MC Version 2.5.0, Sims4 Game Version
(Credit goes to Deaderpools MC Description Page for the Module Descriptions
included here. All tables & info included are available at the same link.)
WIP version.

Layers (and Modules!) will be added once the framework is finished.

A note about pictured settings... These screenshots are from MY game, are not
(usually) MC Defaults, and may not be right for your game.
The pasted-in settings are all copied from a default mc_settings.cfg file.
You wont see everything the mod offers included in this Guide at first, its
a big mod, its going to take some time for me to pull everything together.
But I think youll find what IS here helpful, and it will give you an idea of
what else I have in mind to add, as time permits.
The listed settings options ARE all available somewhere under the top level
buttons for the module/Guide section those pictures/lists are included in. If
at first you dont see something relating to a section I havent finished yet,
look under the ... buttons, your option will be under one of those.
If I hold on to everything till its all done, nobody will ever see it.
Updating on the fly, I can do. Info first. Then, pretty it up. Its coming
Deaderpool reminded me I should point out Im writing this Guide with ALL of
MC (including woohoo) installed.
If you only play with SOME modules, you arent going to see everything Im
Some menus will look different, some options will be
Another point, settings differences will ALSO determine if were likely to see
the same things.
Just something for you to keep in mind, as youre browsing these pages.
Questions to the mods comments thread are always welcome.

(Watch this space!)


(Very) Basic Troubleshooting

This is an edited (2/4/16) version of a Troubleshooting post I made to the
official Sims4 forums a while back. Deaderpool asked me to add it to this Guide,
too. Updated for 2.5.0, here it is!
Original post here.
(What youre reading now is actually more current than the above link.)
If you can't get MC working after the latest patch, here are some things for
you to look at and/or try:
First, make sure your game version matches these from the most recent update:
Sims4 Update: 01/07/2016 PC Version / Mac Version
(Still current Feb 4, 2016)
Latest Patch Notes from Official Forums are always available here.
From the MCCC Files page: | Description: A combined zip file with all
of the modules included in one download.
If you download this, you dont need any of the other individual packages
including the McCmdCenter_ScriptAndPackage.

Package file




mc_cmd_center.package 238,873 Unknown

25395 2016-01-23 11:49
8411 2016-01-23 11:50
23819 2016-01-23 11:51
238873 2016-02-01 07:13
158758 2016-01-23 12:00
80031 2016-01-23 11:55
8932 2016-01-23 11:57
19506 2016-01-23 11:57
27783 2016-01-23 11:58
58006 2016-01-23 11:58
10419 2016-01-23 11:59
11 files

Best idea: Check the mods website Files section, and open the magnifying glass
beside the AllModules zip, for the most up-to-date correct version and file
info. This Guide will lag behind mod updates version numbers, sometimes.

Woohoo at SXS is version 2.5.0. (Still current Feb 4, 2016)
Package file Size
mc_woohoo.package 42,628 Unknown
42628 2016-02-01 07:04
50130 2016-01-23 12:01
2 files
NOTE: Theres a relevant screenshot about the Woohoo site on page 28. If youve
had trouble getting to the download, go look, itll help.
Here's my best suggestion: Whether you have MC dropped into /Mods or in /Mods/MC
(for example), you should DELETE *all* your MC files EXCEPT your mc_settings.cfg
and mc_dresser.cfg (if you have those) files.
If you're doing a new install (Welcome to MC!), you won't have either file till
AFTER you install the mod, and access it from an in-game computer. This will
get you the settings config file, youll have to play with Dresser to generate
that config file.
Sorting your folder by TYPE places all your .package and .ts4script files next
to each other, its Very Easy this way to select them all for one-click deletion.
(Leaving the rest will save your settings.)
THEN, download the, Open it, Select All files,
and Copy To... wherever your settings file is, /Mods or /Mods/MC (etc).
MC 2.5.0 Installed:

(Package file dates/sizes change as language translations are uploaded, but

the ts4script files for 2.5.0 should stay the same as I have shown here.)
NOTE: I created that temp folder locally, the mod doesnt come with or create
any subfolders. The .bak, .cfg and .log files you may not have, at first. Dont
worry about it, theyll generate when theyre called for.
If your folder looks similar to the picture (depending on what modules you choose
to install), start your game.

Make sure the TWO "Mods" check boxes dealing with scripts/mods on the left side
of the last Game Options tab are both checked. This is fairly new, it was just
one box until recently.

On your way into the game, check to see that your MC files show up in the cc/script
mods pop-up window.
mc_cmd_center and mc_woohoo are all that matter in the first picture here.

(That shortcuts file shown in the second picture is not part of MC.)
In the game, check your MC install by going onto a lot (MC won't work from map
view. MC works from any "live" home or community lot, you only need a computer
to access the UI) and typing mc_help into the cheat bar, because this is literally
ALL you should need to do to make it work.
If you don't get the expected "wall of text" cheat bar output (see pictures
on the next page), take a screenshot of what you DO see in that window, and
post it here.
Also of interest, look for any LastException files in your /Sims4 folder, or
any mc_cmd_center.log entries about errors. Were going to want to see those,
too, in most cases.
Hope this helps!
Edited by egwarhammer on 2/4/2016
PS: The Troubleshooting section from the mod page (including known conflicting
mods) has been added to pages 31-32 of the Guide.
At some point, there will be a Table of Contents, Index, etc. I just dont know
how to do those things in this program, yet. Info first, cleanup later.

Because this could be important, I wanted to share it:

mc_help is what you type into the cheat bar to see if your mod is working properly.
These next 4 pictures show the entire output you should see, if you have all
the modules installed, and everything is functioning correctly.

More details on the other commands are included below, I just think mc_help
is important, if youre having trouble getting things going.
What you see, or dont see, in the cheat window output, can be very helpful
in troubleshooting.
I find these console commands extremely useful.

I use get_pop a LOT, personally.

Console Commands



This command displays a listing of the command-line actions
available for McCmdCenter as well as any that may be available from optional
modules that are deployed.

get_pop [population_type1 population_type2...]

number of Sims in the console. Additional details are available through the
log file using the optional population_type arguments, which can be delimited
by a space for multiple choices.
Valid flags are: "b"-Basic output, only the summary details will be printed
in the log file (if this is set, everything else is ignored), "h"-Includes
names of hidden Sims in the log output, "p"-Includes names of pregnant Sims,
"a"-Includes names of alien Sim, "m"-Includes names of married Sims,
"f"-Include marks and flags, "c"-List Sim careers. get_pop h p a

NOTE: There is a sample get_pop b (basic summary) output shown on the last page
of this Guide, page 34.

SPECIAL NOTE about get_pop: Theres a flag option missing from the description
above, the s for single Sims flag.
(This probably will already be fixed at MTS, by the time you see this Guide.)

I wanted to highlight that s flag anyway, because one quick way to see whos
in your game, with Logging Enabled (I also MUCH prefer append to overwrite
for logging), is to run this:
get_pop s m
All sims are either single or married, so this will get you a list of EVERYBODY
(except the Von Haunt Ghosts, Bernard and Mimsy... Without last names, the mod
cant do much with those two, just FYI).

If youre interested in catching ALL the details on ALL your sims, which can
become a LONG log entry, depending on your number of sims, and how many flags
you have set on each, among other things, heres the command you can copy and
paste into the cheat bar, to blow up your log file.
get_pop h p a m f s c
Nothing breaks, by blow up I just mean its going to get LONG, fast. But its
worth doing at least ONCE, IMO, just to see all the different things MCs log
will tell you about all of your sims.
Example: (Mortimer is one of my most-flagged sims.)

[01/23/16 22:20:17]Mortimer
[01/23/16 22:20:17]Mortimer
[01/23/16 22:20:17]Mortimer
[01/23/16 22:20:17]Mortimer
and deletions
[01/23/16 22:20:17]Mortimer
[01/23/16 22:20:17]Mortimer
[01/23/16 22:20:17]Mortimer



flagged as actor-only
flagged as opposite-sex-only
flagged to bypass culling

Goth is flagged to not age

Goth lives in an ancestral home (Goth)
Goth is employed in: career_Adult_Writer

Imagine this times however many sims you have, and you can see why it has potential
to be a very long log entry. But if you want to know it all, this would be how.
After I run this master list, the next time I exit the game, Ill cut and
paste its output to another text file, which cuts my log file back down to 0
size, ready to go again.
I also sort the output into ABC order in the new document, that makes it a lot
easier to browse down and find certain sims.
Notepad++ is amazing. (Apparently not for what Deaderpool needs :P , but for
my uses, its VERY nice.)

mc_help and get_pop are the only two console-exclusive commands in this section.
(Nerd trivia.)

Theres more detail coming on the Flag, Mark and Kill Sim Console Commands,
but since theyre available from the Sim > MC > UI, Im going to leave that
until after Ive gone through the Computer > MC > UI settings.

Accessing MCs In-Game UI Menus:

To access any of MC's UI functions, you'll need to be on a live lot (household
or community, nothing works from the Map view), and have a computer. When you
click on the computer, you'll see this:

Clicking on the MC Command Center... Radial button will take you into the actual
UI, where you can edit settings.

Something I want to note about the upcoming screenshots, youll see Restart
Required! on several settings. This only applies IF you change those settings,
thats just a reminder message. It doesnt update/change after you do a restart,
or anything like that.
And, you dont have to restart after you change each setting. If youre doing
a whole-mod configuration sweep, one restart when youre finished editing
multiple settings will fix all of your changes at one time.
On the next page, youll see a weekly schedule of alarms for the various modules.
This is so useful I have it saved to its own window in notepad++ and am forever
looking at it, as I set up my households for incoming alarms.
Some nights, I have zero action, and some nights, it seems like *everything*
changes. It just depends on your settings when each module runs.


Weekly Scheduled Alarms for the different modules

Day of the Week
Dresser - Set default Makeup/Remove makeup from Elders
Cleaner - Ghosts cleanup, Item cleanup, Sync Married Names
Pregnancy - For SHORT Lifespans, random pregnancy and marriage checks
Population - Move elders to retirement homes
Cleaner - Delete empty homeless households that are hidden
Pregnancy - For SHORT and NORMAL Lifespans, random pregnancy and
marriage checks
Dresser - Set default Makeup/Remove makeup from Elders
Cleaner - Item cleanup, Sync Married Names
Pregnancy - For LONG Lifespans, random pregnancy and marriage checks
Population - Move elders to retirement homes
Cleaner - Delete empty homeless households that are hidden
Pregnancy - For SHORT and NORMAL Lifespans, random pregnancy and
marriage checks
Dresser - Set default Makeup/Remove makeup from Elders
Cleaner - Item cleanup, Sync Married Names
Pregnancy - For SHORT Lifespans, random pregnancy and marriage checks
Population - Move elders to retirement homes
Cleaner - Delete empty homeless households that are hidden
Pregnancy - For NORMAL Lifespans, random pregnancy and marriage
Population - Move Sims into open home lots
Pregnancy - For LONG and NO AGING Lifespans, random pregnancy and
marriage checks

Protip: It is *always* a good idea to save a copy of your hood an hour or so

before an alarm runs, just in case you dont like the results enough to want
to do it over.
I use Save As... at 11pm to make a MC run copy of my current game, play that
one through the midnight alarm, and depending on results, either move on from
there, or switch back to my original game, and go at the alarm again with another
new copy. I am a FIRM believer in frequent backups and multiple copies!


Just in case one of your questions might be, How do I unmark Played houses?
Im going to answer that here, because played/unplayed flags DO matter to several
mod (and game) settings/options.
From the Map, go to Manage Households and choose the Played Family you want
to switch to Unplayed. Open their household window. That white plumbob on the
bottom left is what youre looking for. Click that, and theyll become Unplayed,
and shown in that side of their towns bin.

Now, on with the show!


MC Command Center and Other Settings

This main screen will take you into each of MCs various module submenus:

This MC Command Center picture could almost be considered our Table of Contents.
The order shown will largely be used to create this (completed) Guide.
One (Major) Exception: to tie the Main module settings in with the
mc_settings.cfg file and add them here, it makes the most sense for me to detail
the (last) Other Settings section first, because ANY player should have those
options available (as theyre included with the one required module).
Individual (optional) module UI breakdowns will follow. I realize 1.0 is
bare-bones, updates are already planned and in the works. Seat time, I need.
The MC Command Center module is necessary to link all the other modules
together. It is required regardless of what combination of other modules
are desired.
In addition, it contains several settings and command-line actions
(which can be run from the sims command-line control-shift-C within a
sim lot).


Module Description: mc_cmd_center

This is the main module. It is needed for
anything else to work. It has a few "cheat"-type commands built-in, but does
very little by itself otherwise.

For this (large) section, Im going to show the settings and related submenu
pictures grouped together. Future sections are unlikely to follow this format.
In several cases, the config file settings and the UI menus dont exactly match
up. The config file is always going to be in alphabetical order, the UI settings
are grouped and labeled differently. When it makes a difference, Ill detail
the settings in order of the menu buttons.

Default settings, from the mc_settings.cfg file:

"Autosave_CurrentSaveNumber": 0,
"Autosave_Enabled": false,
"Autosave_IntervalAmount": 1,
"Autosave_IntervalType": "RH",
"Autosave_MaxSaveNumber": 1,
"Autosave_Name": "MC Save",
"Autosave_SlotNumber": 69905,


NOTE: the following descriptions were all taken from a table at MTS. For space,
I decided to forego the formatting and concentrate on the information. Its
all here, it just looks different. Defaults for each setting are in BOLD.
Comments follow the settings details.


Is auto-save functionality currently enabled?


Autosave_Name The name to give the auto-save. This name will have the
slot-number of the save appended to it so you will be able to more easily
match save-game name with slot number on your file system. MC Save
The slot number used by EA to save the game. The number
entered here is converted to a hexadecimal number which is used in the name
on the file system. For example, 69905 = hex 0x00011111. So, it will be saved
by EA as "". The next save, if you have multiple enabled,
will be "", etc. 69905
The save games can go into different "slots" if
you want to have multiple saves at a time. The slot-number is increased each
time a save happens until the maximum number of saves specified in this setting
is reached. Maximum allowed is 10. 1

NOTE: I mainly added this picture to show what a text-entry selection box looks
like. It just happened to be the one for Autosave_MaxSaveNumber.


Autosave_IntervalType There are 3 types of intervals that can be selected

from for autosave delays. Sim-Hour, Sim-Day or Real-world Hour. Real-world
Autosave_IntervalAmount The amount of interval time-periods to delay
between saves. For example, "1" Sim-Day. Maximum allowed is 24. 1

I play with Autosave set to SH here, or Sim-Hour (and 10 saves). There are times
they dont happen, depending on where you are and whats going on. Births,
deaths, parties, things like that (events with timers) can interfere with
Ive tried this with SD and RH settings, and never saw a peep out of it. I save
(way!) too often, which was kicking the countdown back to zero, so they never
would trigger for me.
SH, though, is pretty awesome. If something goes crazy, its nice knowing for
the most part I wont lose more than an hour or so of a sim day, if I have to


"Decay_Ratio_Friendship": 100,
"Decay_Ratio_Romantic": 100,

Allows slowing down or speeding-up the decay on
friendship relationships. Lowering it from 100 will slow down the friendship
decay. Putting it at 0 will stop the decay. Putting it above 100 will speed-up
relationship decay making it more difficult to keep friendships (maximum of
200). 100

Decay_Ratio_Romantic Allows slowing down or speeding-up the decay on

romantic relationships. Lowering it from 100 will slow down the romantic
decay. Putting it at 0 will stop the decay. Putting it above 100 will speed-up
relationship decay making it more difficult to keep romances (maximum of 200).

These two settings, Deaderpool added in response to GTs new relationship

culling feature (calling that mess a feature leaves a BAD taste in my mouth!!)
that basically made sims forget almost everybody they knew.
I cant figure out what brilliance led them to believe this would be a good
thing to add into a togetherness pack, when it took away most of who youd want
to get together WITH.
But thanks to Deaderpools timely intervention, I dont have to worry about
that. Or care. Fixed for MC users! (Mine are both set on 0 now, and there
theyll stay.)


"Logging_Append": false,
"Logging_Enabled": false,
"Show_AgeUpNotifications": false,
"Show_DeathNotifications": false,
"Show_NPCBirthdayNotifications": false,
"Show_Notifications": true,

Whether or not to log information messages from the
different modules to mc_cmd_center.log
Logging_Append If this setting is true, then the logfile doesn't "reset" to
a blank file each time the game runs. It will append to the current log file.
If it is false, then each time the game is restarted, the logfile gets
restarted. False

Enabled and set to append within seconds of getting the options. Want to see
me have a total meltdown? Break my log. Happened recently, me playing with
things better left alone. SO glad when it got fixed. (TY DP!)
I *love* my log!


Whether or not to show wall-post notifications for
in-game events like pregnancy and homeless move-ins. Having this enabled
means that you'll have to delete your wall posts more often as it will reach
the 200 limit sooner. If it is disabled, most of the notifications will go
to the mc_cmd_center.log as well. It is recommended to keep either one or
the other enabled as some information only goes to these two locations that
may be needed for command-line actions. true

Will display a notification post when a Sim

Show_DeathNotifications Will display a notification post when a Sim dies.

Nothing else to see here, move along!
Will display a notification post when it
is almost time for each NPC birthday.

I enabled all of these when they became available, and I never turn them off.
All logging and notification is always enabled here, if the game or mod can
tell me things, I want to know those things.
Knowledge is power.


"Bill_Amount_Percent": 0,
"Pay_Child_Support": false,

Pay_Child_Support If true, will add additional expense to active Sim's weekly

bill amount for each child they have that does not live on the active lot
with them. This includes Teen or less in age. The amount is based on the value
of the lot the Sim lives on, just like regular bills. Also, like regular bills,
if your Sim has the Frugal trait, they will get a reduction in their
child-support amount owed.
Increases or decreases the weekly bill amount that
must be paid by the active family. 0 = No changes. -100 would be negative
100% of the normal that would make the bills each week be $0 unless
child support is enabled. 100 would be positive 100% of the normal bills,
so double the normal bill amount. This can go all the way up to 1000% if you're
crazy or don't like electricity or something. 0

I generally run with Child Support enabled.

should also pay. <shrug>

If theyre going to play, they

Bills I have set at -90%, so theyre a tenth of what theyd regularly be. Enough
to keep the games billing routine going, but it wont break any banks.


"Pause_on_Zone": false,

Pause_On_Zone Whether or not to auto-pause on screen transitions false

Enable this one!

Trust your resident Official MC Cheerleader.

It is SO nice knowing the game isnt going to run off without you, if someone
knocks on your door or calls you IRL, while a screen is loading. (Im easily
distracted, anyway.)
Such a simple little thing, but, its one of my favorite functions that this
mod provides.
Game-changer, at the most basic level!


The following settings are all Top Level Other Settings options. When you click
them, youll either see a yes/no box like the Pause on Zone picture above, OR
a text-entry box like the Autosave picture posted on page 14.

"Show_Sim_Menu": true,
"Full_Edit_CAS": false,
"Game_Time_Speed": 25,
"Game_Time_Speed_Type": "",
"Testing_Cheats_Enabled": false,

Show_Sim_Menu If this setting is enabled, a Sim Menu shows-up on Sims and

the Relationship Panel with MC Command Center and some of the applicable
modules' commands. If it is disabled, only the computer MC Command Center
menu will appear. True
Full_Edit_CAS If enabled, when "Modify in CAS" is used from the MC Command
Center menu on a Sim, it will automatically run the "cas.fulleditmode" cheat
before opening CAS.
Sets the Sim-time-to-real-time. The lower this setting
is, the faster the Sim's day runs which results in being able to accomplish
less in a day. The higher it is, the longer the Sim day lasts.
Game_Time_Speed_Type Valid values are "Absolute", "Relative" and Default.
"Absolute" game speed type changes the game speed by an absolute amount. Any
actions a Sim takes will still take the same amount of relative time they
took to perform previously so, as a result, more things can be done in a day.
However, internal timings for scheduled events like school, work, etc. will
not be accurate. "Relative" game speed type changes the game speed by a
relative amount. Any actions a Sim takes will also be changed by that same
relative amount so, as a result, they will still take the same amount of time
to do relatively and it may not be possible to do more things in a day. However,
internal timings for scheduled events will be accurate. The Default game speed
type will use EA's time settings, regardless of what the "Game Time Speed"
amount is set to. Other mods that change time work like the "Relative" game
speed, so if you're in doubt of what you want, try that one. Blank
If enabled, EA's testing cheats are always
turned-on when any family is played. It no longer has to be activated when
changing played families. False


Heres a tip I just thought of that you might like to try. With Show_Sim_Menu
enabled, you will have a MC > UI option on SIMS. This is really handy for on
the fly flag setting, outfit changes, and other things.
Let me say up front this may not be something you want to do on an ACTIVE sim,
(one you play a lot) if you have a large neighborhood. It does slow down opening
the RelPanel, if you have a lot of sims.
But, I had to do it to Vivian, town Matriarch, you know.
everybody. So she does.

She SHOULD know

You might need to enable testingcheats, if you dont have it already on.
not sure if this command requires it or not.


Select the sim you want to run it on, then type (or copy/paste, my choice) the
following line in the cheat bar.
Your game will pause for a few seconds, then, youll see those green + icons
float up from everybody around, and when you open the relationship panel,
everybody in your game will be shown. Temporarily in Alphabetical (by first
name) order, too, which is a sweet bonus.
Your sim still gets the introduce points/aspiration credits when they first
REALLY meet new sims.
But since doing this to a sim makes getting to the rest of them via MC SO much
easier than chasing them down, I had to at least share the idea. YMMV thing.
(Forget Sim would be a good plan b option if you do this, and then want to
reduce numbers.)
I have had both Full_Edit_CAS and Testing_Cheats_Enabled turned on since they
became available, only because theyre part of MC now. I never fooled much with
either, until they received the Deaderpool Seal of Approval.
I do enjoy NOT seeing all the you cant change that icons on sims in CAS these


The Game Time Speed and Game Time Speed Type settings, I dont know much about.
I havent played with Game Time since BEFORE we got the second Type setting
This is an area Id like to have some outside help with. (See below for more


Flags and Marks, Revisited (Briefly):

Marks and Flags are Very Helpful.
from settings behavior.

They allow you to include or exclude Sims

Console Commands







Adds the flag_type to the



specified Sim. flag_type can

John Smith


be "T" - Target, "A" - Actor,


"SS" - Same Sex, "OS" Opposite Sex, "NC" - Never

Couple, "NH" - Homeless, "AH"
- Ancestral Household, "ND" No Culling/Delete, "NA" - No
Aging, "BC" - Bypass Cleaner


Clears all flags on the



specified Sim.

r John



Adds the mark_type to the



specified Sim. mark_type can

jane doe M


be "P" - Pregnancy, "M" Marriage, "H" - Move-In



Removes the mark_type from the



specified Sim. mark_type is

m John


optional. It can be "P" -

Smith M

Pregnancy, "M" - Marriage, "H"

- Move-In. If left blank, all
marks will be removed from the



Instantly kills the specified



Sim with "Death by old age"

john smith

(even if they're not old) and

turns them into a ghost.


Flag, Mark and Kill options are available from the Sim MC UI.
the Sim Commands... Menu.

Kill Sim is under

What these do is described in the Console Commands table above. Still working
on these (Flags and Marks) screenshots. It will take several to show all the
different ways flags can come up.
Its worth mentioning that Flag and Mark options change, depending on a sims
played/unplayed and/or active/inactive status.
I probably wont leave the prior table in its current (copied/ripped straight
from MTS) format, but since it conveniently fits on one page, and does contain
useful info, Im letting it have that space for now. Info > style (again).

The ghost you get from using Kill Sim doesnt generate an urn or tombstone,
and it isnt a playable ghost. If you trip this switch on a sim, theyre about
done in your game. They may hang around until a Cleaner run, but you might not
be able to do much with them.
I dont have a lot of experience yet with Sim Ghosts, obviously.
Same here as with my plea for help with Game Time Speed info above, if somebody
wants to tell me more about how that or this works, PMs to either Officials
or MTS (your choice, Im at both pretty often... MTS doesnt censor, which is
a PLUS for them, IMO...) are most welcome.


Sim > MC > UI Menu

The Sim Commands and Sim Flags submenus Ill add here, but the Menus for MC
Dresser, Appearance and Pregnancy wont come until those Guide parts are done.

All Flags available on an unplayed, inactive sim.


Just adding this to show the submenu options, for now.

NOTE: Relationship (Friendly and Romantic) sub-submenus coming soon.

DEFINITELY more info coming to this Sim > MC > UI section!! Deadline approaches.
Id rather postpone an addition/update than do a (bad) rush-job.
Patience is a virtue.


About Accessing MC Woohoo:

From Egw:
We get messages pretty often at both MTS and SXS from people having trouble
accessing the woohoo download, or the site in general. Top fixes are to refresh
the page a few times, or, better idea, clear your browser cache, and then try
Some people can get to the comments, but cant get the download to work. As
long as you can get to the Description Page, pictured above, you can get to
the Woohoo module.
That WHOLE LINE near the bottom, next to the green check mark, is a Clickable
Link to a Dropbox copy of whatever the current version is.
For Woohoo, Deaderpool updates the Dropbox link first anyway, because theres
some lag time at SXS between when a file uploads and when it gets posted.

TL;DR: Alternate Download link (see picture) for Woohoo works fine.


Guide Bucket List:

Individual sections for each optional Module


UI Submenus

Sim-based UI Menus (active/inactive, played/unplayed)


Usage examples (scenarios for different play styles)

FAQ section covering the most common forum questions


MC Command Center by Deaderpool Posted 29th Mar 2015 at 2:27 PM
MC Woohoo - For MC Command Center by Deaderpool
Posted 29th Jul 2015 at 11:54 AM
Mod The Sims (PM me!) my go-to site for mods
Egwarhammers MC Help Thread on Sims4 (Official-US) Forums
Official Sims4 Patch Notes Forum
Sims4Studio Package Editor great forums and custom content areas!
JSON File Validator checks your mc_settings.cfg file for syntax errors
WPS Free Office used to create this Guide
Notepad++ text editor with several nice features
Dropbox file sharing site
TinyPic photo sharing site


Some Troubleshooting Steps to try if you can't tell if the mod is loaded
or not (from Deaderpool, originally posted at MTS, included here with minimal
edits for up-to-date links, formatting, etc.)
You can look in Game Options/Other/Custom Content and the mods should show-up
as loaded in the Script Mods section. Make sure you have the checkbox on Game
Options/Other checked for allowing script mods.
As of version 1.13 of Sims 4 (Get Together Expansion), any time EA releases
an update, they are forcing the settings of the game to have mods disabled.
Ensure that if an update from EA has just been applied that both checkboxes
for Mods are enabled: the checkbox for enabling mods and the checkbox for
enabling script mods.
From your home lot, you can open the cheat console with CTL-SHIFT-C and type
"mc_help". If the mod is loaded correctly, this will give basic command-line
function help. Additionally, you should be able to click on a computer in a
game lot or on a Sim and see a "MC Command Center" menu.
If the mod is loaded but you can't tell if it's working (you haven't seen
pregnancies or move-in notifications), turn on logging in mc_settings.cfg by
setting Logging_Enabled to "true" instead of "false". When you run the game
and your home lot loads, if you go to your mod folder and open the
mc_cmd_center.log file, it should have "Initializing Alarms" at the top of the
file. Every night at midnight, alarms will run and this log file will have updates
in it telling what happened for that day when the alarm ran.
If the mc_cmd_center.log file doesn't exist but according to the Game
Options/Other/Custom Content window, the script mods are all loaded, then you
may have a version problem. You can look at the LastExceptions.txt file in the
Sims 4 folder to determine if that's the case.
You should verify that your mods folder looks similar to the screenshot
on page 3.


You should ensure that you have at least version 1.9.80 of the Sims 4, or your
game will not detect the ts4script extension. That was added in that update
from EA.
It is recommended that you have the version displayed in the compatibility
section above as that is the version I have tested with and know for sure
everything works correctly with.
There are some mods that are known to conflict with MC Command Center. This
is usually caused by functionality in those mods that is already in MC Command
Center so a separate mod is not needed and causes problems.
Known examples of mods that would cause problems would be "Neia's No More Same
Sims Everywhere" and "Autosave" mods. Also, TwistedMexi's Always Testingcheats
mod, but I'm not sure if it works even on its own or not.


As of version 1.13 of Sims 4 (Get Together Expansion), I believe Pregnancy Mega

Mod also causes some problems but I don't think these are conflicts, I just
think it doesn't work as-of that update. PMM options should all be available
from the MC Pregnancy module.
The "Sticky Clothes" Mod conflicts with my mod as I also have that functionality
built-in to MC Command Center automatically.
After checking those things, I can help analyze things, but there are basic
steps you can take to make it easier to figure-out what is wrong.
A screenshot of your mod folder can be helpful. A screenshot of your "Game
Options/Other/Custom Content" window showing the script mods that are loaded
will help.
A copy of your mc_cmd_center.log file can be helpful, depending on the problem.
A copy of the LastException.txt file from the Sims 4 folder can be helpful.
Vague comments like "it's not working"...not so helpful.


Additional Credits:
(originally posted by Deaderpool to MCs Description Page)
Special thanks for this mod goes to the following (and probably others that
I'm forgetting!)
Twallan - For Master Controller! Much of my Sims 3 enjoyment was thanks to his
work on this mod and many of my ideas for this mod come directly from things
I was missing due to his work. He is missed!
Scumbumbo from ModTheSims - He helps me out a lot and points me to forum posts
that I would've missed otherwise because I'm usually working on this. Also,
his tools like XML Extractor are invaluable!
Thanks to Maybecats and Scumbumbo for the ideas on doing a choice dialog with
buttons, which are used for my UI menus!
Kuree for S4PE. Great tool that I use quite a bit.
JetBrains for PyCharm - because I would've killed myself trying to use Notepad++
at this point.
Morphar and Sabreene for suggestions, some bug catching, some question answering
on the forums and just generally helping out all around.
Ele88, Egureh, Jor, Hanna337, andreah, Rainsong13, Snugglypoo4, Bysnow,
KuriXarya, Kasandro, Gato_24, Bloudwedd, SimBuscus, GeekElk, Bichon2057 and
Heidi137 for translation help!
Egwarhammer for helping with this forum but even more so with the official EA
forums. She took it on herself to try to help answer questions about my mod
over there. Very much appreciated!
Tatiana for helping out on the SimsCommunity forum! All of you covering for
me on other forums helps a ton!
Thanks to all the folks in the comments section that help me find bugs and come-up
with great new ideas!!


Get_pop Basic Summary Log Output:

Heres an example of a Log output you get using get_pop b:
[01/24/16 10:40:52]-------------------------------------- Get Population
Details -------------------------------------[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Sims: 83
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Female Sims: 46
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Male Sims: 37
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Grim Reapers: 0
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Babies - Female: 0, Male: 3
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Children - Female: 4, Male: 5
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Teens - Female: 5, Male: 3
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Young Adults - Female: 20, Male: 15
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Adults - Female: 13, Male: 7
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Elders - Female: 3, Male: 3
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Ghosts: 2
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Homeless Sims: 8
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Homed Sims: 73
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Married Sims: 32
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Pregnant Sims: 5
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Sims in Hidden Households: 1
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Aliens: 3
10:40:53]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Households: 37
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Homeless Households: 8
[01/24/16 10:40:53]Total Homed Households: 29

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