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Week of October 3rd-7th

Important Dates to Remember!

Brought to you by Mr. Steinmetzs Class

October 11 & 13: Ice Age Trail Field Trip

October 13: Picture Retake Day
October 26/28: PT Conferences

Math News:

Workshop and Daily 5 News

This week we learned about

lines, line segments, and rays.
We then put that together with
angles to come up with
different triangles and
quadrilaterals. We also learned
how to find the perimeter for a
square or rectangle. We learned that to do this you need to
use the equation L*L*W*W = Perimeter.
Next week we will be starting our multiplication unit.
Students will have to start to practice their multiplication
facts so that we can learn how to multiply bigger numbers.
We will also continue to learn our addition and subtraction
facts because that will help us with our multiplication.

During Workshop time this week we continued to learned

about Traditional Tales. Remember that they are stories that
are passed down from generation to generation. Some
types of traditional tales include: Legends, Fairy Tales, Tall
Tales, Myths, and Fables.
We started exploring more into
Fables and learned about the
parts that make a story a Fable. A
Fable almost always end with a
lesson or a moral. They teach us
something. We also moved into
learning about Legends. A key
thing about Legends are that they
explain how something came to

Science News:
We have been learning about parts of animals cells and
how they are different from plant cells. Learning about
animal cells helped us understand that different animals
have different adaptations. They need these adaptations so
that they can survive in their ecosystem. To have a better
understanding of what we learned we took a walking field trip
to Chapman Park to observe the Elk.
Next week we will continue our learning of animals by
learning about how different animals are classified. We will
be doing this by observing different types of sea shells.

Ice Age Trail Field Trip

This week the 4th graders are going to be going on a field
trip to the Ice Age Trail. They will be doing lots of different
activities there. They will learn about how parts of Wisconsin
were formed millions of years ago, go on a hike, learn about
pioneer games, and even hold a snake!
For this trip the grade will be split into 2 groups, one going
on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Tuesday group: Ms.
Benavides and Mr. Wagners classes and Thursday: Ms.
Konkel and Mr. Steinmetzs classes.
Please make sure that your child is
dressed appropriately for this do to the
fact that we will be outside almost all day.
We would recommend old shoes or boots,
hat and gloves, and a coat.

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