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Comprehension Test

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

R. L. Stevenson
1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? TF

Mr Utterson knew the man who signed Mr Hydes cheque.

Dr Jekyll and Dr Lanyon stopped talking after a scientific disagreement.

Mr Hyde lived in a very rich part of London.

Mr Hyde shot Sir Danvers Carew with a gun.

Mr Guest discovered that the writing on the two letters was very similar.

Dr Lanyon died very suddenly.

Poole broke the door of Dr Jekylls study with an axe.

Mr Utterson found Dr Jekylls body in the study.

Dr Lanyon saw Mr Hyde change into Dr Jekyll.

Dr Jekyll decided to leave his money to Mr Utterson.

20 marks

2 Which of these adjectives are used in the book to describe Dr Jekyll, and Mr Hyde?
inhuman, generous, evil, imaginative, kind, ugly, good, happy, violent, cruel.

Doctor Jekyll: ................., ................., ................., ................., .................

Mr Hyde: ................., ................., ................., ................., .................
10 marks
3 Why do you think Dr Lanyon died? Lanyon

10 marks
4 Complete the following sentences.
a Mr Utterson invited Dr Jekyll for a walk but ...
b When Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde refused to open the door of his study Mr Utterson decided
c Dr Jekyll made the drug because ...
d Dr Jekyll locked himself in his study because ...
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e Mr Hyde hated Dr Jekyll but he didnt kill him because ...

20 marks
5 When he realised that Hyde was starting to take control Dr Jekyll decided to stop taking
the drug. But after two months he took the drug again. Why?

10 marks
6 Imagine you are Mr Utterson. Write a letter to the police telling the story of Dr Jekyll and
Mr Hyde.

30 marks


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Multiple-choice Test

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

R. L. Stevenson

Choose the best answer.
1 Mr Utterson was _____.
a [ ] Jekylls lawyer

b [ ] Hydes friend

c [ ] a detective

d [ ] Dr Lanyons lawyer

2 One day, Richard Enfield told Mr Utterson about _____.

a [ ] a horrible house
b [ ] a horrible child
c [ ] a horrible man who had walked over a childs body
d [ ] a horrible man who had hurt a woman
3 The man agreed to pay _____.
a [ ] one pound

b [ ] ten pounds

c [ ] one hundred pounds

d [ ] a thousand pounds

4 He went into _____.

a [ ] the front of a house

b [ ] a small hotel

c [ ] a prison

d [ ] the back of a house

5 The man said his name was Mr Hyde, but the name on the cheque was _____
a [ ] Doctor Lanyon

b [ ] Richard Enfield c [ ] Henry Jekyll d [ ] Mr Utterson

6 Doctor Jekylls will said if he died, _____.

a [ ] only the laboratory should go to Mr Hyde
b [ ] the house should go to Mr Utterson
c [ ] nothing should go to Mr Hyde
d [ ] everything should go to Mr Hyde
7 Doctor Lanyon hadnt seen Doctor Jekyll for a long time because _____.
a [ ] Jekyll had started to look strange

b [ ] Lanyon was jealous of Jekylls ideas

c [ ] Jekyll had developed some strange ideas

d [ ] Jekyll was jealous of Lanyons ideas

8 Mr Utterson needed to see _____.

a [ ] Doctor Jekylls face

b [ ] Mr Hydes face

c [ ] a doctor

d [ ] a friend

9 Doctor Jekylls servants had orders to _____.

a [ ] not talk to Mr Utterson
c [ ] do what Mr Utterson said

b [ ] do what Mr Hyde said

d [ ] not talk to Mr Hyde

10 At a party, Mr Utterson promised Doctor Jekyll that _____ if Jekyll died.

a [ ] hed sell his house

b [ ] hed cry

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c [ ] hed help Mr Hyde

d [ ] hed like Mr Hyde

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
11 Mr Utterson was _____ with strangers.
a [ ] confident

b [ ] shy c [ ] angry

d [ ] evil

12 Richard Enfield was Mr Uttersons _____.

a [ ] best friend and cousin b [ ] half-brother

c [ ] colleague

d [ ] doctor

13 Hyde was _____.

a [ ] quite tall and slim b [ ] short, thin and

c [ ] overweight and tall d [ ] short, but strong and heavy

14 Mr Utterson and Doctor Lanyon _____.

a [ ] had been colleagues for many years

b [ ] had disliked each other for years

c [ ] had known each other since school

d [ ] didnt know each other well

15 Jekyll was a tall, kind man _____.

a [ ] of about fifty b [ ] of about thirty

c [ ] in his sixties

d [ ] in his forties

16 Hydes home was _____.

a [ ] comfortable, but untidy b [ ] like a prison

c [ ] cold and tidy

d [ ] like a laboratory

17 Doctor Lanyon looked thin _____ before he died.

a [ ] but content

b [ ] and frightened

c [ ] and ill d [ ] and sad

18 Poole saw his masters murderer _____.

a [ ] wearing strange clothes in the side-street
c [ ] killing Sir Danvers Carew

b [ ] wearing a mask in the laboratory

d [ ] helping some poor people

19 Jekyll put mirrors _____ to see his body change.

a [ ] in every room

b [ ] in his garden

c [ ] in his kitchen

d [ ] in his study

20 In the end, Hyde managed to _____.

a [ ] control his bad personality b [ ] be kinder
c [ ] destroy Jekylls personality d [ ] became an important scientist
20 marks

Who said or wrote this?
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21 My prisoner was clearly a hard, cruel man.

a [ ] a policeman

b [ ] Richard Enfield c [ ] Mr Utterson

d [ ] Doctor Jekyll

22 He developed some strange, wild, unscientific ideas.

a [ ] Jekyll b [ ] Mr Utterson

c [ ] Richard Enfield d [ ] Doctor Lanyon

23 He never told you! Dont lie to me!

a [ ] Hyde

b [ ] Jekyll c [ ] Sir Danvers Carew

d [ ] Mr Utterson

24 I only ask you to help him, when Im gone.

a [ ] Sir Danvers Carew

b [ ] Hyde

c [ ] Jekyll d [ ] Doctor Lanyon

25 So, Henry Jekyll wrote that letter for a murderer!

a [ ] Mr Guest

b [ ] Doctor Lanyon

c [ ] Poole

d [ ] Mr Utterson

26 I shall not be here much longer thank God.

a [ ] Doctor Lanyon

b [ ] Jekyll c [ ] Richard Enfield d [ ] Poole

27 Eight days ago we heard his voice for the last time.
a [ ] a servant girl

b [ ] Poole

c [ ] a doctor

d [ ] Hyde

28 As I watched, his whole body seemed to change.

a [ ] Richard Enfield b [ ] Mr Utterson

c [ ] Doctor Lanyon

d [ ] Poole

29 At last I had everything I needed except a special kind of salt.

a [ ] Mr Utterson

b [ ] Poole

c [ ] Jekyll d [ ] Doctor Lanyon

30 All the time he listens for the policemans knock on the door.
a [ ] Poole

b [ ] Hyde

c [ ] Mr Utterson

d [ ] Jekyll

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
31 to hit something solid by accident
a [ ] bump

b [ ] fall c [ ] point

d [ ] fetch

32 very bad, harmful

a [ ] strange

b[ ]


c [ ] black

d [ ] evil

33 a legal document saying who will have your money, etc. after you die
a [ ] letter

b [ ] prescription

c [ ] will d [ ] note

34 to make something go away

a [ ] get rid of

b [ ] murder

c [ ] leave

d [ ] finish

35 a heavy stick with sharp metal on the end

a [ ] cage

b [ ] axe

c [ ] dose

d [ ] lock

36 strange, difficult to understand

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a [ ] wild

b [ ] cruel

c [ ] feverish d [ ] mysterious

37 a sudden and very unpleasant surprise

a [ ] rock

b [ ] lock

c [ ] shock

d [ ] knock

38 you send a letter in this

a [ ] paper

b [ ] envelope

c [ ] account

d [ ] cage

39 something that can kill if it is eaten or drunk

a [ ] chemical b [ ] poison

c [ ] passion

d [ ] mixture

40 saying that you have done something wrong

a [ ] confession

b [ ] appearance

c [ ] reputation

d [ ] mistake

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
41 Hyde killed Sir Danvers Carew _____.
a [ ] because of an insult

b [ ] for no reason

c [ ] because of love

d [ ] for money

42 Mr Utterson realized that Hyde _____ Doctor Jekyll.

a [ ] was a friend to

b [ ] had tried to rob

c [ ] hated

d [ ] had planned to murder

43 The lawyers clerk compared the two letters and _____.

a [ ] thought that the handwriting was very similar
c [ ] thought they looked very different

b [ ] preferred Jekylls writing

d [ ] preferred Hydes writing

44 For a short while, Jekyll was happier but then _____.

a [ ] Mr Utterson refused to visit him b [ ] nobody wanted to visit him
c [ ] he refused to see people

d [ ] he decided to move away

45 Poole said that the person in the lab _____.

a [ ] stopped the servants from working
c [ ] was strange, but pleasant

b [ ] wanted certain chemicals

d [ ] was a visiting scientist

46 When they broke into the laboratory, _____.

a [ ] Hyde was drinking a glass of wine
c [ ] Jekyll was trying to kill Hyde

b [ ] they found Hydes dead body

d [ ] Hyde was trying to kill Jekyll

47 Doctor Lanyon died from _____.

a [ ] his extreme jealousy of Jekyll b [ ] his severe injuries
c [ ] the shock of the truth about Jekyll and Hyde

d [ ] taking the chemicals

48 In his confession, Jekyll said that as a young doctor he had wanted to _____.
a [ ] give his fun-loving side more freedom
c [ ] become more serious

b [ ] bring his two personalities together

d [ ] help people

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49 Hyde hated _____ most of all.

a [ ] the liquid

b [ ] his clothes

c [ ] being nice

d [ ] the way Jekyll disliked him

50 In the end, Jekyll realized that _____.

a [ ] he needed to change the chemicals b [ ] lots of chemicals were bad for him
c [ ] the first chemicals were not pure

d [ ] he should stop using chemicals

20 marks


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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

1 a T
b T
c F
d F
e T
f F
g T
h F
i T
j T
2 Dr Jekyll: generous, imaginative, kind, good, happy
Mr Hyde: inhuman, evil, ugly, violent, cruel
3 Dr Lanyon died after he saw Mr Hyde turn into Dr Jekyll. This frightened him and made him lose
his faith in his own scientific beliefs. He was probably killed by the shock.
4 Possible content for students answers.
a he said he couldnt leave the house because he was ill.
b they must break down the door.
c he wanted to separate the two sides of his character and give freedom to his wilder side.
d he had changed into Mr Hyde and he couldnt change back.
e he knew this meant killing himself.
5 Dr Jekyll took the drug again because his life seemed boring.
6 Students individual answers.

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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde























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