NH-Sen PPP For Americans For Responsible Solutions (Oct. 2016)

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From: Justin Mayhew, Public Policy Polling

To: Interested Parties

Subject: Candidates Opposed to Gun Violence Prevention in Trouble in New
Hampshire; Voters List Background Checks, Gun Safety Measures Among Top
Concerns This Year
Date: October 11, 2016
A new Public Policy Polling survey finds that gun violence prevention is a major issue on
the level of jobs, education, and Social Security for New Hampshire voters this year, and
candidates who support gun safety measures are more popular than those who oppose
them. Nine in ten New Hampshire voters (92%) say that making it harder for criminals to
get guns is either a very important or somewhat important issue for them in the
upcoming electionsimilar to the 96% who say creating jobs is important, 95% who say
improving education is important, and 93% who say protecting Social Security is
important. 72% of New Hampshire voters say abortion is an important issue for them this
Candidates who have been vocal in their support for gun reform perform well in New
Hampshire. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald
Trump by eleven points (48/37), while Democratic Maggie Hassan leads incumbent
Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte by one point (44/43). By a two-to-one margin, 53/26, New
Hampshire voters would be more likely to vote for a candidate for U.S. Senate who
supports strengthening gun laws, suggesting ample room for growth for gun safety
candidates before the election next month. Among undecided voters, a 42% plurality
would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports strengthening gun laws.
Key findings from the survey include:

Undecided voters are looking at gun violence prevention as a major factor in their
upcoming vote. Of the 12% of voters who havent committed to a candidate for
Senate, 85% say making it harder for criminals to get guns is an important issue,
71% support background checks on all gun sales, and 77% support prohibiting
individuals on the FBI Terror Watch List from buying guns.

Public Policy Polling

3020 Highwoods Blvd.
Raleigh, NC 27604

Phone: 888 621-6988

Web: www.publicpolicypolling.com
Email: information@publicpolicypolling.com

Gun violence prevention is such an important issue for New Hampshire voters that
many are willing to disregard candidates stances on other issues when considering
whom to cast their ballot for. A 43% plurality of voters say they are less likely to
vote for a candidate who opposes background checks on gun sales, even if they
agree with that candidate on most other issues. Among undecided voters in the
Senate race, a 39% plurality would be less likely to vote for such a candidate.

Gun violence prevention is a transcendent issue in New Hampshire, attracting

concern from voters of all backgrounds and partisan leanings. At least 80% of gun
owners, women, men, Democrats, Republicans, independents, and voters of all age
groups all say that making it harder for criminals to get guns is either a very
important or somewhat important issue for them.

A diverse, bipartisan bloc of voters is united in endorsing candidates who support

strengthening our gun laws in New Hampshire. Majorities of women (56%),
Democrats (83%), young voters (56%), and seniors (63%), and pluralities of men
(49%) and independents (47%), say they would be more likely to vote for a
candidate who supports pro-gun violence prevention policies.

New Hampshire voters are overwhelmingly in favor of the gun safety proposals
introduced in Congress this year. 85% support prohibiting individuals on the FBI
Terror Watch List from buying guns, and 80% support requiring background checks
on all gun sales, including those sold online or at gun shows.

A significant portion of voters think Sen. Kelly Ayotte is a stronger advocate for
gun violence prevention than her actual policy positions suggest. 52% either think
Ayotte supports background checks on gun sales or they are unsure of her stance a
seven point decrease from our last statewide poll in August, suggesting voters are
catching on to Ayottes out-of-touch, anti-gun safety positions and, importantly, has
further to fall when more voters are educated about her stance.

Ayottes anti-gun violence prevention platform is hurting her with the vast majority
of voters who back implementing background checks on gun sales and say gun
violence prevention is of importance to them in this election cycle. A 51% majority
of voters who support background checks hold an unfavorable opinion of Ayotte,
and 53% of voters who say gun violence prevention is important to them also hold a
negative opinion of her.

Public Policy Polling

3020 Highwoods Blvd.
Raleigh, NC 27604

Phone: 888 621-6988

Web: www.publicpolicypolling.com
Email: information@publicpolicypolling.com

PPP surveyed 600 likely New Hampshire voters from October 7-9, 2016. The margin of
error for the survey is +/- 4.0%. 80% of interviews for the poll were conducted over the
phone with 20% interviewed over the internet to reach respondents who dont have
landline telephones. This poll was sponsored by Americans for Responsible Solutions.

Public Policy Polling

3020 Highwoods Blvd.
Raleigh, NC 27604

Phone: 888 621-6988

Web: www.publicpolicypolling.com
Email: information@publicpolicypolling.com

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