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1. A - When source of information comes from police intelligence officer of long experience and
extensive background, evaluation of reliability of information is labeled.
2. A Arrange for collection of evidence.
3. Abrasive special type of contamination, by using a type of material that will grind metals.
4. Access list - authenticated list of personnel given to security allowing entry to compound or
installation or part thereof natural or man-made.
5. Access to object of protection - physical security is system of barriers placed between potential
intruder and object matter to be protected. As criminologists, this is simply a denial of__.
6. Access to the items techniques can be from fake documents, bribing of guards, outsmarting
security, creating disturbance and other methods to divert attention while pilferage goes on.
7. Accommodation Address forwarding address of agents mail packages other communications.
Address at which posted mail containing intelligence or operational information is received and at
which either held for pickup or readdress and transmitted further thru the mails.
8. According to function organization according to nature of tasks to be performed, should be
divided into groups so that similar and related duties maybe assigned to each division.
9. According to level of authority vertical combination of superior officers, with each rank at a
different level of authority from any other, form channels through which operations maybe directed
and controlled.
10. According to place of work organization according to territorial distribution of platoon,
accomplished by assigning police officers to beats, is necessary to facilitate direction and control of
officers and to ensure suitable patrol service within jurisdiction.
11. According to time frame organization in which police units are divided into shifts or watches
according to time of day.
12. Accounting procedure bookkeeping measures must be established along with expenditure reports
to aid in making administrative decisions and ensuring that expenditures are defrayed within
appropriation and according to what purpose to which it was provided.
13. Accurate free from error.
14. Active counter intelligence measures - actively block enemy's attempt to gain information
of enemy's effort to engage in sabotage or subversion.
15. Active Measures operations intended to influence or otherwise affect other nations policies, both
overt and covert, consist of broad range of activities including manipulation or control of media,
written or oral disinformation, clandestine radio broadcasting and other related activities.
16. Active physical security- by using different types of barriers. Methods used; a. Overt method b.
Covert method.
17. Active service of uniformed personnel services rendered as officers and non-officer, cadet,
trainee or draftee in police, fire or jail force, or in municipal police prior to integration of PC-INP or in
18. ACT NO 175 An Act Providing for the Organization and Government of an Insular Constabulary,
enacted on July 18, 1901.
19. ACT NO 183 - created Manila Police Department, enacted on July 31, 1901.
20. ACT NO 255 act that renamed Insular Constabulary into PC, enacted on Oct. 3, 1901
21. Adequacy of resources of police station - most important factor in formulating effective patrol
22. Administration denotes functions that determine basic policies, programs and objectives of
organization and means and methods to employ to achieve them. An organizational
process concerned with implementation of objectives and plans and internal operating efficiency.
Connotes bureaucratic structure and behavior, relative routine decision-making and maintenance of
internal order. Organizational process concerned with implementation of objectives and plans and
internal operating efficiency.
23. Administrative and Logistics- part of security plan involves listing of security equipment.
24. Administrative law branch of law dealing with activities of executive or administrative agencies
known sometimes as boards, bureaus or commissions with power to determine controversies or

25. Administrative method procedure for formulating rational decisions based on collected and
interpreted informations as opposed to intuitive persuasions.
26. Administrative personnel belonging to second level managers bracket such as patrol watch
27. Administrative Records - records required in management of department personnel and
assignment, promotions and disciplinary actions. Such records are so essential in administering
personnel matters that they must be maintained in police department.
28. Administrative Units - perform administrative functions ex: personnel, finance, planning and training.
29. Admonition - lowest administrative Penalty.
30. Advance Party group of protective personnel tasked to conduct surveys and inspection on area of
visit, performs coordination and make required arrangement of visit of VIP to particular area.
31. Advance Security this are the advanced security at the place of engagement before the arrival of
the VIP.
32. Aerial/ Sky Patrol activated on Apr. 20, 1996 and formally launched on May 2, 1966 for air patrol
operation in NCR with 3 helicopter as its initial air assist capability.
33. Africa 2nd largest of continents, covers around 22% of worlds land area.
34. After Mission Report account submitted immediately upon completion of mission by undercover
35. Afternoon Shift usually busiest and offers greatest variety of activities wherein officers deployed on
___ encounter a broad range of activities and people that make their job challenging. This combines
service orientation of day shift with criminal apprehension function of midnight shift.
36. Agency guard - hired by agency, and they are paid by contract.
37. Agency Manager automatically chief security director who shall be responsible for entire operation
and administration / management of security agency. He shall be directly responsible to agency
operator / owner / Board of Directors.
38. Agent person who engages in spying or in support of those who do, or who seeks to detect them.
And whose primary objective is to obtain information pertaining to processes, activities, movements
or operations of others. Acts on behalf of another whether individual, organization or foreign
government, works under direction of a principal agent or case officer. The third organizational
element in clandestine activity. May be classified according to his function within organization.
39. Agent Handling - management of agents, principal agents and agent networks by intelligence
officers typically known as case officers.
40. Age waiver - be granted if applicant is 30 to 35 years old
41. Agitator person or group whose mission is to cause discontent among population.
42. Agriprof person or group of tasked to agitate and spread propaganda among population usually for
certain cause.
43. Alarm Panel System located outside facility but manned by company personnel.
44. Alertness desirable quality of security guard is it determines his effectiveness; it must be therefore
develop by everyone desiring to become security guard. Means spotting violators, person, vehicle or
incident. Little thing can mean a lot in security work and alert security guards can spell difference
alertness can be only attained by watchfulness, dedication and diligence.
45. Amateur Swindler as contrasted to professional swindler is 1 who does not swindler for living.
46. Ambition - Pedro is a thief who is eying at handbag of Maria. PO1 Santos Reyes is standing a few
meters from Maria. The thiefs desire to steal is not diminished by presence of police officer but the
______ for successful theft is.
47. Ambush Attacks the kidnapper will attempt to stop the victims car with in a zone he established by
blocking the roadway or by shooting the driver.
48. American Period - Americans established US Philippine Commission headed by General Howard
Taft as its first governor-general. On Jan. 9, 1901, Metropolitan Police Force of Manila was organized
pursuant to Act No 70 of Taft Commission. This has become basis for celebration of anniversary of
Manilas Finest every January 9th.
49. Analysis - resolving or separating of thing into its component parts. Shifting and isolating elements
which have significance in light of mission. Conversion of raw information into intelligence. It includes:
(1) integrating (2) evaluating (3) analyzing data and preparing intelligence product.
50. Analyzing facts step refers to careful scrutiny and evaluation or relevant facts which provides basis
from which plans are developed.

51. Anarchist advocate absence of state, arguing that common sense would allow people to come
together in agreement to form functional society allowing participants to freely develop their own
sense of morality, ethics and principled behavior.
52. Anarchy without ruler. Legitimacy of state is gained through consent, not through coercion. Used
by non-anarchist as pejorative term, intended to connote lack of control and negatively chaotic
environment. However, anarchist still argue that it does not imply nihilism, anomie or total absence of
rules, but rather an anti-authoritarian society that is based on spontaneous order of free individuals.
53. Ancient China - law enforcement was carried out by prefect. Prefects were government officials
appointed by local magistrates who reported to higher authorities such as governors who in turn were
appointed by head of state usually emperor of dynasty.
54. Ancient Greece - publicly owned slaves were used by magistrates as police. In Athens, a group of
300 Scythian slaves (rod-bearers) was used to guard public meetings to keep order and for crowd
control and also assisted with dealing with criminal, handling prisoners and making arrests.
55. Ancient Roots - forerunner of contemporary police system was practice of barangay chieftains to
select able-bodied young men to protect their barangay during night and was not required to work in
fields during daytime. Among duties of those selected were to protect properties of people in
barangay and protect their crops and livestock from wild animals.
56. Animal barriers - usually guard dog. e x. trained German shepherds used as guards, goose, and
turkeys can also be included.
57. Answer pleading which contains respondents defense.
58. Antartica 6th largest of continents is ice bound throughout the year.
59. Anthrax single celled bacterial organism capable of forming spores. Used as a biological weapon
producing pneumonia like symptoms.
60. Annunciation - heart of system of detecting device and is component that activates triggering unit.
61. Annuciator is a visual or audible signing device which initiates conditions of associated circuits.
62. Anti-terrorism defensive measures used to reduce vulnerability terrorist acts.
63. APCO association Public Safety Communication Officers Inc.
64. Appealed policy born when problems arise at lower levels of organization and man charge does
not know how to meet problem.
65. Appointment issuance of order of assignment.
66. Area section or territorial division of large city, each comprised of designated districts.
67. Area of Operation aspect of operational environment exclusive of military forces involved.
68. Area security covers the surrounding areas of engagement conducts prophylactic (neutralize
the area) operations in the area of engagement.
69. Aristocracy select few such as most wise, strong or contributing citizen rule, often starting as
system of cooption where council of prominent citizens add leading soldiers, merchants, land owners,
priest or lawyers top their number. Deforms when it becomes hereditary elite. Derived from greek
aristokratia rule of best.
70. Armored Car Security protection resulting from application of various methods which safeguards
cash and other valuables in transit.
71. Arm threats used of force
72. Arranging for execution of plan this necessities issuance of directives and orders to units
concerned, establishment of schedule and provision of resources both manpower and equipment
necessary to carry out plan. Meetings and conferences are undertaken to assure comprehension and
understanding of personnel concerned as to what is to be done and how.
73. Arson Terrorists/Adversary use incendiary devices to commit arson. This is done during an
organized civil disturbance (throwing a firebomb) or agains a specifically targeted building.
74. Arrest and Booking Records maintains arrest and jail booking report which is required for all
people arrested. Made out in full and it bears arrest number for each arrest made.
75. Artificial cover using biographical data adopted for purpose that is fictitious or fabricated.
76. Artificial Cover Story using biographical data which are invented for purpose.
77. Artificial Recognition identification cards, passes, passwords, etc.
78. Artisan worker who is employed in industry or who is skilled in craftsman.
79. Arturo Cadac Jr. - current chief of PNP
80. Asia largest of continents covers around 1/3 of worlds total land area. Known for its vast size and
incomparable character.

81. Assets Protection Program - sum total of protect scheme encompassing entire security spectrum,
design to eliminate, reduce or control threats hazards, risk or dangers to company assets.
82. Assign mobile patrols only in strategic places - you are patrol supervisor for morning shift. You
dont have enough men to cover all patrol beats. What will be implement?
83. Assimilate absorbed into system of foreign society.
84. Assistant regional director of jail management penology assistant heads of department
regional officers with rank of senior superintendent
85. Assumptions accepting some things as being factual although not entirely thus proven.
86. Attractive Nuisance doctrine of law wherein individual is said to be maintaining on his premise
(business or residential condition instrumentality, machine or other agency that is dangerous to young
children because of their inability to appreciate peril.
87. Attrition by demotion in position or rank any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed, who is
relieved and assigned to position lower than what is established for his/ her grade in PNP staffing
pattern and who shall not be assigned to postion commensurate to his/her grade within 18 months
after such demotion in position shall be retired or separated.
88. Attrition by non-promotion any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed, who is relieved and
assigned to position lower than what is established for his/her grade in PNP staffing pattern and who
shall not be assigned to position commensurate to his/her grade within 18 months in position shall be
retired or separated.
89. Attrition by relief PNP uniformed personnel who have been relieved for just cause and has not
have given assignment within 2 yearsafter such relief shall be retired or separated.
90. Attrition system RA 8551 to remove from PNP, police officers who are inefficient, ineffective,
91. Audio Detection Device it will detect any sound caused by attempted force entry. A supersonic
microphone speaker sensor is installed in walls, ceilings and floors of the protected area.
92. Audio Haiter portable transistorized and battery operated amplifier that magnify the voice of the
93. Audio Surveillance checking on persons by listening thru wire-tapping or use of electronic
eavesdropping equipment to pick up conversations of persons and their associates.
94. Auditing, reviewing, and researching evaluating current performance and procedures in order to
facilitate control and improve future practice.
95. Audits in addition to periodic inventory, an unannounced audit should be made of all key control
records and procedures by a member of management.
96. August Vollmer - first police chief of Berkeley California. He is sometimes called father of modern
law enforcement in US. He was first chief to require that police officers attain college degrees. First
police chief to create motorized force placing officers on motorcycles and cars so that they could
patrol broader areas with greater efficiency. He was also first to use lie detector in police work.
97. Australia smallest of 7 continents.interiors are predominantly plain.
98. Authorianism form of government characterized by emphasis on authority of state in republic or
union. Political system controlled by nonelected rulers who usually permit some degree of individual
freedom. Theodore M. Vestal of Oklahama State University-stillwater has written that authorianism is
Highly concentrated and centralized power structures.
99. Authoritarian political system be weakened through inadequate performance to demands of
people. Vestal writes that tendency to respond to challenges to authoritarianism through tighter
control instead of adaptation is significant weakness and that this overly rigid approach fails to adapt
to changes or to accommodate growing demands on part of populace or even groups within system.
Because legitimacy of state is dependent on performance , authoritarian states that fail to adapt to
changes or to accommodate growing demands on part of populace, authoritarian states that fail to
adapt may collapse.
100. Authoritarianism indefinite political tenure of ruler or ruling party (often in single party state) or
other authority. John Duckett of University of Witwatersrand suggests link between authoritarianism
and collectivism submerge individual rightsand goals to group goals, collectivism submerge individual
rights and goals to group goals, expectation and conformities.
101. Authority this section should contain a brief statement of when, where and by whom the
investigation was made and should cite the authority for making it.

102. Authorized handlers - in industrial firm there is need for document security. As security officer,
you can advice management on this aspect although this is not totally your assigned work.
Document security is not protection of vital records from____.
103. Autocrat from greek word self ruler or he who rules by ones self
104. Autocratic leadership ability to obtain from each member of highest quality of service which he
is capable of giving by which superior officer assumes full accountability for all actions and seeks
obedience from his subordinates by issuing orders and commands.
105. Autocracy political power is held by single, self appointed ruler. Usually seen as synonymous
with despot, tyrant, dictator through each of these terms originally had separate and distinct meaning.
May be totalitarian or be military dictatorship.
106. Autokrator employed in Greek to translate Latin Imperator, was used along Basileus to mean
107. Automatic Informants - Those by virtue of their official positions are expected or obligated to
furnish information openly to CI units in normal course of their duties. e.g., Government officials,
police officers and technical experts.
108. Automated Records records accumulated by electronic data processing system (EDPS) like
tapes, memory drives, reels and storage cases.
109. Automatic Sprinkler System attached to ceilings and roof and activated when there is sudden
increase in temperature. Water is directly where it is needed.
110. Automobile Patrol most extensively used and most effective means of transportation for police
111. Authority - right to command and control behavior of employees in lower positions within
organizational hierarchy. Must be viewed in terms of prescribed roles rather than of individuals.
A particular position within organization. Carries same regardless of who occupies that position. .
supreme source of government for any particular organization right to exercise, to decide and to
command by virtue of rank and position
112. Authority and Responsibility- authority includes right to command and power to
require obedience. Cannot have authority without responsibility.
113. Aviation security unit headed by director with rank of chief superintendent, _ in coordination
with airport authorities shall secure all countrys airport against offensive and terrorist acts that
threaten civil aviation, exercise operational control and supervision over all agencies involved in
airport security operation, and enforce laws and regulations relative to air travel protection and safety.
114. Auxiliary alarm - company owned alarm system with unit in nearest police station so that in case
of need, direct call is possible.
115. Auxiliary Functions- functions involving logistical operations of organization. Ex. training,
communication, maintenance, records management, supplies and equipment management
116. Auxiliary service division police work that encompasses such specialties as records and
communication, criminalities, detention and property management.
117. Auxiliary System alarm system where circuitry is directly linked to local police stations or fire
stations and when activated it immediately notifies said personnel for prompt response. Prone to false
alarm and is considered unpopular. However, banks and other vital establishments are fitted with
such devices for response in cases where alarm is activated.
118. Axioms of intelligence 1. Intelligence is crucial to Intel security 2. Intelligence is crucial to all
types of operations 3. Intelligence is responsibility of all intelligence agencies 4. Intelligence of
government must be superior to that of enemy.
119. A-4 - completely reliable source - Doubtfully true information
120. Back Berrand thief found with stolen goods borne on his back.
121. Background Investigation - thorough and complete investigation of all or some of circumstances
or aspect of a persons life is conducted.
122. Backstop falsified documents and materials prepared by undercover to make his cover story
123. Badge System a system for personnel movement and control whereby badges or identification
are issued to personnel upon entering and an installation.
124. Bag Man 1 who collects illicit or illegal money such as ransom in kidnapping, delivering bribe
money thru middleman.

125. Bank Security protection resulting from application of various measures which safeguards cash
and assets and which is in storage in transit and during transaction.
126. Barrier any structure of physical device capable of restricting, deterring or delaying illegal
access to installation natural or manmade.
127. Barrier Maintenance regular inspection of fencing barrier and protective walls by security guard.
128. Bay and River Patrol Specialized being highly operating in water maintains common form of
129. Beat area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or motorized. Primary subdivision of sector.
130. Beat patrol - deployment of officers in given community, area or locality to prevent and deter
criminal activity and to provide day to day services to community.
131. Believability - following words has same meaning as word credibility.
132. Bicycle Patrol utilizes bicycle and have combined advantage of mobility, speed and stealth.
They are easily maneuvered in crowded areas and cheaper to operate.
133. Bigot List listing of names of all persons with authorized access to sensitive information. This is
ensures that all certified personnel reading sensitive document have true need to know; with regard
to information contain therein.
134. BJMP - exercise supervision &control over all city and municipal jails. Jail bureau, created initially
consisting of uniformed members of jail management &penology service as constituted under PD
135. Black Bag Operation FBI agents illegally entered offices of targeted individuals and/or
organizations, and photographed information found in their records. This practice was used by FBI
from 1942 until 1967. Director Hoover in July 1966 ordered practice discontinued, and he again
restated his position in Jan 1967.
136. Blisterfoot used to denote policeman in uniform in patrol assignment.
137. Bloodless Emergency urgent situation confronting police officer where subject is not involved in
violence such as accidents, shooting incidents, or street fights. Particularly to mental cases, victims of
drugs, alcohol or suicidal patients.
138. Blue Curtain - describes secrecy and insulation from others in society that is consequence of
police subculture
139. Body guards - today there are 3 categories of security guards belonging to blue army
140. Booking - administrative record of arrest listing offenders name, address, physical description, date
of birth, time of arrest, offense and name of arresting officer. includes photographing and
fingerprinting of offender.
141. Bombing if the terrorist adversary plant bombs, then you must assume other bombs have been
142. Boston police department - oldest police department in US. First night watch was established in
Boston in 1631. Formally founded in May, 1854.
143. Bow street runner - London's first professional police force.
144. Breach of internal security any offense committed by member of PNP involving and affecting
discipline and order within police organization.
145. Breakage destroying vital parts of machine.
146. Brig. Gen. Rafael Crame - first Filipino Chief of PC in 1917.
147. Britain and Ireland - in England, system of sheriffs, reeves and investigative juries to provide basic
security and law enforcement.
148. BS Degree - minimum educational attainment for promotion in PNP
149. Budget calendar schedule of financial plan to be undertaken during budget cycle.
150. Budget call document that triggers budget preparation.
151. Budget cycle involves following process: 1. Preparation- by PNP offices; 2. Authorization by
congress; 3. Accountability control measures conducted by auditing.
152. Budget guidance document issued by higher stipulating national objectives, priorities and
constraints authorities including assessment of peace and order situations.
153. Budgeting forecasting in detail of results of officially recognized program of operations based on
highest reasonable expectations of operating efficiency and is total coordinating, operating financial
154. Budget planning - encompasses present and future monetary requirement for personnel,
equipment must be approximated and plans for supporting budget request must be made if required

appropriation are to be obtained. Ideal budget for police force should be at least 20 % of total budget
of city or municipality, in no case it shall be less than 17 %.
155. Budget year current year and 1 day.
156. Buffer Zone area which separates VIP from attack.
157. Bug surveillance device which requires communications channel. Usually involves radio
transmitter, in which user can pick up data from poorly configured wireless computer networks or tune
in to radio emissions of computer monitor.
158. Building Exterior - 2nd line of defense.
159. Bureau- largest organic unit within large department.
160. Burned identity of undercover has been know by subject.
161. Burn-In - tendency for image that is shown on display over long period of time to become
permanently fixed on display. This is most often seen in emissive displays such as Cathode Ray Tube
and Plasma as chemical change can occur in phosphors when exposed repeatedly to same electrical
162. Burnt out - subject identifies or obtains knowledge that investigation is conducting surveillance on
him, latter is163. Butyric Acid - double fermentation of sugar and milk.
164. BW Biological Warfare, involves use of diseases to deliberate population, food or livestock.
165. BWC Biological Weapons Convention which prohibits developing, producing and stockpiling
bacteriological and toxin weapons.
166. Cabeza de Barangay head of settlers who appointed eyes and ears of his community.
167. Called for service - best defines word self-reliant
168. Carabineros De Seguridad Publica organized as mounted riflemen or cavalry whose duties
expanded in 1781 from special commission as government custodian of tobacco monopoly to distinct
group charged with duties of harbor, port, border and river police. Organized in 1712 for purpose of
carrying regulations of Department of State; this was armed and considered as mounted police; years
after, kind of police organization discharged duties of port, harbor and river police.
169. Card-operated lock- coded cards whether notched, embossed or embedded with magnetic-fuels
are inserted to open.
170. Career Management determining, planning and monitoring career aspirations of each individual in
organization and developing them to improve productivity.
171. Case Officer - intelligence officer who is trained specialist in management of agents & agent
172. Case Operational Plan (COPLAN) - definite target - specific activity conducted in relation to
intelligence project under which it is affected. Several case operations may fall under one intelligence
project. A preparatory plan on how to carry out a case operation which is last resort to pursue
intelligence objectives when normal police operations fail.
173. Case Records composed of complaints and assignment sheet and investigation report. A
Complaint or assignment sheet contains information concerning reports and complaints received by
police unit from public and actions initiated by police. Investigator report reflects findings of
investigating officer from inquiries and other facts and circumstances concerning commission of
174. Casing - method of collection of information wherein investigator tails or follows person or vehicle.
Circumspect inspection of a place to determine its suitability for particular operational purposes.
Reconnaissance or surveillance of building, place or area to determine its suitability for intelligence
use or its vulnerability in intelligence operation.
175. Casual Informants - Individuals who by social or professional position, possesses or has access to
information of continuing interest, and who willingly provides information to CI unit, either in response
to specific request or on his own initiative.
176. Casual pilferage - one who steal due to inability to resist unexpected opportunity or has little fear
that there is detection. for souvenir
177. Casual Pilferer- 1 who steals due to his inability to resist unexpected opportunity and has little fear
of detection.
178. Casual psychological common interest only for short duration

179. Caveat - designator used with or without security classification to further limit dissemination of
restricted information (e.g., For Official Use Only (FOUO) and Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals
180. CBI - Complete Background Investigation. Consist of investigation of background of person
particularly all circumstances of his personal life that was born and life 15 years ago.
181. CCTV Closed-circuit television with which picture is viewed or recorded, but not broadcasted. It
was initially device as means of security for banks. Today it has developed to point where it is simple
and inexpensive enough to be used in home security systems and everyday surveillance.
182. Cell cover intended for small operating groups, wherein numbers of group are not working
183. Central alarm system - utilizes station located outside compound.
184. Central Station System utilizes station located outside compound. When alarm is sounded,
security immediately calls attention of law enforcement units and fire teams as case may be.
185. Change Key key to single lock within as system of locks in installation.
186. Channel Communication refers to the equipments being used to transfer thought or ideas.
187. Character sum of traits that have been impressed by nature, education and habit upon individual.
188. Character Investigation determine candidates reputation and character in his neighborhood and
if this habits and attitude would make him good prospect for police job.
189. Charged out card - Each time any file is issued, record should be made on color charge-out which
is often called Substitution Card or Out Card which takes place of file that has been removed from
190. Chain of command - principle of organization suggesting that communication should ordinarily go
upward and downward through establish channels in hierarchy. Fundamental component of proper
supervision. Requires that each employee reports and is accountable to only one direct supervisor.
Arrangement of officers from top to bottom on basis of rank or position and authority. Line or chain of
supervisors from top to bottom. System which purpose is to ensure that orders, directives, and other
information are channeled downward and upward through organizational structure in timely and
uniformed fashion. Manner through which supervisors establish and maintain necessary control over
191. Check Points strategic point or area manned for uniformed policeman established to check/
intercepts passage of suspect/ criminals and contrabands. Also referred to as choke points.
192. Chemical dust - chemical marking compound developed by KGB to keep tabs on activities of target
officer. Aka METKA. Compound is made of nitrophenyl pentadien (NPPD) and luminol.
193. Chemical sniffers - Technical air sampler sensors designed to sniff for hostile substances or parties
in dark tunnel system.
194. Chief Directorial Staff rank of Deputy Director General.
195. Chief civil relation headed by director with rank of chief superintendent, it shall implement plans
and programs that will promote community and citizens participation.
196. Chief Directorial Staff No 4 man in PNP organization
197. Chief of jail bureau head of bureau of Jail Management and Penology with rank of director.
198. Chief of Police - overall commander of department.
199. Chief PNP - Exercise power to revoke, for cause, licenses issued to security guards. Maximum
tenure in office is 4 years. appointment of Police Inspectors up to Police Superintendent is vested inhead of PNP with rank of Director General which shall have power to direct and control tactical as
well as strategic movements, deployment, placement, utilization of PNP or personnel, including its
equipment, facilities and other resources. Chief PNP has summary over all members of police force.
200. CIA Central Intelligence Agency (USA) Federal body responsible for evaluation and dissemination
of foreign intelligence within government.
201. Cipher - system that manipulate 1, 2 or 3 characters at a time. Code or secret message which takes
form of innocent text.
202. Cipriano Querol Jr. - current head of PNP directorate for intelligence
203. Circumstantial evidence evidence which gives ground for belief as to fact or guilt.
204. CIS Commonwealth of Independent States, established in 1991 following disintegration of Soviet
Union. There are 12 member states: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan,
Krygztan, Ukrain, Uzbekistan and Georgia.
205. Citizens complaint - may be brought before Chief of Police, City or Municipal Mayors and PLEB.

206. City/ Municipal Jail Warden head of city jail or municipal jail with rank of senior inspector.
207. Civic action program this endeavor attempts to impart to members of community and win
citizens cooperation to accomplish police tasks. Its activities includes rendering public assistance in
cases of emergencies and calamities, police participation in community affairs and police efforts to
prevent juvenile delinquency by means of actively engaging and participating in youth activities.
208. Civic Mindedness Gives information because its a duty as a concerned citizen.
209. Civilian Review Board - ex. PLEB - organized citizen groups that examine police misconduct.
210. Civil relations unit headed by Director with rank of chief superintendent, civil relations unit shall
implement plans and programs that will promote community and citizens participation.
211. Civil Service Commission - shall attest appointment of PNP officers. PNP promotions are subject
to confirmation_.
212. Clandestine Activities activity to accomplish intelligence, & other similar activities, sponsored or
conducted by government, all departments in such a way to assure secrecy or concealment, it
conceal operations.
213. Clandestine Operation conducted in secrecy, but with no effort to disguise its nature.
214. Clarifying problem procedure calls for recognition, of predicament, comprehending both its
history, record and possible solutions.
215. CLAS - Classified By
216. Class A Fire - disposed by ordinary combustible material Fire extinguisher used is water.
217. Class B Fire - disposed or composed of petroleum product- it serves as blanket to burning material.
218. Class C Fire - disposed or composed of electrical energy or from electricity related fire- Fire
extinguisher used are dry chemicals and carbon dioxide
219. Class D Fire - composed or disposed by combustible metal-Fire Extinguisher used are powder talc
and dry seal.
220. Classification Levels - Information may be classified at221. Top secret - Security classification that shall be applied to information, unauthorized disclosure of
which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national security that
original classification authority is able to identify or describe. secret: Security classification that shall
be applied to information, unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause
serious damage to national security that original classification authority is able to identify or
describe. confidential: Security classification that shall be applied to

information, unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to

cause damage to national security that original classification authority is able to
identify or describe.
222. Classification of Position grouping of positions, qualifications and tests of fitness may be used to
recruit employees.
223. Classified - assigned information by one of 4 classification categories.
224. Classified Matters information in any form, which, in interest of national security, must be
safeguarded in manner to extent required by its importance.
225. Classifying mentally determining name of subject or number of which specific record is to be filed.
226. Classifier - makes classification determination and applies classification category to information/
227. Clear zone - exterior and interior parallel area near perimeter barrier of industrial compound to afford
better observation and patrol movement. Unobstructed area it should be maintained on both sides of
perimeter barrier.
228. Clipping Services collection of news items of intelligence value in publications both local and
foreign. Publications of local/ foreign news cut and posted with captions.
229. Clockwise - going east while foot patrolling and turning right after end of your beat and turning right
after reaching other end of road and again turning right until you completed cycle by reaching back to
your origin of patrolling.
230. Close in security Aka personal security composed of 2 or 3 men assigned to VIP.
231. Close Surveillance - Continuous observation of subject is maintained at all times, even if subject
appears to become suspicious or openly accosts surveillant and accuses him of watching or following
232. Close Tail 1 in which extreme pre-cautions are taken against losing subject.

233. Coalition - arrangement between one or more nations for common action. The multi-national
relationship results from formal agreement between two or more nations for broad, long-term
objectives that further common interests of members, usually for single occasions or longer
cooperation in narrow sector of common interest. A force composed of military elements of nations
that have formed temporary alliance for some specific purpose
234. Coded lock type of lack that can be opened by inserting card lan slot in the lock.
235. Code-operated lock- opens by pressing series of numbers buttons in proper sequence.
236. Code Word - word that has been assigned classification and a classified meaning to safeguard
intentions and information regarding a classified plan or operation.
237. Coding - Making identifying mark on item to be stored to indicate what classifications it is to be filed.
238. COINTELPRO Counter Intelligence Program was a program of US Federal Bureau of Investigation
aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within US.
239. Col. Antonio Torres - first Filipino Chief of Police of Manila Police Department in 1935.
240. Col. Henry Allen first chief of PC.
241. Col. Lambert Javalera - first chief of police of Manila Police Department after Philippine
Independence from USA in 1946
242. Collation - assembly of written information into standard order. Process of organizing raw data into
usable form grouping of similar items of information.
243. Collecting all pertinent facts gathering and compilation of all data and facts relating issue or
problem at hand.
244. Collection - gathering of raw information based on requirements.
245. Collection Agency individual organization or unit that knows and exploits to source of information.
246. Collective bargaining process of negotiating agreements and following through in day-to-day
247. Column Formation used generally for approach to riot area.
248. Combat intelligence - Knowledge of enemy, weather and terrain that is used in planning and
conduct of tactical operations.
249. Combination Lock for installation in safe and bank vaults, it can have intricate system of at least
1 million possible combinations consisting of more than 6 dials, it affords maximum delay in terms of
efficiency. has 3 deals which must be aligned in proper order before the lock will be open
250. Combination of Loose and Close Surveillance - Circumstances, which usually depend on specific
act of subject, may necessitate change from loose surveillance to close surveillance without prior
251. Combustion - chemical process by which heat and flame will comes out.
252. COMELEC - following exercises control and supervision over PNP units during election.
253. COMINT Communication Intelligence.
254. Command and signal - this last portion of security plan pertains to channel of communication
needed, when implementing to project until in full view.
255. Command Communication oral or written order of as superior officer to his subordinate directly
made and compliance is immediately expected.
256. Commanding officer officer who is in charge of department, bureau, division, area or district.
257. Commanding/ Ordering transfer of duties and responsibilities from top man to subordinate.
258. Command post - in disaster control operations, there is need to establish ___where telephones or
any means of communication shall.. Area where case conferences, briefings and debriefings are
being conducted by responding agencies.
259. Command responsibility - when we say that commander is directly responsible for any act or
omission of his subordinates in relation to performance of their official duties. Dictates that immediate
commanders shall be responsible for effective supervision and control.
260. Command/unit inspector officer in charge of PNP Inspectorate Service in different Command
National Support Units.
261. Commercial activities - Just efficient production, management of industry requires commercial
activities pertaining to buying, selling and exchange. Fayol points to acumen and decision-making, a
thorough knowledge of market and of competitors, foresight and law as necessary for ensuring
success of organization.

262. Commercial vices organized operations which run similarly to legitimate business enterprise,
branching out to legal undertakings as front to cover their illicit trade and launder illegally amassed
wealth. They maintain complete personnel for purposes of management, supervision and operation.
263. Commission proper national police commission which is composed of office of chairperson and
regular commissioners.
264. Commonwealth act no. 408 Article of War Act.
265. Communication in management transfer of ideas or instructions from 1 person to another.
266. Communications media - bulk of most information comes from267. Communication security - protection resulting from application of various measures which prevent
or delay enemy/ unauthorized persons in gaining information through communication. Measures
adopted to safeguard transmission or receipts of messages, equipment used and communication
center itself.
268. Communication transfer of thought from mind of one person to mind of another thought a
common medium or channel.
269. Communications unit headed by Director with rank of Chief Superintendent which shall be
responsible for establishing effective police communication network.
270. Communication System imparting or exchange of information or data by electronic or other
271. Communist state single party rule of Communist party and professed allegiance to communist
ideology as guiding principle of state.
272. Community Assessment knowing geographical location, topography, streets and people as well
as political organization in area of responsibility. Its objective is to create climate of trust and
understanding within community.
273. Community Oriented Policing - programs designed to bring police and public closer together and
create more cooperative working environment between them.
274. Community oriented policing system (COPS) - police strategy which aims to directly involve
members of community in maintenance of peace and order by police officers.
275. Community policing - process by which organized group of citizens devoted time to crime
prevention within neighborhood. When suspecting criminal activities, members are encourage to
contact authorities and not to intervene.
276. Community Relations Program evaluates public attitudes identifies mission of organization with
public interest and executes program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.
277. Company guard - proprietary or in house security, and they are directly under payroll of company.
278. Company Guard Forces security guard recruited and employed by company. Those hired will be
in company payroll and are usually entitled to same benefits received by other employees. At times,
organic personnel as guards get special allowance for uniforms and are even gratuitously given
special privileges for uniforms and mental allowance.
279. Company officers all junior officers in ranks of senior inspector and inspector
280. Company security force - security force maintained and operated by any private company for its
own security requirements only.
281. Complaint written and sworn charge filed against respondents.
282. Comprehensive Patrol kind of alternative patrol where in regular duties are augmented and
prescribed objectives and verifiable tasks.
283. Compromise - loss of security which results from unauthorized persons obtaining knowledge of
classified matter.
284. Compulsory retirement retirement for officer and non-officer shall be upon attainment of age, 56.
Provided that in case of any officer with rank of chief superintendent, director or deputy director
general the commissioner may allow his retention in service for unextendible period of 1 year.
285. Computer center headed by Director with rank of chief superintendent shall be responsible for
implementation and maintenance of data base system for PNP.
286. Computer Facsimile modern type of communication equipments.
287. Conclusions this represents concise summary of the results of the investigation directly
consequent from and supported by facts.
288. Confederation deals with critical issues such as defense, foreign affairs, or common currency,
with central government being required to support for all members. Usually limited to permanent

union of sovereign states for common action in relation to other states. Used to describe type of
organization which consolidates authority from other semi autonomous bodies.
289. Conference the exchange of thoughts or opinions by conversations, or seminar.
290. Confession acknowledged, disclosed or admitted.
291. Confidence state of being sure, state of mind, free form doubt, or misgiving. Attributes include
faith in oneself and is attained by job knowledge. State of trust.
292. Confidential spoken or written in secret. The designation applied to information or material of
which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security.
293. Confidential (blue color code) is any information or material, the unauthorized disclosure of it
would be prejudicial to the interest and prestige of the national or governmental activity.
294. Confidential Informer person who secretly provides information with understanding that his
identity will not be divulged and that he will be compensated either in money or favor.
295. Confidential matters - information and material, unauthorized disclosure of which while not
endangering national security would be prejudicial to interest or prestige of nation or any government
activity or would cause administrative embarrassment or unwarranted injury to individual or would be
of advantage to foreign nation.
296. CONPLAN - Contingency Plan - Consignor A person, firm, or Government activity by which articles
are shipped. The consignor is usually shipper.
297. Consocional state has major internal divisions along ethnic, religious or linguistic lines, with none
of divisions large enough to form majority group, yet nonetheless manages to remain stable, due to
consultation among elites of each major social groups. Consocional states are often contrasted with
states with majoritarian electoral systems.
298. Constable- person holding particular office most commonly in law enforcement. The office of
constable can vary significantly in different jurisdiction. Served as leader of 10 tythings. Primary task
of things was to protect their village from thieves and animal.
299. Contact any person with whom subject speaks, to whom he pass articles, or

from whom he receives articles.

300. Contract System - scheme in which services of security personnel are lent
for consideration to industrial organization by outside agency specializing in all
aspects of industrial security.
301. Contamination type where they used foreign materials to apply in establishment.
302. Continental theory policemen are regarded as state or servant of higher authorities. This theory
prevails in European countries where governmental organization follows centralized pattern, e.g.
Spain, Italy and France. The people have no share or little participation with duties nor connection
with police organization.
303. Continuous lighting the most familiar type of outdoor security lightning, this is designed to
provide two specific results: glare projection or controlled lighting. It consists of a series of fixed
luminaries at range to flood a given area continuously during the hours of darkness.
304. Controlling checking or evaluation and measurement of performance and comparing it with
planned goals or objectives of organization, and making necessary corrective actions so that work is
accomplished as planned.
305. Controlled Areas areas access is restricted as to entrance or movement by all but authorized
personnel and vehicles. Should additionally marked by fence or other barrier, and access to it should
be limited to as few guests as possible.
306. Controlled Interface - mechanism that facilitates adjudication of different interconnected system
securty policies (e.g., controlling flow of information into or out of interconnected system).
307. Controlled Lighting the lighting is focused on the pile of items, rather than the background. The
width of the lighted strop can be controlled and adjusted to suid the security needs.
308. Convoy associate of subject who follows subject in attempt to detect surveillance.
309. Coordination accomplishment of pattern of group effort among working men through harmonious
adjustment or functioning of task, directed toward common goal.
310. Cops on blocks - PI Juan Dela Cruz is chief of police of municipality. He wants his subordinates
to be drawn closer to people in different Barangays. He should adopt what projects?
311. Core Secrets - Any item, process, strategy, or element of information, in which compromise of would
result in unrecoverable failure.

312. Corporatocracy/corpocracy corporation or government entities.

313. Correspondence file - consist of set or records of communications classified, arranged and filed
alphabetically by subject to which they pertain.
314. COSMIC - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) TOP SECRET
315. Cost of Security Protection principle which states that it is not economical to spend thousands of
persons on plant security when return on such investment is only a fraction of that amount.
316. Counter Insurgency aspect of intelligence devoted to destroy effectiveness of inimical enemy
intelligence activities to protect information from espionage, individual against subversion and
installation or material against sabotage. Military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological and
civic actions taken by government to defeat subversive insurgency.
317. Counter intelligence - Activity pertains to all security control measures designed to ensure
safeguarding of information against espionage, personnel against subversion and installations or
material against sabotage. Type of intelligence activity which deals with defending of organization
against its criminal activities. effort made by intelligence organizations to prevent hostile or enemy
318. Counterintelligence (CI) Assessment - Department of Defense (DoD) components
comprehensive analysis or study of a relevant Counterintelligence (CI) topic, event, situation, issue,
or development. require exhaustive amounts of research and production timeline can range from
days to months.
319. Countermeasure (CM) - employment of devices and/or techniques with objective to impair
operational effectiveness of adversarys activity. May include anything that effectively negates
adversarys ability to exploit vulnerabilities.
320. Counter Subversion aspect of counter intelligence designed to detect, destroy, neutralize or
prevent subversive activities through identification, exploitation, penetration, manipulation, deception
and depression of individuals, groups or organizations conducted or suspected of conducting
subversive activities.
321. Counter Surveillance reliant on good information security planning. Protecting information is 1st
stage of counter-surveillance.
322. Counter Terrorism offensive measure taken to respond to terrorist acts.
323. Courier - cleared employee whose principal duty is to transmit classified material to its destination.
The classified material remains in personal possession of courier except for authorized overnight
storage. Person who carries information or material from one individual in clandestine operation and
delivers it to another.
324. Cover change forging and screening of persons real personality, things, events, and places.
Protective action taken to mask or conceal operation or activity from adversary. Means by which
individual, group or organization conceals true nature of its activities, and/or its existence from
observer. It is used so that intelligence unit may operate with minimum interference from outside
elements. By outside elements, we mean those not having Need to Know
325. Cover family combination of compartmental.
326. Covert Operation - planned and executed as to conceal identity of, or permit plausible denial by,
sponsor. differs from clandestine operation in that emphasis is placed on concealment of identity of
sponsor, rather than on concealment of operation. Synonymous with law enforcement term
Undercover Operation.
327. Cover Operative spies who enjoys diplomatic immunity.
328. Cover story - biographical account, true or fictional or combination of true or fiction which portrays
undercover operatives past history and current status.
329. Cover within cover use of secondary cover in case of compromise which necessitates admission
of a lesser crime
330. Covert - form of intelligence is involved when information is obtained without knowledge of person
against whom information or documents may be used, or if information is clandestinely acquired.
331. Covert Intelligence information gathering which are clandestine in nature.
332. Covert Operations so planed and executed as to conceal identity of or permit plaustible denied by
sponsor or concealment of identity of sponsor.
333. Craft trade or occupation which required skills, manual activity, understanding of principles of trade
and definite period of training in trade.
334. Craftsman skilled mechanical or manual worker reasonable for equipment.

335. Crew - which is assigned to mobile car usually consists of driver and a recorder
336. Crime Intelligence - information compiled, analyzed and/or disseminated in effort to anticipate,
prevent, or monitor criminal activity.
337. Crime laboratory - administrative support unit conducts identification and evaluation of physical
evidences related to crimes, with emphasis on their medical, chemical, biological and physical nature.
Headed by director of chief superintendent, which provides scientific and technical investigative aid
support to PNP and other government investigative agencies.
338. Crime Prevention primordial concern of police organization. Reduction or elimination of
opportunity to commit crime.
339. Crime Prevention and coordination service unit which shall undertake criminological
researches and studies, formulate national crime prevention plan, develop crime prevention and
information program and provide editorial direction for all criminology research and crime prevention
340. Crime spot map - post location of murders, rapes, robberies, carnapping and other major crimes of
341. Crime Statistics science dealing with collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of
masses of numerical data on crime.
342. Crime Triangle 1. Offender 2. Victim 3. location
343. Criminal Intelligence information of knowledge about person or organization engaged in illegal
344. Criminal investigation collection of methods by which crimes are studied and criminals arrested.
Art which deals with identity and location of offender and provides evidence of his guilt in criminal
proceeding. Usually reactive in nature which means that they proceed with case immediately after
crime has been committed.
345. Criminal investigation division vested with responsibility which primarily pertains to coordination
of criminal information and investigation of crimes not resolved by patrol.
346. Criminal investigation unit headed by director with rank of chief superintendent, shall undertake
monitoring, investigation and prosecution of all crimes involving economic sabotage and commission
by highly placed or professional criminal syndicates and organizations.
347. Criminality relation to crime and degree thereof.
348. CRIMP - Crime Reduction Involving Many People
349. Crisis is a decisive point of a condition, improper handling on which immediately places under
threat or danger of ones life, limbs, freedom and property.
350. Crisis Management is the totality of action of handling or responding to a given crisis situation.
351. Crisis Management Plan is a complete and comprehensive plan of actions designed to protect
life, limbs. freedom and property, before, during, and after any given crisis situation.
352. Crisis Security - protection of rich person, industrial magnates, political leaders against kidnapping
for economic, political, emotional or nationalistic purposes.
353. Critical Clearances in these business in which money or other valuable objectives are handled by
employees is otherwise subjected to temptation or entrusted with secrets of value to industry or to
government, care must be exercised in selection of personnel.
354. Criteria Enumerated standard like education, experience, age, citizenship, and family background,
potential are being verified if true or not.
355. Criticality - impact of loss as measured in financial terms
356. Cross reference - notation put into file to indicate that record is not stored in that file but in some
other location specified therein. It tells filer or searcher where to find needed material.
357. Current terminology is generally accepted.
358. Crowd Temporary congregation of people.
359. Crypt something that is concealed or hidden.
360. Cryptanalysis - from Greek word Kryptos-hidden and Analyein-to loosen or to unite - art
of defeating cryptographic security systems and gaining access to contents of encrypted messages
without being given cryptographic key.
361. Crypto-Equipment - Equipment used to render plain information unintelligible and restore encrypted
information to intelligible form.
362. Cryptography - Art or science concerning principles, means, and methods for rendering plain
information unintelligible and of restoring encrypted information to intelligible form.

363. Crypto-Ignition Key (CIK) - device or electronic key used to unlock secure mode of cryptoequipment.
364. Cryptographic security - component of communication security which results from provisions of
technically sound crypto system and their proper use. Art and science of making, devising and
protecting codes and ciphers.
365. Cryptography - practice and study of techniques for secure communication in presence of third
parties called adversaries
366. Cryptology - Science concerned with data communication and storage in secure and usually secret
form. It encompasses both cryptography and cryptanalysis.
367. Crypto-Security - component of communications security that results from providing and properly
using technically sound cryptosystems.
368. CSIS Canadian Security Intelligence Service, set-up in 1984 under Canada Security Intelligence
Service Act.
369. Custodian - individual who has possession of, or is otherwise charged with responsibility for
safeguarding classified information.
370. Customs - long established practices common to particular community, class or race. Implies
more or less permanent way of acting as reinforced by traditions and social attitudes, e.g.,
customs of giving gifts on Christmas.
371. Cut tabs on guides and folders are said to be cut according to width of tab.
372. Cut-Out - mutually trusted intermediary, method or channel of communication, facilitating exchange
of information between agents. Person or device interposed between two persons or groups in order
to provide communications.
373. Cutout Device - place or thing used in communication between two members of clandestine
operation and is also means of comparting one element from another.
374. Cyber Attack - hostile act using computer or related networks or systems intended to disrupt and/or
destroy an adversarys critical cyber systems, assets, or functions.
375. Cyberspace Superiority - degree of dominance in cyberspace by one force that permits secure,
reliable conduct of operations of that force, and its related land, air, sea, and space forces at given
time and sphere of operations without prohibitive interference by adversary.WSF Chemical Weapons
Storage Facility
376. Cyber Warfare (CW) - armed conflict conducted in whole or part by cyber means, or military
operations conducted to deny opposing force the effective use of cyberspace systems and weapons
in conflict. includes cyber attack, cyber defense, and cyber-enabling actions.
377. Cylinder Locks usually installed at home, Aka night latch and is operated by key on outside and
knob on inside.
378. Cynicism - belief that most peoples actions are motivated solely by personal needs and
379. Daily report a daily report should be made to the person responsible for key control from the
personnel department indicationg all persons who have left or will be leaving the company.
380. Damage Assessment - analysis of impact on national security because of disclosure of classified
information to unauthorized person.
381. Data Aggregation - compilation of unclassified individual data systems and data elements resulting
in totality of information being classified.
382. Data + analysis = Intelligence
383. Data gathering - One way of extending power of observation is to get information from persons
within vicinity.
384. Data Mining - analysis of data for relationships that have not previously been discovered.
385. Day shift devoted to service activities. People that police officer meets during day shift are usually
law abiding and create few problems. They often concentrate patrol efforts around parks and
congested recreational areas. Officers assigned to day shift do not a lot of hand core crime fighting;
they tend to be more service oriented.
386. Dead Bolt - lock bolt with no spring action, usually activated by key or turn knob and that cannot be
moved by end pressure. Deadlocking Panic Hardware A panic hardware with a deadlocking latch. The
latch has a device that, when in closed position, resists latch from being retracted.

387. Dead Drop/Dead Letter Box - method of espionage trade craft used to pass items between 2
individuals using a secret location and thus not require meeting directly. Place were clandestine
material may be left by one echelon and recovered by another.
388. Dead Drop Spike - concealment device used to hide money, maps, documents, microfilm, etc.
389. Deadly Force - police killing of suspect who resists arrest or presents danger to officer or
390. Debriefing serves to place person in special notice of his continuing responsibility to protect
classified information which he has knowledge of. Interview with personnel from mission to get
information of particular interest.
391. Deception - Those measures designed to mislead enemy/adversary by manipulation, distortion, or
falsification of evidence in order to induce reaction from that adversary which is prejudicial to
adversarys interests.
392. Deception Detection Techniques this process of using devices in detecting deception during the
interview stage.
393. Declassification - determination that classified information no longer requires, in interest of national
security, any degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure, together with removal or
cancellation of classification designation.
394. Declassification Authority - official who authorized original classification, if that official is: 1) still
serving in same position; 2) originators current successor in function; 3) supervisory official of either;
or 4) delegated declassification authority in writing by agency head or senior agency official.
395. Decibel - unit of sound measurement.
396. Decision written disposition of case personally signed by disciplinary authority containing facts
established during hearing, findings and conclusion, as well as pertinent relevant laws and
jurisprudence applicable thereon.
397. Deception attempt to mislead another generally as to its capabilities and intention to confuse
enemy about 1s plan and intension.
398. Decoy Patrol methods rely heavily upon disguise, deception, and lying rather than upon highlyvisibility patrol techniques.
399. Deduction formulation of conclusion from a theory which was tested and considered valid.
400. Defector person who turns away or against his allegiance to government.
401. Defector in place person who turns himself against government but not physically deserted his
402. Defense Ring arrangement of protective and or physical barriers in concentrate circle to detect,
negate potential assassins.
403. Defensible Space - range of mechanisms that combine to bring environment under control of its
404. Definition on purpose- realization of what is to be done.
405. Degausser - electrical device or handheld permanent magnet assembly that generates a coercive
magnetic force for degaussing magnetic storage media or other magnetic material.
406. Degree of police-community relations - random and unpredictable character of patrol, cultivation
of feeling of police omnipresence, high hazard areas, adequacy of no. of man to meet need,
likelihood of criminal apprehension, and safety of control officers determine:
407. Delegate - giving someone else the responsibility and authority to do something.
408. Delegation act of investing with authority to act for another. Entrustment of a particular workload to
some other person within organization.
409. Delegation of authority - no person in organization can do all tasks necessary for accomplishing
group objective. Also, no one should exercise all authority for making decisions. Conferring of
amount of authority by a superior position to a lower-level position. Principle of delegation of work is
related to process committing activity to anothers care. It is closely related to principle of span of
control in that even through span of attention is excessive, harm from it can be reduced by delegation
of many details to subordinates.
410. Deliberative democracy incorporates elements of both direct democracy and representative
411. Delilah - approached by lords of Philistines, to discover secret of Samson's strength, "and we will
give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver". Three times she asked Samson for secret
of his strength, and 3X he gave her a false answer. First he told her "If they bind me with seven green

withes that were never dried, then shall I be weak, and be as another man.". Then he told her "If they
bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man.".
A third time he told her "If thou weavest seven locks of my head with the web". On fourth occasion he
gave her true reason: that he did not cut his hair in fulfillment of a vow to God.
412. Delineation of authority lines of authority and responsibility should be definite, clear and direct so
that responsibility is properly fixed and duplication avoided. In police service each 1 knows where he
fits in pattern, to whom he is responsible and who is responsible to them.
413. Deluge System similar to a dry pipe system however it is designed to direct flow of water in
specified direction.
414. Demarchy dem being short for demos meaning people, and archy meaning rule. Hypothetical
political system run by randomly selected decision makers who have been selected by sortition.
Attempt to achieve democratic representation w/o needing elections. 1 st proposed by Australian
philosopher John Burnheim, whose political model removed need for state or bureaucracies.
Attemprts to overcome some of functional problem with conventional representative democracy,.
415. Demented quirk personality, bothered information.
416. Democracy rule by people
417. Democratic leadership art of influencing people in which supervisor draws ideas and suggestions
from his subordinates by means of consultation and discussing. By this type of leadership, staff
members are encouraged to participate in making decisions, goals, methods, etc.
418. Demography - study of characteristics of population groups.
419. Demotion penalty or reduction of rank.
420. Departmental intelligence needed by government in order to execute its mission or discharge its
421. Deploy intelligence men in pilferage prone areas to catch the culprit - as security chief of
industrial firm, inventory shows that pilferage is rampant in warehouses.
422. Deploy orderly organized physical movement of elements or units of PNP within province, city or
municipality for purposes of employment as herein defined.
423. Deployment - orderly and organized physical movement of elements or units of PNP within
province, city or municipality for purposes of employment.
424. Derivative Classification - incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or generating in new form
information that is already classified, and marking newly developed material consistent with
classification markings that applies to source information. Includes classification of information based
on classification guidance. The duplication or reproduction of existing classified information is not
derivative classification
425. Derogatory Information - could adversely reflect on persons character, trustworthiness, loyalty, or
reliability, for ex;, a history of drug abuse or criminal activity. Information that is unrelated to character,
such as foreign connections while of adjudicative significance, is not derogatory information.
Generally, it characterized as minor or significant.
426. Description - actual and factual reporting of one's own observations or reported sensory experience
recounted by another.
427. Desire and Opportunity coexistent factors in commission of crime.
428. Destination Security security personnel of place of stop or rest, included in security function of
advance party.
429. Destroying - process of physically damaging media to level that media is not usable, and that there
is no known method of retrieving data.
430. Detail - subdivision of squad.
431. Detect - intrusion alarm devices are designed to __and not prevent criminals from trespassing and
should be used normally as independent adjunct and not replacement of human guard forces.
432. Detectable Actions - Physical actions, or whatever can be heard, observed, imaged, or detected by
human senses, or by active and/or passive technical sensors, including emissions that can be
433. Detective police also referred to as CID, investigations police, Judiciary police/judicial police, or
criminal police, are responsible for investigations and detective work. Usually make up approximately
15% -25% of police services personnel. Detective services often contain subgroups whose job it is to
investigate specific types of crime.

434. Developing alternative plans part of initial stages of plan development in which several options
which may be logically comparable to meet and address the needs of situation.
435. Deviation (Personnel Security) - Access eligibility granted or continued despite either significant
gap in coverage or scope in investigation or out-of-date investigation. A significant gap for this
purpose is defined as either complete lack of coverage for period of 6 months or more within most
recent 5 years investigated, lack of FBI name check or technical check, or lack of one or more
relevant investigative scope components (e.g., employment checks, financial review) in its entirety
436. Diagonal Formation (right or left echelon) crowd control technique used to drive mob in given
437. Digital Signature - cryptographic process used to assure message originator authenticity, integrity,
and nonrepudiation. electronic signature that is transformation of message using asymmetric
cryptosystem such that person having initial message and Signers public key can accurately
determine: 1. Whether transformation was created using private key that corresponds to signers
public key; and 2. Whether initial message has been altered since transformation was made.
438. Digraph - two-letter acronym for assigned code word or nickname.
439. Dial Alarm System system automatically dials number of personnel concerned in cases of breach
of security. It utilized phone line thru fiber optics and inexpensive alarm system which is easy to install
and operate.
440. DILG - formerly Department of Local Government (DLG). Reorganized under RA 6975
441. Direct democracy classical termed pure democracy, comprises form of democracy and theory of
civics wherein sovereignty is lodged in assembly of all citizens who choose to participate. Stand in
contrast to representative democracy, where sovereignty is exercise by subset of people, usually on
basis of election.
442. Directed Deterrent Patrol in this patrol method patrol officers perform specific predetermined
preventive functions on planned and systematic basis. These preventive activities are designed on
basis of detailed analysis of crime incidents offenders characteristics, methods of operating, and
location. It attempts to identify certain crime trends and then develop specific patrol methods to
interrupt these patterns. Ideally suited for cities which are large enough to experience crimes
problems in which patterns and characteristics can be identified.
443. Directing overseeing and supervising of human resources and various activities in organizing to
achieve through cooperative efforts the predetermined goals or objectives of organization. In law
enforcement, exercise of command coordination and control.
444. Directive - authoritative decision from official body, which may or may not have binding force.
445. Direction Finding - procedure for obtaining bearings of radio frequency emitters by using a highly
directional antenna and a display unit on an intercept receiver or ancillary equipment.
446. Direction - intelligence requirements are determined by a decision maker to meet his/ her objective.
Procedures what is to be done who is to do it, when and where, and how it is to be done
447. Dir. Gen. Cesar Nazareno 1st chief of PNP.
448. Disciplinary appellate board formal administrative disciplinary appellate machinery consisting of
national appellate board and regional appellate board, duly established by NAPOLCOM.
449. Discipline - necessary for organization to function effectively, however, state of disciplinary process
depends upon quality of its leaders. Comprising behavioral regulations.
450. Disclosure - release of information through approved channels.
451. Disclosure Record - record of names and dates of initial access to any program information.
452. Discovery Time - interval between commission of crime and its discovery.
453. Discretion wise use of 1s judgment.
454. Disc tumbler lock designed for the use of the automobile industry and are in general use in car
doors today, because this lock is easy and cheap to be manufactured, its use has expanded to other
areas such as desk, fles and padlocks. Used in car doors, desk, drawers, etc. contains 1 or more
pieces of metal of different heights known as tumblers, which intercepts bolt and prevent it from being
moved until tumblers are raised or released by action. It is usually installed in cars and would afford
delay of at least 5-10 min.
455. Discussion this section set forth when appropriate, the presumption and inferences from all the
circumstances in the case to give directing authority the clearest possible picture.

456. Diskette - metal or plastic disk coated with iron oxide, on which data is stored for use by Information
System (IS). Circular and rotates inside a square lubricated that allows read/write head access to
457. Disposal of item there is a need for fences brokers or clearing houses for these hot items.
458. Disposition - matter, item, or concept has been satisfactorily completed. It can also mean persons
character traits, dealing mainly with persons outlook on life.
459. Dispositive portion part of decision which declares whether respondent is guilty/not guilty of
460. Dissemination - distribution of raw or finished intelligence to consumer whose needs initiated
intelligence requirement. The provision of national intelligence to consumers in form suitable for use.
461. District geographical subdivision of city for patrol purposes.
462. District jail warden head of district offices of BJMP with rank of chief inspector.
463. District Orientation Tour utilized to familiarize and orient policeman about patterns and
characteristics of his patrol area before goes out on actual patrol.
464. Distinctness speak clearly and relax to avoid garbled transmission.
465. Division - primary subdivision of bureau.
466. Division of work - work specialization can increase efficiency with same amount of effort.
467. Doctrine official paper certifies anything written that gives information or supplies evidence.
provides for organizations objectives & various actions, hence, policies, procedures, rules and
regulations of org. are based on statement of doctrines
468. Document - Any recorded information regardless of its physical form or characteristics, including,
without limitation, written or printed matter, data processing cards and tapes, maps, charts, paintings,
drawings, photos, engravings, sketches, working notes and papers, reproductions of such things by
any means or process, and sound, voice, magnetic or electronic recordings in any form.
469. Documentary and Information Security sum of all policies, regulations, and doctrines, practices,
enforces to safeguard contents and integrity of any classified information of document or compromise
or loss.
470. Documentary Information - recorded on paper, film, transparency, electronic medium, or any other
medium. This includes, but is not limited to printed publications, reports, correspondence, maps,
audiotapes, email, spreadsheets, databases and graphical slides, technical drawings, software code,
and information embodied in hardware.
471. Document Intelligence Assembling, analyzing and disseminating information about those
individual or groups whose interest is overthrow of democratic country.
472. Documents security - aspect of security which involves \application of security measures for
protection and safeguarding of classified information.
473. Dog - patrol used to locate prowlers, burglars hiding in large buildings or stores, and control of
unruly crowds and riots.
474. Domain - environment or context that includes a set of resources and a set of system entities that
have right to access resources as defined by common security policy, security model, or security
475. Doppler Effect phenomenon that causes frequency shift in object located in area permeated by
radio frequency signals.
476. Double Agents - Individuals who are simultaneously employed by two opposing intelligence
agencies with only one of agencies aware of his dual role. controlled CI unit may produce very
valuable information, particularly in long range counterespionage operations, but their control and
exploitation is complex and difficult, and requires extremely stringent security precautions and control
477. Double-Crosser Informants - he/she gives information, but objective is also to get more information
from police and their activities.
478. Downgrading - determination by Declassification Authority that information classified and
safeguarded at specified level shall be classified and safeguarded at lower level.
479. Dragnet operation - police operation purposely to seal off probable exit points of fleeing suspect
from crime scene to prevent their escape.
480. Driver pool - most secure but most expensive. In this system, car is driven by qualified driver
employed by installation from entrance to its destination and after conclusion of business of visitor car
is driven back to installations entrance.

481. Driver, recorder and supervisor - crew which is assigned to mobile car usually consist of__.
482. Drop convenient secure and unsuspecting place to live a note or small package where item can
be handed to agent. Convenient, secure, and unsuspecting place where police undercover man,
informer, or informant by prearrangement leaves note, small package, envelop or item for action
agent or handler, supervisor, or another agent.
483. Dry Pipe System system for fire safety which is activated when head is ruptured pressurized air
escapes and water is directed to pipes.
484. Dry run - practical exercise or test of plan or activity to determine its effectiveness.
485. Dual Agents - Individual simultaneously and independently employed by two or more friendly
intelligence units and, who do not show preference for either and normally motivated by material gain.
When informant is determined to be Dual Agent, his services will normally be terminated.
486. Dual Technology - Passive infrared, microwave, or ultrasonic Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
sensors which combine features of more than one volumetric technology.
487. Due process right to be given opportunity to present ones side and submit evidence in support
488. Duress Code type of code system so that security personnel when forced by armed men to enter
installation can give alarm by used of certain words in casual conversation with other personnel in
489. Duty Detail Order is a written order/schedule issued by a superior officer usually the private
security agency/branch manager or operation officers assigning the performance of private security
490. Dynamite from liquid it is manufactured and usually homemade and popularly used by illegal
fisherman and miners.
491. E effect the arrest of the offender.
492. Each building or compound requires particular electronic/electrical protective devices -there
are many types of electronic and electric protective devices available for security buildings,
storehouses and compounds.
493. Each installation is different since each installation is different each will have different problems
to overcome. The security procedures will not be adequate for all installations.
494. Early retirement program within 3 years after effectivity of RA 8551, Any PNP officer or noncommissioned officer may retire and be paid separation benefits corresponding to position 2 ranks
higher than his/her present rank subject to following conditions: a) that at time he/she applies for
retirement, he/she has already rendered at least 10 years of continuous government service; b)
applicant is not scheduled for separation or retirement from service due to attrition system or
separation for cause; c) he/she has no pending administrative or criminal case and d) more years in
service before reaching compulsory retirement age at least a year before his/her maximum tenure in
495. Eaves Dropping - act of secretly listening to private conversation of others w/o their consent.
496. Economic Intelligence deals with extended utilization of natural and human resources and
industrial potential of nation. Intelligence regarding economic resources, activities, and policies.
497. Economic sabotage - activities of business establishment against government.
498. Efficiency securing of maximum results with minimum effort using minimum power and equipment
to attain good results.
499. Egypt - ancient rulers had elite unit to protect them. Created MEDJAYS, a form of police force
whose duties include guarding of tombs and apprehending thieves. Introduced use of dogs as
guards and protectors.
500. Electrical Lock a type of lock that can be opened and closed remotely by electrical means.
501. Electro Magnetic Lock doors are closed by magnetism and plates are operated by means of
electricity. When power is on and door is locked, it can resist pressure of more than 1000 lbs.
502. Electronic Attack - Division of Electronic Warfare involving use of electromagnetic energy, directed
energy, or anti-radiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with intent of degrading,
neutralizing, or destroying enemy combat capability. considered form of fires.
503. Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) - Technical and geo-location intelligence derived from foreign noncommunications transmissions (e.g., radar) by other than nuclear detonations or radioactive sources.

504. Electronic Questionnaire for Investigative Processing (e-QIP) - Office of Personnel Management
(OPM) software program for preparation and electronic submission of security forms for Personnel
Security Investigation (PSI) or suitability determination.
505. Electronic Security (ELSEC) - Protection resulting from measures designed to deny unauthorized
persons information from interception and analysis of non-communication electromagnetic emissions.
506. Electronic Surveillance (ES) - Acquisition of non-public communication by electronic means
without consent of person who is party to electronic communication or, in case of person who is
visibly present at place of communication, but not including use of radio direction-finding equipment
solely to determine location of transmitter. May involve consensual interception of electronic
communication and use of tagging, tracking, and location devices. NOTE: For purpose of this
glossary, this definition is general. A more precise statutory definition may be found in Title 50,
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
507. Electronic Transmission (ET) - transmission system that uses flow of electric current (usually 4 20 milliamperes (ma) to transmit output or input signals.
508. Elicitation - information is obtained through direct communication in which other party is unaware of
specific purpose of conversation. Method of acquiring desired information from person who is
unaware that he is providing wanted information, and if made aware may not intend to
give information.
509. Emergency Call requires use of flashing light and siren and may violate traffic laws provided that
extreme care is exercised.
510. Emergency Communication e. Messengers
511. Emergency Flashlight Supplies extra supplies of flash light batteries and bulb always on hand.
512. Emergency Lighting this system is used in times of power failure or other emergencies when
other system are inoperative.
513. Emile Durkheim (1933) - one among sociological trinity and whose name is associated with
functionalism was preoccupied with gaining insight into social order. Functionalism is inextricably
intertwined with question of social order. It enquires as to how order is maintained in society?
514. Employ utilization of units or elements of PNP for purposes of protection of lives and properties,
enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of criminal
offenders and bringing offenders to justice, and ensuring public safety, particularly in suppression of
disorders, riots, lawless violence, rebellious seditious conspiracy, insurgency, subversion or other
related activities.
515. Employee any person in employ of employee. Shall not be limited to employee of particular
employer, unless labor code so explicitly states.
516. Employee Performance Rating evaluation of traits, behavior and effectiveness of employer on
job as determined by established work standards, it may be judgmental or developmental in purpose.
If it judgmental if it is made tool in decision making for promotion transfer, pay increases or
termination of employee. Developmental in purpose when evaluation is used to facilitate employee
improvement in performance or used to improve recruitment, selection, training and development of
517. Employment - utilization of units or elements, of PNP for purpose of protection of lives and
properties, enforcement of laws and maintenance of peace and order and for purposes for promote.
518. Enemy Agents must have access in most cases espionage, acquisition of information is the
ultimate result, and means and form in which information is obtained is merely an operational detail.
Normally, information on tapes and film is as usable as the original documents. Therefore in
considering access, one should think not only of current physical access, but also access to the
discussion of the matter by the use of clandestine listening device.
519. Energy Barriers electrical or electronic devices used to provides assistance to guard personnel.
520. Enforcement- to compel obedience to law, regulation or command.
521. Entrance Conference conference or dialogue between survey team and management official of
plant before security survey is conducted.
522. EO 309 - peace and Order Council is organized in every city/municipality by virtue of523. EO 389 ordered that PC be 1 of 4 services of AFP enacted on Dec. 23, 1940.
524. EO 1012 transferred to city and municipal government operational supervision and direction over
all INP units assigned within their locality; issued on July 10, 1985

525. EO 1040 transferred administrative control and supervision of INP from Ministry of National
Defense to National Police Commission
526. Equipment Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) Zone (ETZ) - A
required secure distance (zone) assigned to equipment based on Transient Electromagnetic Pulse
Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) electric field radiation characteristics of equipment compared to
limits of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory
Memorandum (NSTISSAM) TEMPEST/1-92.
527. Equity - Information originally classified by or under control of agency.
528. Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) - Read-Only Memory (ROM) in which
stored data can be erased by ultraviolet light or other means and reprogrammed bit by bit with
appropriate voltage pulses. In comparison, to Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only
Memory (EEPROM), Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) devices must be saved
when power is removed. Similar products using nitride negative-channel metal-oxide semiconductor
process are termed Electrically Alterable Read-Only Memory (EAPROM).
529. Ernesto V. Cabrera - present member of board of criminology.
530. Escort - expensive but most secure. A cleared person who accompanies shipment of classified
material to its destination. The classified material does not remain in personal possession of escort,
but conveyance in which material is transported remains under constant observation and control of
531. Espion French word- which means spy. This is used to estimate or determine best possible
means of sabotage.
532. Espionage - act of gathering information.
533. Espionage agent - clandestinely procures information.
534. Espionage / Spying - government or individual obtaining information that is considered secret
of confidential without permission of holder of information.
535. Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI) - Specific pieces of information regarding
friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities which are likely to be sought by enemies or
536. Essential Elements of Information (EI) - Specific pieces of information which are likely to be
sought by friendly planners about specific adversaries intentions, capabilities, and activities.
537. Essential Secrecy - condition achieved by denial of critical information to adversaries.
538. Established a defensive perimeter clearing of the area is conducted before crime scene
investigation begins.
539. Ethical Standard fundamental duty of security personnel is to serve interest and mission of his
agency in compliance with contract entered into with clients or customers of agency he is to serve.
540. Ethics - traces its roots from the Greek words ETHIKOS which means moral duty. Employs faculty of human
reasoning in tackling important question of what makes upright life. Noble and important science. It means branch
of philosophy dealing with what are good and bad with moral duty and obligation. commonly associated with
following :1.customs 2.habits 3.practices 4.etiquette 5.moral values 6.principle
541. Ethnic Extremism small minority groups who falsely use their ethnicity for selfish use their
ethnicity for selfish political games.
542. Etiquette - observance of social norms as required by good breeding. e.g. table manner, dress code, etc.
543. ETZ - Equipment Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) Zone
544. Excited Delirium - overdose of adrenaline that can occur in heated confrontation with police.
545. Exclusion Area used only for handling and storage of high cargo and classified documents.
Number of people authorized to enter this area should be strictly limited, and area should be under
surveillance at all times.
546. Exclusive area- restricted area containing security interest or matter, which is of such nature or of
such vital importance that access to area of proximity resulting from access to area, constitutes
access to security interest or matter.
547. Execution performance of orders followed and done with commensurate authority to fulfill
responsibility. part of security plan will explains and outline concept of security project.
548. Exit conference - conference similar to entrance conference, this is only done after completion of
security survey.
549. Exit interview this is a valuable tool because it gives departing employees an opportunity to list

550. Exoneration declaration of respondents innocence by disciplinary authority under summary

551. Expandable Supplies provisions which are consumable or perishable in nature.
552. Explosives substances that are easily exploded by means of heat, friction, jarring or sparks. They
are highly dangerous because of its damaging effect.
553. Expressiveness normal tone of voice in moderate manner not to fast and not too slow.
554. Extra departmental plans plans designed to guide organization of community to assist in
accomplishing police objectives in field of juvenile and delinquency prevention, traffic control, and
organized crimes. Includes those plans that require action or assistance from persons or agencies
outside police organization or that relate to some form of community organization. Plan for coping up
attack against building equipped with alarm system is ex. of__.
555. Europe 5th largest of continent.Europa. daughter of phoenix in Greek mythology. Ereb,
Phoenician word for sunset.
556. Evaluation - systematic determination of merit, worth and significance of something or someone
using criteria against set of standards. Appraisal of information with regard to its accuracy.
557. Evaluation of accuracy of information : 1 - confirmed by other agencies 2 - probably true 3 possibly true 4 - doubtfully true 5 - improbable 6 - truth can not be judged
558. Evaluation of reliability of information: A - completely reliable B - usually reliable - informant is of
known integrity C - fairly reliable D - nor usually reliable E Unreliable F - reliability not judge - no
adequate basis estimating reliability of source.
559. Evaluation Rating each item is indicated by standard evaluation system, reliability of source and
agency is shown by letter and accuracy is manifested in numbers.
560. Event Oriented Patrol identification of events which may require application of intensified patrol
efforts or different kinds of patrol strategies due to nature of problems they may create.
561. Eviction - act of expelling squatter by legal process.
562. Eye slang term for person conducting surveillance on specific person.
563. Eyewitness/testimony solemn declaration.
564. F - When there is no adequate basis estimating reliability of information, evaluation of reliability of
information is labeled.
565. Facts of the case this presents the real truth respecting the matters investigated. The description
completeness, clarify are particular applicable to his section.
566. False Flag covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations,
which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. Name is derived from
military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying flag of country other that one s own.
567. Fear Gives information in order for his/her to be protected.
568. Feedback - received from decision maker and revised requirement issued.
569. Fences - independent structure designed to control physical and or visual access between outside
areas. Natural and man-made structure or physical device which is capable of restricting, determining
or delaying illegal access to installation.
570. Fence area the area surrounding the fence should be clear of trees and vegetation and debris or
other materials which would offer concealment to the intruder or would aid him in scaling.
571. Fence Gate gates should be limited to the number necessary for efficient and safe operation of the
572. Fence opening all opening in the fence in excess of 96 inches must be lock, barred of screened in
such away that they may only be unlocked and opened from the inside and only be selected
573. Fence post fences post should be set to concrete or in firm soil using commercial drive anchors to
a depth of three feet. Maximum distance between posts is ten feet.
574. Fence top there should be something on the top of the fence to deter persons attempting to go
over the fence good example would be the use of barbed wire overhang, holding the stands of barbed
wire should be two feet long and should be extended at 45 degree angle in the direction of the
expected approach.
575. Field inquiry - one way of extending power of police observation is to get information from persons
within vicinity in police work.

576. Field officers Aka senior officers this category includes senior superintendent, superintendent
and chief inspector.
577. Field procedures intended to be used in all situations of all kinds and serves as guide to officers in
field of procedures that relate to following: reporting, dispatching, raids, arrests, stopping suspicious
persons, receiving complaints, patrolling, and conduct of investigation of crimes. Procedure relates to
assignment and method of performance of police task away from headquarters.
578. Field training program all uniformed members of PNP shall undergo field training program for 12
months involving actual experience and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation as requirement
for permanency of their appointment.
579. File room - installed as part of building which holds up to 10,000 cubic meters of essential items. At
least 12 ft. In height with enough ventilation and fire proof of at least one hour.
580. Filing actual placement of materials in storage container, generally folder, according to plan.
Includes process of classifying, coding arranging, and storing systematically so that they may be
located quietly when needed.
581. Filing Manual instructional book containing detailed information about various phases of filing and
records management including rules for procedures used.
582. Financial activities - For Fayol, capital is pre-requisite for personnel, plant, raw material, expansion
of industries and so on. He wanted search for and optimum use of capital. Accounting activities: Fayol
maintained that efficient accounting system, providing accurate idea of organizations financial
condition, is powerful managerial instrument.
583. Financial and Lifestyle Inquiry this type of investigation seeks to gather information on income
and mode of living, sometimes referred to as the earning-to-debt ratio.
584. Financial capabilities income tax return, professional fee, etc.
585. Finance center head by director with rank of chief superintendent, finance center shall be
responsible for providing finances services to PNP.
586. Financial Intelligence Experts individuals who by virtue of their official capacity tracts down
hundred of millions of dollars under different names.
587. Financial plan - budget is ___in terms of expenditure requirements.
588. Financial service unit which shall provide commission with staff service and assistance on
budgetary and financial matters including overseeing of processing and disbursements of funds
pertaining to scholarship program and surviving children of decease and/or permanently
incapacitated PNP personnel.
589. Fingerman who can positively point out subject.
590. Firearms possession of firearms by agency are entitled to posses firearms after satisfactory
complying the requirements as provided by law.
591. Firearms license all firearms of the security agency should be covered with firearms license
issued by the PMP through its Firearms Explosive Division under the Civil Security group.
592. Fire Fighting- to reduce burning material.
593. Fire Hydrant mechanical device strategically located in installation or street where fire hose in
connected that water with pressure will be available to extinguish fire.
594. Fire National Training Institute handles non-career courses for members of Bureau of Fire
595. First line of defense perimeter fences / barriers.
596. Fixed Disk - magnetic storage device used for high volume date storage and retrieval purposes
which is not removable from computer in which it operates.
597. Fixed or stakeout surveillance - it is subject that remains stationary. The surveillant may move
around for closer observation of area and subject. When one surveillant is detailed to watch place
with more than one exit, surveillant may have to move about considerably in order to maintain proper
surveillance. residence, place of work, place frequented or visited. Fixed

surveillance. Maybe referred as stakeout. Is conducted when person, object, or

activity being watched is not expected to move from one area. The surveillant
may however, move from one vantage point to another in immediate area.
598. Fixed Wing Aircraft afford police officers to cover vast area particularly inaccessible remote.

599. Fixed Wing Aircraft Patrol afford police officers to cover vast area particularly inaccessible remote
areas at least possible time without hassle of refueling in cases of long distance which has to be
600. Flash Memory - special type of Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
(EEPROM) instead of one byte at a time. Many modern personal computers have their Basic InputOutput System (BIOS) stored on flash memory chip so that it can easily update if necessary (Flash
BIOS). popular in modems because it enables modern manufacturer to support new protocols as they
become standardized. commonly used in Universal Serial Bus disk drives such as Jump Drives.
601. Fleeing Felon Rule - oldest standard relating to use of deadly force.
602. Floodlights projects light in concentrated beam. Used in illumination of buildings, fences,
perimeter areas and boundaries.
603. Flowcharting technique used in data description, which visualizes event or commodily flow over a
given period.
604. Fluorescent this is provides good color rendition, high lamp efficiency as well as long life.
However, it cannot project light over long distance and thus are not desirable as flood type lights.
605. FLUSH - computer program which is part of Computer Security Toolbox. Microsoft Disk Operating
System (MS-DOS)-based program used to eliminate appended data with file or files and appended
data located in unallocated or free space on disk or diskette.
606. Folder container in which papers or materials is kept in filing cabinet.
607. Foot patrol - in busy and thickly populated commercial streets like those in divisoria, this police
patrol cheapest form of police patrol. Small alley like those in squatters area of Tondo can be best
penetrated by police through608. Force majeure - natural hazards / acts of god.
609. Forecasting of manpower needs leadership in which commanding officer assumes minimum
control but provides materials, instructions and information to his subordinates.
610. Foreign Internal Defense participation by civilian and military agencies government in any of
action programs taken by another government to free and protect its society of sponsor.
611. Forum shopping or multiple filing of complaints charges or complaints regarding 1 single
offense, filed simultaneously with different venues.
612. France - first police force in modern sense was created by government of king Louis XIV in 1667 to
police city of Paris, then largest city in Europe.
613. Frankpledge system/mutual pledge system - required all males aged 12 and above to join group
of 9 to form tything.
614. Frank Wills - detected Watergate burglars ultimately leading to resignation of US Pres. Richard
615. Fraud- losing- by burning property they can recover from losing.
616. Fredrick the great - father of military espionage
617. Free- rein leadership commanding officer assumes minimum control but provides materials,
instructions and information to his subordinates.
618. Fresnel Lights projects light with beam illumination in long and narrow horizontal strips,
approximately 180 degrees in horizontal plane and 15 30 degrees in vertical plane.
619. Friend - In relation to national security, a country, individual, or organization with which one is allied
in a struggle or cause. Synonymous with ally.
620. Friendly - describes operation or activity that is carried out by friend (e.g., friendly fire).
621. Frisking pat down inspection of passengers body for weapons, explosive or other dangerous
substances which may be concealed. This is done through manual frisking or with use of hand-held
metal detectors.
622. Front Groups movements organized to promote cause of insurgent group.
623. Full View- you can see through fences, or whats going on inside and out.
624. Full view fence - designed primarily to prevent physical access between two areas. Constructed in
such a way that visual access is permitted through fence.
625. Functional- structure according to functions and specialized units. Depicts staff functions of
organization. Responsibilities are divided among authorities who are all accountable to authority
626. Functional Damage Assessment - estimate of effect of force to degrade or destroy functional or
operational capability of equipment, infrastructures, and associated Information Systems (IS), and/or

supporting applications to perform its intended mission and on level of success in achieving
operational objectives.
627. Functional organization operated wherein performance of certain duties, at all levels is controlled
and directed by separate organizational authority. Divides responsibility and authority between
several specialists, such as person responsible for all training, employee directing of community
relations activities of all units within department or officer having line authority over any employee
within department handling case involving juvenile.
628. Gates and Doors when not in use and controlled by guards, gates and doors in perimeter should
be locked and frequent inspected by guards. Lock should be changed from time to time and should
be covered under protective locks and key control.
629. Geese - protective guarding in compound can be done by use of electronic hardware, human guards
and even animals. In England, owner to protect his compound used this and they are not only
effective but also cheapest to maintain. This man is using__.
630. Gen. Cesar Nazareno - first director general of PNP
631. General principles are fundamental guides to actions, broad statement of truth from which other
are derived.
632. General administration developing appropriate styles and pattern of leadership throughout
633. General or flag officers all directors and chief superintendent.
634. General Statement of Principle some companies who have their policies stated in broad terms,
such as statement of objectives, philosophy and creed.
635. Geneva and Hauge Coventions Laws governing warfare and engagement thereof.
636. Geographical Intelligence evaluation of geographical factors which in any way influence courses
of action of nation.
637. Glare Projection type the intensity to focused to the intruder while the observer or guard
remained in the comparative darkness, the lighting is toward of the approach of an entrance to an
638. Globalization package of transnational flow of people, production, investment, information, ideas
and authority.
639. Good operational plan all details of plans are properly identified and evaluated and such details
are known by implementers.
640. Government Guard Forces security guard recruited and employed by government. They are
assigned to guard government installation and other government employee, and under control and
supervision of civil service commission. considered as government employees and paid by
641. Government-Off-The-Shelf (GOTS) - item that has been developed by Government and produced
to military or commercial standards and specifications, is readily available for delivery from industrial
source, and may be procured without change to satisfy military requirement.
642. Government Security Personnel shall be natural persons which include government security
guards, detective, security consultant, security officers and others that may be classified later except
those of the AFP, PNP, BJMP, Municipal or City Jail guards rendering / performing security and/or
detective services as employed by government entitles.
643. Grading simplest system of performance or appraisal.
644. Grand Master Key key that will open everything in system involving /more master key groups.
645. Granularity - Relative fineness to which access control mechanism can be adjusted.
646. Grassroots democracy tendency toward designing political processes where as much decision
making authority as practical is shifted to organizations lowest geographic level of organization.
647. Gratitude information is given as expression of appreciation to police officer.
648. Gray Propaganda source is clear but desire result is indirect.
649. Grid system - very complicated system. The installation is divided into grid ad squares like a map.
Each square is given no. or letter designation. Visitor is then given map and shown route to take to
his destination and should not deviate from prescribed route; otherwise he could be stopped and
questioned by guards.
650. Group cover provides security for 3 or more individuals appearing to be working together.
651. Group pass and Badge system - one ID for 1 group.

652. Guard Control Stations normally provided at main perimeter entrance to secure areas located
out of doors, and manned by guard on full time basis.
653. Guardia civil organized with dual function of soldier and policeman whose duties ranges from
suppression of brigandage by means of patrolling unsettled territories, detention of petty and local
insurrection, enforcement of tax collection and was armed as Spanish peninsula troops of their work
in policing towns. Establishment of guardia civil gave Spanish colonizers a tremendous control
through centralized police administration which enabled supreme head to determine policies to be
pursued in law enforcement and maintenance of police order. this was created by Royal Decree
issued by Crown on 12 Feb.1852 to partially relieve Spanish Peninsular troops of their work in
policing towns, it consisted of body of Filipino policemen organized originally in each of provincial
capitals of central provinces of Luzon under Alcalde Mayor.
654. Guarding - perimeter barriers, protective lighting and _ system are known in industrial security as
physical security.
655. Guardrilleros rural police during Spanish regime in Phil. established in each town. Law provided 5
% of able bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be drafted in police service for 3 year tour
of duty. this was a body of rural police by Royal Decree of 18 Jan. 1836, this decree provided that 5%
of able-bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in this police organization for 3
656. Guest System - Any system that enters Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) which has not
already been certified or accredited by respective cognizant SAPF authority.
657. Guerilla - member of paramilitary group organized to harass enemy in hot war situation.
658. Guerilla Warfare irregular combat waged independently by small insurrectionist bodies.
659. Habits- applied to individual and implies repetition of same action as to develop natural,
spontaneous or rooted tendency or inclination to perform it. For ex., he has annoying habit of interrupting
660. Hackers person breaking into computer system. An individual who gains unauthorized access to
Automated Information System (AIS).
661. Hand Carrier - cleared employee who occasionally hand carries classified material to its destination
in connection with classified visit or meeting. The classified material remains in personal possession
of hand carrier except for authorized overnight storage.
662. Hardcopy Document - Any document that is initially published and distributed by originating
component in paper form and that is not stored or transmitted by electrical means.
663. Hardened Cable Path - material, container, or facility that provides physical protection for cable and
causes delay to perpetrator attempting unauthorized penetration or intrusion.
664. Hazard act or condition which may be conclusive to breaches of security and resulting in
subsequent compromise, loss, damage, injury or death.
665. Headgear pershing cap for men and 2 ply cap for women.
666. Headquarters procedure usually found on duty manual because they pertain to responsibility of 1
person or 1 class of persons. Procedures that involve coordinate action on activity of several offices
shall be established separately.
667. Hearsay information usually gained by person operating in area of performing casing job. Casing
should always be done with your ears open when visiting such places as restaurants, bars, places of
amusement, and while riding on public transport facility. Some may be gained by discreet questioning
of people in area.
668. Height Eght feet at minimum.
669. Helicopter - Most ideally suited to evacuation and search-and-rescue duties.
670. Henry Fielding - magistrate educated at Elton College who founded Bow street runners originally
numbered just six.
671. Henry T. Allen - Captain of 6th US cavalry, graduate of West Point class 1882. Father of PC. First
chief of PC in 1901.
672. Hierarchy - represents formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in any given
organization. Serves as framework for flow of authority downward and obedience upward, through
673. High Intensity Explosives detonated by means of shock, jarring or shake. These are from liquid.
674. High Powered when the agency is operating in areas where there is upsurge of lawlessness and
criminality as determined by the Chief PNP.

675. High pressure sodium vapor this has gained acceptance for exterior lighting of parking areas,
roadways, buildings and commercial interior installations. Constructed on the same principle as
mercury vapor lamps, they emit a golden white to light pink color and this provide high lumen
efficiency and relatively good color rendition.
676. High visibility patrol that there are certain kinds of crime that can be reduced by aura of police
677. Home rule theory enforcers or policemen are regarded as servants of community, who rely for
efficiency of their functions upon express needs of people. In this concept, policeman is civil servants
whose key duty is preservation of public peace and security. This is practiced in US and in England
where governmental structure follows decentralized pattern.
678. Horizontal Coordination involves liasoning among staff of same level for benefit of entire
organization. Aka lateral coordination among members of staff.
679. Horse Patrol used for certain problems in jurisdiction that contains large park areas where
automobiles either cannot go or may be forbidden. Without air force capability, patrol operation that
covers large park areas, grassy fields or wooded areas requires use of __.
680. Hostage Barricade situation the worst possible scenario you could be contracted is a prolonged
hostage/barricade situation.
681. Hostile Intent - threat of imminent hostile act.
682. Hotel Security protection resulting from application of various measures of assets , guests,
personnel and other properties in hotel
683. Hotspots of Crime - view that significant portion of all police calls in cities typically radiate from
relatively few locations.
684. House Visitation formed by patrol units where policemen routinely visit residential houses and
work places to offer crime prevention advice or to organize community crime groups.
685. Hue and cry - call to arms where rest of parish would stop what they were doing and come.
686. Human Barrier Guards, office and shop workers, etc., who stand between intruder and matter to
be protected.
687. Human hazard/Man made hazard - act or condition affecting safe operation of facility caused by
human action, accidental or intentional. It includes sabotage, espionage, pilferage and theft,
disloyalty, disaffection and subversive activities. Actually act of omission or commission both
overt/convert by individual or group of individual. Ex. Espionage and sabotage-because of state of
mind of individual.
688. Human Intelligence - category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by
human sources.
689. Human Resource planning aka manpower planning, process of analyzing organizations human
resources needs under changing conditions and developing activities necessary to satisfy these
690. HUMINT Human Intelligence. A category of intelligence derived from information collected and/or
provided by human sources.
691. Hydrogen Sulfide it has a rotten eggs, or rotten fish smell or odor.
692. Hz Hertz
693. I interview the complainant and witnesses
694. I interrogate the suspect/offender
695. IAS headed by inspector general internal affairs service which conduct motu-propio, automatic
investigations of following cases: incidents where police personnel discharges fireman where death,
serious physical injury, or any violation of human rights occurred in conduct of police operation;
incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with, obliterated or lost while in custody of
police personnel; incidents where suspect in custody of police was seriously injured; and incidents
where established rules of engagement have been violated.
696. Identification method third division of police records. Fingerprint records are heart of any
identification system. It provides positive identification and police must supplement it with record of
physical characteristics and in their records have their own series, identification number is assigned
to each criminal to identify records relating to him.
697. Illiberal democracy governing system in which although fairly free election take place, citizens
are cut off from real power due to lack of civil liberties, used by Fareed Zacharia in often cited 1997
article in Journal Foreign Affairs.

698. IMA Intelligence Materiel Activity - Imagery Collectively, representations of objects reproduced
electronically or by optical means on film, electronic display devices, or other media.
699. Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) - Intelligence derived from exploitation of collection by visual
photography, infrared sensors, lasers, electro-optics, and radar sensors such as synthetic aperture
radar, wherein images of objects are reproduced optically or electronically on film, electronic display
devices, or other media.
700. IMINT Imagery Intelligence
701. Imitative Communications Deception - Introduction of deceptive messages or signals into
adversarys telecommunications signals.
702. Imposed policy type of policy comes from government in forms of laws, rules and procedures and
703. Inadvertent Disclosure - set of circumstances or security incident in which person has had
involuntary access to classified information that he/she was or is not normally authorized.
704. Incandescent Lamp - it is the least expensive in terms of energy consumed and has the advantage
of providing instant illumination when the switch is on.
705. Incident - assessed event of attempted entry, unauthorized entry, and/or attack against facility,
operation, or Automated Information System (AIS).
706. Incidental Informants - Individuals who furnish information with no intention of repeating his
services of furnishing information on continuing basis.
707. Incident of Security Concern - Events that, at time of occurrence, cannot be determined to be
actual violation of law, but which are of such significance as to warrant preliminary inquiry and
subsequent reporting. Ex. includes drug use and distribution, alcohol abuse, discovery or possession
of contraband articles in security areas, and unauthorized attempts to access classified data.
708. Independent Research and Development (IR&D) - contractor-funded research and development
effort that is not sponsored by, or required in performance of, a contract or grant that consists of
projects falling within areas of basic research, applied research, development, systems, and/or other
concept formulation studies.
709. Indoctrination - initial indoctrination and/or instruction provided to each individual approved to
Special Access Program (SAP) prior to exposure concerning unique nature of program information
and policies, procedures, and practices for its handling.
710. Industrial Espionage - act of seeking competitive, commercial advantage by obtaining
competitors trade secrets and/or logistics. Acquisition of industrial information through clandestine
711. Industrial Security - industrial safety. When safety considerations are at discount, cost of
negligence is enormous, calamitous and often immeasurable and long lasting, affecting even future
712. Industries buildings, power sources, machinery, fuel, etc.
713. Initial Interview it is the first contact of the prospective employee wherein the interviewer
determines the suitability of the applicant for employment through his given answers on the different
type of questions being conducted.
714. Immovable property material goods that cannot be physically transferred or moved from 1 place
to another.
715. Immunity protection from liability in tort due to status or position.
716. Imposed policy type of police comes from government in forms of laws, administrative orders,
rules and procedures and specifications.
717. Improvement plans determination of appropriated steps to implement human resources plan in
order to insure company has right number and right quality of people, properly assigned to jobs for
which they are most useful.
718. Index crime - . Rape punished under RA 8353 is_.
719. Industrial intelligence gathering information about product manufacturing technique, processes
from manufacturing technique, processes from manufacturing formulas that cannot and can be used
of value or advantage.
720. Industrial Security form of physical security involving industrials plants and business enterprises
which includes safe guarding of personnel, properties and operation. various measures to safeguard
factories, manufacturing establishment, etc.

721. In-field preparation wherever possible, police officer that is go out a patrol should have debriefing
conference with officer who is being relieved and who had just spent previous tour of duty in patrol
722. Infiltration penetration of agent to intelligence target either in land, air, sea, either through
mechanical or electronic devices.
723. Informant - anyone who can furnish information. Any person who furnishes police and information
relevant to criminal case, about activities of criminals or syndicates. Individual who openly or secretly
obtained or assists in obtaining information for intelligence and Counter Intelligence purposes in
exchange for some recompense, monetary or otherwise.
724. Informer person who gives information on regular basis, they are paid.
725. Informer distinguished from informant informant is individual who gives information for a price or
reward. An informer gives information in consideration of money or reward. While, an Informant gives
information either in consideration of reward or not.
726. Information any formed of communicated knowledge. Raw data or unprocessed intelligence.
Bloodline of intelligence. Knowledge communicated, either obtained by personal study, investigation
or intelligence operation or knowledge derived from printed materials, observations or instructions.
Any knowledge, data, news, opinion or likes transmitted from person to another is information.
Processed information becomes intelligence that has police interest and significance.
727. Information Assurance - Information operations that protect and defend information and
Information Systems (IS) by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and
non-repudiation. This includes providing for restoration of information systems by incorporating
protection, detection, and reaction capabilities.
728. Information Integrity - state that exists when information is unchanged from its source and has not
been accidentally or intentionally modified, altered, or destroyed.
729. Information Gathering - 1.Overt 2.Covert
730. Information Operation - Any action involving acquisition, transmission, storage, or transformation of
information that enhances employment of military forces.
731. Information Owner - Official with statutory or operational authority for specified information and
responsibility for establishing controls for its generation, collection, processing, dissemination, and
732. Information Security - result of any system of policies and procedures for identifying, controlling,
and protecting from unauthorized disclosure information that executive order or statute protects.
733. Information Storage Device (ISD) - physical storage device used by Information System (IS) upon
which data is recorded.
734. Information System (IS) - assembly of computer hardware, software, and firmware configured for
purpose of automating functions of calculating, computing, sequencing, storing, retrieving, displaying,
communicating, or otherwise manipulating data, information and textual material.
735. Information System Security Engineer (ISSE) - individual responsible for engineering process that
captures and refines information protection requirements and ensures their integration into
Information Technology (IT) acquisition processes through purposeful security design or configuration.
736. Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) - protection afforded to Information Systems (IS) in
order to preserve availability, integrity, and confidentiality of systems and information contained with
system. It encompasses protection of information systems against unauthorized access to, or
modification of, information whether in storage, processing, or transit, and against denial of service to
authorized users, including those measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such
threats. Such protection is integrated application of Communications Security (COMSEC), Transient
Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST), and Information Assurance (IA) executed in
unison with personnel security, operations security, industrial security, resources protection, and
physical security.
737. Information Systems Security Representative (ISSR) - provider-assigned individual responsibility
for onsite security of Automated Information System (AIS) processing information for customer.
738. Information procurement division component of central intelligence service which is divided into
intelligence proper, secret intelligence operations unit.
739. Information Technology hardware, software, telecommunications, data base management and
other technologies used to store, process and distribute information.

740. Information Warfare (INFOWAR) - Actions taken to achieve information superiority by adversely
affecting an adversarys information, information-based processes, and/or information systems while
defending ones own information, information-based processes, and/or information systems.
Information operations conducted during time of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific
objectives over specific adversary or adversaries.
741. Informative communication pertaining to up and down and lateral flow of communication
necessary for administrative effectiveness or smooth flow of information.
742. Infraction - Any knowing, willful, or negligent action contrary to requirements of this order or its
implementing directives that does not constitute violation.
743. Intelligence on Narcotics Trafficking - makes heavy usage of geographic information because law
enforcement officials must know exact location to interdict flow of drugs.
744. Initial Interview 1st contact with security and should be formally conducted. Its purpose is to impart
security concern, its importance to company and penalties that would result to violation of company
rules, regulations and security measures.
745. Initial Operating Capability (IOC) - time when organizational authoritative entity declares that
system sufficiently meets requirements for formal operational status while system may not meet all of
original design specifications to be declared fully operational.
746. Inner Ring areas immediately outside VIPs door or close-in to VIP outside.
747. Inquiry process of determining loyalty, honesty and integrity, reputation, etc., of particular applicant
or employer.
748. Inside Perimeter line protection adjacent to protected area passing through points of possible
entry into area, such as doors, windows, skylights, tunnels or other point of access.
749. Insider - Anyone who has authorized access to Department of Defense (DoD) resources by virtue of
employment, volunteer activities, or contractual relationship with DoD.
750. Inspectable Space (IS) - determination of 3-dimensional space surrounding equipment that
processes classified and/or sensitive information within which Transient Electromagnetic Pulse
Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) exploitation is not considered practical, or where legal authority to
identify and remove potential TEMPEST exploitation exists.
751. Insider Threat - Any circumstance or event with potential to adversely impact agency operations,
including mission, functions, image, or reputation, agency assets, or individuals through Information
System (IS) via internal unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of information,
and/or Denial of Service (DOS).
752. Inspection follow-up surveys.
753. Inspection, monitoring and investigative service unit which shall conduct continuous inspection
and management audit of personnel facilities and operations at all levels of command and shall
monitor implementation of commission programs and projects relative to law enforcement and
monitor and investigative police anomalies, and irregularities.
754. Inspectional Services effectively performed by foot patrolmen in uniform, as they go about their
routine tasks of walking their assigned beats, they particular attention to persons and things.
755. Inspector - all regional appointments of commissioned officers commence with rank of_. Under
lateral entry program in PNP, criminologist who applied and selected will have initial rank of _.
756. Installations and logistics service reviews Commissions plans and programs and formulate
policies and procedures regarding acquisition, inventory, control, distribution, maintenance and
disposal of supplies and shall oversee implementation of programs on transportation facilities and
installations and procurement and maintenance of supplies and equipment.
757. Installation security security of building and facilities by use of towers and posts with guards,
protective lighting and alarms systems, and use of fence with top guards barbed wires.
758. Instrumentation the application of intstruments and methods of physical sciences to the detection
of crimes.
759. Intrusion alarm - any detecting devices using electric and their combinations to signal alarm when
760. Insubordination refusal to carry out lawful and legitimate orders of his superiors. administrative
infraction referred to as breach of internal discipline
761. Insurgency condition arising from revolt or insurrection against duly constituted government which
falls short of civil war. Organized movement aim at overthrow of constituted government through use
of subversion and armed conflict

762. Integral File Block - distinct component of file series that should be maintained as separate unit in
order to ensure integrity of records. may consist of set of records covering either specific topic or
range of time, such as presidential administration or 5-year retirement schedule within specific file
series that is retired from active use as group.
763. Integrated Act of 1975 created Integrated National Police
764. Integration hypothesis developed and considered valid as result of such activity. Process of
combining information isolated in analysis and known element to form logical theory to form logical
theory or picture. Combination of analyzed data to form logical picture.
765. Integrity - uprightness in character, soundness of moral principles, honesty and freedom from
moral delinquencies Quality of information system reflecting logical correctness and reliability of
operating system, logical completeness of hardware and software implementing protection
mechanisms, and consistency of data structures and occurrence of stored data. NOTE: In formal
security mode, it is interpreted more narrowly to mean protection against unauthorized modification or
destruction of information.
766. Intelligence - product resulting from collection, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of all
available information which concerns one or more aspects of criminal activity and which is
immediately or potentially significant to police planning. Processed information. Staff directorate in
charge of gathering information.
767. Intelligence Agency - government agency responsible for collection, analysis or exploitation of
information and intelligence in support of law enforcement, national security, defense and foreign
policy objectives.
768. Intelligence Analysis - process of taking known information about situations and entities of
strategic, operational, or tactical importance, characterizing known and with appropriate statements of
probability. future actions in those situations and by those entities.
769. Intelligence Assessment - development of forecasts of behavior or recommended courses of
action to leadership of organization based on wide range of available information sources both overt
and covert.
770. Intelligence Collection (INTCOL) - act of gathering information from all available sources to meet
intelligence requirement.
771. Intelligence Community - integrated and neatly organized entity composed of units or agencies
which have intelligence interest and responsibilities. Conglomeration of all intelligence unit and
agencies in country composed of civilians, military and quasi-military organization.
772. Intelligence Cycle - process of developing unrefined data into polished intelligence for use of policy
makers. (PNP Directorate for Intelligence) 1. Directing 2. Collecting 3. Processing 4. Dissemination
The steps by which raw information is converted into intelligence and made available to users. The
cycle has been described as including five steps: planning and direction, collection, processing,
production, and dissemination.
773. Intelligence estimate written study of situation and conditions of crime situation with
recommended courses of actions. Study which describes, discusses, and interprets current crime
situation in order to determine organized crime capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable course of
actions. It also describes effects of area of operations upon both police and criminal elements courses
of action.
774. Intelligence information - Information gathered or received which is of intelligence interests.
Unevaluated material that may be used in the production of intelligence.
775. Intelligence Journal - chronological log of activities.
776. Intelligence Officer - person employed by organization to collect, compile and analyze information
which is used to that organization.
777. Intelligence Sources and Methods Sources: Persons, images, signals, documents, databases,
and communications media capable of providing intelligence information through collection and
analysis programs (e.g., Human Intelligence (HUMINT), Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), Signals
Intelligence (SIGINT), Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT), and Measurement and Signature
Intelligence (MASINT)).Methods: Information collection and analysis strategies, tactics, operations,
and technologies employed to produce intelligence products. If intelligence sources or methods are
disclosed without authorization, their effectiveness may be substantially negated or impaired. NOTE:
The term intelligence sources and methods is used in legislation and executive orders to denote
specific protection responsibilities of Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

778. Intelligence Special Access Program - Special Access Program (SAP) established primarily to
protect planning and execution of especially sensitive intelligence or Counterintelligence (CI)
operations or collection activities.
779. Intelligence System - Any system (formal or informal) which used to manage data by gathering,
obtaining, processing, interpreting, and providing analytically-sound opinions to decision makers so
that they may make informed decisions with regard to various courses of action. The term is not
limited to intelligence organizations or services, but includes any system, in all its parts, that
accomplishes listed tasks.
780. Intention - aim or design to execute specified course of action.
781. Intercept - Data which is obtained through passive collection of signals, or, interrupting access,
communication, or flow of process.
782. Intercom wired system of communication being used with in a building or compound for direct
exchange of calls.
783. Interconnected Network - Network Information System (NIS) comprised of two or more separately
accredited systems and/or networks.
784. Interim Access Authorization (IAA) - determination to grant access authorization prior to receipt
and adjudication of individuals complicated background investigation.
785. Interim Approval to Operate (IAO) - Temporary authorization granted by Designated Approving
Authority (DAA) for Information System (IS) to process classified information in its operational
environment based on preliminary results of security evaluation of system.
786. Interim Security Clearance - security clearance based on completion of minimum investigative
requirements, which is granted on temporary basis, pending completion of full investigative
787. Interior- Department of Interior
788. Interior Controls - 3rd line of defense.
789. Intermediaries - individual who serve as cutout.
790. Internal Affairs - unit that investigates allegations of police misconduct.
791. Internal Defense full of measures taken by government to fee and protect its own society from
subversion, lawlessness and insurgency.
792. Internal Vulnerability - weakness in Information System (IS), system security procedures, internal
controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by organic threat source.
793. Inter-office communication interaction between offices at headquarters, provided through
stations, off main switch board through direct line telephones. Automatically directs or transmit voice
through similar instrument on selected desk.
794. International Organization - entity established by recognized governments under international
agreement which, by charter or otherwise, is able to acquire and transfer property, make contracts
and agreements, obligate its members, and pursue legal remedies.
795. International Psychological- common interest in long duration.
796. Interoperability - capability of one system to communicate with another system through common
797. INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO). Where member countries assist 1
another in pursuit of suspected criminals and terrorists.
798. Interpretation result of critical judgment involving 3 factors namely analysis, integration and
deduction. It is determination of significance of intelligence data in relation to other data at hand.
799. Interrogation - art of questioning and examining source to obtain usable information in shortest
possible time. The goal is to obtain useful and reliable information in lawful manner and in minimum
amount of time and meeting intelligence requirements of any echelon of command. A good
interrogation produces needed information that is timely, complete, clear and accurate. Interview,
debriefing and elicitation are ex. of types and forms of interrogation.
800. Interview the simple questioning of a witness who has no personal reason to withhold information.
801. Intrusion - Unauthorized act of bypassing security mechanisms of system.
802. Intrusion Detection System (IDS)- security alarm system to detect unauthorized entry.
803. Invalidation - administrative action that renders contractor ineligible to receive additional classified
information, except that information necessary for completion of essential contracts, as determined by
appropriate Government Contracting Agencies (GCAs).

804. Inventories periodic inventories will have to be made of all duplicate and original keys in the
hands of eh employees whom they have been issued.
805. Inventory of manpower analysis of present manpower complement of company to determine
whether it has enough or less or more personnel (both quantitatively and qualitatively is required.
806. Investigation - primarily line operation in police organization. Determining degree of qualifications,
background and intellectual capacity of prospect.
807. Investigation report contains findings of and action taken by investigating officer based on
requires made and by obtaining available facts of incident.
808. Interview method of obtaining information from another person who is aware that he is giving
wanted information, although he may be ignorant of true connection and purposes of interview.
809. Islamist democracy endeavors to institute Sharia.
810. Isolator - device or assembly of devices which isolates or disconnects telephone or Computerized
Telephone System (CTS) from all wires which exit Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) and has
been accepted as effective for security purposes by Telephone Security Group (TSG).
811. ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target, Acquisition, and Reconnaissance.
812. Jail bureau Bureau of Management and Penology, created under RA 7695, vested with
responsibility to supervise and control all district, city and municipal jails.
813. Jail National Training Institute handles non career courses for members of Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology.
814. Job Otis and Leukrat defined it is position or group of positions involving substantially same duties,
skills knowledge, and responsibilities or number of workers who customarily changes about from 1
position to another. Defined as all tasks carried out by particular person in completion of his
prescribed duties. It is solemn duty and obligation.
815. Job Analysis identification of different jobs in organization from 1 another in which each category
is given specific title. Determining duties, responsibilities and skills pertinent to each job position in
terms of duties and responsibilities involved and relationship of job with other job.
816. Job description abstract of information derived from job analysis report, describing duties
performed, skills and training and done, and relation of job to other job in organization.
817. Job specification statement of qualification and traits required of worker so that they may perform
job properly. It specifies type of employee which job call for in terms of skill, experiences, training or
other special qualifications.
818. Joint Use Agreement (JUA) - written agreement signed by two or more accrediting authorities
whose responsibility includes information processed on common Automated Information System
(AIS) or network. Such agreement defines Cognizant Security Authority (CSA) and security
arrangements that will govern operation of network.
819. Joint Venture - combination of two or more contractors without any actual partnership or corporation
designation who perform or act jointly in specific endeavor such as negotiation for or performance of
820. Journeyman skilled worker actively engaged in trade /occupation requiring apprenticeships. He is
also qualified craftsman who has mastered his trade by serving as apprentice.
821. Judgment sound and good judgment is more than the use of common sense.
822. June 13, 1969 RA 5487 or Private Security Agency Law passed
823. Junior Leadership Course - mandatory training course needed to be promoted to SPO1 and
824. Jury - sworn body of people convened to render impartial verdict officially submitted to them by court
or to set penalty or judgment.
825. Juvenile delinquency anti-social behavior or act which differs from normal model of set of laws
and parameters, culture, custom which society in broad spectrum does not conform. Youth behavior
which Is against norm and regulations of society, which if left unchecked would give rise to criminality.
826. Kabit System unauthorized and illegal practice of agency, promote or enter into agreement of
merger with any person or group of person for purpose of organizing branch in it or subsidiary under
separate control and ownership.
827. Karl Schulmeister and Demarest develop concept of counter-intelligence or spying spy.
828. Key control - management of keys used in plant office or business organization to prevent
unauthorized access

829. Key Cabinet a well constructed cabinet will have to be procured. The cabinet will have to be of
sufficient size to hold the original key to every lock in the system. It should be secured at all times.
830. Key operated mechanical lock it uses some sort of arrangement of internal physical barriers
(wards tumblers) which prevent the lock from operation unless they are properly aligned. The key is
the device used to align these internal barriers so that the lock may be operated.
831. Key Record some administrative means must be set up to record code numbers and indicates to
whom keys to specific locks have been issued.
832. Key Resources - Any publicly or privately controlled resources essential to minimal operations of
economy and Government.
833. Key Service Unit (KSU) - electromechanical switching device which controls routing and operation
of analog telephone system.
834. kHz Kilohertz
835. Kidnapping in most cases of kidnapping you will not be aware that a kidnapping has occurred
until the terrorist has the victim safely secured elsewhere.
836. Kin Policing - family of offended individual was expected to assume responsibility for justice. The
family of victim was allowed to exact vengeance.
837. Kleptomaniac person who is fond of getting property of other people. There is satisfaction on part
of person committing crime.
838. L locates and identifies the witnesses.
839. Label tab on folder which is often covered with place of gunned paper that identifies contents of
840. Labor-Relation relationship existing between management of organization and its employees and
labor union representing employee, if organization is unionized. Efforts satisfactory accommodation
between both employees and management to settle disagreements.
841. Laser beam alarm - laser emitter floods wall or fence with beam so that when this beam is
disturbed by a physical object, alarm is activated
842. Lateral entry all original appointments of commissioned officers in PNP shall commence with rank
of inspector, to include all those with highly technical qualifications applying for PNP technical
services, such as dentist, optometrists, nurses, engineers, and graduates of forensic sciences.
Doctors of medicine, members of Bar, and chaplains shall be appointed to rank of senior inspector in
their particular technical service. Graduatesof PNPA shall be automatically appointed to initial rank of
inspector. Licensed criminologist may be appointed to rank of inspector to fill up any vacancy after
promotions from ranks are completed. highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurses
and graduates of forensic sciences can enter police service as officers through843. Law rule of conduct or action laid down and enforced by supreme governing authority of
community or established by custom. System of rules that particular country or community recognizes
as regulating actions of its members and may enforce by imposition of penalties.
844. Law Enforcement embraces crime prevention and crime control role, including customary police
845. Law Enforcement Administration - process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper
obedience of laws and related statutes. Focuses on policing process or how law enforcement
agencies are organized and manage in order to achieve goals of law enforcement most effectively,
efficiently and productively.
846. Law Enforcement Agency - organization responsible for enforcing laws.
847. LED - Light-Emitting Diode
848. Leap Frog method where 2 patrol officers alternately take lead in search and cover each others as
they progressively move on. Variation which concentrate on subject and guards surveillant and
849. Leapfrog Surveillance - Two or more surveillants are used to conduct leapfrog technique of
surveillance. This is variation of AB and ABC methods. It is simple to execute and greatly reduces
chances of subject reorganizing surveillant. Surveillant A follows B. Both surveillants operate on
same side street as subject. After variable time or distance has elapsed by prearrangement of
signals, A falls back and allows B to assume position A and A becomes B.
850. Legal affairs service provides NAPOLCOM with efficient and effective service as legal counsel of
commission; draft or study contracts affecting commission and submits appropriate recommendations

pertaining thereto; and renders legal opinions arising from administration and operation of PNP and
851. Legislative Records records of law making bodies (House of Congress, Senate, City, provincial
852. Legitimate Informants gives information for legitimate reason/s.
853. Letter of Intent - letter from Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) to subject, notifying of CAFs intent
to deny/revoke security clearance/eligibility, and reasons for proposed action.
854. Level of Concern - rating assigned to Information System (IS) by Designated Approving Authority
(DAA). A separate __is assigned to each IS for Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability, with further
categorization as Basic,Medium, or High: Confidentiality: Based on information it maintains,
processes, and transmits. Integrity: Based on degree for resistance to unauthorized modifications.
Availability: Timely, reliable access to data and information services for authorized users
855. Lever Lock similar in design with disc tumbler locks, commonly installed in safe deposit boxes and
are deemed pick proof since it can be operated by utilizing combination by means of dial. used in
856. Liberal in liberal democracy is adherence to ideology of political liberalism.
857. Liberal democracy (or constitutional democracy) dominant form of democracies in 21 st century.
Mostly contrasted with direct democracy and participatory democracy.
858. Lever tumbler lock are difficult to define in terms of security, since they vary greatly in their
effectiveness. These lacks are used in safe deposit boxes, and are for all practical purposes, pick
859. License or License Certificate document issued to person by competent authority allowing such
person to established direct, manage, or operate detective or intelligence and private
watchmen/security agency.
860. License to Exercise Profession shall mean any document issued by the chief PN or his duty
authorized representative recognizing a person be quialified to perform his duties as private authority
or training personnel
861. License to operate - licensed issued by Chief, PNP or his authorized representative to operate
security agency or company forces.
862. Limited Access Authorization (LAA) Authorization for access to CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET
information granted to non-United States (U.S.) citizens and immigrant aliens, which is limited to only
that information necessary to the successful accomplishment of their assigned duties and based on a
background investigation scoped for 10 years.
863. Limited area - restricted area where visitors are limited in movement and are usually escorted.
Greater degree of security is required. Restricted area containing security interest or other matter in
which uncontrolled movement will permit access to such security interest or matter; but within which
and controlled.
864. Limited Background Investigation (LBI) - consists of Personal Subject Interview;
National Agency Check (NAC) plus credit search; personal interviews with employers (3 years),
residence and educational sources (3 years); and law enforcement searches (5 years).
865. Limited Liability Company (LLC) - type of company, authorized only in certain states,
whose owners and managers receive limited liability and (usually) tax benefits of corporation without
having to conform to corporation restrictions. Unincorporated association, is relatively flexible, and
allows for pass-through income taxation.
866. Line - oldest and simplest kind; also called military. Defined by its clear chain of command
from highest to lowest and vice versa. Depicts line functions of organization. Orders or commands
must come from higher level of authority before it can be carried out. Involves few departments.
Those who are charged with actual fulfillment of agencys mission are _.
867. Line and staff - combination of line and functional kind. Combines flow of information from line
structure with staff departments that service, advice, and support them. Generally more formal in
nature and has many departments.
868. Line and staff police organization in scalar chain of authority, line is backbone of organization.
Line is supplemented by staff, which gives advice and assistance to line and staff personnel are
responsible jointly for staff personnel furnish technical information, advice, and expertise w/o having
direct authority over line personnel.

869. Line and staff type of organization combination of line and functional category. Merges staff
specialists for units with line organization. Channels of responsibility and authority are left intact since
specialists responsibility is to advice and provide expertise for line units who are responsible for its
870. Line command operating authority delegated by commander down the line intermediate
supervisor until level of execution is reached.
871. Line Function primary operational duties like patrol, investigation, vice control and traffic tasks.
Operational duties like patrol, investigation, vice control, juvenile control traffic tasks.
872. Line Intelligence processed information coming from open and covert sources that affect police
agencies, operations and harmony with community and other government agencies.
873. Line Organization often called individual, military or departmental type of organization, is simplest
and perhaps oldest type. Divides responsibility and authority between several specialists. Most
common type of all police organizational structure commonly found in rural areas.
874. Line personnel - charge with actual fulfillments of agencys mission
875. Line Up - placing suspect in group for purpose of being viewed and identified by witness.
876. Link Analysis technique used to show relationship between individuals and organizations by
means of visual graphic design.
877. Live Drop - 2 persons meet to exchange items or information. Person in clandestine operation who
accepts information or material from on agent and surrenders it to another.
878. Local alarm - signaling is near alarm itself. When intruder enters installation, alarm goes off scaring
intruder. Purpose is just to scare not to apprehend intruder.
879. Local alarm system - consists of ringing up visual/ audible alarm system near object to be
880. Local Alarm by Change System similar in function with local alarms but response would depend
on person who is alerted within immediate vicinity of place where intrusion was committed; hence it
gives no predictable response.
881. Local Area Network (LAN) - group of computers and associated devices that share

common communications line or wireless link. Typically, connected devices share

resources of single processor or server within small geographic area.
882. Local executives exercises operational, supervision, and direction over PNP units assigned within
respective localities.
883. Local government executives - automatically deputized as NAPOLCOM representatives to
exercise supervision and control over PNP units.
884. Location Oriented Patrol process of conducting intensified surveillance over selected areas that
have been identified through crime analysis or through intelligence data as being high-risk areas for
commission of selected type crimes.
885. Location of items to be pilfered the systematic, pilferer surveys shopping and store areas, or
through contracts from the firms.
886. Lock and Key Records written records provided for all company pad locks, to whom they are
issued or where they are installed and name of person and department who carried or controls of
security department.
887. Lockout is temporary refusal of any employee to furnish work.
888. LOD Letter of Denial - logic bomb is program or code fragment which triggers unauthorized,
malicious act when some predefined condition occurs. The most common type is time bomb, which
is programmed to trigger unauthorized or damaging act long after bomb is set.For ex., a logic bomb
may check system date each day until it encounters specified triggerdate and then executes code
that carries out its hidden mission. Due to built-in delay, logic bomb virus is particularly dangerous
because it can infect numerous generations of backup copies of data and software before its
existence is discovered.
889. Logistics - directorate who is in charge of supplies and equipments of PNP
890. Logistics Support Service - administrative support unit in charge of delivering necessary supplies
and materials to all PNP units in field
891. Logistics unit headed by director with rank of chief superintendent which shall be responsible for
procurement, distribution and management of all logistics requirements of PNP including firearms and
892. longevity pay - given to PNP member for every 5 years of satisfactory service.

893. Loose surveillance - Observation of subject or object is not continuous. The surveillance maybe
discontinued if subject becomes suspicious or when services of another surveillant are required.
894. Loose Surveillant on and off close surveillance and continues.
895. Loose tail general impression of subjects habit and associates is required.
896. Lost subject is _when surveillant dont know his whereabouts/ when subject eluded him.
897. Lourdes W. Aniceto - present chairman of board of criminology.
898. Low intensity conflicts limited political military struggle to achieve political, social economic or
psychological objectives confined in geographic area.
899. Low Intensity Explosives very sensitive to heat. It can be exploded by means of fire, friction or
900. Low profile theory - police visibility increases opportunity to apprehend criminals by soothing them
and letting them believe that their crimes will not be detected.
901. Low Probability of Detection (LPD) - result of measures used to hide or disguise

intentional electromagnetic transmissions.

902. Low Probability of Intercept (LPI)- Result of measures to prevent intercept of

intentional electromagnetic transmission.

903. Low-visibility patrol - patrol method utilizes disguise, deception and lying in wait rather than upon
high-visibility patrol techniques.
904. Loyalty faithful allegiance to Phil Government and its duly constituted authorities.
905. Luke E. Wright father of PC.
906. M Maintains the crime scene and protects the evidence.
907. Made surveillant being recognized as surveillant by subject or convoy.
908. Main task of supervision: Organize , Delegate , Oversee
909. Maintenance covers all activities intended to provide acceptable working environment for
employees. More ever it is process of keeping materials in serviceable condition.
910. Major General Director in PNP
911. Malfeasance performance of some act which ought not to be done. Aka misconduct , performance
of some act which ought not too be done.
912. Malicious Code - Software or firmware that is designed with intent of having some adverse

impact on confidentiality, integrity, or availability of InformationSystem (IS).may

be included in hardware, software, firmware or data. Computer viruses, worms,
trojan horses, trapdoors, and logic bombs all fall under definition of malicious
code. Computer viruses pose primary threat to IS because of their reproductive
913. Malicious Code Screening - process of monitoring Information Systems (IS) presence of
malicious code.
914. Management/Administrative Functions - process of directing and facilitating work of people
organized in formal groups in order to achieve objectives. Judicious or wise use of resources
(manpower, material, money, equipment, supplies and time). 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Directing 4.
Controlling 5. Staffing 6. Reporting 7. Budgeting
915. Management development assessing and determining developmental needs of mangers for
future successions.
916. Management plans preparation for equipping and putting in order police organization to do job
rather that to its actual operation as organized force.
917. Managerial employee vested with powers or prerogative to lay down and execute management
policies and to hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, discharged assign or discipline employees, or to
effectively recommend such managerial actions.
918. Mandatory Access Control (MAC) - system of access control that assigns security labels or
classifications to system resources and allows access only to entities (people, processes, devices)
with distinct levels of authorization or clearance. These controls are enforced by operating system or
security kernel.
919. Mandatory strength - total number of police officers assigned in patrol duties.
920. Manipulative Communications Deception - Alteration or simulation of friendly telecommunications
for purpose of deeception.

921. Man made barriers - barrier which includes but not limited to wall, fences, grill etc.
922. Man made crisis events caused through instrumentality of men.
923. Maoist state and party claim to actin accordance to peasantry.
924. Map Reconnaissancealone may not be sufficient but it can produce certain amount of usable
information. From a map, it is possible to get good survey of road and street network.
925. Marine Patrol water patrol units are highly specialized form of police patrol and are utilized in
those communities that have access to navigable waterways such as lakes, oceans, and rivers. They
represent extremely valuable addition regular patrol force.
926. Marxist-Leninists state Communist Party to act in accordance with wishes of industrial working
927. Mass communication program designed to influence opinions, attitudes, behavior and emotions
of public in manner that they will behave in accordance with law.
928. Master Crypto-Ignition Key Custodian - individual at each node in Community of

Interest (COI) who is responsible for controlling and maintaining Master CryptoIgnition Key and programming security features of Secure Terminal Equipment.
929. Master Key key that is capable of opening series of locks. It should have no markings that will
identify them as such. They should be issued only to personnel especially designated by
management, and list of holders of these keys should be frequently reviewed to determine continuing
necessity for individuals having them.
930. Material - Any product or substance on or in which information is embodied.
931. Matters Investigated this section of the report represents the mission of the investigator. In
essence, it answers the question: what is the investigation all about?
932. Mayors - have authority to recommend to provincial director the transfer, reassignment of PNP
members outside of their town residences. Head of local peace and order council.
933. Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) Scientific and technical intelligence
-obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data (metric, angle, spatial, wavelength, time
dependence, modulation, plasma, and hydromagnetic). This data is derived from specific technical
sensors for purpose of identifying any distinctive features associated with source, emitter, or sender.
This facilitates subsequent identification and or measurement of same.
934. Measuring police work efficiency act of securing maximum results with minimum effort. In police
service it is using minimum manpower and equipment to attain good results.
935. Mechanical Sabotage act wherein they used object or substance within area of establishment.
936. Medalya ng Kagitingan - highest award given to PNP member
937. Medical examination determine whether not candidate is in good health and is free from defects
which would disable or reduce his police efficiency and meet standard distance and color visions.
938. Medieval England - Anglo-Saxon system of maintaining public order since Norman conquest was
private system of tithing, led by constable to enforce law.
939. Medium of Communications refers to the common language known for two or more individuals
who want to exchange thought or ideas with each other.
940. Meeting Unusual Needs result of intermittent and usually unexpected variations in activities, civil
disturbances, special community events, disaster plans, and civil defense.
941. Memoranda and circulars other common mean of communicating company policies to
employees. They can be issued fast and they provide greatest assurance of reaching every
942. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) - written agreement among relevant parties that specifies
roles, responsibilities, terms, and conditions for each party to reach common goal.
943. Mental fitness of applicant - in PNP is verified thru neuro-psychiatric examination. System used in
PNP promotions.
944. Mercenary Informants Sales information. He/she could be one of members of syndicate.
945. Mercury Vapor lamp it is considered more efficient that he incandescent and used widespread in
exterior lighting. This emits a purplish white color, caused by an electric current passing through a
tube of conducting and luminous gas.
946. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) - serves to protect Federal merit systems against
partisan political and other prohibited personnel practices and to ensure adequate protection for
Federal employees against abuses by agency management.

947. Merton (1958) - applies means-ends scheme to show disjunction between cultural goals
and institutionally acceptable means of attaining them. The discrepancy between ends and means is
seen as basic source of frustration and recalcitrance.
948. Messianic democracy neologism originally used by Jacob Talmon in his book The origins of
Totalitarian Democracy to describe democracy by force
949. Metal halide it has similar physical appearance to mercury vapor but provides a light source of
higher luminous efficiency and better color rendition.
950. Metalic foil or wire it will detect any action that moves that foil or wire. An electrically charge strips
or tinfoil or wire is used in the doors, windows or glass surfaces of the protected area. This is
consistent trouble free service, and causes few nuisance alarms.
951. Metropolitan Police of Act 1829 - law that created first modern police force in London England,
called Metropolitan Police Service. Passed through initiative of Sir Robert Peel, member of
Parliament. Headquarters of Metropolitan Police Service . Scotland Yard, now known as
New Scotland Yard.
952. Microwave Motion Detection Device a pattern of radio waves is transmitted and partially
reflected back to an antenna. If they strike a moving object, they return at a different frequency which
results in initiating an alarm signal. Very effective for protection of interior areas. This have a good
coverage and not affected by air currents noise sound.
953. Middle management level decision is made that govern dayto-day operations of organizations.
954. Middle Ring inside quarters, residence or office covering all stairways and elevator.
955. Midnight Shift graveyard shift to denote lack of activities or dog watch which suggests that is
penalty box of police work. It is for this reason that due to seniority, youngest and least experienced
officers often ends up on this shift.
956. MILINT or MI Military Intelligence
957. Military Intelligence - Knowledge of possible or actual enemy or area of operations acquired by
collection, evaluation and interpretation of military information.
958. Minimum Background Investigation (MBI) - includes National Agency Check Plus Written
Inquiries (NACI), a credit record search, a face-to-face personal interview between investigator and
subject, and telephone inquiries to selected employers. Reserved for public trust positions and/or
when there is break in Federal service.
959. Minor Derogatory Information - Information that, by itself, is not of sufficient importance or
magnitude to justify unfavorable administrative action in personnel security determination.
960. Minor Issue Information - that meets threshold of concern set out in Adjudicative Guidelines for
Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Information, but for which adjudication determines that
adequate mitigation, as provided by existing guidelines exist. NOTE: Minor issue information does not
provide basis for waiver or condition.
961. Miscellaneous records records do not relate to recorded complaints and investigation reports but
is informational in character.
962. Misfeasance crowd which may become boisterous disorderly, and may cause violence and
lawlessness. 2 or more persons forming organization must identify first reason for establishing such
organizations. They must identify organizations __. Improper performance of some act which might
be lawfully done. In police service this is equivalent to irregularities in performance of duties.
963. Mission- this part of security will cover what plan is all about and what it intends to do, This mission
is further subdivided into: a. Purpose b. Goals c. Objectives
964. Mission Assurance Category Applicable to DoD Information Systems (IS), - Mission Assurance
Category reflects importance of information relative to achievement of DoD goals and objectives,
particularly warfighters combat mission.
965. Mission Essential In context of information - that information which is essential portion of units
mandatory wartime capability.
966. Mission Order duty slip in which all personnel on undercover operations shall carry at all times it
must be duly approved by their immediate supervisors and filled appropriately with their respected
967. Mitigation - Ongoing and sustained action to reduce probability of or lessen impact of adverse
incident. Includes solutions that contain or resolve risks through analysis of threat activity and
vulnerability data, which provide timely and accurate responses to prevent attacks, reduce
vulnerabilities, and fix systems.

968. Mixed System - method of deployment of industrial security personnel partly on direct pay rolls of
employing industrial organization and partly on payrolls of outside security agency from whom
services are borrowed for consideration.
969. MNSA or Masters in National Security Administration - offered and administered by National
Defense College
970. Mob- promiscuous multitude of people, rude and disorderly.
971. Mobile Code - Software modules obtained from remote systems, transferred across a network, and
then downloaded and executed on local systems without explicit installation or execution by recipient.
972. Mobile Patrol dominant form of police patrol method.
973. Modern Concept - regards police as first line of defense of CJS, organ of crime prevention. Police
efficiency is measured by decreasing number of crimes. It further broadens police activities to cater to
social services, and has for its mission the welfare of individual as well as that of community in
974. Modulator-Demodulator (MODEM) - device for transmitting usually digital data over telephone
wires by modulating data into audio signal to send it and demodulating audio signal into data to
receive it (abbreviation of Modulator-Demodulator).
975. Modus operandi file - consist of photographic records of known criminals and describe procedure
how criminals commit crime.
976. Monarchy emphasize hereditary characteristics, though some Slavic monarchs, specifically
Russian Emperors traditionally included title autocrat as part of their official styles.
977. Monetary reward - most common reason why informer can give information to police
978. Moral distinctive identifying qualities which serve as index to essential of intrinsic native of person.
Have greater social element to values and tend to have very broad acceptance.
979. MOSSAD for Israel
980. Most persistent and common forms of vices: alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution and
981. Motion Detection Sensor - alarm sensor that detects movement.
982. Motorcycle primarily used for traffic control and enforcement their speed and maneuverability
make them indispensable police vehicle.
983. MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
984. Movable or Portable Lighting - this system is manually operated and is usually made up of
movable search or floodlights that can be located in selected or special locations which will require
lighting only for short period of time.
985. Movable property material goods that can be physically moved from 1 place to another.
986. Moving Attacks the approach will usually be made from the left or passing side, and the attacker
will attempt to move over into the path of the victims vehicle, forcing it to stop.
987. Moving Dead Drop - involves use of some means of transportation of which clandestine information
or material can be concealed at one point and recovered at another.
988. Moving Live Drop - type of unwitting courier the person on whom or in whose personal effects
clandestine material is concealed without his knowledge.
989. Moving surveillance - Maybe referred to as tail or shadow. conducted when person, object or
activity being watched move from one place to another. The surveillant may however, move from one
vantage point to another in immediate area.
990. Multiple cover any cover wished
991. Multiple Pass System provides extra measures of security by requiring that exchange takes place
at entrance to each restricted area within controlled area. separate pass is required for access to
various areas in need ex. color coding
992. Mutual Cooperation - organization exists because it serves a purpose.
993. Multiple Facility Organization - legal entity (single proprietorship, partnership, association, trust, or
corporation) that is composed of two or more contactors.
994. Multiple Fences if used, multiple fence should be at least ten feet apart and the overhang on the
top of the inner fence should poing inward rather than away from the installation maximum distance
any two parallel fences should not exceed 150 feet.
995. Multilevel Security- concept of processing information with different classifications and categories
that simultaneously permits access by users with different securityclearances and denies access to
users who lack authorization.

996. Multiple Sources - Two or more source documents, classification guides, or combination of both.
997. N note all conditions, events and remarks.
998. Narcotics trafficking - intelligence on __makes heavy use of geographic information because law
enforcement officials must know exact locations to interdict flow of drugs.
999. NAPOLCOM - governors and mayors, upon having been elected and having qualified as such, are
automatically deputized as representatives of constitutionally and legally mandated to administer
and control PNP exercises administrative control and supervision over PNP RA 4864 otherwise
known as Police Act Of 1966 created NAPOLCOM. It is collegial body within DILG, composed of
secretary as its chairman and 4 regular commissioners. grant waivers for applicants in PNP
1000. Narcotics unit headed by director with rank of chief superintendent, it shall enforce all laws
relative to protection of citizenry against dangerous and other prohibited drugs and substances.
1001. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
1002. National appellate board primary grievance machinery against erring policemen, vested to
decide cases in appeal from decisions rendered by PNP chief and regional appellate boards.
Decision Chief, PNP in administrative cases where penalty is dismissal, demotion and forced
resignation may be appealed before this body.
1003. National Criminalistics Research and Training Institute serves as scientific criminalistics
laboratory and handles technical courses for PNP personnel.
1004. National emergencies - President extend tenure of service of Chief, PNP.
1005. National Information Infrastructure (NII) - nationwide interconnection of communications
networks, computers, databases, and consumer electronics that make vast amounts of information
available to users. Includes both public and private networks, internet, public switched network, and
cable, wireless, and satellite communications.
1006. National intelligence covers broad aspects of national security. Concern to more than 1
dependent and transcends, exclusives interest of single department or agency. All intelligence,
regardless of source from which it is derived, including information gathered within or outside U.S.
that: (a) pertains, as determined consistent with any guidance issued by Pres., to more than one U.S.
Government agency; and (b) involves: (i) threats to U.S., its people, property, or interest; (ii)
development, proliferation, or use of weapons of mass destruction; or (iii) any other matter bearing on
U.S. national and/or homeland security.
1007. National Police College handles officer career courses, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety for
in service police personnel, as well as Master in Public Safety Administration. Course offerings are
designed to set direction for effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness of men and women in public
safety services.
1008. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
1009. Natural - type of cover uses actual or true background, barrier which includes but not limited to
mountains, cliffs, ravines, cliffs, etc.
1010. Natural Barriers natural features constructed by men that tend to delay intruder, whether or not
constructed with specific purpose in mind such as cliffs, ravines, and rivers.
1011. Natural cover using true or actual personal background.
1012. Natural Cover Story story using actual background data with minor adjustments to fill and/or fit
1013. Natural Crisis events caused by force of nature.
1014. Natural Hazards caused by natural phenomena which results in damage, disturbance and
problems of normal functions. Includes floods, earthquakes, lightning storms, typhoons and volcanic
1015. Naturalness use simple language and avoid slang.
1016. Natural resources mines, forests, farms and farm products.
1017. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (NNPI) Information Classified or unclassified, concerning
design, arrangement, development, manufacture, testing, operation, administration, training,
maintenance, and repair of propulsion plants of naval nuclear-powered ships and prototypes,
including associated nuclear support facilities. Information concerning equipment, components, or
technology which is applicable to both naval nuclear and conventional propulsion plants is not
considered to be __ when used in reference to conventional applications only, provided no
association with naval nuclear propulsion can be directly identified from information in question.
1018. NCRPO - Police Regional Office covering Metro-Manila

1019. NDP-1 National Policy and Procedures for Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign
Governments and International Organizations.
1020. Need for Access - determination that employee requires access to particular level of classified
information in order to perform or assist in lawful and authorized Governmental function.
1021. Need-to-Know - determination which is made by authorized holder of classified or proprietary
information as to whether or not prospective recipient requires access to specific information in order
to perform or assist in lawful and authorized Governmental function.
1022. Need-to-Know Determination - Decision made by authorized holder of official information that
prospective recipient requires access to specific official information to carry out official duties.
1023. Neighborhood Oriented Policing - philosophy of police suggesting that problem solving is best
done at neighborhood level, where issues originate not at a far-off central headquarters.
1024. Nerve agent chemical agent that interferes with central nervous system.
1025. Network - computing environment with more than one independent processor interconnected to
permit communications and sharing of resources.
1026. Network Manager (NETMGR) - individual who has supervisory or management responsibility for
organization, activity, or functional area that owns or operates network.
1027. Network Operations (NetOps) - Activities Conducted to operate and defend Department of
Defense (DoD) Global Information Grid (GIG).
1028. Network Security Officer - individual formally appointed by Designated Approving Authority
(DAA) to ensure that provisions of all applicable directives are implemented throughout life cycle of
Information Systems (IS) network.
1029. Network System - implemented with collection of interconnected network components. Based on
a coherent security architecture and design.
1030. Neuro-Physchiatric Test exclude those applicants who are emotionally and temperamentally
unstable, psychotic and suffering from mental disorder.
1031. Newly Discovered Records - inadvertently not reviewed prior to effective date of automatic
declassification because Agencys Declassification Authority was unaware of their existence.
1032. Newspaper clippings - bulk of most valuable information comes from1033. New York Police Department -created in 1845 in New York, USA. Recognized as first modern
style police department in US. The largest police force in world. modeled after Metropolitan Police
Service of London.
1034. NICA National Intelligence Coordinating Council
1035. Nicknames - combination of two separate unclassified words assigned to represent specific
Special Access Program (SAP) or portion thereof.
1036. Nitro-glycerin contains of nitro-acid, sulfuric acid and glycerin.
1037. NOC Non Official Cover - term used in espionage (particularly by CIA) for agents or operatives
who assume covert roles in organizations without ties to government for which they work. Such
agents or operatives are typically abbreviated in espionage lingo as a NOC (pronounce as knock)
1038. NOFORN - Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals
1039. Nominal complaint any PNP officer who is required to file and institute charges by reason of
their office or position.
1040. Non-Conductive Section - Material, such as canvas or rubber, installed in ducts, vents, or pipes,
that is unable to carry audio or radio frequency emanations.
1041. Non critical Clearance plants not vitally concerned with questioned of security on in securing
employees with high degree of honesty and integrity, employment application should be relatively
1042. Non-Discussion Area - clearly defined area within Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) where
classified discussions are not authorized due to inadequate sound attenuation.
1043. Non-expandable supplies provisions which are durable in nature when used, do not suffer any
materials or substance change or alteration in form or substance.
1044. Nonfeasance omission of some act which ought to be performed.
1045. Nonpartisan democracy (also no party democracy) is system of representative government of
organization such that universal and periodic elections take place w/o reference to political parties.
(this is sometimes known as 2-tierelection, such as electoral college. This system can work with 1 st
past the post electroral system but is incompatible with (partisan) proportional representation systems

other than Single Transferable Vote. Omission of some act which ought to be performed.also referred
to as neglect of duty.
1046. Non-Repudiation Assurance that sender of data provided with proof of delivery and recipient
is provided with proof of senders identity, so that neither can later deny having processed data.
Digital signatures are current non-repudiation technique of choice for National Information
Infrastructure (NII).
1047. Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET) - Used to exchange sensitive but
unclassified information between internal users as well as provide users access to Internet.
Composed of Internet Protocol (IP) routers owned by DoD. It was created by Defense Information
Systems Agency (D
1048. Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) - Computer memory that retains data even when all power sources
are disconnected. Ex. include Read-Only Memory (ROM), Flash Memory, Ferroelectric RandomAccess Memory (FRAM), most types of magnetic computer storage devices (e.g., hard disks, floppy
disks, and magnetic tape), optical discs, and early computer storage methods such as paper tape and
punched cards.
1049. North America twice size of Europe.
1050. Objectives - purpose by which organization was created. Specific results an expertise seeks to
achieve in pursuing its basic mission.
1051. Objectives of Ethics: 1. make clear to us why one act is better than other; 2.enable
us to live and have orderly social way of life; 3.appraise, criticize and evaluate intelligently
the moral conduct and ethical system, and; 4.explore and aspire to time value of life. To behave
ethically is to behave in manner that is consistent with what is generally considered to be right or moral.
Ethical behavior is bedrock of mutual trust.
1052. Object Reuse - reassignment to some subject of medium(e.g., page frame, disk sector, magnetic
tape) that contained one or more objects. To be securely reassigned, such media will contain no
residual data from previously contained object(s).
1053. Observables - Any actions that reveal indicators which are exploitable by adversaries.
1054. Observation - method of collecting information wherein investigator merely uses his different
senses. (Taking notice) - complete and accurate awareness by individual of his surroundings and
encompasses use of all of our major senses to register and recognize its operational and/or
intelligence significance.
1055. Occupation collection of job which is sufficiently similar with regard to their main task to be
grouped together under common title.
1056. Oe Oersted - unit of measure of magnetic field.
1057. Off duty - nature of which, police officer is free from specific routine duty.
1058. Offender Oriented Patrol process of conducting surveillance of individual. In this case
intelligence data as well as criminal history information on non offenders will form basis for
identification of targets against which patrol efforts are directed.
1059. Office Procedures - 2 principal office procedures are records division operation and reporting
regulations. Records division operation makes important assurance that each task is performed in
manner prescribed. On other hand, reporting regulations assist office on what forms are to be used
for particular purpose, number of copies to be made and where they are to be routed.
1060. Officers Candidate Course - mandatory training course for SPO4 before they can be promoted
to rank of Police Inspector.
1061. Official orders, manuals, letters, overlays, maps and magazines. You may be careful and follow
the chain of command.
1062. Official Department of Defense Information - All information that is in custody and control of
DoD, relates to information in custody and control of DoD, or was acquired by DoD employees as part
of their official duties or because of their official status within DoD.
1063. Old concept - police service gives impression of being merely suppressive machinery. This
philosophy advocates that measurement of police competence is increasing no. of arrests, throwing
offenders in detention facilities rather than trying to prevent them from committing crimes.
1064. Oligarchy rule by few
1065. Omerta conspiracy of silence.
1066. Omission committed by means of doing by individual, which can cause destruction inside of
company or establishment.

1067. On duty - period when police officer is actively engaged in performance of his duty.
1068. One-Man Surveillance - One investigator is used to conduct surveillance. It is best employed in
fixed surveillance. It should be avoided in moving surveillance because it provides least amount of
flexibility in surveillant, in addition to watching subject should take notes, watch for convoys, and
collect evidences.
1069. One policeman for every 500 inhabitants - RA 6975 provides that on average nationwide,
manning levels of PNP shall be approximately in accordance with police-to-population ratio of:
1070. One Time Access - Access granted on one-time basis to information classified one level higher
than that of current personnel security clearance.
1071. Open Source - any information that can be legitimately obtained e.g. free on request, payment of
1072. Open Source Information - Information available to public, including information with limited
distribution or access, including information available by subscription.
1073. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) - Information of potential intelligence value that is available to
general public.
1074. Open Storage Area - storage of Special Access Program (SAP) material within Special Access
Program Facility (SAPF) in any configuration other than within General Services Administration
(GSA)-approved security containers.
1075. Open surveillance - In Counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized according to intensity and
sensitivity. When there is intermittent observation, varying in occasion, then this surveillance.
1076. Operational plan - work programs of line divisions which related to nature and extent of workload
and availability of resources. Plans of division; prepared to accomplish each of primary police tasks
such as: patrol division, investigation division, traffic control division, vice control division, juvenile
control division.
1077. Operational Planning - use of rational design or pattern for all departmental undertakings rather
than relying on chance in operational environment. The preparation and development of procedures
and techniques in accomplishing each of primary tasks and functions of organization.
1078. Operational Security protection of processes, formulas patents and other industrial and
manufacturing activities from espionage, infiltration, and loss compromise, of photocopying. physical
which deals with protection of processes, formulas, patents and other activities.
1079. Operational supervision and control power to direct, superintendent, oversee day-to-day
functions of police investigation of crime, crime prevention activities, and traffic control in accordance
with rules and regulation promulgated by commissions.
1080. Operational Units - perform primary/ line functions ex. patrol, traffic, investigation & vice control.
1081. Operations performs line functions, establishment of contracts, recruitment of informers/
informants, execution of intelligence plans.
1082. Operations and Support - Special Access Program (SAP) established to protect planning for,
execution of, and support to especially sensitive military operations. An operations and support SAP
may protect organizations, property, operational concepts, plans, or activities.
1083. Operations Security (OPSEC) - Process of identifying critical information and subsequently
analyzing friendly actions attendant to military operations and other activities to: (a) identify those
actions that can be observed by adversary intelligence systems; (b) determine indicators adversary
intelligence systems might obtain that could be interpreted or pieced together to derive critical
information in time to be useful to adversaries; and (c) select and execute measures that eliminate or
reduce to an acceptable level the vulnerabilities of friendly actions to adversary exploitation.__
analytical process involves identification of critical information, analysis of threats, analysis of
vulnerabilities, assessment of risks, and application of appropriate countermeasures.
1084. Operations Security (OPSEC) Assessment - thorough evaluation of effectiveness of a
customers implementation of Operations Security (OPSEC) methodology, resources, and tools. Used
to evaluate effectiveness of customers corporate level OPSEC program and can be used at program
level to determine whether or not program is viable candidate for OPSEC survey.
1085. Operations Security (OPSEC) Indicator - Any detectable activity and/or information that, when
looked at by itself or in conjunction with something else, allows adversary to obtain critical or

sensitive information.
1086. Operations Security (OPSEC) Process - analytical, risk-based process that incorporates 5
distinct elements: Identifying critical information Analyzing threats Analyzing vulnerabilities

Assessing risks; and Applying countermeasures. Examines complete activity to determine what, if
any, exploitable evidence of classified or sensitive activity may be acquired by potential adversaries.
1087. OPF Official Personnel File Operations - Security (OPSEC) Program the vehicle by which
principles and practices of Operations Security (OPSEC) are employed within organization.
1088. Operations Security (OPSEC) Survey - application of Operations Security (OPSEC)
methodology at program level. provides detailed analysis of all activities associated with specific
operation, project, or program in order to determine what exploitable evidence of classified or
sensitive activity could be acquired in light of known collection capabilities of potential adversaries.
1089. Operations Security Plan (OSP) - strategy that analyzes operation or activity and includes
specific Operations Security (OPSEC) measures.
1090. Operations Security Working Group (OWG) - normally formally designated body representing
broad range of line and staff activities within organization that provides Operations Security(OPSEC)
advice and support to leadership and all elements of organization.
1091. Opportunity - presence of uniformed patrol officer and observant of persons and things around,
deters desire and destroys ____ for 1 to commit crime.
1092. Optical -Storage Media Optical mass storage devices that are written and read by light waves
(laser), including compact disks, optical disks, and magneto-optical disks.
1093. Optional retirement upon accumulation of atleast 20 years of satisfactory active service, officer
or non-officer at his own request and with approval of commission shall be retired from service and
entitled to receive benefits provided for by law.
1094. Oral/Visual Disclosure - To brief orally, to expose to view, or to permit use under U.S. supervision
in order to permit transfer of knowledge or information, but not to physically transfer documents,
material, or equipment to foreign government or its representatives.
1095. Order of Battle intelligence list containing main or primary threat to nations security and peace
and order.
1096. Ordinary Informer usually gives, but expects in return favor or money.
1097. Organization - association or group of individuals with common goal.
1098. Originated policy comes from highest rank or top management and is intended to set up
guidelines in operation of organization. Comes from board of directors or president and is intended to
set up guidelines in operation of firm.
1099. Organization arrangement of people with common purpose and objective in manner to enable
performance of related tasks by individuals grouped for purpose. Can be functional, line and staff.
Etc., depending on objectives and functions of organization. Group of persons working together for a
common goal or objectives-a form of human association for attainment of goal or objective- process
of identifying and grouping work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority,
establishing relationships for purpose of enabling people work effectively.
1100. Organizational-level Commander/Commanding Officer (CO) - individual, regardless of rank,
who has been appointed as Officer-in-Command of physical organization.
1101. Organizational Structure - systematic arrangement of relationship of members, positions,
departments and functions or work of organization. comprised of functions, relationships,
responsibilities and authorities of individuals within organization
1102. Organize - planning work of department and of personnel in orderly manner.
1103. Organized Crimes combination of 2 or more persons for purpose of establishing by terror,
threat, intimidation, or conception in city or municipality of either monopoly or criminal activities in field
that provides continuing financial support.
1104. Organized Training officers are provided with knowledge and skills they receive to perform their
multiple complex duties.
1105. Organizing devising and revising organizational structures of authority and functional
responsibility and facilitating 2-way, reciprocal, vertical, and horizontal communication.
1106. Orientation and Training it is in this stage where new employees receive detailed presentation
of personnel security policy.
1107. Original Classification - initial determination that information requires, in interest of national
security, protection against unauthorized disclosure.
1108. Originated policy comes from highest rank or top management and is intended to set up
guidelines in operation of organization.

1109. Originating DoD Component - DoD agency that exercises original classification jurisdiction for
classified information.
1110. OSEC - mandatory training required for promotion to rank of Police Superintendent.
1111. Other meanings of Informants 1. Obnoxious view of public to person selling information to
another or money motivated. 2. Stool Pigeon view of underworld to person who expose their
activities and identities.3. Savior view of police to a person who gives information, without his
valuable reports or revelations the crime would remain unsolved.
1112. Outer Ring sidewalks stationed in front of quarters, residence or office covering all entrances.
1113. Outside Perimeter line protection surrounding, but somewhat removed from protected area
such as fence
1114. Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) - established by Pres., considers, develops,
coordinates, and promotes policies, standards, and agreements on overseas security operations,
programs, and projects that affect all Government agencies under authority of Chief of Mission (CM).
1115. Overt Collection - acquisition of information via public domain.
1116. Overt Intelligence processed information produced openly.
1117. Overt operation - information or documents are produced openly without regard as to whether
subject of investigation becomes knowledgeable of purpose/s for which it is being gathered.
1118. Overwrite - software process that replaces data previously stored on magnetic storage media with
predetermined set of meaningless data. Overwriting is acceptable method for clearing for release to
environments of equal classification (TOP SECRET/Special Access Program (SAP) to TOP
SECRET/SAP, TOP SECRET/SAP to TOP SECRET/Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)).
NOTE(S): The effectiveness of overwrite procedure may be reduced by several factors:
ineffectiveness of overwrite procedures; equipment failure (e.g., misalignment of read/write heads); or
inability to overwrite bad sectors or tracks or information in inter-record gaps. Software overwrite
routines may also be corrupted by hostile computer viruses. Overwriting is not acceptable method to
declassify media.
1119. Overwrite/Re-recording Verification - approved procedure to review, display, or check success
of overwrite procedure. The successful testing and documentation through hardware and random
hard-copy readout of actual overwritten memory sectors.
1120. Oversee - supervisor ensures that work that has been organized and delegated is satisfactorily
1121. O.W. Wilson - studied under August Vollmer. Became Chief of Police of Fullerton police
department. He also became chief of police of Wichita police department. He introduced ff. : reforms
and innovations: 1. requires new policeman to have college education.2. Use of police car for patrol,
mobile radios and use of mobile crime laboratory. 3. He believe that use of two way radio allowed
better supervision of patrol officers.
1122. P Proceed to the scene promptly and safety.
1123. Package control - there should be provisions made to check packages being taken in and taken
1124. Padlock detachable lock having a sliding hasp which passes through a staple ring and secures
fixtures and other storage containers. pad and a lock combination
1125. PADPAO - Philippine Association of Detective and Private Agency Operators. Association of all
licensed security agencies operators. It is a non-stock private organization, and it was formed in May
1126. Para Military Forces Force that distinct from regular armed forces of any country but resembles
them in organization, equipment, training or mission.
1127. Parent Corporation - owns at least majority of another corporations voting securities.
1128. Parish Constables - parish official charged with controlling crimes. Appointed to serve for one
year. Duties included organizing watchmen to guard gates. during trouble, watchman would raise a
Hue and Cry,
1129. Parking Area this include vital building, storage depots, and vulnerable control points in
communication power, light and were distribution system.
1130. Participative Law Enforcement locally referred to as community oriented policing systems or
corps, it now has wide applications by PNP particularly in Metro Manila area. Teamwork concept
between police and citizenry is not something new although it seems to be something new to those
who are not aware of or have forgotten basic.

1131. Participatory democracy sometimes called direct democracy process promoted by New Left
in early 1960s and on through 1980s emphasizing broad participation (decision making) of
constituents in direction and operation of political system. Etymological roots of democracy (Greek
demos and kratos) imply that people are in power and relies on participation of its citizen.
1132. Partcipatory systems allow equal access to decision-making irrespective of their standing
in local community they reside in.
1133. Passive counter intelligence measures - seek to conceal information from enemy.
1134. Pass Exchange System system in which person exchanges 1 color coded pass at entranced
to controlled area for another which carries different color specifying limitations of his authorization.
Upon leaving he surrenders his controlled area badge in exchange for his basic authorization
identification. In this system badge never leaves controlled area, thus reducing possibility of switching
forging in alteration.
1135. Pass/Fail - declassification technique that regards information at full document or folder level. Any
exemptible portion of document or folder may result in failure (exemption) of entire documents or
folders. Documents within exempt folders are exempt from automatic declassification. Documents or
folders that contain no exemptible information are passed and therefore declassified. NOTE:
Declassified documents may be subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemptions other than
security exemption, and requirements placed by legal authorities governing Presidential records and
1136. Passive physical security - by using psychological approach
1137. Pass Phrase - Sequence of characters longer than acceptable length of password that is
transformed by password system into virtual password of acceptable length.
1138. Pass system - issued by security guard for personnel to be admitted to company. Method used by
security to screen visitors or person admitted into building premises.
1139. Password Protected or private character - string used to authenticate identity or to authorize
access to data.
1140. Password Shadowing - ability with any Operating System (OS) to physically store passwords
and/or encrypted password results in a mass storage area of system other than in actual password
file itself. This feature in intended to prevent theft of passwords by hackers. NOTE: it is usually a
UNIX feature.
1141. Patents this is a grant made by the government to an inventor, conveying or securing to him the
exclusive right to make use or sell his invention for term of years.
1142. Patrick Colquhoun - Scottish merchant and magistrate who founded first regular preventive
police force in England, the Thames river police.
1143. Patrol - police function which serves as backbone of police service. In all types of police stations,
there is a specific unit assigned to undertake this function in view of its importance. From French
patrouiller which means to roughly , to travel on foot. To paddle, paw about, patrol. Keep watch over
area by regularly walking or traveling around or through it. Person or group of people sent to keep
watch over area. Reduces crime by creating impression of omnipresence.
1144. Patrol and visibility program - PNP has program which ensures deployment of policemen in
busy and crime prone areas
1145. Patrol division backbone of every police organization provides basic police services.
1146. Patrol Force single largest element in police organization whose members patrol streets on foot,
dressed in familiar khaki uniform, or riding conspicuously marked, radio-equipped patrol cars, nature
of their brings them in direct and constant contact with public every hour of day, every hour of night,
and every day and height of year.
1147. Patrol Hazard used frequently to describe specific condition or place that requires patrol officers
special attention. Person, thing or situation which possesses high potential for criminal attack or for
creating clamor for police service.
1148. Patrolling system of sending out of uniform policemen to conduct police visibility patrols within
area of responsibility and prevent commission of crimes.
1149. Patrol Observation constant and alert patrolling within keen sense of observation on persons
and things and is used as gauge of efficient patrol offices.
1150. Patrol officer - uniformed officers assigned to monitor specific geographical areas that are to
move through their areas at regular intervals looking out for any signs of problems of any kind.
assigned to New Cops on Block

1151. Patrouiller French word which roughly means, To travel on foot origin of word Patrol.
1152. PBI Partial Background Investigation for record and employment check. Consist of investigation
of background of individual but limited only to some of circumstances of his personal life which are
deemed pertinent to investigation.
1153. PCAP - Professional Criminologist Association of Philippines. Accredited professional
organization for criminologists in Phil. Accredited by PRC on Mar.25, 1990.
1154. PCP Present day local Police Community Precint which evolved from NCOB program (New
Corps on the block) and from cops (community Oriented Policing System) they are smaller units
which were established to operate below police station level. To develop trust, confidence, support
and cooperation between members of police force and community. It has been organized in Metro
Manila. In other areas of responsibility, COPS KABABAYAN centers have been established. Goal is to
bring police closer to people they serve.
1155. PCSUSIA Philippine Constabulary Supervisory Unit for Security and Investigation Agencies
was formed as result of approval of R.A. 5487, which directs Chief PC to issue rules and regulations
concerning implementation of R.A. 5487.later was change to PNPSOSIA- when PC was dissolved
and personnel was merged to PNP.
1156. PD 765 Integration Act of 1975, enacted on Aug. 8, 1975; established INP composed of PC as
nucleus and integrated local police forces as components, under Ministry of National. Defense.
transferred NAPOLCOM from Office of Pres. to Ministry of National Defense
1157. PD 769 organized Integrated National Police in Aug. 8, 1975 which was composed of PC as
nucleus and INP forces as components under department of national defense
1158. Peace time contingency politically sensitive military operations normally characterize by short
term rapid projections or employment of forces in condition short of conventional war.
1159. Pedestrian Gate should be lighted about 25 feet on either side of the gate if possible and the
range for vehicaular gates should be twice that of streen lighting is recommended in these
application, but floodlights can also be used if glare is strictly controlled.
1160. Performance sum total of candidates past activities and achievements in certain work.
1161. Performance Evaluation Rating - in PNP is done twice.
1162. Performance management analyzing, improving and monitoring performance of each and of
organization as a whole.
1163. Perimeter barriers - industrial management must establish first line of physical defense. A
medium or structure which defines physical limits of installations or area to restrict or impede access.
1164. Perimeter Lighting protective lighting is part of standard system in security where fence and
guards are employed. There are 4 considerations that will influence effectiveness of protective
lighting. These are brightness, silhouette seeing, contrast and shadow elimination. Darkness is an ally
of potential intruders and must be approximately assessed to limit hiding places.
1165. Perimeter security- first line of security or defense. by establishing structural barriers fence, to
protect entire establishment.
1166. Periodic Reinvestigation (PR) - investigation conducted every 5 years for purpose of updating
previously completed background or special background investigation. The scope consists of
personal interview, National Agency Check (NAC), Local Agency Check (LAC), credit bureau checks,
employment records, employment references, and developed character references, and normally will
not exceed most recent 5-year period.
1167. Periods Processing - processing of various levels of classified or unclassified information at
distinctly different times. NOTE: Under periods processing, system must be purged of all information
from one processing period before transitioning to next when there are different users with differing
1168. Peripheral - Any devices which are part of Information System (IS), such as printers, hard and
floppy disk drives, and video display terminals.
1169. Peripheral Device - Any device attached to network that can store, print, display, or enhance
data, such as disk and/or tape, printer and/or plotter, optical scanner, video camera, punched-card
reader, monitor, or card punch.
1170. Personal letters, diary and notebooks. These should be treated usually the same with official
1171. Personal administration technique of organizing and handling of people at work in all levels
and types of management.

1172. Personal circumstances determine following name, date of birth, place of birth, age, city, and
provincial address, civil status.
1173. Personal Interview used to determine whether or not candidates pattern of personality traits is
suitable for police work.
1174. Personal records - file showing history of each police officer, both prior and subsequent to joining
force, is indispensable.
1175. Personal Reconnaissance __ of an area is most effective method and will produce most
information since you know just what you are looking for.
1176. Personal responsibility obligation imposed by law and regulation on any morals of PNP for
proper use, maintenance and care of supplies entrusted to them.
1177. Personal security protection of personnel especially ranking officials from any harm, kidnap and
other acts. (VIP security)
1178. Personnel - weakest link in security chain
1179. Personnel administration technique of organizing and handling people at work at all levels and
types of management. Development of people, promotion of their welfare and benefits as to primary
component of police force. Management of people in working organizations. Frequently called
personnel management, industrial relations, employee relations and manpower management.
Represents major subsystem in general management system, in which it refers to management of
human resources, as distinguish from financial or material resources. Selected specific functions or
activities assigned to specialized personnel officers or departments. Used to identify entire scope of
management policies and programs in recruitment, allocation, leadership, direction of manpower.+
1180. Personnel and administrative service performs personnel function for commissions,
administer entrance and promotional examination for policemen, provides necessary services relating
to manpower career planning and development, personnel transactions and employer welfare.
1181. Personal and VIP Security involve in protection of top ranking official government, visiting
persons of illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries.
1182. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) - mint processors with computing power that are generally
smaller than laptop, notebook, or netbook computers.
1183. Personal Financial Statement (PFS) - Form used as part of personnel security investigation to
provide summary of a persons total monthly income, debt payments, expenses, and net remainder of
1184. Personal Identifiable Information (PII) - Information that can be used to uniquely identify,
contact, or locate single person or can be used with other sources to uniquely identify single
1185. Personnel personnel program must be carried out and allocation and staffing of personnel
among organizational units according to their competence and in proportion to human resource
1186. Personnel Identification system designate when and where and how passes should be
displayed and to whom, what is to be done in case of loss of pass from terminating employees; and
system in cancellation and re-issue of all passes, either as security / review or when significant
number of badges have been lost or stolen.
1187. Personnel Management field of management involving planning, organizing, directing, and
controlling efforts, of group of people toward achieving common goal with maximum dispatch and
minimum expense. Area of management concerned with human relations.
1188. Personnel program activities programmed to implement organizational philosophy of central
managers in relations to people so as to accomplish organizational objectives.
1189. Personnel Records file showing history of each police officer, both prior and subsequent to
joining force it is indispensable.
1190. Personnel security - include all security measures designed to prevent unsuitable individuals or
persons of doubtful loyalty to government from gaining access to classified matter or to any security
facility and to prevent appointment or retention as employees of such individuals. Sum of procedures
followed, inquires conducted and criteria, to determine work suitably of particular applicant or
retention or transfer of particular employee.
1191. Personnel Security Interview - interview conducted with application for or holder of security
clearance to discuss areas of security relevance. describe interviews with references in personnel
security investigations.

1192. Personnel Security Investigation inquiry in character, reputation, discretion, integrity morals,
and loyalty of individual in order to determine persons suitability for appointment or access to
classified matter.
1193. Personnel Security Program (PSP) - Department of Defense (DoD) program

established to ensure that only loyal, reliable, and trustworthy people are
granted access to classified information or allowed to perform sensitive duties.
1194. Persons as used in this act, shall include not only natural persons but also judicial persons such
as corporation, partnership, company or association duly registered with Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and Bureau of Commerce.
1195. Perspective - Police Officer must develop __of recording facts as they are learned and as
1196. Peterman - term used in England for lock pickers, safe crackers and penetrators of restricted
rooms or area
1197. Phantom Effect - "residual deterrence" most people believe that police is present even when they
are not in sight.
1198. Philippine Public Safety College - premier educational institution for police, fire and jail
personnel. Premier educational institution for training, human resource development and continuing
education of all personnel of BJMP, BFP and PNP.
1199. PHOTINT Photographic Intelligence
1200. Photocell alarm - invisible or visible beam is emitted and when disturbed, it activates alarm or
mechanical device that opens a door or lift movable barriers, activated by light.
1201. Photoelectric or Electric Eye Device an invisible/visible beam is emitted and when this is
disturbed or when an intruder break contact with the beam, it will activate the alarm.
1202. Photograph taking of photographs should also be considered. Extreme caution must be
exercised in areas where classified information is displayed to preclude unauthorized taking of
pictures of the installation.
1203. Photography - extreme caution must be exercised in areas where classified information is
displayed to preclude unauthorized taking of pictures of installation.
1204. Physical Agility Test used to determine whether or not applicant posses the required
coordination strength, and speed of movement necessary for police service. Aka physical ability test.
1205. Physical Barriers any physical means to impede
1206. Physical crowd temporary congregation of people without interest.
1207. Physical Damage Assessment - estimate of quantitative extent of physical damage based upon
observed or interpreted damage.
1208. Physical Fitness security work is strenuous and demanding. Physical conditioning is essential it
he is to be a dependable guard.
1209. Physical security - part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard
personnel to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, materials, documents, and to
protect them from espionage, sabotage, damage or theft. Broadest branch of security defined as a
system of barriers placed between matters protected and potential The application of physical
barriers and control procedures as countermeasures against threats to resources and sensitive
information. The security discipline concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard
personnel; prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material, and documents; and to
safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft. System of barriers placed between
potential intruder and matter to be protected. It is considered as broadest type of security. concerned
with physical measures adopted to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, material, and
documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage and theft.
1210. Physical Security Waiver - exemption from specific standards for physical security for Sensitive
Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF) as outlined in Intelligence Community Directive (ICD)
705, Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities.
1211. Picked drop - dead drop that will be retrieved if it is not picked up by intended recipient after set
1212. Pilferage - 1 of most annoying and common human hazards which security has to deal with.
1213. Permit a document issued by CPNP or his duly authorized representatives authorizing a person
to engage in the occupation calling or employment of watchman, security guard or private after
payment of dues or fees.

1214. Petty theft- one of most annoying and common human hazard. These activity must be
immediately put in control
1215. Pin tumbler lock widely used doors of offices and house irregular in shape and key
1216. Place Time Contingency politically sensitive military operations normally characterize by short
term rapid projections or employment of forces in condition short of convention war.
1217. Placement process of making employee adjusted and knowledgeable in new job and or working
1218. Plan - organized schedule or sequence by methodical activities intended to attain goal or
objectives for accomplishment of mission or assignment. Method or way of doing something in order
to attain objectives and provides answers to 5Ws and 1H. Can be change to meet future
requirements which were not considered during planning stages. This indicates flexibility in planning.
1219. Planning - determination in advance of how objectives of organization will be attained;
involves determination of course of action to take in performing particular function or activity. Process
of developing methods or procedures or arrangement of parts intended to facilitate accomplishment
of definite objective. Process of deciding in advance what is to be done and how it is to be done.
Forecasting personnel requirements in terms of numbers and special qualifications, scheduling
inputs, and anticipating need for appropriate managerial policies and programs.
1220. Planning and Research Service - provides technical services to commission in areas of overall
policy formulation, strategic and operational planning, management systems or procedures,
evaluation, and monitoring of commissions programs, projects and internal operations and shall
conduct thorough research, and analysis on social and economic conditions affecting peace and
order in city.
1221. Platform Information Technology (IT) Interconnection - For Department of Defense (DoD)
Information Assurance (IA) purposes, __ refers to network access to platform IT. Platform IT refers to
computer resources, both hardware and software, that are physically part of, dedicated to, or
essential in real time to mission performance of special purpose systems such as weapons, training
simulators, diagnostic test and maintenance equipment, calibration equipment, equipment used in
research and development of weapons systems, medical technologies, transport vehicles, buildings,
and utility distribution systems such as water and electric ._ has readily identifiable security
considerations and needs that must be addressed in both acquisition, and operations. Ex. of __ that
impose security considerations include communications interfaces for data exchanges with enclaves
for mission planning or execution, remote administration, and remote upgrade or reconfiguration.
1222. Pleasantness build up a pleasant office image with voice of smile.
1223. PLEB - central receiving entity for any citizens complaint against members & officers of
PNP. composed of 4 person. Shall be atleast 1 PLEB for every municipality and for each of legislative
districts in city. Shall have jurisdiction to hear and decide citizens complaints or cases filed before it
against erring officers aand members of PNP. Shall be at least 1 PLEB for every 500 city or municipal
police personnel.
1224. PNP - Licenses of private security guards are processed and issued by1225. PNPA Administers Cadetship program that provides core of professionally trained young officers
for public safety courses.
1226. PNP criminal investigation group - registration of security agency must be done at ___.
1227. PNP directorate for personnel and records management - PNP in-service training programs
are under responsibility of __.
1228. PNP FE/SAGS PNP Firearm and Explosives/ Security Agency Guard Services for local. it
directs Chief of PNP to issue rules and regulations concerning implementing rules of R.A. 5487.
Effectivity date Oct. 3, 1972 and Jan. 17, 1975 and amended by P. D. # 11 and 11A and again
amended in 2003 with Title 2003 Revised Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. 5487 as
1229. PNP in-service training programs - under responsibility of PNP Directorate for Human Resource
and Doctrine Development
1230. PNP SAGSD - government agency that issues licenses for private and government security guard
PNP Security Agency Guards/ Supervision Division for national
1231. PNPSOSIA PNP Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies before it is
responsible for issuance of implementing orders regarding rules and regulations affecting security
agencies operation.

1232. Police - 1of pillars of CJS that has specific responsibility of maintaining law and order and
combating crime within society. Comes from Latin "politia"-civil administration which itself derives from
ancient Greek police "city" French word which was later adopted by English language. Comes from
latin politea (civil administration), which itself derives from ancient greek noyis, for polis (city) body
of civil authority, which is tasked to maintain peace and order, enforce law, protect lives and properties
and insure public safety. Societys 1st line of defense against crime and criminality._or law
enforcement is agency of community or government that is responsible for maintaining public order
and preventing and detecting crime. Originated from Greek word Politeia which denotes citizenship,
government of entire activity of polis (city).
1233. Police administration direction of police organization or part of it, and application of its various
resources in such a way as to carry out its functions efficiently and effectively.
1234. Police Code of Ethics - science that treats of law enforcement.
1235. Police Community Relation - directorate who is make-up artist and deodorant of PNP.
1236. Police efficiency - measured by decreasing no. of crimes.
1237. Police eligibility - credential extended by CSC/NPC for purpose of conferring status for
permanent appointment in police service.
1238. Police Force of Municipal Corporation preserve peace, protect persons and property, and
obey and enforce all ordinances of legislative authority thereof, and all criminal laws of state.
1239. Police information program evolves upon concept of keeping members of society informed so
that they will appreciate and understand complexity of police work and services by our men in
uniform. Made possible by personal media, mass media which includes printed matters and audio
visual communications.
1240. Police intelligence - used in preparation and execution of police plans, polices and programs.
Gathering of information regarding activities of criminal and law violators for purpose of affecting
arrest obtained evidence of their activities and for stalling their plans to commit crime. product that
results from processing raw information (collection, evaluation, integration and interpretation of
information). Process of finding out what you dont know (or finding out what needs to be known). A
confidential advice that supports decision making. Has both tactical (or operational) and strategic
1241. Police intelligence Operation discovery, identification, activity, surveillance, programs,
informants management.
1242. Police intelligence Process cyclical steps followed from intelligence planning to dissemination
of processed information.
1243. Police Intelligence Unit headed by Director with rank of Chief Superintendent, serve as
intelligence and counter intelligence operating unit of PNP.
1244. Police Junior Leadership Course - for PNP members who want to be promoted to SPO1
1245. Police Management act, method of art of administering, controlling, or conducting a police unit
1246. Police manual covers all personnel policies and procedures, if made available to managers and
supervisors, will be great help in their decision-making and employees relationship.
1247. Police National Training Institute handles non officer career including specialized courses
through its regional training schools.
1248. Police National Training Institute and its 18 Regional Training Schools (RTS) Nationwide
PNTI is envisioned to become primary training ground for professionally competent, morally upright
and technically proficient police officers capable of working in close partnership with responsive
community in preservation of peace, protection of human rights and maintenance of law and order
with the end of view improving quality of peoples lives.
1249. Police Omnipresence crime repression activity of police which is accomplishes by making their
presence known and deploying patrol units in plain clothes to create in minds of citizens that
policemen are everywhere.
1250. Police Operational Planning - act of determining policies and guidelines for police activities and
operations and providing controls and safeguards for such activities and operations in department.
Involves strategies or tactics, procedures, policies or guidelines.
1251. Police organization - group of trained personnel in field of public safety administration engaged in
achievement of goals and objectives that promotes maintenance of peace and order, protection of life
and property, enforcement of laws and prevention of crimes.

1252. Police Planning- attempt by police administrators in trying to allocate anticipated resources to
meet anticipated service demands. The systematic and orderly determination of facts and events as
basis for policy formulation and decision making affecting law enforcement management.
1253. Police Security Unit headed by director with rank of Chief Superintendent, Provide security for
government officials, visiting dignitaries and private individual authorize to be given protection.
1254. Police Senior Superintendents - appointed by Pres.of Phil.
1255. Police visibility program - PNP has program which ensures deployment of policemen in busy
and crime prone areas.
1256. Policy general plan of action serves as guide in operation of organization. Course of action
which could be program of actions adopted by individual, group, organization or government or set of
principles on which they are based.
1257. Policy Formulation involves what are to be done in form of orders or broad statement of action.
1258. Politeia Greek word which means government of city
1259. Politia Roman word which means condition of state or government
1260. Political Intelligence structure of government, electorate, national policies and foreign relations
of governmental organizations, public order and safety, subversion, intelligence and security
1261. Poor - lowest rate in Performance Evaluation Rating in PNP
1262. Poor lighting indirect action- lack of protection
1263. Portable Computer System - Any computer system, including Portable Electronic Devices
(PEDs) and Portable Computing Devices (PCDs), specifically designed for portability and to be hand
carried by individual. Ex. include grids, laptops, cellular telephones, two-way pagers, palm-sized
computing devices, two-way radios with functions including audio, video, data, recording or playback
features, personal digital assistants, palmtops, notebooks, data diaries, and watches with
communications software and synchronization hardware.
1264. Portable Electronic Device (PED) - Electronic devices having capacity to store, record, and/or
transmit text, images, video, or audio data. Ex. of such devices include pagers, laptops, cellular
telephones, radios, compact discs, cassette players and recorders, portable digital assistants, audio
devices, watches with input capability, and reminder recorders.
1265. Portfolio - aggregate of Information Technology (IT)- investments for DoD Information Systems
(IS), infrastructure and related technical activities that are linked to mission goals, strategies, and
architectures, using various assessment and analysis tools to permit information and IT decisions to
be based on their contribution to effectiveness and efficiency of military missions and supporting
business functions. Portfolios enable DoD to manage Information Technology resources and align
strategies and programs with DoD-wide, function.
1266. Position group of tasks duties and responsibilities regularly assigned and performed by person.
Used to indicate work of mental and clerical character, performed by professional.
1267. Possible maximum loss - lost that would be sustained if a given target or combination of target
where totally removed, destroyed or both.
1268. Positive Vetting is the process of inspecting or examining with careful thoroughness. The
essence of vetting is a personal interview conducted under stress.
1269. Post - Fixed geographic location usually assigned to individual officer. Such as designated desk
or office/ crosswalk or intersev=ction for traffic duty / spot or location for general duty.
1270. Posthumous - promotion granted to PNP personnel who dies while in performance of duty.
1271. Potential Threat - estimate of present and future resource allocations and capabilities of
adversary to gain information.
1272. PPSC - premier institution for police, fire, and jail personnel. One of bureaus under DILG. It has
Board of Trustees (BOT) which exercises policy making functions in accordance with general policies,
plans and programs on education as may be formulated by higher authorities. BOT is comprised of
DILG Secretary as chairman, head of PNP, BFP and BJMP s members, and PPSC President as exofficio members, and PPSC President, as ex-officio member. Creation of PPSC is particularly
significant as it symbolizes new level of cooperation of 5 component agencies in transformation of
countrys public safety services. Is umbrella organization that provides direction, administration and
control of various education and training units.
1273. Potential overall gross worth and capability of candidate to assume higher position and greater
responsibility based on tangible past performance.

1274. Practice authority to have access to classified information is not permanent but can be
withdrawn by originating authority. regularly followed procedure or pattern in conducting activities
1275. Precautionary activities system of vigilant duty whereby policemen assigned thereat cope
instantly with outbreak or accident. This is achieved by consultation and dialogue between police and
residents on how to prevent similar incidents of disorder.
1276. Probationary appointment given to applicant who possesses appropriate illegibility for position
of PO1, who shall serve a probationary period of 6 months following his original appointment.
1277. Praetorian guard - special force of guards used by Roman Emperors as Emperors' personal
guards as personal guards of Emperor, their primary duty was to protect Emperor from assassination
and other forms of attack against Emperor.
1278. Precinct - primary geographic subdivision of patrol operation bureau.
1279. Preclude assignment to sensitive positions for those who are security risks. - main reason
for personnel security investigation
1280. Prepare a disaster or emergency plan for these hazards for firm - as security officer, you
cannot prevent nor protect natural hazards like storm, earthquakes, floods and the like. in order
to reduce disastrous effects of these natural hazards you will1281. Preparedness - Actions that involve combination of planning, resources, training, exercising, and
organizing to build, sustain, and improve operational capabilities. It is process of identifying
personnel, training, and equipment needed for wide range of potential incidents, and developing
jurisdiction-specific plans for delivering capabilities when needed for incident.
1282. Prevention - Actions to avoid incident or to intervene to stop incident from occurring. involves
actions to protect lives and property that may include such countermeasures as: deterrence
operations; heightened inspections; improved surveillance and security operations; investigations to
determine full nature and source of threat; public health and agricultural surveillance and testing
processes; immunizations, isolation, or quarantine; and, as appropriate, specific law enforcement
operations aimed at deterring, preempting, interdicting, or disrupting illegal activity and apprehending
potential perpetrators and bringing them to justice.
1283. Preventive police aka Uniform branch, Uniformed Police, Administrative Police, Order Police, or
patrol, designates police units which patrol and respond to emergencies and other incidents, as
opposed to detective services. As name uniformed implies, they wear uniforms and perform
functions that require immediate recognition of officers legal authority.
1284. Primary Communication direct line telephone or in some instance radio.
1285. Primary or Line Function- functions that carry out major purposes of organization, delivering
services and dealing directly with public. Backbone of police department. Ex. of line functions of
police are patrolling, traffic duties, and crime investigation. Intelligence is under what type of police
1286. Prime Contract - Any contractor who has received prime contract from a

Government agency.
1287. Principal Accrediting Authority (PAA) - senior official having authority and

responsibility for all Information Systems (IS) within agency.

1288. Principle of communication intelligence is adequate to their needs; it must be communicated
to all decision makers in manner that they will understand and in form that will permit most effective
1289. Principle of objectives intelligence must be based on decision makers own plans and
intentions as much as on considerations of intelligence target themselves.
1290. Prior Information Your unit will have on file reports from other activities within your unit, and also
from other intelligence units that may provide you with information. In addition, town studies, geodetic
surveys, etc., can provide you with valuable information.
1291. Privacy (Not Security) - rights of individual or organization to determine for

themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is

transmitted to others.
1292. Privacy Data - Any record that is contained in a system of records, as defined in reference and
information the disclosure of which would constitute unwarranted invasion of personal privacy
1293. Private Complainant any person, whether natural or juridical who suffered harm, injury or
disturbance through an act or omission attributable to respondents.

1294. Private detective - person who does detective work for hire, reward or commission, other than
members of AFP, BJMP, provincial guards, PNP or any law enforcement agency of government
1295. Private Detective Agency - any person who for hire or reward or on commission conducts or
carries on or holds himself out as conducting or carrying on detective agency or detective service.
Any organization or corporation who is not member as regular police agency or of AFP.
1296. Private Sector - Organizations and entities that are not part of any governmental structure.
includes for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, formal and informal structures, commerce, and
1297. Private security agency - person, association, partnership, firm or Private Corporation, who
contracts recruits, trains, furnishes or post any security guards to do its functions.
1298. Private security personnel shall be natural persons which include private security guards,
private detectives, security consultant, security officers and others that may be classified later,
rendering performing security and/or detective services as employed by private security agencies
and/or private firms.
1299. Private sources business establishments as spring of information (e.g. telecom, leading
companies, hotels and restaurants.
1300. Privileged User - user of Information System (IS) who has more authority and access to IS than
a general user (e.g., root access, Help Desk support, System Administrator (SA), or Information
Assurance Manager (IAM)/Information Assurance Officer (IAO)).
1301. Proactive Patrol alternative patrol systems which mean fielding of field units in their respective
area of responsibility with prescribed objectives and verified tasks scheduled for day to augment calls
and other on sight activities that makes up officers day.
1302. Pro active policing - aggressive law enforcement style in which patrol officers take initiative
against crime instead of waiting for criminal acts to occur.
1303. Probable maximum loss - amount of loss a target would be likely to sustain through theft and
1304. Problem oriented policing - style of police management that stresses pro active problem solving
instead of reactive crime fighting.
1305. Procedural plan - police station should have ____ which includes every step that has been
outlined and officially adopted as standard method of action to be followed by members of police
organization. Outlined and officially adopted as standard method of action to be followed by all
members of department under specified circumstances.
1306. Procedure actual courses of action such working details method of operation, paperwork,
review, routing letters. Sequences of activities to reach point or to attain what is desired. Series of
steps for orderly arrangement of or records which include alphabet, geographic, numeric, and subject
of chronological.
1307. Processing - converting vast amount of information collected into form usable by analyst.
1308. Processing time - interval between receiving call and dispatching officers for service.
1309. Professional employees individuals whose work is predominantly non-routine and intellectual
in character.
1310. Profile - collection and/or display (e.g., a written or graphical description) of signatures and
patterns of individual or organization.
1311. Program Access Request - formal request used to nominate individual for program access.
1312. Program Channels or Program Security Channels - method or means expressly authorized for
handling or transmission of classified or unclassified Special Access Program (SAP) information
whereby information is provided to indoctrinated persons.
1313. Program Executive Agent - highest ranking military or civilian individual charged with direct
responsibility for program and who usually appoints Government Program Manager (GPM).
1314. Program Material - __ and information describing services provided, capabilities developed, or
items produced under Special Access Program (SAP).
1315. Program Office (PO) - office that manages, executes, and controls Special Access Program
(SAP) in (DoD) component.
1316. Program Protection - safeguarding of defense systems and technical data anywhere in
acquisition process, to include technologies being developed, support systems (e.g., test and
simulation equipment), and research data with military applications. This protection activity involves
integrating all security disciplines, counterintelligence, and other defensive methods to protect

essential program information, technologies, and systems data from intelligence collection and
unauthorized disclosure.
1317. Program Protection Plan - comprehensive protection and technology control management tool
established for each defense acquisition program to identify and protect classified and other sensitive
information from foreign intelligence collection or unauthorized disclosure.
1318. Program Protection Survey - survey, conducted during each acquisition phase, to assess
effectiveness of countermeasures prescribed in program protection plan at specific point in time.
1319. Program Security Officer (PSO) - Government official who administers security policies for
Special Access Program (SAP).
1320. Program Sensitive Information - Unclassified information that is associated with program.
Material or information that, while not directly describing program or aspects of program, could
indirectly disclose actual nature of program to non-program-briefed individual.
1321. Progressive Surveillance - Progressive technique of surveillance is used when extreme caution
is mandatory. It can be presupposed by surveillants that subject will resort to every method it elude
possible surveillance. It is slow technique and limited to subject that follow habitual daily routines.
1322. Project/Program Manager (PM) - single individual responsible for project or program who
manages all daily aspects of project or program.
1323. Promotion status charge of policeman amounting to dynamic elevation of qualified or deserving
members as opportunities occurs, to assignment or duties of greater importance. All promotions
should be based on merits and fitness.
1324. Promotional system - in civil service system, merit & fitness are primary considerations in__.
1325. Promptness punctuality when reporting for duty or always is on time.
1326. Propaganda psychological techniques designed to alter control opinions, ideas and values.
1327. Proper incentives include reasonable pay allowances, promotion, assignments, career
development, guidance and fair equitable disciplinary.
1328. Propaganda - form of communication that is aimed at influencing attitude of community toward
some cause or position.
1329. Propagandist - undertakes to mold attitudes, opinions and actions of individual, group or nation.
1330. Property accountability primary obligation imposed by law and regulation on supply
accountable, office to keep forward record of supplies.
1331. Property system - control system is located inside installations with its own firefighter, law
enforcer, ambulance, or bomb disposal unit.
1332. Proprietary information - information that in some special way relates to status or activities of
possessor and over which possess or asserts ownership. Material and information relating to, or
associated with, a companys products, business, or activities, including, but not limited to, financial
information; data or statements; trade secrets; product research and development; existing and future
product designs and performance specifications; marketing plans or techniques; schematics; client
lists; computer programs; processes; and know-how that have been clearly identified and properly
marked by company as __, trade secrets, or company confidential information. The information must
have been developed by company and not be available to Government or to public without restriction
from another source.
1333. Proprietary System alarm system wherein panel or station is located inside premises of
compound. It is fully owned and operated by company and response is assured with least time of
delay. Security personnel deployed are on pay rolls of employing organization.
1334. Prosecutive action the report is a statement of facts on which designated authorities may base
a criminal, corrective or disciplinary action.
1335. Protection - Actions or measures taken to cover or shield from exposure, injury, or destruction.
includes actions to deter threat, mitigate vulnerabilities, or minimize consequences associated with
terrorist attack or other incident. can include wide range of activities, such as hardening facilities;
building resiliency and redundancy; incorporating hazard resistance into initial facility design; initiating
active or passive countermeasures; installing security systems; promoting workforce surety, training,
and exercises; and implementing cybersecurity measures, among various others.
1336. Protection in Depth in karge open areas or ground where fencing or wailing is impractical and
expensive, warming signs should be conspicuously placed.
1337. Protective Alarm devices and contrivances installed inside and outside facility or buildings to
compliment and provide additional security measure and operates to advertise and protected areas. It

signals and alerts to intrusions within compound. Alarm is captivated in cases of tamering into
circuitry or activated upon intrusion.
1338. Protected Distribution System (PDS) - wire line or fiber-optic telecommunications system that
includes terminals and adequate acoustic, electrical, electromagnetic, and physical safeguards to
permit its use for unencrypted transmission of classified information.
1339. Protected Information - Includes sensitive, critical, and/or classified information.
1340. Protective alarm system - provide electrical and mechanical means of detecting and announcing
proximity of instruction which endanger security of restricted area, facility, or its components.
1341. Protective lightning, perimeter barriers and Guarding systems - known in industrial security
as physical security.
1342. Protective Measures - Those actions, procedures, or designs implemented to safeguard
protected information.
1343. Protective Security Service - transportation protective service provided by cleared commercial
carrier and qualified by Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (MSDDC) to transport
SECRET shipments.
1344. Protocol - Set of rules and formats, semantic and syntactic, that permits entities to exchanged
1345. Provider - contractor, Government support organization, or both, that provides process on behalf
of customer.
1346. Provincial government - exercise supervision and control over provincial jails.
1347. Provincial governors - shall choose provincial Director from list of 3 eligible recommended by
PNP Director, preferable from same province, city, or municipality.
1348. Provocateur- agent who induces opponent to act to his own detriment by revealing his true
purpose and identity. Provocation may also divert opponent from intended objective. The opponent
may be individual, group or nation.
1349. Prowling is the process whereby a subjects reaction in a future critical situation is predicted by
observing his behavior, or by interviewing him, or analyzing his responses to a questionnaire, such as
an honesty test.
1350. Proxy - Software agent that performs function or operation on behalf of another application or
system while hiding details involved. Typical proxies accept connection from user, make a decision as
to whether or not user or client network address is authorized to use requested service, optionally
perform additional authentication, and then complete connection on behalf of user to remote
1351. PSBRC - mandatory training course for PO1 for them to be promoted to PO2 or PO3
1352. PSI - inquiry into character, reputation, discretion and loyalty of individual in order to determine
1353. Psychological crowd - temporary congregation of people with common interest in certain thing.
1354. Psychological operation planned activity in peace and war directed towards enemy, friendly
and natural audiences in order to create attitudes behavior favorable to achievement of political and
military objective. Psychological warfare which encompasses: political, military, economic, ideological,
information activities. Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign
audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and, ultimately, behavior of
foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of__is to induce or
reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to originators objectives.
1355. Psychological warfare planned used of propaganda and other psychological actions having
primary purpose of influencing opinions, emotions, attitudes and behavior of hostile groups to support
achievement of national objectives.
1356. Psychological Warfare Consolidation operations directed towards population in friendly near
areas on territory occupied by friendly force. Used to facilitate military operation and promote
maximum operation.
1357. PTT press to talk.
1358. Public Domain (PD) - In open view; before public at large and not in private or employing secrecy
or other protective measures.
1359. Public Domain Software (PDS) - Software not protected by copyright laws of any nation that
carries no warranties or liabilities, and may be freely used without permission of or payment to

1360. Public Information - Official DoD information that has been reviewed and approved for public
release by information owner.
1361. Public Information program evolves upon concept of keeping members of society informed so
that they will appreciate and understand complexity of police work and services rendered by our men
in uniform. Made possible by personal media, mass media,
1362. Public Key - value associated with particular user and used to decrypt messages from that user or
encrypt messages to user. always associated with single private key, and can be used to verify digital
signatures generated using that private key.
1363. Public Policy set of social values, embodied in authorization rules, which guides ends of
1364. Public Records Source spring of information from government institution (e.g. hospital, public
libraries, civil service, police stations, NBI, different bureaus, AFP, intelligence organization and other
1365. Public relations program focused on building good image for police organizations through
actual performance w/o inefficiency and corruption. Its objective is to gain public support and win
citizens cooperation to accomplish police tasks.
1366. Public safety advance course mandatory training requirement for police personnel aiming to
be promoted to rank of Chief Inspector, it consists of 8 modules namely: general subjects, role of
public safety bureaus on national development, communications skills, Management II, research,
institutional linkages, Law, Human rights and specialization subjects which are distinct for each
bureau of public safety service.
1367. Public safety basic course designated to provide knowledge, skills and attitude to junior
officers of PNP, BFP, and BJMP to enable them to perform their prominent duties and responsibilities
for middle staff positions of 7 modules: general subjects, communication, leadership and
management law, intelligence, investigation subjects which are distinct for each public safety bureau.
Passing course is requirement to be promoted of rank of Senior Inspector.
1368. Public Safety Basic Recruit Course Entry training requisite for PNP permanent appointment
with initial rank of PO1.
1369. Public Safety Officers Candidate Course mandatory requirement for promotion to Inspector,
its primary objective is to provide senior public safety non-commissioned officers with essential
knowledge and skills to strengthen their leadership qualities and sense of responsibility.
1370. Public Safety Senior Officers Course program of instruction covers both academic and nonacademic subjects including law enforcement, research methodology, communications skills,
development administration, and environmental studies, local and foreign educational tour. Also
termed as OSEC, it is a mandatory training requirement for promotion to Police Superintendent.
1371. Purging - removal of data from an Information System (IS), its storage devices, or other peripheral
devices with storage capacity in such a way that data may not be reconstructed. Note: An IS must be
disconnected from any external network before purge.
1372. Purpose of Security protect establishment from any form of losses as result of theft, robbery,
pilferage, sabotage, espionage, accident, fire and subversive activities.
1373. Put the finger on go identify a subject by pointing him out either in person or in photograph.
1374. Put to bed when subject under surveillance has returned to his quarter and apparently retired
for night.
1375. Quadrant using scene of crime as center of quadrant rid, areas to be searched is divided into 4
pie shaped quarters generating from center.
1376. Qualified Theft taking property of another with violation of trust and confidence; Example: maid,
houseboy, salesgirl, or employees or any person that victim has trusted.
1377. Questionnaire Method each employee is given set of questions, in answering this, they
describes his job, its operations, his duties and his responsibilities.
1378. Quezon City - National Appellate Board Office of NAPOLCOM is located
1379. R reports incident fully and accurately.
1380. R render assistance to the victim, if any.
1381. RA 1080 - law that grants automatic eligibility for those who passed any licensure examination
administered by the Professional Regulations Commission
1382. RA 4864 Police Professionalization Act of 1966; created Police Commission (POLCOM) as a
supervisory agency to oversee training and professionalization of local police forces under Office of

President; later POLCOM was renamed into NAPOLCOM. Law enacted Sep. 8, 1966 which provided
legal guideline in undertaking at national level reforms which contributed to improvement of police
efficiency and performance. To implement its objectives the NAPOLCOM was created.
1383. RA 5487 as amended PD no. 11 otherwise known as Private Security Agency Law, this law
governs operation of private detective, company security, private security forces/agencies, activities,
qualifications, duties and licensing of security guards, watchmen and private detectives. It is intention
of law is towards professionalism of security services in order to upgrade level of security protection.
Act that regulates organization and operation of private detective, watchmen or security guard
1384. RA 6506 - An Act Creating the Board of Examiners for Criminologists in Phi. and For Other
Purposes. Board of Examiners for Criminology was created on July 1, 1972, pursuant to ___.
1385. RA 6975 - DILG Act of 1990, Laws established police organization under DILG. Created PNP,
BJMP, BFP and PPSC under a DILG. Law was amended by RA 8551?
1386. RA 7641 An act amending article 287 as presidential decree NO. 442 as amended, otherwise
known as the labor code of the Philippines, providing the retirement pay to qualified private sector
employees in the absence of any retirement plan in the establishment.
1387. RA 8551 PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998. Placed PNP as support to AFP in
Counter insurgency operations thru intelligence gathering.
1388. RA 9708 - law amending provisions of RA 6975 and RA 8551 on minimum educational
qualification for appointment to PNP and adjusting promotion system; approved on 12 Aug. 2009. An
Act extending for 5 years reglementary period for complying with minimum educational qualification
for appointment to PNP and adjusting promotion system thereof, amending for purpose pertinent
provisions of RA 6975 and RA 8551 and for other purposes.
1389. Rabbit subject or person being followed in surveillance.
1390. RAC - Request Authority to Conclude an Agreement Random Procurement Method of acquiring
materials for use in new construction or modification to existing Sensitive Compartmented Information
Facility (SCIF) or secure work area from existing local off-the-shelf stock by TOP SECRET, cleared
U.S. citizens. Procurement of material will be unannounced, made without referral and immediately
transported by procurer to Secure Storage Area (SSA). Random procurement may also be used for
acquisition of equipment, material, or supplies to be used in a SCIF or secure area.
1391. Radiation -heat transfer through electromagnetic waves
1392. RADINT Radar Intelligence
1393. Rafael Crame first head of intelligence division of PC.
1394. Rahab - assisted Israelite spies by hiding them from local authorities. The spies, in return for her
protection, promised to save her and her family during planned military invasion as long as she
fulfilled her part of deal by keeping details of contact with them secret and leaving a sign on her
residence that would be marker for advancing soldiers to avoid. She kept her word by hiding spies
when city guard came to her house looking for them; Israelites kept their word by sparing her family
from general massacre after taking city: they recognized Rahab's house by red cord hanging from her
1395. Ranking Officer officer having highest rank or grade.
1396. Raul Bacalzo - present Chief of PNP
1397. Reactive Patrol traditional patrol activity which consists of driving around district waiting for
something to happen.
1398. Reactive Policing - opposite of Pro Active policing where police wait for crime to occur.
1399. Recommendations this should contain the practical suggestions as to appropriate action to be
taken to make suitable position of all phases of the case.
1400. Reciprocity - Recognition and acceptance, without further processing of: (1) security background
investigations and clearance eligibility determinations; (2) accreditations of information systems; and
(3) facility accreditations. obligatory in Intelligence
1401. Record the report provides a permanent official record of the investigation.
1402. Record cycle lifespan of record from creation until disposition.
1403. Recorded tour guard takes with him on his tour of duty a form which must have the time
punched on it at each station.
1404. Recording act of reducing of information to writing.

1405. Records Management - planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting, and other
managerial activities involved with respect to records creation, records maintenance and use, and
records disposition in order to achieve adequate and proper documentation of policies and
transactions of Federal Government and effective and economical management of agency
1406. Recovery - development, coordination, and execution of service and site restoration plans;
reconstitution of government operations and services; individual, private sector, nongovernmental,
and public assistance programs to provide housing and to promote restoration; long-term care and
treatment of affected persons; additional measures for social, political, environmental, and economic
restoration; evaluation of incident to identify lessons learned; post-incident reporting; and
development of initiatives to mitigate effects of future incidents.
1407. Recruited Informants - Individuals that are selected, trained and utilized as continuous and
covert sources of information concerning specific counterintelligence targets.
1408. Recruitment process of encouraging job applicants from outside an organization to seek
employment in organization.
1409. Recycled end state for Information System (IS) storage devices processed in such a way as to
make them ready for reuse to adapt them to a new use, or to reclaim constituent materials of value
(i.e., smelting).
1410. RED - designation applied to telecommunications and Information Systems (IS), plus associated
areas, circuits, components, and equipment which, when classified plain text signals are being
processed therein, require protection during electrical transmission.
1411. RED Equipment - term applied to equipment that processes unencrypted National Security
Information (NSI) that requires protection during electrical or electronic processing.
1412. RED Line - optical fiber or metallic wire that carries RED signal or that originates or terminates in
RED equipment or system.
1413. RED Wire Line - metallic wire that carries RED signal or that originates or terminates in RED
equipment or system.
1414. RED/BLACK Concept - Separation of electrical and electronic circuits, components, equipment,
and systems that handle classified plain text (RED) information, in electrical signal form, from those
which handle unclassified (BLACK) information in same form.
1415. Redaction - For purposes of declassification, removal of exempted information from copies of a
1416. Reference frame of reference is based on thorough and prudent view of matters relating to
situation for which plans are being developed, and ideas and opinions of resource persons who may
speak with authority on subject matter concerned.
1417. Reference Material - Documentary material over which Government Contracting Activity (GCA),
who awards classified contract, does not have classification jurisdiction, and did not have
classification jurisdiction at time material was originated. Most material made available to contractors
by Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) and other secondary distribution agencies is
reference material as thus defined.
1418. Reference - person other than subject of background investigation, identified as having knowledge
of subject. characterized by source and type. There are two sources:
Listed: subject of investigation identified reference on Personnel Security Questionnaire.
Developed: investigator, in course of pursuing leads, identified reference as someone
knowledgeable of subject. There are six types:
Education: faculty member or school administrator at a school attended by subject who had
knowledge of subject when he or she was a student.
Employment/Supervisor: person with management responsibilities for subject.
Co-worker: colleague with knowledge of subjects on-the-job behavior.
Neighborhood: person living in subjects neighborhood who has knowledge of subject.
Friend/Associate: person who knows subject socially, preferably away from both work and home.
Knowledgeable Person: person who knows subject in some other context (e.g., a banker or
attorney or real estate agent who conducts business on behalf of subject or a clerk in a store
where subject shops frequently).NOTE: A specific reference can be categorized as more than one
type. For ex., someone who is both office mate and fellow member of a softball team may be both
a co-worker reference and a friend/associate reference.

1419. Refresher Conference reminds individuals of their job responsibility, serves as a forum to
resolve security problem and explain new rules and regulation.
1420. Reform motive repenting for wrong and wants to set a straight record.
1421. Regrade - To raise or lower, as determined appropriate, the classification assigned to an item of
1422. Regular Inventory periodical accounting of all tools and equipment charged out to departments
or reaming on hand in supply.
1423. Regular operating programs operational plan which is designed to met every day or year
round needs
1424. Regular Promotion Quota allocated promotion wherein a candidate must satisfy all mandatory
requirements fixed for a certain grade. meets all basic qualification for promotion
1425. Regulation anybody found guilty of violating document and information security shall deal with
1426. Rehabilitation restoration of normal life by specially training programs, also restoration to former
privileges when training is satisfactory completed.
1427. Reimbursable Suitability Investigation-Focused investigation to provide additional specific
information to resolve developed issues.
1428. Reinstatement - process whereby a person whose access authorization has been terminated or
revoked is permitted to have access to classified information again.
1429. Relative criticality - importance of establishment with reference to national economy and security.
importance of product or services that company is giving or producing.
1430. Relative vulnerability - susceptibility of a plant or establishment to damage, loss or disruption of
operations due to various hazards. How susceptible establishment for particular sabotage,
espionage, etc.
1431. Release - Providing classified information in writing, or any other medium, for retention.
1432. Remote Station System structure where alarm signal is transmitted to remote location manned
and operated by dependent party or police department.
1433. Removal of item this can be done as wearing the stolen shoes or shorts, concealment in body
or vehicles, use of false documents, etc. Driver may conceal pilfered items in his vehicle.
1434. Repair act to restore or place unserviceable to condition by replacing or adjusting damage parts,
assemblies or components.
1435. Reporting making of detailed account of activities, work progress, investigations and unusual
occurrences in order to keep everyone informed.
1436. Reporting for duty checking in at beginning of his shift and take down in writing any special
orders for day.
1437. Reporting Time - interval between discovery of crime and when it is reported to police.
1438. Reporting unit - contained in heading of intelligence report
1439. Repression of Criminal and Delinquent Behavior repression of crime is generally
accomplished whether by having police officers present at specific locations maintaining highly visible
profile or by publicizing highly active undercover operations.
1440. Repressive Police style of policing which generally tends to alienate police from community
used by rulers and government lacking popular support and rely on this technique to maintain them in
1441. Reputation opinion or estimation in which 1 is generally held. It is what a person is reported to
be whereas character is what a person is.
1442. Require completed work - to improve delegation, following must be done.
1443. Research systematic investigation in order to establish facts and research conclusions;
endeavor to discover new, or subject, or topic by course of critical investigation.
1444. Residence Security protection assigned in them place VIP resides or live.
1445. Responsibility management is held accountable for result arising from authority.
1446. Restricted document or material other than top secret or confidential which should not be
published or communicated to augment except for official purpose.
1447. Restricted area - if access is limited only to unauthorized personnel, this particular place. area
access to which is subject to special restriction to flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic to safeguard
property or material.

1448. Returns tools at end shift practice in some plants that all tools and equipment used during shift
is checked back into tool crib at end of their shift.
1449. Revenge - motives that cause people to be disloyal. Grudge to another person, get exaggerated
information to get even.
1450. Reeve - senior official with local responsibilities under crown. ex., chief magistrate of town or
1451. Release - Providing classified information in writing, or any other medium, for retention.
1452. REL TO Releasable To - REMBASS Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System Restricted
Data (RD) All data concerning design, manufacture, or utilization of atomic weapons; or, production of
special nuclear material; or, use of special nuclear material in production of energy, but shall not
include data declassified or removed from Restricted Data category under Section 142 of Atomic
Energy Act (AEA) of 1954, as amended.
1453. Relevant significant and demonstrated its relation to one another.
1454. Remote Maintenance - operational procedure that involves connection of a system to an external
(e.g., outside of facility securing system), remote service for analysis or maintenance.
1455. Remote Terminal - device for communication with Automated Information System (AIS) from
location that is not within central computer facility.
1456. Removable Hard Disk - hard disk contained in removable cartridge type casing.
1457. Repentance Gives information due to changes of his values, belief, and convection.
1458. Report of Investigation (RI) Report of results of investigative inquiries. All Personnel Security
Investigations (PSIs) and results from criminal and counterintelligence agencies are Reports of
Investigation (RI).
1459. Representative of Foreign Interest - citizen or national of U.S. who is acting as a representative
of a foreign government, agency of foreign government, or representative of foreign government.
1460. Research Such information can be acquired through research. normally entails study of
unclassified sources such as local newspapers, periodicals, public bulletins, telephone and city
directories, radio and television broadcasts, and other available references.
1461. Research and Technology - Activities that may be described as basic research, applied
research, and advanced technology development, demonstrations or equivalent activities, regardless
of budget activity.
1462. Reserve Security - on standby for possible back-up/re-enforcement.
1463. Response - Immediate actions to save lives, protect property and environment, and meet basic
human needs.
1464. Response Force - Personnel, not including those on fixed security posts, appropriately equipped
and trained, whose duties include initial or follow up response to situations which threaten security of
Special Access Program Facility (SAPF). This includes local law enforcement support or other
external forces as noted in agreements.
1465. Restricted (white or no color) is any information and material which requires special protection
other than those determines confidential, secret and top secret.
1466. Restricted Area (RA) - controlled access area established to safeguard classified material, that
because of its size or nature, cannot be adequately protected during working hours by usual
safeguards, but that is capable of being stored during non-working hours in approved repository or
secured by other methods approved by Cognizant Security Agency (CSA).
1467. Restricted Data (RD) - All data concerning design, manufacture, or utilization of atomic weapons;
or, production of special nuclear material; or, use of special nuclear material in production of energy,
but shall not include data declassified or removed from Restricted Data category under Section
1468. Revocation - adjudicative decision to permanently withdraw individuals clearance(s) based on
personnel security investigation, other relevant information, or both, that cleared person is no longer
eligible for access to classified information.
1469. Revocation of Facility Security Clearance (FCL) - Administrative action that is taken to
terminate all classified activity of contractor because contractor refuses, is unwilling, or has
consistently demonstrated inability to protect classified information.
1470. Rewarding providing financial and non-financial incentives for individual commitment and
1471. Riot- unlawful assembly that resulted to violent disturbance of peace.

1472. Risk - potential damage or loss of an asset. A measure of potential degree to which protected
information is subject to loss through adversary exploitation.
1473. Risk Analysis - method by which individual vulnerabilities are compared to perceived or actual
security threat scenarios in order to determine likelihood of compromise of critical information.
1474. Risk Assessment - written evaluation supporting adjudicative process, especially when
significant exception to personnel security standard is being considered. This assessment should
consist of evaluation from security, counterintelligence, and other technical or management experts
as appropriate, and should contrast compelling national security benefit of individual accessed to
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) with risk.
1475. Risk avoidance - eliminating or removing risk totally from business, government or industrial
environment for which risk manager has responsibility. A security philosophy which postulates that
adversaries are all-knowing and highly competent, against which risks are avoided by maximizing
defenses and minimizing vulnerabilities.
1476. Risk Management (RM) - comparison and analysis of relative threat (intent and capability to
collect information); vulnerability of asset; cost and administrative burden of possible
countermeasures; and value of asset used to determine appropriate level of protection to control and
reduce risk of compromise or disclosure to acceptable levels. Allows acceptance of risk in security
process based upon a cost-benefit analysis.
1477. Robbery evaluation, risk assessment, security audit - security of plant or industrial film
1478. Robustness - characterization of strength of security function, mechanism, service, or solution,
and assurance (or confidence) that it is implemented and functioning correctly. DoD has 3 levels of
robustness: High Robustness: Security services and mechanisms that provide most stringent
protection and rigorous security countermeasures. Medium Robustness: Security services and
mechanisms that provide for layering of additional safeguards above good commercial practices.
Basic Robustness: Security services and mechanisms that equate to good commercial practices.
1479. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) - identification, authentication, and authorization of
individuals based on their job titles or roles and responsibilities within organization.
1480. Rolled up - When operation goes bad and agent is arrested.
1481. Rolling car pickup - clandestine car pickup executed so smoothly that car hardly stops at all and
seems to have kept moving forward.
1482. Roman empire- army rather than dedicated police organization provided security. Local
watchmen were hired by cities to provide some extra security. Magistrates such as procurators,
fiscals and quaestros investigated crime. Under reign of Augustus, 14 wards were created,
wards were protected by 17squads of 1000 men called vigiles who acted as firemen and night
watchmen. Their duties included apprehending thieves and robbers and capturing run away slaves.
vigiles were supported by urban cohorts who acted as heavy duty riot force and praetorian guard
if necessary.
1483. ROME - created first organized police force called Vigiles of Rome, or Vigiles Urbani and policing
created a special unit called Praetorian Guards.
1484. Rough shadowing criminal is aware that he is being tailed, witness that should be protected.
1485. Route - length of streets designated for patrol purpose, also called line beat.
1486. Route Security personnel assigned by roads, avenue, boulevards where VIP will pass en route
to his detention.
1487. Routine Changes - Changes which have a minimal effect on overall Transient Electromagnetic
Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) security of Special Access Program Facility (SAPF). Adding
different type of electronic information processing equipment (unless equipment added is known to
have an unusually large TEMPEST profile), movement of equipment within facility, and minor
installation changes are examples of routine changes.
1488. Routine Security neutralize the possible route of the VIP party.
1489. Sabot - French word that means Wooden Slipper.
1490. Sabotage willful and malicious destruction of natural processes and functions of plant,
installation or premises. The willful destruction of Government property with intent to cause injury,
destruction, defective production of national defense, or war materials by either an act of commission
or omission. act of destroying, damaging or any evil motives that will lead to stoppage of normal
operation of company, factory, plant and or establishment.

1491. Saboteur person or group of person designed to carry out sabotage act. Undertakes positive
action against an unfriendly power, resulting in loss of use temporarily or permanently of an article,
material, facility, process, or other physical resource. Agent of sabotage.
1492. Safe - metallic container used for safekeeping of documents or small items in office or installation.
Shall be at least 750 lbs. in weight or anchored to building if lighter. Walls should be atleast 1 inch
thick and door 1 inch thick.
1493. Safeguarding - Controls that are prescribed to protect classified information
1494. Safe house - apartment, hotel room, or other similar site considered safe for use by operatives as
base of operations or for personal meeting. Place, a building, enclosed mobile, or apartment where
police undercover men meet, his action agent or handler conducts debriefing or for report purposes.
1495. SAGSD as used herein shall refer to the current PNP Civil Security Group Security agency and
Guard Supervision Division or any other PNP office that may be designated later as the primary office
for supervision of the implementation of these rules and regulations.
1496. SARIN A G series nerve agent (gas)
1497. Saturated Patrol technique which calls for deployment of as many police officers as possible in
specific area with known crime trend.
1498. Scalar Chain - hierarchy of authority is order of ranks from highest to lowest levels of
organization. Shows vertical hierarchy of organization which defines unbroken chain of units from top
to bottom describing explicitly flow of authority. Single uninterrupted line of authority-often represented
by boxes lines of organizational chart should run in order by rank from top command to level of
1499. School Security a type of security that is concern with the protection of students, faculty
members, and school properties. Security personnel are trained to protect the school property from
theft, vandals, handling campus riots and detecting the use of intoxicated drugs and alcohol by the
1500. Scientific Intelligence process of scientific research and development as it affects a national
1501. Scientific management type of management which is characterized and guidance by used of
scientific approaches to solution of managerial problem in business and industry.
1502. Score indented or raised line bottom edge of folder.
1503. Screening Process process involves 2 basic functions 1st is measuring of each candidates
qualifications and second is ranking candidates relatively on basis of qualifications. Undertaken by
means of screening.
1504. Sanitizing - removal of information from media or equipment such that data recovery using any
known technique or analysis is prevented. Sanitizing shall include removal of data from media, as
well as the removal of all classified labels, markings, and activity logs. Properly sanitized media may
be subsequently declassified upon observing organizations respective verification and review
1505. Search Lights incandescent lamps which are highly focused and utilized to pinpoint possible
threat areas.
1506. Search of vehicles - sign should be put at entrance to installation that any vehicle entering is
subject to search anytime.
1507. Sec - registration of security agency as corporation must be processed at what particular
government agency.
1508. SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
1509. Secret document information wherein unauthorized disclosure of which endangers national
security cause serious injury to interest or prestige of nation or any government activity or would be
great advantage to foreign nation.
1510. Secret (red color) is any information and material, the unauthorized disclosure of it would
endanger national security cause serious injury to the interest or prestige of the nation or any
governmental activity or advantage to a foreign nation.
1511. Secretary of the DILG - Chairman of NAPOLCOM
1512. Secret matters - information and material, authorized disclosure of which would endanger
national security, cause serious injury to interest or prestige of nation or of any governmental activity
or would be of great advantage to a foreign nation.

1513. Secret writing - Any tradecraft technique employing invisible messages hidden in or on innocuous
materials. This includes invisible inks and microdots, among many other variations.
1514. Section- primary subdivision of bureau with department wide responsibility for providing specific
specialized functions. Functional units within particular division. This is necessary for specialization.
1515. Sector functional unit necessary for specialization. Primary geographic subdivision of precinct.
Area containing two or more beat, route or post.
1516. Security - predictable state or condition which is free from harm, injury, destruction, intimidation or
fear. Freedom from fear or danger or defense against crime. The protection of information to assure it
is not accidentally or intentionally disclosed to unauthorized personnel.
1517. Security activities - Fayol was insistent that it was necessary to safeguard property and persons
against theft, fire, flood and all social disturbances including strikes in industries.
1518. Security Agency - any person, association, partnership or corporation who recruits, trains,
muster, furnishes, solicit individuals or business firms, private or government owned or controlled
corporation to engage his services or those of its watchmen.
1519. Security Agency Service guard hired by company belonging to private licensure security guard
agency is in contracted basis. The agency supplies number of guard needed to carry out security
duties and functions required. This would include supervision as part of force, or force is small,
supervision may be accomplished by schedule visits of uniformed supervisors and other agency
officials. Security guards and supervisors are paid by agency. Agency usually makes contact with firm
or facility. Law will do by 24 hours duty by thru guards on 8 hours tour of duty. Duties of agency
guards are similar to that of other company guard.
1520. Security Alarm System combination of compatible intrusion and detective device so arranged
and wired as to support 1 another.
1521. Security Assurance - written confirmation requested by, and exchanged between governments,
of security clearance level or eligibility for clearance of their employees, contractors, and citizens. It
includes a statement by responsible official of foreign government that original recipient of US
classified information possesses requisite security clearance, is approved by his or her government
for access to information of security classification involved on behalf of foreign government, and that
recipient will comply with any security requirements specified by U.S. In case of contractors, security
assurance includes a statement concerning level of storage capability.
1522. Security and Exchange Commission - Private security Agencies has to be registered with_.
1523. Security Cabinet added protection of important vital papers, data, special correspondence,
cash and other essential documents, such as vault, safe and file room.
1524. Security Classification Guides Security - Classification Guides are issued for each system,
plan, program or project in which classified information is involved.
1525. Security Clearance - administrative determination that individual is eligible for access to
classified matter . An administrative authorization for access to national security information up to a
stated classification level (TOP SECRET, SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL). NOTE: it does not, by itself,
allow access to controlled access programs.
1526. Scope - time period to be covered and sources of information to be contacted during prescribed
course of a Personnel Security Investigation (PSI).
1527. Sealed Disk Drive - fixed hard disk drive in which heads and platters are encased in same, sealed
1528. Second line of defense doors, floors, windows, walls, roofs and other entries to the buildings.
1529. Sector area containing 2 or more beats, routes or posts.
1530. Secure Copy - computer program which is part of Computer Security Toolbox. Microsoft Disk
Operating System (MS-DOS)-based program used to eliminate appended data within a file or files
while transferring same from source disk or diskette to target disk or diskette.
1531. Security communication system facilities provided for signaling, alerting or alarming workers
at any location throughout installation as occasion demands. These includes telephone and radio.
1532. Security Compromise - disclosure of classified information to persons not authorized access
thereto. Actions, devices, procedures, and/or techniques to reduce security risk.
1533. Security consultant not connected to or owning security agency - whether to put up its own
security guard organic to firm or hire contractual agency guards have their individual merits and
disadvantage to determine which type of guarding system an industrial firm will require management
must consult

1534. Security Director (SD) - Senior individual responsible for overall security management of Special
Access Program (SAP) within that activity.
1535. Security Domain - Within an information system, the set of objects that is accessible. Access is
determined by the controls associated with information properties such as its security classification,
security compartment, or sensitivity. The controls are applied both within an Information System (IS)
and in its connection to other classified or unclassified Information Systems.
1536. Security education - means and ways that personnel and employees making them security
1537. Security education program program given to employees of installation by lecture and other
means pertaining to measures and safeguard to be taken to protect interest of installation for loss,
damage, sabotage, pilferage, and other criminal acts.
1538. Security guard any natural person, not member of regular police force of AFP who acts as
1539. Security guard forces any natural person, not member of regular police force or AFP who acts
as watchman. A group of forces of men selected trained or organize into functional group for purpose
of protecting operation process those disruptions which impede efficiency or halt operation at
particular plant, facility, institution or special activity. maybe define as group of forces of men selected,
trained and organized into functional group for purpose of protecting operational processes from
those disruption which impede efficiency or halt operations at particular plant, facility, institution or
special activity.
1540. Security guard license - before security guard can practice his profession, he shall possess valid
security license.
1541. Security hazard condition which may result in compromise of information, loss of life, or
destruction of property or disruption of objective of installation.
1542. Security Incident - security compromise, infraction, or violation.
1543. Security-in-Depth (SID) - determination made by cognizant security agency/authority that facilitys
security program consists of layered and complementary security controls sufficient to deter and
detect unauthorized entry and movement within facility.
1544. Security Infraction - security incident that is not in best interest of security and does not involve
loss, compromise, or suspected compromise of classified information.
1545. Security Intelligence investigation of actual or theoretical violation of espionage laws with
purpose of apprehending violator.
1546. Security Level - clearance and set of designators of special access approval or classification and
set of such designators, former applying to user, latter applying, for example, to computer object.
1547. Security lighting providing of sufficient illumination to areas during hours of darkness to ensure
visibility and to act as to deterrent to intruders.
1548. Security Officer - When used alone, includes both Contractor Program Security Officers (CPSOs)
and activity security officers at Government facilities.
1549. Security planning corporate and executive responsibility. Involves knowing objectives of
security and means and method to reach these objectives or goal must then involve. In short, it is
decision-making process.
1550. Security Policy - set of laws, rules, and practices that regulate how organization manages,
protects, and distributes sensitive information. A complete security policy will necessarily address
many concerns beyond scope of computers and communications
1551. Security Profile - approved aggregate of hardware and software and administrative controls used
to protect system.
1552. Security Promotion positive effort to sell security or make employees more involved in
implementation of security measures.
1553. Security Reminders commonly manifested in office memorandum, announcement, and posters
placed at strategic areas within company.
1554. Security/Suitability Investigations Index (SSII) - Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
database for personnel security investigations
1555. Security supervisor charge with directing work and observing behavioral performance of guard
under his unit.
1556. Security survey - First measure undertaking before comprehensive security program for industrial
plan could be developed. Fact-finding prove to determine plant adequacy & deficiency all aspects of

security with corresponding recommendation. Process of conducting exhaustive physical examination

and thorough inspection of all operational systems and procedures of facility.
1557. Security service contract - before private security agencies render security services to its
clients, there must be contract that must bind them.
1558. Security Testing - process used to determine that security features of system are implemented as
designed and that they are adequate for proposed application environment. This process includes
hands-on functional testing, penetration testing, and verification.
1559. Security Violation - Any knowing, willful, or negligent action that could reasonably be expected
to result in unauthorized disclosure of classified information; or, any knowing, willful, or negligent
action to classify or continue classification of information contrary to requirements of Executive Order
(EO) 13526, Classified National Security Information, or its implementing directives; or, any
knowing, willful, or negligent action to create or continue a special access program contrary to
requirements of EO 13526.
1560. Secure Working Area - accredited facility or area that is used for handling, discussing, or
processing, but not for storage of Special Access Program (SAP) information.
1561. Security defense against crime or state of being free
1562. Security Hazard - any act or condition, which may result in compromise of information, loss of life,
loss or destruction of property, or disruption of objectives of installations.
1563. Security Investigation is planned and organized determination of facts concerning specific loss
or damage of assets duet to threads hazards or unsecured conditions.
1564. Selecting most appropriate alternative meticulous and cautious consideration of all facts
which result in determination of best alternative proposal.
1565. Selection choosing of applicants who are fitted and qualified as police officers.
1566. Selective Enforcement targeting of specific criminal activity which can be used with favorable
results to respond high levels of criminal conduct. It allows department to maximize personnel
deployment with respect to emergent crime trends with minimum impact on normal patrol operations.
1567. Self-Aggrandizing Informants - informant that is conceited, overconfident, and arrogant.
1568. Self control ability to take hold of oneself regardless of provoking situation.
1569. Self-Inspection - internal review and evaluation of individual agency activities and agency as
whole with respect to implementation of program established under this order and implementing
1570. Selling plan step pertains measures undertaken to ensure belief, agreement and acceptance by
persons concerned in order to effectively carry out plan.
1571. Selznick(1948) - concept of organizations as cooperative systems emanating from adaptive social
structures made up of interacting individuals, sub-groups and informal plus formal relationships.
1572. Senior Agency Official (SAO) - official designated by agency head to direct and administer
agencys program under which information is classified, safeguarded, and declassified.
1573. Senior Foreign Official (SFO) - Any foreign government official who, by virtue of position or
access, may directly affect governments policy. These officials include, but are not limited to: those of
ministerial rank and above; heads of national departments, agencies and services; and
representatives of ambassadorial rank and above.
1574. Senior inspector - under law, city/municipal jail warden should have rank of __.
1575. Senior Intelligence Officer (SIO) - highest-ranking military or civilian individual directly charged
with foreign intelligence missions, functions, or responsibilities within department agency component,
command, or element of Intelligence Community (IC) organization.
1576. Seniority in Rank total period acquired in certain grade in permanent status.
1577. Senior Review Group (SRG) - Provides principle support to Special Access Program Oversight
Committee (SAPOC). working level group that reviews all SAPs prior to SAPOC briefing
1578. Sensitive Activities - Special Access (SAPs) or code word programs, critical research and
development efforts, operations or intelligence activities, special plans, special activities, or sensitive
support to customer, customer contractors, or clients.
1579. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) - classified information concerning or derived from
intelligence sources and methods or analytical processes that is required to be handled within formal
control system established by Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI) Courier (Certified)

1580. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) - approved active duty military personnel, U.S.
Government civilian employees, or contractor employees whose primary responsibility is to transport
SCI material worldwide. The individual is so designated in writing, and must have SCI access
approval at the level of material being transported
1581. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Courier (Designated) - Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI)-approved active duty military personnel, U.S. Government civilian employees, or
contractor employees whose temporary responsibility is to transport SCI material worldwide. The
individual is so designated in writing, and must have SCI access approvals at level of material being
1582. Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) - area, room(s), or building installation
that is accredited to store, use, discuss, or electronically process Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI). The standards and procedures for __ are stated in Director of Central Intelligence
Directives (DCIDs) 1/19 and 1/21.
1583. Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) (Co-utilization) - mutual agreement
among two or more Government organizations to share same Sensitive Compartmented Information
Facility (SCIF) Accreditation - Formal acceptance of sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
(SCIF) as meeting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) security standards and formal authorization
to process, store, and/or discuss Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI).
1584. Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) Database - Intelligence Community (IC)
database that provides a single source listing of Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities
(SCIF) worldwide and is used to promote continuity of operations and relocation of affected resources
in event of national emergency.
1585. Sensitivity Label - collection of information that represents security level of object and describes
sensitivity of data in object. consists of sensitivity level (classification and compartments) and other
required security markings (e.g., code words, handling caveats) to be used for labeling data
1586. Sensitive Position - Any position so designated within DoD, occupant of which could bring about,
by virtue of nature of position, a materially adverse effect on national security. NOTE: All civilian
positions are critical-sensitive, noncritical-sensitive, or non-sensitive
1587. SEP the exposure and teaching of employees on security and its relevance to their work.
1588. Service execution of writ or process as used in summary proceedings. Honorable active duty
(including attendance at military academies), membership in Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
Scholarship Programs, Army and Air Force National Guard, Military Reserve Force (including active
status and ready reserve), civilian employment in Government service, or civilian employment with
DoD contractor or as consultant involving access under DoD Industrial Security Program (DISP).
Continuity of service is maintained with change from one status to another as long as there is no
single break in service greater than 12 months.
1589. Service Bush Jacket intended for Directorial and staff officers.
1590. Service unit - perform auxiliary functions communication, records management, supplies.
1591. Shadow and tail to follow individual whenever he goes, on foot or by vehicle.
1592. Shadowing or Tailing act of following person (overtly or covertly). conducted when subject is
moving from 1 place to another
1593. Shared Situational Awareness - comprehensive, cross-network domain knowledge resulting
from combining and synthesizing relevant, timely, and comprehensive situational awareness
information, tailored to needs of each organization, which enables transformational improvement in
their ability to operate, maintain, and defend their networks or perform their cyber security missions.
1594. Sheriff - contraction of term "shire-reeve" - designated a royal official responsible for keeping
peace throughout shire or county on behalf of king.
1595. Shift -1 of several tours of duty.
1596. Shift in charge - responsible to detachment commander as far as his shift is concerned.
1597. Shift Scheduling 1 of most important task faced by patrol dispatchers and police administrators.
Undertaken by dividing no. of hours actually devoted to call for services or other work load indicators.
1598. Shipper - One who releases custody of material to carrier for transportation to consignee.
1599. Shire - traditional term for division of land in UK and Australia. headed by leader called Shire
Reeve, which is origin of word sheriff
1600. Shoplifter- people or somebody who gets things or property displayed in store without payment.

1601. Side-walk-elevators these provide access to areas within the perimeter barrier and should be
locked and guarded.
1602. Silver bullet - special disguise and deception tradecraft techniques developed under Moscow
rules to help CIA penetrate KGB's security perimeter in Moscow.
1603. SIGINT Signals Intelligence from various types of communication.
1604. Signals - Any form of clandestine tradecraft using a system of marks, signs, or codes for signaling
between operatives.
1605. Signal Flags - Intelligence Community (IC) database containing information used to assist
security and counterintelligence professionals conducting National Agency Checks (NACs) on
individuals applying for positions with IC organizations.
1606. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) - category of intelligence comprising either individually or in
combination all communications intelligence, electronic intelligence, and foreign instrumentation
signals intelligence, however transmitted.
1607. Significant Derogatory Information - Information that could justify unfavorable administrative
action, or prompt adjudicator to seek additional investigation or clarification.
1608. Simple theft - without violation of trust and confidence
1609. Signs and notices Control Signs should be erected where necessary in the management of
unauthorized ingress to preclude accidental entry. Signs should be plainly visible and legible from any
approach and in an undersood language or dialect.
1610. Single party government - requires government officials to be members of party, features
complex party hierarchy as key institution of government.
1611. Single party system identifies itself as party , where membership may provide benefits non
available to non-members.
1612. Single pass or badge system - least expensive and least secure personnel control identification
system. Badge or pass coded for authorization to enter specific areas is issued to an employee who
keeps it in his possession until his authorization terminates
1613. Single pass system - the badge or pass coded for authorization to enter specific areas is issued
to an employee who keeps it in his possession until his authorization is terminate.
1614. Single Scope Background Investigation-Periodic Reinvestigation (SSBI-PR) - periodic
personnel security reinvestigation consisting for TOP SECRET clearances and/or critical sensitive or
special sensitive positions consisting of elements prescribed in Standard C of Intelligence Community
(IC) Policy Guidance 704.1, Investigative Standards for Background Investigations for Access to
Classified Information. Initiated at any time following completion of, but not later than 5 years, from
date of previous investigation or reinvestigation.
1615. Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) - only Personnel Security Investigation (PSI)
conducted by Defense Security Service (DSS) for DoD Personnel Security Program (PSP) for TOP
SECRET and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) duties. The period of investigation for a _ is
variable, ranging from 3 years for neighborhood checks to 10 years for Local Agency Checks (LACs).
1616. SIRT Security Incident Response Team Site Information Assurance Manager (IAM) - single
Information Systems (IS) security focal point for a defined site. The Site Information Assurance
Manager (IAM) supports two organizations: User Organization and Technical Organization, and is
responsible for managing baseline and ensuring that changes to site baseline are properly controlled.
1617. Site Security Manager (SSM) (Construction) - U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age, cleared at
TOP SECRET level and approved for Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), and is responsible
for security where Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) is under construction.
1618. Situational Awareness - knowledge and understanding of current operational status, risk posture,
and threats to cyber environment gained through instrumentation, reporting, assessments, research,
investigation, and analysis, which are used to enable well-informed decisions and timely actions to
preempt, deter, defend, defeat, or otherwise mitigate those threats and vulnerabilities.
1619. Skirmisher Line - crowd and riot control formation used in confronting mob, to advance against it,
for display or force or used to block of area.
1620. Smell - dogs have acute sense of _, their utilization in tracking down lost persons or illegal drugs.
1621. Smelter (1972) - suggests that in reality certain sub-systems or institutions serve homeostasis of
system better in process of internal dynamics of organizations

1622. Smoking-bolt operation - covert snatch operation in which special entry team breaks into
enemy installation & steals high-security device, like code machine, leaving nothing but "smoking
1623. Smothering - If high winds has extinguishing effect on fire, most probable extinguishing method.
1624. Social control - to be seen as social process or mechanism that counteracts deviant tendencies.
Though social order is thought of as conformity to norms, counteraction of deviance promotes social
order. Parsons (1951) conception of social control toes line of thinking of old conception promoted by
Ross (1896, 1901). Viewing professions as mechanisms of social control in sociological sense, Parsons
considers that professions forestall deviance.
1625. Sociological Intelligence interest centers with study of population and manpower or
demography, national characteristics labor, public opinion and public welfare.
1626. Sole Proprietorship - business owned by one individual who is liable for debts and other
liabilities incurred in operation of t business.
1627. Solid they cannot see what is in inside and those who are in inside they cannot see also what is
in outside.
1628. Solid fence - 1 is constructed in such way that visual access through fenced structure is denied.
1629. Sound Attenuation - Diminution of intensity of sound energy propagating in medium, caused by
absorption, spreading, and scattering
1630. Sound Group - Voice transmission attenuation groups established to satisfy acoustical
requirements. Ratings measured in sound transmission class may be found in Architectural Graphic
Standards (AGS).
1631. Sound Transmission Class - rating used in architectural considerations of sound transmission
loss such as those involving walls, ceilings, and/or floors.
1632. Source - place or person from which information is obtained.
1633. Source Document - existing document that contains classified information that is incorporated,
paraphrased, restated, or generated in new form into new document.
1634. South America 4th largest continent of World although it contains less than 21% of worlds
1635. Spain- modern police in Europe has precedent in Hermandus or (brotherhood) - peace keeping
association of individuals, characteristic of municipal life in medieval Spain. First recorded case of
formation of hermandad occurred when towns and peasantry of north united to police the pilgrim road
to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia and protect pilgrims against robber knights.
1636. Span of Control principle where in ability of 1 man to direct, coordinate and immediate.
maximum no. of subordinates that superior can effectively supervise. Pyramidal arrangement or
grouping of subordinate units or personnel.
1637. Special Access Program (SAP) - program established for specific class of classified information
that imposes safeguarding and access requirements that exceed those normally required for
information at same classification level.
1638. Special Access Program (SAP); Controlled Access Program (CAP) - Security Cognizance The
Defense Security Service (DSS) office assigned responsibility for discharge of industrial security
1639. Special Access Program (SAP)/Special Access Required (SAR) - Any program imposing
Need-to-Know or access control beyond those normally provided for access to CONFIDENTIAL,
SECRET, or TOP SECRET information. Such a program includes, but is not limited to, special
clearance, adjudication, or investigative requirements; special designation of officials authorized to
determine Need-to-Know; or special lists of persons determined to have Need-to-Know.
1640. Special AccessProgram Coordination Office (SAPCO) - Office under DoD, or military
department components responsible for establishment and application of regulations, oversight, and
security policy for Special Access Programs (SAPs).
1641. Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) - specific physical space that has been formally
accredited in writing by cognizant Program Security Officer (PSO) which satisfies criteria for
generating, safeguarding, handling, discussing, and storing classified or unclassified program
information, hardware, and materials.
1642. Special Action Force Headed by Director with rank of Chief Superintendent, it shall function as
mobile strike force or reaction unit to augment regional, provincial, municipal and city police forces for

civil disturbance control, counter insurgency, hostage taking, rescue operations and other special
1643. Special Activity - activity or associated support function conducted in support of national foreign
policy objectives abroad that is planned and executed so that role of Government is neither apparent
nor acknowledged publicly. Special activities are not intended to influence U.S. political processes,
public opinion, policies, or media, and do not include diplomatic activities or collection and production
of intelligence or related support functions.
1644. Special and Meritorious - promotion by virtue of exhibited act of courage and extra-ordinary
gallantry beyond call of duty.
1645. Special Background Investigation (SBI) - Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) consisting of all
components of Background Investigation plus certain additional investigative requirements. The
period of investigation for a Special Background Investigation (SBI) is last 15 years or since 18th
birthday, whichever is shorter, provided that last 2 full years are covered and that no investigation will
be conducted prior to individuals 16th birthday.
1646. Special Interview - conducted with aide of senior company officials to facilitate compliance by
means of example.
1647. Special Investigative Inquiry (SII) - supplemental Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) of
limited scope conducted to prove or disprove relevant allegations that have arisen concerning person
upon whom personnel security determination has been previously made and who, at time of
allegation, holds security clearance or otherwise occupies position that requires personnel security
1648. Specialization - principle that results from division of force into separate units to perform police
tasks. assignment of particular personnel to particular tasks.
1649. Specialization of Jobs (Areas Of Specialization) - designation of certain activities or tasks
as ones that must be performed in highly technological, scientific or precise manner. Areas of police
specialization include undercover works, crime scene operations, legal advising, computer work,
SWAT operations and others.
1650. Specialization of People (Specialists) - designation of particular persons as having expertise in
specific area of work. signifies adaptation of individual to requirements through extensive training.
1651. Special Operating Procedure included in such guidelines are crime scene search, preservation
and investigation, dissemination, of information, concerning wanted persons, organization and
operation of police support units and the like.
1652. Special police units modern police service regularly includes special units to handle special
problems. In major cities, tactical units, highly trained and well equipped, are available to quell riots.
Bomb squads are also on call; other units specialize in dealing with hostage situations.
1653. Special Program Document Control Center - components activity assigned responsibility by
Information System Security Representative (SSR) for management, control, and accounting of all
documents and magnetic media received or generated as result of special program activity.
1654. Special Program Review Group (SPRG) - committee responsible for developing Air Force
Special Access Required (SAR) programs resource requirements, including Program Objective
Memorandum (POM), Budget Estimate Submission (BES), and Presidents Budget. Special Security
Center (SSC) The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) element responsible for developing,
coordinating, and overseeing DNI security policies and databases to support Intelligence Community
security elements. The Special Security Center (SSC) interacts with other Intelligence Community
(IC) security organizations to ensure that DNI equities are considered in development of national level
security policies and procedures.
1655. Special Terrain Patrol usually 4 wheel drive vehicles designed to easily maneuver and traverse
with ease sandy areas such as deserts and beach fronts as well as prone to floods. This would
enable patrol officers to respond quickly to calls to emergency scenes, which may not be accessible
to more conventional forms of transportation.
1656. Specific Deterrence crime prevention technique which has effect to activity of specific individual
or group.
1657. Specific rules covers specific situations. They are more direct and are less flexible, more rigid in

1658. Split Force Patrol satisfying needs of both preventive patrol and demands made by calls for
1659. SPO 1 - graduates of PNPA are automatically appointed to rank of_.
1660. SPO4 - highest ranking Police Non-Commissioned Officer
1661. Sponsor group which, through its headquarters, supports and directs organization conducting
clandestine activity.
1662. Sponsoring Agency - Government department or agency that has granted access to classified
national intelligence, including Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), to person whom it does
not directly employ, e.g., a member of another Government organization or contractor employee.
1663. Spontaneous ignition - greatest number of fires.
1664. Spoofing - ploy designed to deceive observer into believing that operation has gone bad when, in
fact, it has been put into another compartment.
1665. Spot cover usually a fixed post, generally at an intersectional or some other vantage point,
overlooking 1 or more possible avenue of escape.
1666. Spot magnetized identification passes - code may be placed in device and when passes
through a machine, code on device is read, if it contains wrong code or no code at all, it will alarm.
1667. Spot map - Useful to indicate traffic accidents and crime location.
1668. Spy agent of Espionage. They are very dangerous because of their skill in deception and
undercover works.
1669. Squad - subdivision of unit.
1670. Stack at the bottom not to exceed two inches, if the fences is not taut then it should extend
even closer to the ground.
1671. Staff/Administrative Functions- functions that are designed to support line functions and assist
in performance of line functions- ex. of staff functions of police are planning, research, budgeting and
legal advice
1672. Staffing task of providing competent men to do job and selecting right man for job. Involves
good selection and processing of reliable and well-trained personnel.
1673. Staffing or manning analyzing jobs, developing job descriptions and specifications, appraising
and maintaining inventory of available capabilities, recruiting, selecting, placing, transferring,
demoting, promoying, and thus assuring qualified manpower when and where it is needed.
1674. Staff Work part of managerial work that police executive or commander assigns to someone
outside chain of command, called staff assistant.
1675. Stand-Alone Automated Information System (AIS) - may include desktop, laptop, and notebook
held electronic device containing classified held electronic device containing classified information
NOTE: Stand-alone AIS by definition are not connected to any Local Area Network (LAN) or other
type of network.
1676. Stand-Alone System - Information System (IS) operating independent of any other IS within
environment physically secured commensurate with highest classification of material processed or
stored thereon.
1677. Standard Practice Procedures - document(s) prepared by a contractor that implements
applicable requirements of DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
(NISPOM), for contractors operations and involvement with classified information at contractors
1678. Standby Lighting it is designed for reserve or standby use or to supplement continuous
systems. A standby system can be most useful to selectively light a particular area in an occasional
1679. Stand pipe - mechanical device of supplying water which can be manual or motor driven. Steal or
plastic pipes located in building from lowest to top floor with water under pressure for use in case
of fire.
1680. Star-burst maneuver - counter-surveillance ploy in which more than 1 target car or target officer
is being followed and they suddenly go in different directions, forcing surveillance team to
make instant choices about whom to follow.
1681. State Informers originated during reign of Edward I of England in 15th century were rewards
were given to those who can report authors seditious writing.
1682. Statement of procedures to be taken in certain situations and is narrower in space than
statement principles.

1683. Statement of Reason (SOR) - letter from Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) to subject, notifying
of CAFs intent to deny or revoke security clearance or eligibility, and for proposed action.
1684. Statute of Winchester - in 1285, obliged authorities of every town to keep a watch at city gates
and arrest all suspicious night walkers.
1685. Stench Bomb Chemical that is carried out by racketeers and with disagreeable odor.
1686. Steel fences post - the round type should be at least two inches in diameter and the beam type
must measurable no less than two inches at the smallest diameter.
1687. Sting Operations - organized groups of detectives who deceived criminals into openly committing
illegal acts of conspiring to engage in criminal activity.
1688. Stop and Frisk - situation in which police officers who are suspicious of individual run their hands
lightly over suspects outer garments to determine if person is carrying a concealed weapon. Aka
Inquiry of Pat Down.
1689. Storage System 3rd line of defense which may be utilized by means of sale, vaults or file room.
1690. Strategic - long range planning
1691. Strategic Intelligence - information concerning existing patterns or emerging trends of criminal
activity designed to assist in criminal apprehension and crime control strategies for both short and
long term investigative tools.
1692. Strategic plan - Designed to outline series of related operations to accomplice common objective
normally within given period of time. A plan with time horizon of 5-10 years.
1693. Strategy - broad design or method or plan to attain stated goal or objective.
1694. Street Questioning Method policeman on patrol may interview, within bounds of law,
suspicious personalities at random in order to serve as deterrent to those who intend to commit
1695. Street Lights this lighting equipment received the most widespread notoriety for its value in
reducing crime.
1696. Strike is a temporary stoppage of work by concerned action or employees as a result of a
current labor industrial dispute.
1697. Strong-arm agent - available to provide special protection during dangerous phases of
clandestine operation. He is also prepared to undertake aggressive action in accomplishment of
assigned task and assist in operations directed against target personnel.
1698. Strong Points critical point or intersection manned by minimum of 5 uniformed police personnel
pre deployed to intercept fleeing bank robbers or criminals.
1699. Structural Barriers features constructed by men that tend to delay intruder, whether or not
constructed with that specific purpose in mind.
1700. Subcontract - contract entered into by contractor to furnish supplies or services for performance
of prime contract or other subcontract.
1701. Subcontractor - supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm that furnishes supplies or services to or for
Prime Contractor.
1702. Subject Matter Expert (SME) - expert in particular field who contributes or verifies accuracy of
specific information needed by project team.
1703. Submaster key a key that will open all the lock within a particular area or grouping in a given
1704. Subject of Surveillance - person, place, or object being watched.
1705. Substantial Issue Information - Any information or aggregate of information that raises
significant question about prudence of granting access eligibility. NOTE: it constitutes basis for
granting access eligibility with waiver or condition, or for denying or revoking access eligibility.
1706. Subsidiary - corporation in which another corporation owns at least majority of its voting
1707. Substitution __ or changing of formula to another, which will cause damage or destructions.
1708. Subversion organized and systematic conspiracy designed to discredit and overthrow duly
constituted authorities.
1709. Subversive person or organization, organized to overthrow legitimate government. Agitators,
propagandist, infiltrators, organizers, front group mobs, paper organization, activities, terrorists and
1710. Subversive activities designed to disrupt or even overthrow ruling parties or government. dealing with weakness of person.

1711. Subversive Intelligence assembling, analyzing, and disseminating information about those
individual or groups whose interest is overthrow of democratic country.
1712. Summary Dismissal Power Exercised by Chief of PNP and regional directors who after due
notice and summary hearings, may immediately remove or dismiss and respondent PNP member in
any of following cases: a) When charge is serious and evidence of guilt is strong; b) when respondent
is recidivist or has been repeatedly charged and there are reasonable grounds to believe that he is
guilty of charges; and c) when respondent is guilty of conduct unbecoming of police officer.
1713. Summary Proceedings administrative proceedings conducted consistent with due process to
determine culpability or innocence of respondent.
1714. Sun Tzu - in about 400 B.C. ancient Chinese military general and strategist who is traditionally
believed to have authored The Art of War, an influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy
considered to be a prime example of Taoist thinking. has had a significant impact on Chinese and
Asian history and culture, both as an author of The Art of War and through legend. During 19th and
20th centuries, Art of War grew in popularity and saw practical use in Western society, and his work
has continued to influence both Asian and Western culture and politics.
1715. Superior Officer 1 having supervisory responsibilities, either temporarily or permanently over
officers of lower rank.
1716. Supermarket or Mall Security - a type of security which is concern with the protection of the
stores, warehouse, storage, its immediate premises and properties as well as the supermarket
personnel and customers. Security personnel are trained to detect shoplifter, robbery and bomb
detection and customers relation.
1717. Supervision assistance and guidance given to subordinates to ensure successful performance.
Act of watching over work or tasks of members of organization to ensure that desired results are
achieved. Direction that is provided on a one-on-one basis.
1718. Supervisory overseeing of administrative work and not supervising operating units.
1719. Supervisory tour this is where the guard sends signals to guard headquarters from each station
that he checks.
1720. Supplies both expandable and non-expandable commodities.
1721. Surreptitious Entry - Unauthorized entry in manner which leaves no readily discernible evidence.
1722. Surreptitious VS non surreptitious entry the possibility of surreptitious entry is the greatest
hazard from standpoint of counterintelligence security because it is usually difficult to neutralize the
act of espionage because surreptitious entry is not usually detected.
1723. Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) - major command of U.S. Army, and
U.S. Transportation Commands (TRANSCOM) component command responsible for designated
domestic land transportation as well as common-user water terminal and traffic management service
to deploy, employ, sustain, and redeploy U.S. forces on global basis.
1724. Supporting Information Assurance (IA) Infrastructure - Collection of interrelated processes,
systems, and networks that provide continual flow of information assurance services throughout DoD
(e.g., the key management infrastructure or incident detection and response infrastructure).
1725. Surveillance discreet supervision of places, person, vehicle for purpose of information
concerning activities of target on subject. Categorized according to intensity and sensitivity. Method of
collection of information wherein investigator tails person or vehicle. Disguise or secret observation of
places, persons or vehicles for purpose of obtaining information. The systematic observation of
aerospace, surface or subsurface areas, places, persons, or things, by visual, aural, photographic, or
other means. Clandestine form of investigation which consists of keeping any person, place or other
physical observation in order to obtain evidence or information pertinent to purpose of investigation.
Planned observance of persons, places or objects: however, it is concerned primarily with persons.
Places and objects can be closely watched but are generally incidental to primary interest of seeking
information about people.
1726. Surveillant person or group who does surveillance works. Person who does surveillance or who
maintain watch.
1727. Survey - circumspect inspection of place to determine its suitability for particular operational
1728. Survey reports itemizes condition which are conducive to breaches of security, records
preventive measures currently in effect, and when required-makes specific practical and reasonable
recommendations to bring physical security to desired standard.

1729. Survivability - capability of system to withstand manmade or natural hostile environment without
suffering abortive impairment of its ability to accomplish its dedicated mission.
1730. Suspicious Contact - Efforts by any individual, regardless of nationality, to obtain illegal or
unauthorized access to classified information or to compromise cleared employee, all contacts by
cleared employees with known or suspected intelligence officers from any country, or any contact
which suggests employee concerned may be target of attempted exploitation by intelligence services
of another country.
1731. Suspension - act of temporarily denying officer the privilege of performing his police duties in
consequence of offense and violation of rules and regulations.
1732. SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics specialized mobile police assault force designed to quell
threats and contain crisis.
1733. Sworn date - date that sworn employee took oath of office for their position.
1734. Sworn Officer all personnel of police department who possess power of arrest and who takes
oath of office.
1735. System used in records storage means any plan of filing devised by filing equipment
manufacturers. An assembly of computer and/or communications hardware, software, and firmware
configured for purpose of classifying, sorting, calculating, computing, summarizing, transmitting and
receiving, storing, and retrieving data with minimum of human intervention.
1736. System Administrator (SA) - individual responsible for maintaining system in daily operations.
1737. Systematic pilferage -1 who steals with preconceived plans and takes always any or all types of
items or supplies for economic gain.
1738. System Security Authorization Agreement (SSAA) - formal document that fully describes
planned security tasks required to meet system or network security requirements. The package must
contain all information necessary to allow Designated Approving Authority (DAA) to make official
management determination for authorization for system or site to operate in particular security mode
of operation; with prescribed set of safeguards; against defined threat with stated vulnerabilities and
countermeasures; in given operational environment; under stated operational concept; with stated
interconnections to external systems; and at acceptable level of risk.
1739. System Security Engineering (SSE) - efforts to help achieve maximum security and survivability
of system during its life cycle and interfacing with other program elements to ensure security functions
are effectively integrated into total system engineering effort.
1740. System Security Plan (SSP) - Formal document that provides overview of security requirements
for information system and describes security controls in place or planned for meeting those
1741. Tab portion of guide or of folder that extends above regular height of folder or guide.
1742. Tactfulness ability of the guard to deal with others successfully without offending. In short, he
can be firm but pleasant.
1743. Tactical Approval to Operate (T-ATO) Cognizant Security Authority (CSA) - delegated
authority to an operational element to allow a Tactical Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
(T-SCIF) to be functional before formal accreditation is received. NOTE: The Tactical Approval to
Operate (TATO) may not exceed one year in duration.
1744. Tactical force mobile striking force of value in those situations which calls for saturation of area
either to prevent outbreak of criminal activity or racial, religious or national conflict.
1745. Tactical Intelligence - information regarding a specific criminal event that can be used
immediately by operational units to further a criminal investigation plan tactical operations and provide
for officer safety. Focuses on subject or operations and usually short term.
1746. Tactical Operation and Strategies proper utilization and deployment of patrol force includes
design and implementation of patrol strategies and tactical plans which are designed to meet daily
operational requirements as well as unique conditions from time to time.
1747. Tactical plans plans are restricted to methods of action to be taken at designated location and
under specific situations. Procedures for coping with specific situations at known locations. Included
in this category art plans dealing with attacks against facilities, buildings and structures with alarm
system as well as against police headquarters by lawless elements.
1748. Tactical Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (T-SCIF) - An area, room, group of
rooms, building, or installation accredited for Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)-level
processing, storage, and discussion that is used for operational exigencies (actual or simulated) for

specified period of time not exceeding 1 yearTactical Special Access Program Facility (T-SAPF) An
accredited area used for actual or simulated war operations for specified period of time.
1749. Tactics - specific design, method or course of action to attain particular objective in consonance
with strategy.
1750. Talcott Parsons (1951) - evincing interest in pattern of interaction and cooperation, believes that
all social systems are confronted by two sets of problems. He delimits problem of system as related to
external environment and to internal interactions. For him, Adaptation and goal attainment
constitute former and integration and latency constitute latter.
1751. Target person, places and organizations, which are objects of police interest due to their criminal
activities. An individual, operation, or activity which adversary has determined possesses information
that might prove useful in attaining his or her objective. Second organizational element. Person, place
or thing against clandestine activity is to be conducted.
1752. Target hardening - reduction in criminal opportunity, generally through use of physical barriers,
architectural design and enhanced security measures of particular location.
1753. Target list - for organized crime groups.
1754. Target Oriented Patrol strategies which are directed towards specific persons, places or events.
Combining elements of high visibility and low visibility patrol, and directed deterrent patrol to identify
persons, places or events which attract to create crime problems. Various means are then used either
to deny opportunity for crime to occur in commission of offense.
1755. Target selection 1st phase in process of identifying criminals and subversive elements. Involves
utility, probability of success, required resources and objectives.
1756. Task Rules and Regulations implementing Labor Code, major element of work or combination of
elements by means of which specific result is achieved.
1757. Task force - established by bureau commander to respond to specific incident or series of related
incidents. Its assignment is temporary.
1758. Teaching skill leader must be able to teach in his men what he wants to be done.
1759. Team Policing grassroots approach undertaken to bring people and police together in
cooperative situation. Its distinguishing feature is establishment of neighborhood. Crime watches
groups for purpose of encouraging people to report crimes and assume greater interest. new concept,
police strategy which integrates police and community interests into working relationship so as to
produce desired organizational objectives of peacemaking
1760. Tear Line - place in intelligence report (usually denoted by series of dashes) at which sanitized
version of more highly classified or controlled report begins.
1761. Technical Data - Information, other than software, which is required for design, development,
production, manufacture, assembly, operation, repair, testing, maintenance, or modification of
defense articles. This includes information in form of blueprints, drawings, photographs, plans,
instructions and documentation. Specific ex. include: Classified information relating to defense
articles and services; information covered by invention secrecy order; and software directly related to
defense articles.NOTE: This definition does not include information concerning general scientific,
mathematical, or engineering principles commonly taught in schools, colleges, and universities or
information in public domain. It also does not include basic marketing information on function or
purpose or general system descriptions of defense article
1762. Technical activities - Fayol ascribed __ to production,manufacture, and adaptation. These are
basic to progress of organization and goal attainment.
1763. Technical intelligence corners foreign technical developments, which have practical military
application and practical performance, capabilities and limitations of materials and installation used by
foreign military forces.
1764. Technical mastery - good supervisor must know and master skill and knowledge that are
necessary for his job.
1765. Technical Security - security discipline dedicated to detecting, neutralizing, and/or exploiting wide
variety of hostile and foreign penetration technologies. The discipline mandates training in various
countermeasure techniques.
1766. Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) - Physical, electronic, and visual techniques
used to detect and counter technical surveillance devices, technical security hazards, and related
physical security deficiencies.

1767. Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Inspection - Government sponsored

comprehensive physical and electronic examination of area by trained and specially equipped
security personnel to detect or counter technical surveillance penetrations or hazards. (TSCM)
1768. Technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) - Surveys and Evaluations A physical,
electronic, and visual examination to detect technical surveillance devices, technical security hazards,
and attempts at clandestine penetration.
1769. Technical Threat Analysis - continual process of compiling and examining all available information
concerning potential technical surveillance activities by intelligence collection groups which could
target personnel, information, operations and resources.
1770. Technical Vulnerability - hardware, firmware, communication, or software weakness which leaves
Information System (IS) open for potential exploitation or damage, either externally resulting in risk for
owner, user, or manager of IS.
1771. Technology - information and know-how (whether in tangible form, such as models, prototypes,
drawings, sketches, diagrams, blueprints, or manuals, or in intangible form, such as training or
technical services) that can be used to design, produce, manufacture, utilize, or reconstruct goods,
including computer software and technical data, but not goods themselves, or technical information
and know-how that can be used to design, produce, manufacture, use, or reconstruct goods,
including technical data and computer software.
1772. Technology Control Plan (TCP) - document that identifies and describes sensitive program
information; risks involved in foreign access to information; participation in program or foreign sales
of resulting system; and development of access controls and protective measures as necessary to
protect U.S. technological or operational advantage represented by system.
1773. Technology Critical - Technologies that would make significant contribution to military potential of
any country or combination of countries and that may prove detrimental to security of U.S.
1774. Technology Transfer - Transferring, exporting, or disclosing defense articles, defense services, or
defense technical data covered by United States Munitions List (USML) to any foreign person or
entity in US or abroad.
1775. Telecommunications - Preparation, transmission, communication or related processing of
information (e.g., writing images, sounds, or other data) by electrical, optical, or electronic means.
1776. Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems Security (TISS) - Superseded by
Information Systems Security (INFOSEC).
1777. Telecommunication intelligence concern with operations and distance communication media
including telegraph, telephone, radio, satellite, television, and other electronic communications.
1778. Telemetry - science and technology of automatic data measurement and transmission, as by wire
or radio, from remote sources, such as space vehicles, to receiving station for recording and analysis.
1779. Telemetry Intelligence (TELINT) - Technical and intelligence information derived from intercept,
processing, and analysis of foreign telemetry. Subcategory of Foreign Instrumentation Signals
Intelligence (FISINT).
1780. Telephone combination of apparatus of converting speech energy to electrical wave then transmit
the same to a certain point then finally re-convert the electrical energy to audible sound.
1781. Telework - Any arrangement in which an employee performs officially assigned duties at alternative
worksite on a regular, recurring, or ad hoc basis, not including while on official travel.
1782. TELINT Telemetry Intelligence - Access based on completion of minimum investigative
requirements under exceptional circumstances where official functions must be performed prior to
completion of investigation and adjudication process. Temporary eligibility for access may be granted
before investigations are complete and favorably adjudicated. The temporary eligibility will be valid
until completion of investigation and adjudication; however, agency granting it may revoke it at any
time based on unfavorable information identified in course of investigation.
1783. Temporary Records - Federal records approved for disposal, either immediately or after specified
retention period.
1784. Temporary Help/Job Shopper - individual employed by a cleared company whose services are
retained by another cleared company or Government activity performing on Special Access Program
(SAP) contracts and providing required services (e.g. computer, engineering, administrative support,
etc.) under a classified contractual agreement. This individual will have access to SAP material only
at locations designated by utilizing activity.
1785. TEMP - Test and Evaluation Master Plan

1786. TEMPEST - Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard

1787. Temporary appointment wherein in case of temporary vacancy caused by member who goes on
leave without pay or who commutes his leave, may be extended to applicant who posses necessary
qualification during existence of vacancy. under waiver program
1788. Terrorism under Human Security Act of 2007, it denoted unlawful acts of persons punished by
RPC particularly: Piracy in general and Mutiny in High Seas or in Phil. Waters, Rebellion or
Insurrection, Coup d Etat, Murder, Kidnapping, and Serious Illegal Detention, Crimes involving
Destruction, or a violation of Law on Arson, Toxic substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Act
of 1990, Atomic Energy Regulatory and Liability Act of 1968, Anti-Hijacking Law, Anti-piracy and
Robbery Law of 1974, PD 1866, thereby sowing and creating condition of widespread and
extraordinary fear and panic among populace, in order to coerce government to give in to unlawful
demand. The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or
to intimidate governments or societies in pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or
1789. Tested police principles needed in organizational structuring of people assigned to perform
1790. Testing giving series of actual theoretical assignment to re-enforce what has been in
investigation phase. Checking applicant to perform operation or to apply knowledge in new situation.
1791. Time - amount and nature of demands of police service. It is therefore necessary to make available
maximum manpower at time police service is of greatest demand.
1792. Time-in-grade total period of time candidate has acquired in certain grade regardless of his
status of appointment therein. basis for promotion that includes length of service in resent rank.
1793. Time traveled - if there is long delay or time lapse between departure and arrival, visitor may be
required to show cause for delay.
1794. The Unexpected the incident will not take place as planned.
1795. The warded lock offer very little security, this type of lock must therefore be use only to have
privacy, but not to provide a degree security.
1796. Theft - committed by any person who with intent to gain but without violence against or intimidation
of persons nor force upon things shall take personal property of another without latters consent.
1797. There is no impenetrale barrier in an unfriendly government or organization is willing to devote
enough time, money, personnel, materials and imagination to passing a barrier, it can do so. So we
attempt to build defense in depth by using then one barrier.
1798. Third line of defense storage system like steel cabinets. Safes, vaults and interior files.
1799. Threat - circumstance or event with potential to adversely impact agency operations (including
mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, or individuals through information system via
unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of information, and/or Denial of Service
1800. Threat Analysis - Operations Security (OPSEC) process which examines adversarys technical
and operational capabilities, motivation, and intentions, designed to detect and exploit vulnerabilities.
1801. Threat Assessment - evaluation of intelligence collection threat to program activity, system, or
1802. Threat Monitoring - analysis, assessment, and review of Information System (IS) audit trails and
other data collected for purpose of searching out system events that may constitute violations or
attempted violations of data or system security.
1803. Three-Man or ABC Surveillance - most effective technique of foot surveillance is ABC technique.
It employs 3 surveillance, and is intended to keep two sides of subject covered. A follows subject.
B follows A and concentrates on keeping A in sight rather than subject. B also watches for
convoys. The normal position for B is behind A. C normally operates across street from slightly to
rear of subject.
1804. Thorough full detail, exhaust all available means, factual to arrive in a sound and convincing
1805. Thoroughfare used pedestrian vehicles or forklift should be lighted to 0.01 candles for security
1806. TNT (Trinitrotoluene) popular in military.
1807. Toluene - colorless, flammable, aromatic liquid obtained from coal tar or petroleum and used in
some fuels, dyes, and explosives. Also used as a solvent/thinner for some gums, lacquers, and paints

and is also called Xylene or Methylbenzene. These markers tend to be strong smelling and may
damage Compact Discs (CDs)/Digital Video Discs (DVDs).
1808. Tosses - Tradecraft techniques for placing drops by tossing them while on move.
1809. Top guard - additional outward inclined fixed structure usually barbed wires placed above vertical
fence to increase physical protection from intruders of certain area. Facing upward and outward with
3 to 4 degree angle with 3 4 strands of barbed wires, 6 inches apart and must be stalled on
supporting arms.
1810. Top secret - designation applied to information of which unauthorized disclosure of could
reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national security.
1811. Top secret (green color code) is any information and materials the unauthorized disclosure of it
would cause exceptionally grave damage to the nation, politically, economically and military
1812. Top secret matters - information and material, unauthorized disclosure of which would cause
exceptional grave damage to nation, politically, economically or from security aspect, this category is
reserved for nations closest secret and is to be used with great reserve.
1813. Totalirianism extreme version of authoritarianism.
1814. Towers guard tower are house like structures above perimeter barriers.
1815. Tower Guard this is a house like structure above the perimeter barriers. The higher the tower, the
more visibility it provides. It gives a psychological unswerving effect to violators. By and large guard
towers, whether permanent or temporary, must have a corresponding support force in the event of
1816. Trade any industrial; craft or artisan occupation which is officially or traditionally recognized as
requiring special qualification which can be acquired by lengthy training experience and practical and
theoretical instruction.
1817. Trade craft - methods developed by intelligence operatives to conduct their operations.
1818. Trade secret - formula for chemical compound, process of manufacturing, treating or preserving
materials, pattern for machine or device or list of customers. May consist of formula, device, pattern,
or compilation of information which is used in 1s business and gives user advantage over
competitors who do not utilize or know it. Propriety information and intellectual property are similar to
trade secrets.
1819. Tradition act of delivering or surrendering something to another or something to another or
transmission of knowledge and institution through successive generations without written instruction.
1820. Traffic movement of persons, goods and vehicles, or by combustion system from 1 place to
another for purpose of safe travel.
1821. Traffic Division vested with responsibility for those organizational objectives which primarily
includes traffic regulation policy, investigation of traffic accidents involving personal injury and other
otherwise undertaking traffic related duties not performed by Patrol Division.
1822. Traffic Management executive function which includes planning, organizing, directing,
supervising, coordinating, operating, reporting, and budgeting traffic affairs.
1823. Traffic Management Command - enforces all traffic laws and regulations to ensure safety
of motorists and pedestrians and attain orderly traffic.
1824. Traffic Management Unit Headed by Director with rank of chief superintendent, traffic
management units were established to enforce traffic laws and regulations.
1825. Traffic spot map - post motor vehicle and pedestrian accident which occur in area.
1826. Transmission - transmit what is detected.
1827. Training acquisition or finishing prescribed courses for rank or its equivalent course.
1828. Training and development any method used to improve attitudes, knowledge, skill or behavior
or pattern of employee for adequate performance of given job, day-to-day year round task. Assisting
team members in their continuing personal growth, from pre-employment, preparatory job training to
executive development programs.
1829. Training Conference normally held in training period. Conducted for at least period of four hours,
its concern is to reiterate to employees that security is additional burden imposed on them as part of
1830. TRANSEC Transmission Security - Transshipping Activity. A Government activity to which a
carrier transfers custody of freight for reshipment by another carrier to consignee.
1831. Transferred Records - Records transferred to Agency storage facilities or a Federal records center

1832. Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) - investigation, study, and
control of compromising emanations from telecommunications and Information Systems (IS)
1833. Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) - Certified
Equipment/System Equipment or systems that have complied with national requirements of National
Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory Memorandum (NSTISSAM)
TEMPEST/1-92 Level I or previous editions.
1834. Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) Zone - defined area within
a facility where equipment with appropriate Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard
(TEMPEST) characteristics (TEMPEST zone assignment) may be operated with emanating
electromagnetic radiation beyond the controlled space boundary of the facility.
1835. Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) Zoned
Equipment- that has been evaluated and assigned an equipment zone corresponding to level in
National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory Memorandum
(NSTISSAM) TEMPEST/1-92. This equipment must be installed according t NSTISSAM and
Headquarters (HQ)-Level specialized installation instructions.
1836. Transmission Security (TRANSEC) component of communication security (COMSEC) designed
to protect transmission firm interruptions, traffic and analysis and initiative deception, interception and
exploitation by means other than crypto analysis.
1837. Transportation and telecommunication intelligence concerned with operations and facilities of
transportation system.
1838. Transportation Plan - comprehensive plan covering movement of classified material between
participants of international program or project.
1839. Trapdoor - Operating System (OS) and applications that usually have safeguards to prevent
unauthorized personnel from accessing or modifying programs.
1840. Travel time - amount of time it takes for police to travel to scene of crime.
1841. Trigraph - three-letter acronym for assigned code word or nickname.
1842. Triggering device - 1 which emits those aural or visual signals or both.
1843. TRQ - Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) Requirements
1844. Trojan Horse - computer program with apparently or actually useful function that contains
additional or hidden functions that surreptitiously exploit legitimate authorizations of invoking process
to detriment of security (e.g., making blind copy of sensitive file for creator of Trojan Horse).
1845. Trumpet - oldest warning device
1846. Trunk line - major electronic communications line, usually made up of bundle of cables.
1847. Trusted Computer System (TCS) - system that employs sufficient hardware and software integrity
measures to allow its use for processing sensitive or classified information.
1848. Trusted Computing Base (TCB) - totality of protection mechanisms with computer system,
including hardware, firmware, and software, combination of which is responsible for enforcing
security policy. NOTE: The ability of Trusted Computing Base (TCB) to correctly enforce a unified
security policy depends on correctness of mechanisms within TCB, protection of those mechanisms
to ensure their correctness, and correct input of parameters related to security policy.
1849. Trusted Path - mechanism by which person at terminal can communicate directly with trusted
computing base. This mechanism can only be activated by person or trusted computing base and
cannot be imitated by untrusted software.
1850. Two-Man or AB Surveillance - In AB technique of surveillance, surveillant behind subject is
always known as A surveillant. A follows subject and B either follows on same side of street or
from across street.
1851. Two-Person Integrity - provision that prohibits one person from working alone.
1852. Type Accepted Telephone - Any telephone whose design and construction conforms to design
standards for Telephone Security Group (TSG)-approved telephone sets.
1853. Types of organizational structure organizational structure is mechanical means of depicting by
arrangement of symbols; relationships which exists between individuals, groups and functions within
organization. Lines of authority and responsibility and functional relationships between groups and
individuals are clearly defined to ensure compliance and accountability.
1854. Tythingmen - members of tything

1855. Tythings - were later organized into SHIRES

1856. Umbrella Special Access Program (SAP) - approved DoD Special Access Program (SAP) that
contains compartments for specific projects within overall program. While there is no formal
requirement to obtain separate approval for each individual project under umbrella SAP, each project
must be consistent with Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC)-approved scope of
umbrella SAP. The nickname, program description, and accomplishments of each significant project
will be reported in annual Special Access Program report. NOTE: An individual participants access
can be afforded across-the-board at umbrella level or specific individual project access can be
granted on a limited or non-umbrella level.
1857. Unacknowledged Special Access Program (SAP) - existence of Special Access Program (SAP)
is protected as special access and details, technologies, materials, techniques, etc., of program are
classified as dictated by their vulnerability to exploitation and risk of compromise. Program funding is
often unacknowledged, classified, or not directly linked to program. The four Congressional Defense
Committees normally have access to unacknowledged SAP.
1858. Unauthorized Disclosure (UD) - communication or physical transfer of classified information to
unauthorized recipient.
1859. Unauthorized Person - person not authorized to have access to specific classified information
1860. Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI) under jurisdiction of Department of Energy
(DOE) includes unclassified facility design information, operational information concerning production,
processing, or utilization of nuclear material for atomic energy defense programs, safeguards and
security information, nuclear material, and declassified controlled nuclear weapon information once
classified as Restricted Data (RD). Department of Defense (DoD) UCNI is unclassified information on
security measures (including security plans, procedures and equipment) for physical protection of
DoD Special Nuclear Material (SNM), equipment, or facilities. Information is designated UCNI only
when it is determined that its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to have a
significant adverse effect on health and safety of public or common defense and security by
significantly increasing likelihood of illegal production of nuclear weapons or theft, diversion, or
sabotage of SNM, equipment, or facilities.
1861. Unclassified Internet Protocol Router Network - Used to exchange sensitive but unclassified
information between internal users as well as providing users access to Internet. composed of
Internet Protocol routers owned by United States Department of Defense (DoD). It was created by
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) to supersede the earlier Military Network.
1862. Unfavorable Administrative Action - Adverse action taken as result of personnel security
determinations and unfavorable personnel security determinations.
1863. Unclassified Sensitive - For computer applications, this term refers to any information, which loss,
misuse, unauthorized access to, or modification of could adversely affect national interest or conduct
of Federal program, or privacy to which individuals are entitled under section 552a of Title 5, United
States Code (U.S.C), Privacy Act, but which has not been specifically authorized under the criteria
established by an Executive Order (EO) or an act of Congress to be kept secret in interest of national
defense or foreign policy.
1864. Uncontrolled Access Area (UAA) - space in and around a building where no personnel access
controls are exercised.
1865. Undercover assignments strategy wherein member of police organization joins underworld for
purpose of obtaining evidence or gathering of information against criminals and criminal organization.
1866. Undercover investigation this is the placement of an agent in a role in which the agents true
indentity and role remains unknown in order to obtain information for criminal prosecution or for
recovery or limitation or asset losses.
1867. Undercover Operation - phrase usually associated with law enforcement community and which
describes operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal identity of, or permit plausible
denial by, sponsor
1868. Unfavorable Personnel Security Determination - Any one or a combination of following
Denial/revocation of clearance for access to classified information
Denial/revocation of access to classified information
Denial/revocation of a Special Access Authorization (AA), including access to Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI)

Non-appointment/non-selection for appointment to a sensitive position

Non-appointment/non-selection for any other position requiring trustworthiness
Reassignment to a position of lesser sensitivity or to a non-sensitive position
Non-acceptance for or discharge for Armed Forces when any of foregoing actions are based on
derogatory information of personnel security significance
1869. Uniform Crime Reporting - nationwide, cooperative statistical effort of law enforcement
agencies voluntarily reporting data on crimes brought to their attention.
1870. Unit functional groups within a section where further specialization is needed. Subdivision of a
1871. Unit supervisor - Upon arrival at his assigned beat, patrol officer must immediately report to_.
1872. Unity of Command doctrine in police service which means that only 1 man is complete
command of each situation and only 1 man in direct command or supervision of each other. Each
individual unit, and or situation should be under control of only 1 direct unit supervisor. Presence of
several bosses confuses operation of subordinates.
1873. Unlawful Assembly continually conditions of civil unrest and lawlessness making it apparent that
it is possible for major disturbances to occur at any time or place where politically active or militant
people congregate, labor, students, urban poor and other minority groups have become prominent
and dramatic in their effort to effect changes in government and society.
1874. Unified Network - connected collection of systems or networks that are accredited under a single
System Security Plan (SSP); as a single entity; and by a single Cognizant Security Authority (CSA).
can be as simple as a small standalone Local Area Network (LAN) operating at Protection Level 1,
following a single security policy, accredited as a single entity, and administered by a single
Information System Security Officer (ISSO). The network can be as complex as a collection of
hundreds of LANs separated over a wide area but still following a single security policy accredited as
a single CSA. The perimeter of each network encompasses all its hardware, software, and attached
devices, and its boundary extends to all of its users.
1875. Unscheduled Records - Federal records whose final disposition has not been approved.
1876. Upgrade - determination that certain classified information, in interest of national security, requires
a higher degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure than currently provided, coupled with
changing of classification designation to reflect such higher degree.
1877. Urban Cohorts - created by Augustus to counter balance enormous power of praetorian guard in
city of Rome and serve as police force.
1878. US - first city police services were established in Philadelphia in 1751, Boston 1838 and New York
1879. Users - Any person who interacts directly with Automated Information System (AIS) or a network
system. This includes both those persons who are authorized to interact with system and those
people who interact without authorization (e.g., active/passive wiretapping).
1880. Utilities Openings sewers, air intakes, exhaust tunnels and other utility opening which penetrate
barrier and which have cross sectional area of 96 inches or more should be protected by bars, grills,
providing protection to that portion of perimeter barrier.
1881. Utility type of criminal activity, amount and frequency of criminal activity and its impact.
1882. Utility and maintenance personnel - escort system could be used. If these people visit
installations on regular basis some of systems previously could be used
1883. Valeriana Acid white crystal Valeriana Officinales
1884. Values - rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, should and shouldn't, good and
bad. They also tell us which are more or less important, which is useful when we have to trade off
meeting one value over another. Provide basis for judgments about what is important for organization
to succeed in its core business.
1885. Vanity for self-aggrandizement in order to get favorable attention.
1886. Vault - heavily constructed fire and burglar resistant container usually a part of building structure
used to keep and protect cash, document and negotiable instruments. The door of vaults should be
reinforced by concrete at least 12 inch thick. It is normally moisture and condensation resistant with
electrical conduits which should not exceed 1 inch in diameter. Standard size vaults can store up to
5,000 cubic feet and fire resistant of at least 6 hours. A room(s) used for storing, handling, discussing,
and/or processing of Special Access Program (SAP) information and constructed to afford maximum
protection against unauthorized entry.

1887. Vehicle surveillance - subject will move primarily by automobile, therefore necessitating surveillant
followed by automobile.
1888. Vehicular Gate normally manned by guards inspecting credentials, as well as inspecting for
contraband or stolen property, it is critical that the area to be lighted to at least one foot candle.
1889. Vendor - manufacturer or sellers of Automated Information System (AIS) equipment and/or
software used on special program.
1890. Vertical coordination authority from top management or executive delegated line through each
level of management to its 1st line supervisor.
1891. Vibration Detection Device it will detect any vibration caused by attempted force entry. A
vibration sensitive sensor is attached to walls, ceiling or floors of protected area.
1892. Vice - any immoral conduct or habit, indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness and
corruption of mind and body.
1893. Vice control must be coordinated effort of government, family and community, school system,
church, mass media, and civic groups who must actively campaign for suppression of vices in society.
1894. Vigiles - (watchmen of city) - were firefighters and police of ancient Rome. acted as night watch,
apprehending thieves, keeping an eye out for burglars and hunting down runaway slaves, and were
on occasion used to maintain order in streets. dealt primarily with petty crimes and looked for
disturbances of peace while they patrolled streets.
1895. Vigiles Of Rome, Or Vigiles Urbani - (watchmen of city), which had primary task of firefighting and
1896. Violation - Any knowing, willful, or negligent action that could reasonably be expected to result in
an unauthorized disclosure of classified information; or, any knowing, willful, or negligent action to
classify or continue classification of information contrary to requirements of Executive Order (EO)
13526, Classified National Security Information, or its implementing directives; or, any knowing,
willful, or negligent action to create or continue a special access program contrary to requirements of
EO 13526.
1897. VIP executives, any ranking official of national government, foreign dignitaries, or other important
persons which due to their positions are accorded / provided with security.
1898. VIP Security protection of top ranking official of government visiting persons of illustrious
standing and foreign dignitaries.
1899. Virus - malicious computer program that is designed to replicate itself by copying itself into other
programs stored in a computer. The intent of virus is varying levels of negative effects, such as
causing a program to operate incorrectly or corrupting a computers memory.
1900. Visitor control - measures used would depend on sensibility of installation
1901. Visitors logbook all visitors to any facility should be required to identify them and should be
given to visitors ID by the security.
1902. Visitors logs - should contain identifying data, reasons of visit, time in and hour etc
1903. Visitors entrances - separate access for visitors and separate for employees.
1904. Volatile Memory - Computer memory that does not retain data after removal of all electrical power
sources and/or when reinserted into similarly configured Automated Information System (AIS). In
contrast to Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), volatile memory retains data as long as power supply is on,
but if power supply is removed or interrupted, stored memory is lost.
1905. Voting Securities - Any securities that presently entitle owner or holder thereof to vote for election
of directors of issuer or, with respect to unincorporated entities, individuals exercising similar
1906. Vulnerability - weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls,
or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by threat source.
1907. Vulnerability Analysis - process which examines friendly operation or activity from point of view of
adversary, seeking ways in which adversary might determine critical information in time to disrupt or
defeat operation or activity.
1908. Vulnerability Assessment - results of vulnerability analysis expressed as degree of probable
exploitation by adversary.
1909. Waiver - exemption from specific requirement.
1910. Waiver (Personnel Security) - Access eligibility granted or continued despite presence of
substantial issue information that would normally preclude access.
1911. Waiver system in PNP - will apply if qualified applicant falls below quota

1912. Walsingham father of national secret service, as protector of queen Elizabeth I

1913. WAN Wide Area Network - computer network that services a large area. typically span large
areas (e.g., states, countries, or continents), and are owned by multiple organizations
1914. Wanted list - for crime suspects with warrant of arrest.
1915. Warded Locks simplest form of lock is ward lock which uses a bolt containing a notch called
talon. The bolt is removed backward or forward by engaging key in talon. It offers little degree of
security and is merely used to afford 1 for obtaining privacy.
1916. Walk-in - defector who declares his intentions by walking into official installation, or otherwise
making contact with opposition government, and asking for political asylum or volunteering to
work in place. Aka volunteer.
1917. Warded lock- old type where key is open and be seen through
1918. Warming room - location out of weather where a surveillance team can go to keep warm and wait
for target.
1919. Wasserman test will be made before permanent appointment.
1920. Watch list - for those without warrant of arrest.
1921. Watcher team - surveillance team usually assigned to a specific target.
1922. Watchman/security guard - person who offers or renders personal services to watch or secure
residence or business establishment or both is. More passive as term implies, they are to watch
something send make periodic reports or sound and alarm if some unusual condition or incidents
develops. Style of policing characterized by emphasis on maintaining public order. Any persons,
associations, partnership or corporation who recruits training, masters, furnishes, and solicits
individuals or business firms, private or government owned corporation, engaging his services those
of its watchmen either residential or business premises, or both for hire or compensation thru
subscription shall be known as watchmen or security agency.
1923. Wedge Formation used in crowd control to Clear Street and splitting mob.
1924. Well lighted- psychological barriers - it gives more protection, - so that they can notice and
familiarize, they can immediately detect particular intruder.
1925. White propaganda open activity to clear out government image.
1926. Write-Protect - term used to indicate that there is a machine hardware capability which may be
manually used to protect some storage media from accidental or unintentional overwrite by inhibiting
write capability of system.
1927. WHO - World Health Organization
1928. Window dressing - Ancillary materials that are included in a cover story or deception operation to
help convince top position or casual observers that what they are observing is genuine.
1929. WINPAC - Weapons, Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control
1930. WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and HighExplosive (CBRNE) weapons capable of a high order of destruction and/or causing mass casualties.
1931. Women Informants - She could be associate of syndicate. She uses her body to obtain more
1932. Womens desk - administers and attends to cases involving crimes against chastity.
1933. Wooden fence post minimum horizontal dimension of four inches by four inches.
1934. Work Delegation act of transmitting to person power to act for another. To be proper should
accompany a corresponding authority, specific responsibilities and finally accountability on delegated
job or position.
1935. Working Paper(s) - draft classified document, portion of a classified document, or material
accumulated or created while preparing a finished document.
1936. Work Simplification method of finding easier ways of doing work to increase productivity, work
quality, meet work schedule, reduce waste, lower accident rates and reduce costs. This method is
also utilized by law enforcement administrative service.
1937. Work Stoppage is a condition of an enterprise whereby normal work operation is stopped as a
result of a strike and lockout.
1938. Workstation - high-performance, microprocessor-based platform that uses specialized software
applicable to work environment
1939. WORM Write-Once, Read Many Worm - program, originally developed by systems programmers,
which allows user to tap unused network resources to run large computer programs. It would search
network for idle computing resources and use them to execute a program in small segments. Built-in

mechanisms would be responsible for maintaining worm, the worm, finding free machines, and
replicating program. It can tie up all computing resources on a network and essentially shut it down. It
is normally activated every time system is booted up. NOTE: This is differentiated from acronym
WORM (Write-Once, Read Many) descriptive of optical Compact Disk (CD)/Digital Video Disk (DVD)
media with single write capability.
1940. Y Yields the responsibility to the follow up investigation.
1941. Zinc Valerate mix with alcohol, ether or warm water and place it in vial or bottle. (White Powder)
1942. First Board, constituted in 1987 - was composed of 1. Dr. Sixto O. de Leon as Chairman 2. Atty.
Virgilio B. Andres as member 3. Jaime S. Navarro as member
1943. 1987 Philippine Constitution - provides that State shall establish and maintain one police for
which shall be national in scope.
1944. 2 - stars are there in rank of Police Director. Deputies do PNP has_.
1945. 3 - Provincial governor shall choose provincial director from a list of ____ eligible recommended
by regional director, preferable from same province, city, municipality. - Number of eligible for which
regional director may recommend for provincial director to governor is __.
1946. 5 - National Capital Region Police Office is divided into how many districts
1947. 12- Staff Directorates are there in PNP National Office (NHQ-PNP)?
1948. 17- Police Regional Offices (PRO) are there in PNP Organizational Chart
1949. 200 minimum number of security guards that a private security agency may employ.
1950. 1000 - maximum number of security guards that agency/ company guard force may employ to
include its branches
1951. 1998 - date of effectively of RA 8551
1952. 1 firearm - issued for every two guards employed by security agency is allowed by law
1953. 2 ranks higher - Benefits derived by PNP officer qualified for early retirement.
1954. 1998 - Date of effectivity of PNP Reform and Reorganization Act
1955. 12 months - duration of PNP Field Training Program
1956. 1 year - firearms of security agency should be covered with firearms license issued by PNP
through its firearm explosive division under civil security group renewable every 1957. 3 years - Time-In-Grade needed by Senior Inspector before he could be promoted to Chief
1958. 4 years - Period given for PNP Member admitted under educational attainment waiver to finish his
B.S. Degree
1959. 6 years - maximum tenure of Police Regional Director
1960. 10 years - In availing of early retirement, one must have rendered continuous service of- Number of
year of non-promotion before PNP Member can be attrited
1961. 20 years - optional retirement for officers and new officers of police service. Length of service
before PNP member would be qualified for optional retirement.
1962. 25 years old - minimum age requirement for security manager or operator of security agency.
1963. 1.62 m - Under general qualifications for appointment in PNP, male applicant must be with height of
at least?
1964. 10 % - under RA 6975, police officer is entitled to longevity pay equivalent to how many percent (%)
of his monthly basic salary for every 5 years of service, to be reckoned from date of his original
appointment in police, fire, jail or other allied services?
1965. 10% - annual reservation percentage quota for women in PNP.
1966. 80%- uniformed PNP personnel who is permanently disabled in his performance of his duties can
receive __ of basic salary retirement.
1967. 360 degrees - In close-in security formations, one man security covers.
1968. 12,500 pesos - Chief PNP had been in service for 36 years and receive Base Pay of 25,000 pesos
a month. How much will be his Longevity Pay?

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