Empty Space (Times New Roman 14p, Single Space) Empty Space (Times New Roman 14p, Single Space)

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Empty space [Times New Roman 14p, single space]

Empty space [Times New Roman 14p, single space]

(TNR 14, CAPITALS, BOLD, CENTRED, max. 3 lines)
Empty space [Times New Roman 12p, single space]
Empty space [Times New Roman 12p, single space]
Dan GEORGESCUa, Marius IONESCU 2b (TNR 12, bold, centred)
Empty space [Times New Roman 12pt, single space]

Represented institution (TNR 10pt, centred), e-mail

Represented institution (TNR 10pt, centred), e-mail
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single space]
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single space]
Abstract. The abstract should be written using the justified format, single space, Times New Roman font, size 10. The
abstract should be brief, concise and have 50-120 words. It should be informative giving the scope and emphasizes main
conclusions, results, or significance of the work described. Use short, direct and complete sentences.
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single space]
Keywords: : 4 -5 significant key words (TNR font, size 10pt, single space, justified format)
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single space]




1. INTRODUCTION (TNR 10pt, bold)

10 pt.
The paper has to be written in English. Its contents should be structured in the following way (recommendation):
problem description, application field, research stages, methods used, results, further research, conclusions, and
The paper has to offer the answers for the following questions: description of the problem, what is done by other
people, what the authors did, what is new, what is my contribution, what to do as next (further research)
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single]
Text Text Text Text
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single]
Empty space [Times New Roman 10p, single]
Text Text Text Text
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single]
Text format (TNR 10pt).
Use Letter format (215 x 279 mm). Margins: Top 2,2 cm, Left - 2,54 cm, Bottom and Right - 2 cm each. Header ... cm; Footer - ... cm. Different first page. Different odd and even pages.
Paragraph text should be written with Times New Roman font, size 10p, justify, first line alignment of each
paragraph 0,5 cm from left.
The length of the paper should be 2 pages.
The paper has to be written in WINWORD format.
- do not change the format of the page in order to obtain required length;
- do not use bolded characters;
- do not insert page numbers;
- do not modify footer;
- insert the title of your article in header (use only one line of text).

Empty space [Times New Roman 10p, single]

Language, Stile Spelling
- Use common technical terms.
- Use concise and intelligible phrases.
- Do not try to create English words
- Spelling: Use Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary, Longman or Oxford Dictionaries.
Empty space [Times New Roman 10p, single]
Soft copy
Use the surname and name of the first author to identity you, e.g. Surname_Name.doc.
Empty space [Times New Roman 10p, single]
Figures & tables
Figures have to be made in high quality and only black and white (greyscale), which is suitable for reproduction and
print. Don't include photos or colour prints. The text inside the figures and notations has to be 10 pt. Figure number, 10
pt, centered aligned, followed by figure title 10 pt, regular.
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single]

Fig. 1. Name of the figure (TNR, 10pt, centred)

Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single]





Particle Diameter (m)


Fig.2 Name of the figure (TNR, 10 pt, centred)

The font size used in tables and figures is TNR 8pt. The title of the Tables will be placed above the table, written
with TNR 10pt, centered aligned.
Before and after any table or figure is an empty space of Times New Roman 10pt, single.
Empty space [Times New Roman 10p, single]
Table 1. Title of the table
TNR 10

Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single]

Pictures drawn with Microsoft Office tools will be grouped, using Group function (from Drawing toolbar).
Mathematical relations
Use only Microsoft Equation Editor, according to following pictures

[Times New Roman 10pt,

Equations are centered and
starting at 1. The number of equations is right aligned, written with TNR 10pt, in round brackets


i 1 ln 35

x 3


Equations are centered in a table with no line borders and cell text centered.
Empty space [Times New Roman 10pt, single]


REFERENCES (TNR, 10 pt, bold, single space)

References should be complete and have to include at least 5 items.
References will be written only in English language with the mention of the original language.
When a publication is mentioned in text, enclose its number in square brackets, for example [1] or [2, 7, 8, 12].
All references will be directly cited in the body of the paper text.
References will be arranged in the order of citation.
Publications by the same author(s) should be listed in order of year of publication
Text references will be TNR 10, single space, justify, hanging 0.4 cm, formatted accordingly to following
Empty space [Times New Roman 10p, single]
1. Surname11, N11., Surname12, N12.: Name of Book, in Italics. Publisher, ISBN, Place of Publication, Year, p. xx-yy
(optionally) (in Language, if is not in English)
2. Surname21, N21.: Title of conference paper. Proceedings of Conference Name, Editor Name (Ed.), p. xx-yy, ISBN,
Conference location, month and year, Publisher, City, Country (in Language, if is not in English)
3. Surname31, N31., Surname32, N32.: Name of paper. Name of Journal, Vol., No., month and year of the edition, p.
(first-last), ISSN, Place of Publication (City, Country) (in Language, if is not in English)
4. Surname41, N41., Surname42, N42.: Name of paper. In: Name of Book, Name(s) of Editor(s), (Ed.), p. xx-yy,
Publisher, ISBN, Place of publication (City, Country), Year (in Language, if is not in English)

5. Surname51, N51., Surname52, N52.: (2000). Name of Paper. Available at: http://www.exact-address-of-site.
Accessed: YYYY-MM-DD
6. ***: http://www.exact-address-of-site. Accessed: YYYY-MM-DD
7. Surname71, N71., Surname72, N72.: Name of patent. Patent Symbol of country no. XXXXXXX, Int.Cl. xxxxxx
(optionally), Year
8. Surname81, N81.: Name of PhD thesis. PhD thesis. Institution, City, Country, Year, p. xx-yy (optionally) (in
Language, if is not in English)

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