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Section 3.

Technical Proposal Standard Forms

RFP No.: 3009/AMRUT/SMMU/2016/1

Selection of Consulting Services for:

Establishment of One State Mission

Management Unit in Puducherry under
AMRUT Mission


Town and Country Planning Department

Jawahar Nagar Main Road, Jawahar Nagar, Boomianpet,
Puducherry, 605005

Issued on: 25/08/2016

IV. Appendices


Section 7. Terms of Reference

The Govt. of India launched 3 flagship programmes viz., Smart City Mission, Atal Mission for
Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation(AMRUT) and Housing for all for improving quality of life
and attracting people and investment to the cities.
Objectives: Providing basic services (e.g. water supply, sewerage, urban transport) to households and
build amenities in cities that will directly improve the quality of life, as a priority. Achieving universal
coverage for water supply and sewerage is a National priority. The Focus shall be on infrastructure
creation that has a direct link to better services and to people by providing taps and toilet connections
to all households. All the outcomes are valued against the indicators and standards as per Service
Level Benchmarks (SLBs).
The space for office setting up will be provided with electricity and water.

Institutional arrangements for Capacity Building: A sound institutional structure is the foundation
to make the mission successful in achieving the goals. AMRUT guidelines enable States to undertake
extensive capacity building activities for their ULBs to achieve reforms and implement projects in
mission mode. The Govt .of India realigned the existing Comprehensive Capacity Building
Programme(CCBP) towards priorities of the new missions. One component of institutional
development of ULBs and States is to have human resources on the ground. Govt. of India will
enhance the capacity of ULBs by supporting State Mission Management.

The Town and Country Planning Department has been designated as the nodal agency for AMRUT in
the State. The objective is to efficiently and effectively manage, coordinate and monitor the
implementation of AMRUT. T&CP has proposed to setup One State Mission Management Unit with
the human resource requirement of 6 experts as per GoI guideline.

Deliverables of State Mission Management Unit

Provide Technical / handholding support and coordination to the UT Department / SLNA and deliver
the following activities / reports.

Preparation of State Annual Action Plan including Capacity Building Plan

Co-ordinate and Monitor in preparation of Service Level Improvement Plan and

implementation of reforms

Support in selection of handholding agencies / consulting firms for preparation of Smart City
proposal for Smart Cities competition

Support in selection of handholding agencies / consulting firms for end-to-end assistance

(planning, design, supervision and project management) in AMRUT

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Support in the establishment of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) under the Smart City Mission

Support in selection of Training Agency / Institutions for conducting individual

capacity building programmes for municipal functionaries and elected representatives

Plan and assist the training institutions for individual capacity building programmes focusing
on the four Departments in the ULBs

Develop Urban Database Repository viz., i) data on Service Level Benchmarks (SLBs) of
ULBs / State and Trust Areas of AMRUT, ii) data on components of smart cities, iii) other
data requirements of urban sector, iv) data back on best practices on thrust areas/ reforms,
resource Institutions / Experts / Programmes / Schemes etc.

Monitoring, for example IRMA reports (quarterly), RARs by IRMA (half yearly), Quarterly
score card by cities for HPSC (AMRUT/SCM)

Revision of Union Territory laws and rules for implementing AMRUT Reform and Agenda

Detailed Terms of Reference for Each Experts.

Management Expert and Team Leader

(a) Qualifications & Experience Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in Planning or equivalent
(Post Graduate preferred) from recognized University.
(b) Having strong background in project and bid management with 5-7 yrs. in a managerial

(c) Senior Engineers with at least 5-7 years urban sector experience in a managerial position

can also be considered.

(d) In case of non-availability of required personnel, there will be a relaxation in years of

(e) Experience in working with large scale urban development projects/programmes.
(f) Experience in urban reforms and capacity building programmes for ULBs

Role and responsibilities: The Specialist may support the ULB to:
(a) Co-ordinate and support the implementation of AMRUT reforms, projects and

capacity building activities.

(b) Prepare reports (including QPRs and Utilization Certificates) for State and MoUD on the

progress of implementation of CB programmes as well as other related programmes.

(c) Coordinate the engagement of service providers and external experts for implementation

of CB activities.
(d) Assist in increasing sources of municipal finance of all AMRUT cities and assist in

identifying avenues for leveraging funds for infrastructure.

(e) Any other related activities as decided by the administrative / technical head to the ULB.

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(f) Improve the capacity of ULB planners in related activities

Urban Infrastructure Specialist

(a) Qualifications & Experience. Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent
(Post Graduate in Civil Engineering preferred) from recognized University.
(b) Have a broad range of experience in urban infrastructure and a strong background in

Public Health Engineering, especially water supply and sanitation;

(c) Have at least 3-5 yrs. experience in designing and managing municipal infrastructure

projects, preferably projects funded by aid agencies; and

(d) Be very familiar with the laws and procedures of the Indian municipal environment.

Role and responsibilities: The Specialist may support the ULB to:
(a) Asses the status of infrastructure development in the city on a regular basis and

provide independent feedback to the Municipal Commissioner

(b) Ensure adequate provision for operation and maintenance, value for money urban

infrastructure creation, and overall sustainability.

(c) Provide knowledge support including presentation of regional best practices

relating to project management, monitoring quality of construction, good procurement

practices, PPPs, use of information systems, among others.
(d) Provide technical support to ULB to prepare city development plan and economically

viable DPRs on projects.

(e) Any other related activities as decided by the administrative/technical head of the

ULB. Improve capacity of ULB engineers in related activities

Municipal Finance Specialist a. Qualifications & Experience.
(a) Graduate degree in Finance, (MBA (Finance) or equivalent preferable) from

recognized university with 3-5 yrs. experience

(b) Skills to evaluate urban infrastructure investments, and helping City Governments to

examine and use a range of options for financing projects.

(c) Experience to advice and train ULB staff in Municipal Finance, Project Finance,

resource mobilization, Public Private Partnerships etc.

Role and responsibilities: The Specialist may support the ULB to:
(a) Prepare Financial Operating Plans for the city.
(b) In partnership with national level financial institutions for providing training and

capacity building on finance and related matter to elected representatives and officials
of ULBs focusing on resource mobilization.
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(c) Prepare specialized training materials/modules, process manuals, procedures, toolkits,

guidelines and other related activities for undertaking Capacity Building Programmes
on financial management;
(d) To assess city counterpart funding of AMRUT projects and explore alternative

(e) Explore alternate long-term municipal finance options available for financing urban

infrastructure and leveraging AMRUT funds.

(f) Review estimates of detailed economic project costs and identify all project economic

(g) Conduct economic and financial viability assessments of the projects.
(h) Conduct and affordability analysis and gather information to prepare a sample

financial model for the project ULBs.

(i) Conduct financial sustainability analyses for revenue-generating subprojects.
(j) Support in the implementation of accounting and user charges reforms.
(k) Any other related activities as decided by the administrative head of the ULB.

IT cum Monitoring and evaluation Specialist.

(a) Qualification & Experience. Degree in Information Technology/ MCA /B.Tech

Computers or equivalent (M.Tech in computers will be preferred) from a reputed

(b) The expert will have a management background and at least 3-5 years experience in

monitoring and evaluating large projects and programs, preferably in the urban
Role and responsibilities.
(a) Develop and strengthening M&E system for projects, reforms and capacity building

(b) Monitor the status of implementation of AMRUT-funded project investments vis--

vis approved timelines and key deliverables.

(c) Monitoring and evaluation and reporting.
(d) Assist the team leader in refining benchmarks and/or indicators against which

progress of AMRUT can be measured.

(e) Assist in conducting survey to assess the conditions of important reforms at each

level of Government, as well as the status of the full-range basic services and
systems expected to be covered through AMRUT.
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(f) Update, refine and expand the database at the city level.
(g) Set up systems for measuring and monitoring and reporting on service level

benchmarks set up by MoUD

Public Private Partnership Specialist a. Qualifications & Experience
Qualifications & Experience
(a) MBA Finance degree with 3-5 yrs. professional experience in developing and
managing projects on PPP mode
(b) Familiarity with the PPP methodology and framework
(c) Demonstrate familiarity with the formulation, appraisal, and approval procedures for
PPP projects (including relevant concession agreements, due diligence processes,
value for money audits, public sector comparator, etc.)
(d) Demonstrate familiarity with complex project agreements, tendering arrangements,
detailed legal and contractual agreements, risk management and contingent liability
issues, and financial analysis of complex project proposals with respect to PPP
Role and responsibilities :The Specialist may support the department to:
(a) Support SLNA to develop State PPP plan of action
(b) Support ULBs to appraise project activities for properly carrying out of PPP Projects
(c) Review and analysis of projects received from ULBs
(d) State wise coordination of PPP Projects implementation
(e) Assist in preparing the pre-feasibility reports for States and ULBs
(f) Help in appointing / selecting consultants to develop the projects at ULB level
(g) Inspect, visit, review any PPP project under implementation in the cities
(h) Awareness Building & Training for relevant State Government Officials on PPP
(i) Any other related activities as decided by the State Steering Committee and the
Secretary, UD Department

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IV. Appendices


Procurement Specialist
a. Qualifications & Experience
(a) Engineering degree with experience in procurement and project preparation and
(b) Skills to assist ULBs in ensuring that standard documentation and detailed operating
(c) Procedures for procurement, contract management etc. are in place. Specifically:
detailing specifications, compiling terms of reference, packaging bidding material,
defining evaluation criteria, preparing standard forms of contract, designing payment
(d) Certificates.
(e) Ability and experience to advice SLNA/ULBs on any contract under dispute with
action plan and timetable for resolution
(f) Should have at least 3-5 yrs experience in managing procurement on large and
complex infrastructure projects, preferably urban infrastructure in a large
infrastructure corporation.
Role and responsibilities: The Specialist may support the ULB to:

Conduct an assessment of procurement practices to identify risks.

Develop draft procurement guidelines based on GFR and the procurement rules of
the concerned State to engage institutions for the implementation of CB activities
Any other related activities as decided by the administrative head of the ULB.

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