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School : Senior High school

Subject : Biology

Class/ semester : XI/II

Standard Competence :1. Explain the structure and function of certain human and animal
organ, deseases which enable happen and implication at the

Basic Competence : Explain the connection between structure, function, and process
and deseases which can be happen at the respiration system at the
human and animal.
Question Indicator
1. Student can be distinguished 1 Base on the change of oxygen and CO2,
the respiration process base respiration preocess can be divided into ....
on the change of Oxygen and a. External, longitudinal, and intracelluler
CO2 respiration
b. External, internal, and longitudinal respiration
c. External, internal, and intracellular respiration
d. Intracellular, longitudinal, external respiration

2. Student can be distinguished 2 . The different between internal and external

between internal respiration respiration is ....
and external respiration a. Internal respiration is change of O2 from the
blood and external is change of O2 from
b. Internal respiration is change of O2 from
alveolus and external respiration is change of
O2 from blood
c. Internal respiration is change of CO2 from
blood and external respiration is change of CO2
is change of CO2 from alveolus
d. Internal respiration is change of CO2 from
alveolus and external is change of CO2 from

3 . The respiration tool which used of frog when in

3. Student can be explain the the land is ....
respiration tool at the land a. Skin
b. Lungs
c. Gill
d. Hearth
4 . The respiration tool at the insect is ....
4. Student can be explain the a. Stigma
respiration tool at the insect b. Lungs
c. Skin
d. Trachea

5. Student can be mention one 5. At the fish can be gills, the gills has the labirin.
of function of respiration The function of labirin is ....
tools at the fish a. Arrange of air
b. Control the air
c. Storage the air
d. Take the air

6.The respiration tools which has by human and frog is ....

6. Student can be mention a. Skin
the respiration tool b. Lungs
which has by human c. Trachea
and Frog d. stigma
7. Student can be mention 7. The function hair nose is ....
one of the function of a. Filter the air
respiration tool at the b. Storege the air
human c. Take the air
d. Control the air
8. Student can be mention 8 . The desease which can be in the human respiration is ....
desease at the a. Tuberculosis
respiration system b. Gonorea
c. Sypilis
d. Anemia
9. Student can be mention 9 . The caused of Tubercolusis desease is ....
the cause of desease at a. Bactery of Mycobacterium tubercolusis
the human respiration b. Virus of Mycobacterium tubercolusis
c. Allergy
d. Physiologis pressure
10. Student can mention 10 . The deseases which can be happen in the human
the desease which can respiration is ....
be happen in the a. Tuberculosis, Asma, Asfiction, Diftery
human respiration b. Anemia, Leukimia, Diftery, TBC
c. TBC, Asma, Leukimia, Anemia
d. ASMA, Leukimia, Diftery, TBC

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