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Tree or Three? elementary RTe melee) ] Ann Baker CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK www.cambridge. org Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 2006 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 1982 Second edition 2006 Reprinted 2007 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978- ISBN 97 521-68526-9 paperback 521-68527-6 paperback and audio CDs (3) The publisher has used its best endeavours to ensure that the unis for external websites referred to in this book are correct and active at the time of going to press. However, the publisher has no responsibility for the websites and can make no guarantee that a site will remain live or that the content is or will remain appropriate. About this book _ Introduction for teachers Thanks and Acknowledgments sf sun ae) 200 3 fof) banana 4 pe three 5 el feather 6 fii ~— sheep 7 A ship 8 ff fish 9 wi van 10 /w/ window 11 /a/(2)_ banana 12. jm mouth 13 i nose uo hy ring 15 el pen 16 /w/ man 7. ..Jal cup 18 ax/_—_ heart 19 iW hat 2 ol clock 21 fox! ball 22 ‘Ja/(3) banana 23 fax girl a letter 2 hl rain iv a BERSSGS5oxe- 28 30 32 34 36 39 2easee 53 55 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 a7 Key silentr bird fil ear Jeol chair lol book Ju:! moon Ih tin Id) door Jaul house Jou! phone linking s this skirt ih shoe Isl television hg chair Ids) jam ii) yoga Je paper Io! boy fa kite Ip! pen Io book Iki key gl girl 59 61 or 7 3 76 80 a1 96 99 101 104 106 108 iv ABOUT THIS BOOK Who can use this book? ‘Tree or Three? is for beginner or elementary students who want to improve their English pronunciation. This book is for students working on their own, but teachers can also use many of the exercises in class. This symbol: means that an exercise is suitable for pairs. This symbol means that an exercise is suitable for a group of students.. What do | need? - You need a CD player. Every time you see this symbol: 7 you have to listen to the CD. You will also see a number. This tells you which track number to find on your CD player. Intonation is shown with arrows: 4 —4 It is also useful to have a small mirror. You can use the mirror to compare the shape of your mouth with the mouth pictures in each unit. Do | need to know any special vocabulary before | start? Here is a list of some important vocabulary that will help you use the book. Check the words in a dictionary now and write a translation into your language below: consonant TOOHIEA co. cs canis iva» lips . teeth mirror throat . nose . sce os Jel pee BOE tongue pronunciation voice sentence ..... vowel . sound .. weak tte een ee What do | have to do? Each unit contains different exercises. Here is a list of some things you have to do: listen to words and sentences on the CD repeat words or sentences that you hear on the CD. tick words or sentences that you hear on the CD underline words or letters circle words or letters match words that have the same sound decide if information is true or false Where can | check my answers to exercises? For some exercises you will hear the answers on the CD after you speak. For other exercises you will see this symbol: This means you have to check your answers in the Key at the back of the book (see page 108-129). Should | do all the units in the book? You can look through the book and do any units that you feel are important for you. If you want to check your pronunciation, it is a good idea to do all the units in the order that they appear in the book. INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS Level ‘This book is written for beginner-elementary students, but previous editions have also been used by students at other levels. Ship or Sheep? is written for intermediate level. Class/Student working alone The instructions are written for a student working alone, but can be used for classroom teaching as well. See the symbols in the section About this book, especially da and gh . Minimal pairs In this book, these are pairs of words/sentences which differ by only one sound, e.g. Have you got a pen?/Have you got a pan? These sometimes help students to hear - and then pronounce ~ sounds that are difficult for them. You may want to extend students’ class practice of particular minimal pairs by inventing games or playing the following: * ‘Card games’ Make cards for all the minimal pairs in units 1-6. Shuffle the cards and deal them face down all around the table. Turn over any two cards and read the words aloud. If they aren't minimal pairs turn them face down again and the next person plays. Collect as many pairs as you can ina time limit, e.g. ten minutes. + ‘Fingers’ For each pair, say words rapidly at random, e.g. tree tree three three tree three. Students show with one or two fingers if they hear sound 1 or sound 2, Students practise in pairs and then back to back. Website support More information and support for this book can be found at: Tl THANKS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the preparation of this new edition I would like to thank: Sally Mellersh (formerly of Hammersmith and West London College) for updating and expanding the List of likely errors to accompany the new editions of Ship or Sheep? and Tree or Three? by its inclusion on the website David McCreath for IT assistance and contribution to my computer literacy. Sandra ‘Turner for help with typing. My editors Noirin Burke, Frances Amrani and Roslyn Henderson, as well as the following teachers from all over the world who commented during development and gave me such practical advice: Michele Chartrand-Hirsch, France; lan Chitty, UK; David Deterding, Singapore; Sylvie Donna, UK; Elizabeth Downey, New Zealand; Lynda Edwards, UK; Laura Hancock, UK; David Hill, Australia; Kip Kelland, Italy; Kathy Keohane, UK; Andrea Paul, Australia; Gordon Francis Robinson, Singapore; Julietta Ann Schoenmann, UK; Roger Scott, UK Continued thanks to J.D. O'Connor and Claude Boisson who advised me when planning order or presentation of sounds in the first edition of Tree or Three? Also Ralph Stanfield for his advice on student difficulties. Illustrations by Johanna Boccardo, Pat Murray, Felicity House and Tony Wilkins Cover design by Pentacor Book Design Designed and typeset by Hart McLeod unr s/sun JS Coa /s/ sun 1 2, Listen to /s/. Look at the mouth picture. ® Listen to/s/ and repeat. You do not need your voice, just air. nn 2) Listen to the words and repeat: 1 bus 2 glass 4 house 5 bicycle 7 pencil 8 box 9 star 10 mouse 11 spoon 12 desk et 3 1 & Listen to the questions and say the answers. EXAMPLE: What's number 1? Answer: It’s a bus. isk a partner: ‘What's number 17, ‘What's number 2? (BM unre 6/ sun 4 §S__Lookat the picture and listen to the conversation. SARAH: What's this, Sam? sam: It's a bicycle. sara: And what's this? sam: It's a house. SARAH: What's this? A bus? sam: Yes. SARAH: And what's this? A horse? sam: No, Sarah. It's a mouse! 5 © {Listen to the conversation again. Underline every /s/ sound. EXAMPLE: — Sarah: What's this, Sam? Sam: It’s a bicycle. 6 & Now listen to Sarah again. You are Sam. Practise the conversation. EXAMPLE: Sarah: What's this, Sam? Answer: It's a bicycle. 7 ® Look at the pictures and listen to the sentences. Say new sentences. EXAMPLE: It's a cup Answer: They're cups. UNIT 1 /s/sun [3 8 © A Listen to the words. Put a tick V if you can hear /s/in the word. Puta cross X if you cannot hear /s/ in the word. Example: pencil picture bicycle sofa x hat a answer vx unit K listen w plate = conversation 1 unir2 17/200 1 First say /s/ (see page 1). = Now listen to /z/. Look at the mouth picture. i] Listen to /s/ and /z/ and repeat. Put your fingers on your throat. Say /s/. What can you feel? Say /z/. What can you feel? You do not need your voice to say/s/. _/s/is unvoiced. You need your voice to say /2/. Iz is voiced. 2 {jj Listen to the words and repeat: 3 4312 Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick ¥ the sentences you hear. EXAMPLE: a) Look at that Suet Look at that z00! v b) Listen to that bus v isten to that buzz! ©) Can] have a sip, please? Can T have a zip, please? d) It's a good price. It's a good prize. ww UNIT? /2/ 200 (B Look at the cartoon and listen to the conversation. Itisn't a house. It’s a box! Which words have /2/? Underline them. Look at the pictures and listen to the questions. Answer: Yes, itis, or No, it isn't. It's a_. Picture 1: Is this a horse? Answer: No, it isn’t. It's a cat. 1 horse 2 hat 3 star 4 book ma SS (at) (Plate the sun) book) 6 spoon p> im S ee eet) es) cuy 7 box 16) unrr2 2 200 Le 6 15 Look at the pictures and listen to the beginning of some sentences. Finish the sentences. a al Tip box EXAMPLE: Picture 1: These are flowers ... We say ‘these’ to talk about things which are near to us. We say ‘those’ to talk = about things which are not very near. Answer: ... and those are trees. 1 Z tees 2 = girls 3 cows 7 + Gi _ Listen to the words. Put them in the correct column. isn't sun pens is buzz_—bicycle_ this flowers those bus _— boys _listen ist fal EXAMPLE: sun isn't thi UNITS /o/ banana 7) § /9/ banana (1) Listen to /a/. Look at the mouth picture. Listen to /a/ and repeat. Tip box <—_— Sometimes people say aaa when they get up very early in the morning! Look at the shopping list and listen to the words. Part of each word is in bold. These parts are 1-o-n-g and strong. They are stressed. Notice that /o/ is never stressed. It is short and weak. Shopping list af ‘a pepper butter ar) 'y bananas) chocolate, fa, ‘ piezo. gegurt fa fy carrots newspaper Tip box ay is the most common v English. It is very short and helps to create the rhythm of English. | sound in seak and it Now listen to the shopping list again and repeat. Remember /a/ is short and weak! 1B) onrs fo banana 4 Look at the picture. Say what we need to buy. EXAMPLE: — We need to buy a pizza, some butter and ... Pairwork 5 © 41) Listen to each group of words the word without /2/. We give the answer to Group 1. Group! Group2—Group3_—— Group 4 listen horse doctor teacher banana butter question hat flower window pizza your own shopping list. Read your list to your partner: ‘I need to buy ...” Group 5 answer mother shop UNIT 4 /0/ three [BI ro Listen to /0/. ** Look at the mouth picture. 42) Listen to /@/ and repeat. Pei) You do not need your voice, just air. —_/0/ is unvoiced. a a Listen to the words and repeat: re) e591) To 3B mone out | Ne” ek think Ke ae Re Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick / the sentences you hear. EXAMPLE: a) Isthatamouse? 7 Is that a mouth? ; b) Look at this sum. Look at this thumb. ©) It's sick. It's thick. d) It’s sinking. It's thinking. 4 = _Listento the words and repeat: Ist first 6th sixth 2nd second 7th _ seventh 3rd third © ath eighth ath fourth 9th_~—ninth Sth fifth 10th — tenth (10) unt 4 (07 three 5 = @} _ Lookat the pairs of words, Tick 7 the words you hear. EXAMPLE: a) seven. seventh ¥ b) three third ©) five 9 fifth ‘ d) eight eighth e) ten tenth 6 © & _Lookat the picture and listen to some sentences. Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Then check your answers. EXAMPLE: 1 F 2 1st Sunny 3 Fi 4 & 5 a 7th Flower 6 = ath Sue oth Buzz 7 & 1th Birdie 7 Imagine you work for a TV station. You are a sports commentator. Look at the picture of the horses again and say a sentence about each horse. EXAMPLE: are a bad sports commentator. ‘You speak too quickly and make lots of mistakes! Say sentences about the horses. Your partner corrects you. UNITS /0/ feather |) /0/ feather “— First say /0/ (see page 9). Now listen to /d/. Look at the mouth picture. Listen to /6) and /d/ and repeat. Put your fingers on your throat. Say /0/, What can you feel? Say /0/, What can you feel? You do not need your voice to say /0/. _/0/ is unvoiced. You need your voice to say /0). 101 is voiced. Listen to the words and repeat: mother grandmother father grandfather brother Look at the photograph of Sue's Family. Listen to Sue talking about her family. Match the words with the people in the photograph. Sue Sue's mother Sue's father Sue's big brother, James Sue’ little brother, Peter Sue's grandmother Sue's grandfather (WD) unrss a’ feather 4 EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: 6g EXAMPLE: Read what Sue says again. Underline every /0/ sound. This is a picture of my family ... Now read the text aloud. Remember /0/! Look at Sue's family tree. Listen to some questions and answer, then listen to the answer given on the recording. Lily }+{ Michael ; Draw your family tree. Then talk about your family. ‘My mother’s ina SAG name's ete James| [Sue] [Peter Who is Sue’s mother? Answer: Anna is Sue's mother. Listen to the words. Put them in the correct column. mouth fourth these father thumb feather those _ think the 18) fol mouth these UNIT 6 /ix/ sheep [13) /ix/ sheep \_4& To & Listen to fis) Look at the mouth picture. 2 Listen to /i:/ and repeat. eon fix! is a -o-n-g sound i Re ‘== ! 2 — } _ Listen to the things on the menu’ * Tip box and repeat: When you see : after a sound, it means itis a -o-n-g sound j ‘ idl 4 ro Listen to the conversation again. Practise the conversation Underline every /iz/ sound, with other students. EXAMPLE: — A cheese sandwich, please, and a cup of green tea. & sheep Numbers and letters Listen to the numbers and repeat: Si Aaa C148) Isat) 6 7 #W 8 WB 9 Listen to the letters and repeat: Diese) Gardusme werg-0 tp Now spell these words: cup thirteen seventeen cheese Listen to the spellings and check. Tip box To spell a word with two of the same letters together, we can say ‘double’. Eg. book ~ 8, double 0, K’ coffee -'C, 0, double F, double E. > 6 19 v sheep tea eighteen coffee You spell the words. Your partner writes them down and says them. You decide if the spelling and pronunciation are correct. UNIT 7 /1/ ship {15) First say /ir/ (see page 13). Now listen to /1/. Look at the mouth picture. Listen to /is/ and /1/ and repeat. Say /iz/. Is it a-o-n-g sound or a 2D short sound? Say /t/. Is it a -o-n-g sound or a \d? y short soun ay ‘When you see t after a sound, it means it is a |-o-n-g Listen to the words and repeat: a vmeal_ mill Fe heel hill grag. M4i—_ Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick / the sentences you hear. PLE: a) Lookat the sheep. ¥ Look at the ship. b) These are beans. ‘These are bins. ©) Isthisa meal? Is this a mill? d) She likes high heels. She likes high hills. (76) unr 7 1 ship 4 2 Look at the pictures and listen to the beginning of the sentences. Finish the sentences. Picture 1: It’s a little ... Answer: ... sheep 5s Look at the pictures of the babies. Match the pictures with the adjectives. EXAMPLE: 1 x big ‘2 heavy 3 = hungry 4 € happy 5 Soa little ws 6 | thirsty Oe 7 sleepy 8 eS dirty UNIT 7 /1/ ship [7 Listen to the adjectives and repeat. ‘Two adjectives have the sound /1/. Which ones? Now say a sentence about each picture. Picture 1: It's a little baby. Listen to the words and repeat: horses boxes sandwiches faces _— sixes glasses noses buses houses Do the all the words above end with /izs/ or /1z/? Look at the pictures and listen to the sentences. Say new sentences. This is a box. Answer: These are boxes. el “6 Po glass U Z bus w es nk a we s sandwich. 18) unr 1 fish iii 2.3 Listen to /f/. Look at the mouth picture. Listen to /f/ and repeat. You do not need your voice, just air. _/f/ is unvoiced. Listen to the words and repeat: some flowers ‘There's a. -anda.. .. on the floor. ‘There's a. . next to the flowers. There's some .scsesseee On the table. There's a .. .. on Fred’s head. The four . .. are in front of the fire. Now listen and check your answers. Listen to the sentences again and repeat. Look at the picture again for 30 seconds. ‘Now cover the picture. What can you remember? uni /f/fish (19) Match the words to the pictures: 2 wife 3 office 5 fire 6 laugh 7 photograph 8 Now listen to the words. Underline every /f/ sound. LE: elephant © Look at the words again. How many ways can you spell /f? 120) uni 9 v/ van 1 ay /f/ (see page 18). {3} Now listen to /v/. Look at the mouth picture. {§} Listen to /f/ and /v/ and repeat. Put your fingers on your throat. Say /f/, What can you feel? Say /v/. What can you feel? You do not need your voice to say /f/. _/f/ is unvoiced. You need your voice to say /v/. /v/ is voiced. 2 4 Listen to the words and repeat: Vincent Vichy is v 4 Aa A AAs => RS Na im 3 Look at the sentences. Underline words with /f/ and words with /v The first sentence is done for you: Ered and Flora are @itors) ‘They are visiting Vincent and Vicky. twelve What have Vincent and Vicky got? They've got a phone ... ... and they've got some flowers. Unir9 is/ van Bl GF _ Nowlisten to the sentences and repeat. Look at the picture again. What else have Vincent and Vicky got? Say six sentences. LE: ‘They've got some fruit ... They've got ... ro) Look at the picture again and listen to the questions. Answer: Yes, they have. or No, they haven't. FXAMPLES:1 “Have they got a bow! of fruit? Answer: Yes, they have. nN Have they got five fish? Answer: No. they haven't. 6 ©} _Lookat the pairs of words, Listen and tick ¥ the words that you hear. EXAMPLE: a) ferry © very Wf b) van fan Ly ©) leaf leave d) fine vine @ e) view © few i 122) unit 10 jw! window 1 {58 _Listen to /wi. Look at the mouth picture. {5 Listen to /w/ and repeat. Put your fingers on your throat. Say /w/. What can you feel? ? You need your voice to say /w/. Jw/is voiced. Tip box People sometimes say ‘Wow!” | when they are surprised 2 — &_Listen to the words and repeat: lvl twl vet wet 1} i ae Sew wine be @& = WE 3 {58 Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick v the sentences you hear. EXAMPLE: a) He's a vet student. He's a wet student. v b) There's a little vine here. ‘There's a little wine here. ©) That's a veil. That's a whale. UNIT 10 /w/ window (23) Look at the picture, listen and repeat: What's the weather like today? I's warm in the north .. ts windy in the east Is wet in the west. \ ‘And it's snowy in the south! Look at the picture again. Listen to some questions and answer: ‘It’s wet’ or ‘It's warm’ or ‘It's windy’ or ‘It's snowy’ 1: What's the weather like in the north today? Answer: It’s warm. Look at the cartoon and listen to the conversation: Listen to the conversation again. Underline every /w/ sound. What's the time? It’s quarter past twelve. Groupwork ‘You are the man selling newspapers. Act out the conversation with other students. Look at the clocks. What's the time? 1. It's twelve o'clock (BH) uni 11 /o/ banana Sime /o/ banana (2) AC 1 Say /a/ (see page 7) Tip box Remember: /a/ is the most common vowel sound in English. it is never | [-o-n-g or strong. It is always short | and weak. 2+ {2 _ Listen to the words. Puta tick ¥ if you can hear /a/ in the word. Puta cross x if you cannot hear /a/ in the word. EXAMPLE: flower ¥ coffee x newspaper fruit the chocolate answer glass a vase 3B _Look atthe pictures, listen to the sentences and repeat, / Notice that /a/ is never stressed, it is always weak. EXAMPLE: 1 jee plane Of wars 2 It’s or ofcoftee 3 Its a bowl of fruit 4 Itsavase of flowers 5 Its anewspaper 6 Its cee cf chacalets Look at the pictures again. Cover the sentences with a piece of paper. Say a sentence about each picture. Remember /a/ is weak! your partner: ‘What's picture 12, What's picture 2? UNIT 11 /o/ banana (25) Thanks, Have you got 2 calculator too? Look at the cartoon and listen to the conversation. Oh and Peter, have you got a ruler? Listen to the conversation again, Every time you hear /a/ write /a/. ‘You are Anna. Your partner is. Peter. Practise the conversation. Remember /a! is weak! bl fal Anna: What's the time, Peter? Look at the pictures and listen to some questions. Answer: Yes, I have.’ or ‘No. I haven't. : | Have you got a mobile phone? ‘Answer: Yes, Ihave. / No, I haven't. i ‘bh 8 *@ answer ‘have’ is strong. This is because | ist at the end of the sentence. a 26) unt 12 /m/ mouth 1 CY] 2 & 348 EXAMPLE: 1 2 Listen to /m/. Look at the mouth picture. Listen to /m/ and repeat. Put your fingers on your throat. You need your voice to say /m/. Listen to the words and repeat. supermarket farm museum - ®@, Say /m/. What can you feel? /m/ is voiced. Tip box People sometimes say | ‘Mmm’ when they eat | tasty food. swimming pool home cinema Look at the pictures and listen to the sentences. Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Then check your answers. There are three men in the supermarket. There are two families in the cinema. q There is one woman at the farm. 1 UNIT 12 /m/ mouth 7 4 The swimming pool is empty. 5 You can use your camera inthe museum. 6 ‘The woman is making dinner athome. Look at the pictures again. Say correct sentences about each picture. PLE: 1 There are two men and one woman in the supermarket. = §@) Listen to some words. Put a tick V if you can hear /m/ in the word. Puta cross X if you cannot hear /m/ in the word. ‘Then check your answers. Listen again and write the word in the space next to your answer PLE: 128 UNIT 13 /n/ nose 1 EXAMPLE: a) These are mice. b) That's my little Tim. ©) That’s her mummy. ¢) It's mine. 4 &% _ Listen to the numbers and repeat: 1 9 10 15 16 18 fm Listen to/n/. ‘ Look at the mouth picture. & ae a {Listen to /n/ and repeat. , 7 } Put your fingers on your throat. Say /n/. What can you feel? You need your voice to say /n/. In’ is voiced. 2 47] __Listen to the words and repeat: imi in) . mice nice Tim tin mummy money =a. mine _ nine 3 472 Look at the pairs of sentences. Tick V the sentences you hear. These are nice. v That’s my little tin, That's her money. It's nine. 19 21 (29 UNIT 13 /n/ nose (28) 5 {7} Lookat the clocks. Listen to the sentences and repeat: Nine o'clock in the morning. One o'clock in the afternoon. Ten o'clock in the evening. Tip box y am = ‘in the moming’ pm = in the afternoon’ Any time after 6pm = ‘in the evening’ r 6 © _Nowlook at these clocks. What's the time? It's four o'clock in the morning. 7 &% « Lookat the cartoon and listen to the conversation. ‘Anna, come to the cinema with me 8 = &% _Nowlisten to a similar conversation, Repeat each line. Practise similar conversations with your partner. Invite your partner to different places: the cinema, the mountains, the supermarket, the moon! 30) unit 14 /n/ ring 1 Listen to /n/. Look at the mouth picture. AF? Listen to /n/ and repeat. Put your fingers on your throat. You need your voice to say /y/. 2 474 Listen to the words and repeat: /nf Inf fan fang Ron wrong 342-4 win wing 3 7% Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick / the sentences you hear. EXAMPLE: a) He's got two large fans. He's got two large fangs. ¥ b) It’s Ron. It’s wrong. ©) Ithas two wins. Ithas two wings. 4 48 _ Listen to the words and phrases and repeat: reading a book watching television _talking on the phone playing table tennis cooking a meal brushing her hair sleeping eating an apple di king tea UNIT 14 /y/ ring [BH Look at the picture and listen to some questions. Answer the questions using phrases from Exercise 4. Then listen to the answer given on the recording. 1: What's Ben doing? ‘Ask your partner questions Answer: He's reading a book and eating, about the Long family: “What's ......... doing” an apple. Look at Mrs Long. She's on the phone to Tip box her friend, Tina. Look atthe arrows. ‘wh’ Now listen to their conversation. questions (what, where, when, who or how) normally TINA: Morning! How are you? eee en er MRS LONG: Oh, hi Tina! I'm fine, this. re lieecen TINA: What are you doing? GOES IDOE aad an the Rs LonG: I'm cooking lunch. ieee “dl Tina: And what are the children doing? MRS LONG: Well, Ron and Dan are playing table terthis, Ben is reading and Anne is washing her hair. tuna: And is your husband washing the cat this morning? MRS LONG: No, he ist! He’s sleeping! What are you doing, Tina? tina: I'm talking to you on the phohe! Now listen to Tina again. You are Mrs Long. Practise the conversation. ‘Tina: Morning! How are you? Answer: Oh, hiTina! I'm finé thanks. Peeeaiiaraie, You are Tina. Your partner is Mrs Long. (52) unr 15 /e/ pen 1 First say /1/ (see page 15) 43 Now listen to /e/. Look at the mouth picture. 4} Listen to /1/ and /e/ and repeat. Cs 2G _Listen to the words and repeat: ae Al lef Qf pin pen oak s eg w bin Ben Py a tin ten 10 ESD bill bell ay 3 {8 Look at the pairs of sentences below. Listen and tick V the sentences you hear. EXAMPLE: a) Have you got a pin? Have yougotapen? ¥ b) That's my bin. ‘That's my Ben. c) That tin is very small. ‘That ten is very small. d) Can I have the bill? Can I have the bell? 4 {Listen to the words and repeat: Ben Emma clever better Fred Jennie very clever best ( UNIT 15 /e/ pen (33) Look at the picture. Listen to the sentences and repeat. Ben, Jerinie, Emma and Fred are very clever. Ben is a very good student. Emma is better than Jennie. Jennie is better than Ben. Fred is the best student. 8 Now look at the pictures again and listen to some sentences. Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Then check your answers. 1a 40 ‘Say sentences about the 2m: 5m students in the picture. Your partner says ‘true’ or ‘false’ 38 and corrects you when your sentence is false. 9 Listen to the letters and repeat: es > foo) aik Now spell these words out loud: left lesson boxes next listen men Listen to the spellings and check. You spell the words. Your partner writes them down and says them. You decide if the pronunciation is correct. Listen to each group of words. Gircla) the word without /e/. ‘The answer to Group 1 has been done for you. Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 better cinema pen exercise egg bell man second banana television men tea 34 UNIT 16 /x/ man 1 First say /e/ (see page 32) 4} Now listen to /e. Look at the mouth picture. {3} Listen to /e/ and // and repeat. 2 49§ __Listen to the letters or words and repeat: lel feel N Anne X axe = pen pan er en men man ya 3 {9 Look at the pairs of sentences . Listen and tick ¥ the sentences you heat. EXAMPLE: a) Her name is Her name is - Miss N. Smith. Miss Anne Smith. ¥ b) That's a very big X. That's a very big axe. ©) Have you got a pen? Have you got a pan? d) The men lived here. The man lived here. EXAMPLE: UNIT 16 / 2 Listen to the words and repeat: ite 71 SOU i fel [al Boe & ok ase a 2 = aes & ee 3 55 _Lookat the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick / the sentences you hear. EXAMPLE: a) Is this your cap? v Is this your cup? b) Look at that little hat. ©) That's avery bad cat. 4d) Its.afan shop. Look at that little hut. ‘That's a very bad cut. It’sa fun shop. Look at and listen to the names again. Every time you hear /a/ write /a/. tnt Love Listen to the words and repeat: son mother brother husband uncle cousin grandson —_grandmother Listen to the words in Exercise 6 again. Underline every /a/ sound. (38) uni 17 /w/ cup 8 EXAMPLE: & 1 Now look at this family tree: ‘THE YOUNG FAMILY Andrew Young (m. Anne Love) ee Patrick Young Patsy Young (m. Sally London) (m. Sam Mundy) ee Jack Young Karen Young Dan Mundy — Hannah Mundy Choose the correct word to finish these sentences: Patsy Young is Dan Mundy’s mother. grandmother/mother. Sam Mundy is Patsy Young's husband/brother, Dan Mundy is Sam Mundy’... son/brother, Dan Mundy is Hannah Mundy's uncle/brother. Anne Love is Dan Mundy’... mother/ grandmother, Dan Mundy is Andrew Young’ .. grandson/son. Patrick Young is Dan Mundy's brother/uncle. Jack and Karen Young are Dan's .. uncles/cousins. | Sally London has just one son/grandson. Karen Young has just one .. brother/cousin. Now listen, check and repeat the sentences. You read the beginning of t sentences in Exercise 8. Your partner looks at the family tr and finishes your sentences, UNIT 18 /a:/ heart (39) /a:/ heart & esther iouh picture. ez. = ie Listen to /a:/ and repeat. Say /a:/. Is it a -o-n-g sound or a = short sound? Listen to the words and repeat: a) Listen to pairs of sentences. Write S if the sentences are the same. Write D if the sentences are different. PLE: a) D (I've gotalittlecat. __ I've gota little cart.) b) ° d) 140) unr 18 (c:/ heart 4 @& Listen to the words and repeat: oe 5 EXAMPLE: a) b) d) ™ 6 EXAMPLE: ee EXAMPLE: SOUND 1 SOUND 2 Listen to pairs of sentences. Write S if the sentences are the same. Write D if the sentences are different. S (Look at that heart. Look at that heart.) a e Listen to the words and repeat: bananas glasses tomatoes plants. cars. grass garden are aren't. Listen to the words again. Underline every /a:/ sound. bananas Look at the picture and listen to some questions. Answer: Yes, they are. or No, they aren't. 1: Are the plants on the table? Answer: No, they aren't. unt 19 /h/ hat (A) a Listen to /h/. Look at the mouth picture. 5 Listen to /h/ and repeat. Put your fingers on your throat. Say /h/. What can you feel? You do not need your voice to say /h/. _/h/ is unvoiced. Listen to the words and repeat: = old hold Bl art heart Se, ill hill ? ear hear Look at the pictures, listen and repeat: / horse an elephant 2 a helicopter an apple rs F a hat an umbrella 4 a handbag an orange | | a" ¥ (2) unr 19 Wy hat 19 EXAMPLE: —@ EXAMPLE: Look at the pictures in Exercise 3 again and listen to some questions. Answer: It’s his. or It’s hers. 1, Whose horse is this? Answer: It’s his. All these words have ‘h’ in the spelling, but do we pronounce it? Listen to the words. Puta tick V if you can hear /h/ in the word. Put a cross X if you cannot hear /h/ in the word. hotel v honest x what who somewhere happy when hour hello = Now check your answers. Now listen again to the words with ‘silent h’ from exercise 5. Repeat then ‘Ask your partner questions about the things in the pictures: ‘Whose .. is this? Then ask questions about things in your classroom: Whose pen is this?, ‘Whose book is that?” varites them and says them. You decide if the spelling a pronunciation are correct. /v/ clock © Listen to /o/. ‘Look at the mouth picture. Listen to /n/ and repeat. Listen to the words and repeat: PLE: a) I want a white cat, please. b) That Pat is very old. c) There's a sack on the floor. ) Putit on the rack. {@__ Listen to the words and repeat: Sound 1 Sound 2 hat hot cat cot UNIT 20 /o/ clock (43) Br -O T@ .o ad a Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick / the sentences you hear. Twant a white cot, please. That pot is very old. ‘There's a sock on the floor. Put it on the rock. Sound 3 Sound 4 hut heart cut cart (@) unt 20 // clock EXAMPLE: 56 EXAMPLE: a) b) ©) d) EXAMPLE: ae ae EXAMPLE: Now match the sounds to the correct symbol. Sound 1 Sound 2 Sound 3 Sound 4 I ——— Jol Jal (Unit 18) (Unit 16) (this Unit) (Unit 17) Which sound is a l-o-n-g sound? Look at the picture. ‘Then read the questions and match them to the answers. Bir Cd Evry \ er OT es SI lata Les lee) [Ss A lot of boxes. ee Alot of clocks. What have they got in the second shop? What have they got in the first shop? What have they got in the third shop? A lot of pots. What have they got in the fourth shop? A lot of watches Now listen to the questions and answer, then listen to the answer given i the recording. a); What have they got in the first shop? Answer: A lot of clocks. Listen to a conversation in the fourth shop. customer: Have you got any boxes? SHOP ASSISTANT: Yes, We've got a lot of boxes. cusTomeR: | want a very strong box, please. Listen to the conversation again. Underline every /o/ sound. Have you got any boxes? partner is a customer. four conversations: one conversation in each shop. First say /n/ (see page 43). 3 Now listen to />:/ Look at the mouth picture. short sound? short sound? Is your name Don? b) That's a very big pot. ¢) We don’t want the fox in here. d) What a lot of spots! 2) Listen to /n/ and /o»/ and repeat. Say /n/. Is it a l-o-n-g sound or a Say /oi/. Is it a -o-n-g sound or a & Listen to the words and repeat: UNIT 21 /o:/ ball (45) iSpy ‘ O ais x ma Tip box Remember, when you see : after a sound, it means it is a l-o-n-g sound. = iP Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick Y the sentences you hear. Is your name Dawn? 7 ‘That's a very big port. We don't want the forks in here. What a lot of sports! (86) unr 21 > ball EXAMPLE: 1 It's a large ball. 2 It's asmall ball. 3 It's along fork. 4 It's a short fork. Match the sentences to the pictures: 5 He's a tall footballer. \@ x7 @ |b 6 He's a short footballer. Now listen to the sentences and repeat. Look at the pictures. Say two sentences for each picture. Use these words: tall short large smail long * Be <. EXAMPLE: 1 It’s a tall doctor, It’s a short doctor. Read the sentences and match them to the pictures: 1 It's ashop with four tall doctors in it. 2 It's a hut with four small foxes in it. 3 It’s a long wall with a small door in it. 4 It’s a bath with a lot of hot water in it. 8 UNIT 21 /o%/ ball {47 Now listen to the sentences. Underline every /o:/ sound. It’sa shop with four tall doctors in it. Now try to draw a picture of ... .». a long box with a lot of small balls in it. ... a large house with four small windows and a door. <= tall glass with a little water in it. Listen to the words. Put them in the correct column, door ‘watch water floor sock stop call rock box ball fou Jol watch door (48) unt 22 /o/ banana timed /3/ banana (3) c Say /a/ (see page 7) 2 58 Listen to the words and repeat: ~ fl al mother sister + father a 4} grandmother brother ©) grandfather Tip box Remember: /a/ is the most ‘common vowel sound in English. It is never |-o-n-g or strong. It is always short and weak. 3 {88 Now listen to the phrases and repeat: mother and father ‘al ia a brother and sister grandmother and grandfather Tip box We usually say mother like this: mada’ But the pronunciation changes when the next word begins with a vowel. We have to say /t/ at the end of moth madorand ... ~ See Unit 26. © ad LE: 8 UNIT 22 /a/ banana {49} Look at the picture. Sue is showing her photo album to Anna. Anna is asking questions about the photos. Listen to Anna's questions and repeat: 1 Is that your mother? 2 Is that your mother and father? 3 Is that your grandmother? 4 Is that your grandmother and grandfather? 5 Is that your brother? 6 Is that your brother and sister? Look at Sue’s photos, You are Anna. Ask a question about each photo. 1 Isthat your brother? ‘Ask your group to show you photos of their families. Ask questions about the photos. Listen to these sentences: Question: Can you sing? Answer: Yes, I can, In the question ‘can’ is pronounced /kon/_This is the weak form, In the answer ‘can’ is pronounced /ken/ This is the strong form. We use the strong form of ‘can! when it is at the end of the sentence. (BO) unit 22 /o/ banana 7 {9 Look at the pictures and listen to the questions. Practise answering with: Yes, I can. Remember to say /keen/ in the answer! EXAMPLE: 1 Can you seé? Answer: Yes, an. 1 2 3 -_ — : q A @e see walk run 4 5 6 x2. sing read swim 7 8 9 dance use a computer talk Ask your partner the questions. Remember to say the weak form /kon/ in the question! Your partner says the strong form /kaen/ in the answer. UNIT 23 /s:/ girl BI) First say /o:/ (see page 45). Now listen to /s:/. Look at the mouth picture. [ae “< S> SS Listen to />:/ and /s:/ and repeat. > Say /ov/. Is it a Lo-n-g sound or a > short sound? a L Say /ai/. Is it a Lo-n-g sound or a Tip box short sound? + after a sound, it means it Remember, when you see isa !-o-n-g sound. | Listen to the words and repeat: xe fool Ia % Paul Pearl FRR shorts shirts walk work 2 Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick / the sentences you hear. Is your name Paul? a Is your name Pearl? I want white shorts, please. I want white shirts, please. He walks in the garden. He works in the garden, It's a blackboard. It's a blackbird. 4 Read the phrases and match them to the pictures: 1 abird and a worm 2. early in the morning U7 = 3 abird ina warm nest + Gi Now listen to the phrases. Underline every /3:/ — EXAMPLE: — a bird and a worm 5 Read this proverb. What do you think it means? THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM Do you similar meaning in your 6 *= Lookat the proverb again. How many language? Tell your group. sounds are there? Underline them. Now practise saying the proverb. 7 & Look at the pictures. Listen to the sentences and repeat: 1 Pearl gets up early to go to work. 2 Pearl's thirsty in the morning. C 5 Pearl arrives at work at eight thirty. 6 She's the first person at work. Now look at the pictures again but cover the sentences. What does Peatl do every morning? UNIT 24 /I/ letter [53] First say /n/ (see page 28). G8 Now listen to /V. Look at the mouth picture. 8] Listen to /n/ and /V/and repeat. @) © Putyour fingers on your throat. Say /n/ and /V. What can you feel? You need your voice to say /n/ and /V/. _/n/ and /Vare voiced. i) Listen to the words and repeat: cesT Riese) 9 i 9 Look at the pairs of sentences. Tick ¥ the sentences you hear. AMPLE: a) It’s a lovely night. Isa lovely light. b) Drawa nine. Draw a line. ©) He loves Jennie. He loves jelly. d) Where isthe bin?) Where is the bill? (54) unit 24 1 letter 4 6 5 & @ 1 8 EXAMPLE: 8 @ Look at the picture. Listen to the words and repeat: a colour television alittle animal Listen to Ellen talking to Alan, ELLEN: Would you like some lunch, Alan? ALAN: Yes please, Ellen. ELLEN: A slice of melon? Tip box ALAN: Yes please! Look at the arrows. Ellen asks questions ELLEN: And a glass of lemonadé? _by making her voice go up at the end of ALAN: Yes please! the sentence. Practise this in the next ELLEN: And some lemon jellf? eS ALAN: Not now, Ellen. Maybe later! Now listen to the conversation again. Pi Repeat each line, are Ellen. Your partner is Alan, All these words have 'l in the spelling, but do we pronounce it? Listen to the words. Put a tick if you can hear /I/ in the word. Put a cross X if you cannot hear /V/ in the word. yellow v melon talk x could television bottle lovely should half folk Now check your answers. Say the words with a ‘si to your partner. Your patt Now listen again to the words with writes them and says You decide if the spelling pronunciation are correct ‘silent I’ from exercise 7. Repeat them. UNIT 25 /1/ rain [55) First say /V/ (see page 53). 5} Nowlisten to i. ; Look at the mouth picture. 8 Listen to /V/ and /r/ and repeat. > Put your fingers on your throat. Say /l/ and /r/. What can you feel? You need your voice to say /W/and/t/. Vand /r/ are voiced. Listen to the words and repeat: Mv 5+193+332 long light right B+3<6Y @r- glass grass alles Look at the pairs of sentences. Tick v the sentences you hear. It’s along sum. ¥ It’s wrong sum. b) Its light. Itsright. ©) Mary likes jelly. Mary likes Jerry. d) There's a flower in the glass. ‘There's a flower in the grass. Tip box Remember, sometimes we have ‘silent letters in English, eg. the 'w in ‘wrong’ | is silent: /ron/. (56) unin 2s fr/ rain 4 658 Look at the picture. Listen to the questions and answer. EXAMPLE: 1: Who's throwing a ball along the street? Answer: Ros is. 1 Who's throwing a ball along ihe street? gL doestare Gal what, where, when, how) by making the voice go down at the end of the 3 Who's watering trees along tht street? eats: 2 Who's dropping fruit along he street? 4 Who’ driving a truck along the street? 5, Who’ practising football along thestreet? 6 Who's drawing a line along th@street? Now look at the picture again but cover the questions with a piece of paper. Say what you can see. EXAMPLE: — Lara is drawing a line and Ros is throwing a ball. 5 Look at some words from this unit: . grass street. «truck = Fred © draw wrong tree + road_—sfruit' Patrick Underline the letter ‘r’ in all the words. EXAMPLE: — grass ghar We always pronounce the letter ° *» What comes after ‘r’? it comes before a vowel sound. A vowel sound or comes before a consonant sound, it aconsonant sound? sometimes becomes a’silent r’ — Unit 26. UNIT 26 ‘silent ‘ri’ bird [BH sf. a garden a card Underline the letter ‘r’ in all the words. Tip box In some English pronunciation horse (eg, Australian and most British) ‘r’ is always silent What comes after ‘r'? A vowel sound ora _before a consonant sound: consonant sound? bird = fba:d/. This is a ‘silent r. In other English pronunciation " - ‘ (e.g. American and Scottish), Listen to a British person saying these words, ee ae et bird = /ba:rd/. o large warm thirsty — dirty i Is the letter ‘r’ pronounced or silent? Now listen to an American person saying these words. large warm — thirsty — dirty Is the letter’ pronounced or silent? Now listen to some sentences describing the pictures in Exercise 1 Write 5 if the speaker is British. Write A if the speaker is American. The answers for Picture 1 and Picture 2 have been done for you. Picture 1: I'sawarmhorse. B) Picture 2: It'sa thirsty bird. (A Picture 3: She's a thirsty girl. Picture 4: What a large carpet! Picture 5: It's a very dirty garden! Picture 6: It's a large card. Now say the sentences. Do you prefer ‘silent r’ or pronounced /r/? (58. UNIT 26 ‘silent /r/ bird Ss 62 Listen to the text and read. Is the speaker British or American? THE WORST STUDENT It's Thursday afternoon. Charlotte is learning English and she’s working hard She's learning thirteen words. But Charlotte doesn't understand the first word! She's the worst student in the world! Read the text. Every time you see! rit comes before a consonant. 6 Do you understand these thirteen This means you can choose: words? ‘silent r’ or pronounced /r. fourteen arm thirty —_yesterday forty dark worse —_ exercise north party hers forget /—_important Say which words you understand and which words you do not understand. EXAMPLE: — understand the word ‘arm’. ‘Tell other students whid I don’t understand the word ‘north’. words you understand, 7 863 Look at the pictures. Listen to the phrases and repeat: 1 2 6 gs) ry 4 ga nl oe \ i her pencils her apples her books her eggs Sha ee eR OY her ice-creams her flowers her oranges her umbrel o Now look at the pictures again. Say a sentence about each picture. REMEMBER: Sometimes you can choose ‘silent 1’: + Sometimes you must pronounce ‘t’ /t/ EXAMPLES: Picture 1:1 can see four pencils. Tip box Remember, we have to pronounce letter‘? when it comes before a Picture 2: I can see four apples. sound eg het apples. See Unit 25, UNIT 27 /io/ ear (BS) First say /it/ (see page 13) and then /a/ (see page 7). 85) Now listen to /ta/. Look at the mouth picture. fi} __Listen to /ta/ and repeat. Listen to the words and repeat: © fi Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick ¥ the sentences you hear, PLE: a) A sheep's got two ‘E's. A sheep's got two ears. ¥ b) He's got a bead. He's got a beard. ©) That's very big bee. That's a very big beer. (60) unt 27 f19/ ear Nt: 5G EXAMPLE: 5 9 Group 1 ice-cream week Look at the picture and listen to the conversation: MR PEARSON: So, do you come here every year, Mr Lear? MR LEAR: Oh yes, every year! | live near here, so it’s very easy for me MR PEARSON: Well, | don't live very near so | can't be here every year. Listen to the conversation again. Underline every /10/ sound. Mr Pearson: So, do you come here every year, Mr Lear? Listen to each group of words. the word with /ta/. ‘The answer to Group 1 has been done for you. Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 tea clear clean idea year there hear chair bird hill Pearl work UNIT 28 /ea/ chair (61) First say /e/ (see page 32) 4 and then /9/ (see page 7). Gm. © SF Now listen to /ea/. r *” Look at the mouth picture. ae Glisten to/e0/ and repeat. 4 => “Tip box Jea/ is a diphthong. A diphthong is a ‘double vowel: two vowels together. ay Listen to the words and repeat: SOUND 1 SOUND 2 Wen mp ~~ 3 Ee alle clear ““ " © fi] Lookat the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick v the sentences you hear. PLE: a) Three cheers! v ‘Three chairs. b) That's a big pier. = ©) Itshere-on the floor. d) Yournameisn'tclear ‘That's a big pear. It’s hair on the floor. Your name isn't Claire. (63) uni 28 /ea/ chair 4 8 a EXAMPLE: 6 EXAMPLE: 2 EXAMPLE: Look at the cartoon and listen to the conversation. No. It's there, Listen to the conversation in Exercise 4 again. Underline every /ea/ sound and Gircl® every ‘ina/ sound, Excuse me. Where's the airport? Is it nga) roy Practise the conversation. Then have similar conversations about the hairdresser’s. and the square: ‘Where's the hairdresser’s?, ‘Where's the square?’ ... Look at the picture and listen to some questions. Practise answering with Yes, there's a or No, There isn't a 1: Is there a pen on the chair? Answer: Yes, there’s a pen on the chair. ‘Ask your partner similar questions ] about the picture: Is there a Listen to the words. Put them in the correct column. idea chair. dear_~—ibeer__pair where Mary here —disappear_— square Atal teal idea. chair UNIT 29 Ju/ book (63) First say /n/ (see page 43) ¢ Now listen to /o/. n 6 Look at the mouth picture. ~ oS FF Listen to /o/ and /o and repeat. . amy S'S Listen to the words and repeat: a Look at the pairs of sentences. Listen and tick / the sentences you hear. »LE: a) I want a lock. v Iwanta look. b) Give me the box, please. Give me the books, please. ©) Look! A rock! Look! A rook! § _Lookat the picture. Listen to the words and sentences and repeat: ‘The cooking pot is full. __The cook i putting sugar in the cooking pot. cookery books a box of wood ‘Water is falling on the cook's foot. 164) unt 29 (0 book 5 EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: 19 EXAMPLE: Listen to the words and sentences again. Underline every /u/ sound. cookery books Look at the picture again for 30 seconds. Now cover the picture. What can you remember? You describe the picture from memory. Your partner looks at the picture and corrects you. Look at the pictures. Say a sentence for each picture. Use ‘push’ and ‘pull Picture 1 Look! He's pushing it. Picture 2 Look! He's pulling You point at a picture. Your partner says a s about it. You decide if the pronunciation is co Listen to the words. Puta tick V if you can hear /u/ in the word. Put a cross X if you cannot hear /u/ in the word. could YW shirt * wood girl full © — would port § foot ™ sock § — good © PLE: a) ») ° qd) 8 First say /o/ (see page 63). Now listen to /u:/. Look at the mouth picture. Listen to /o/ and /u:/ and repeat Say /o/. Is it a -o-n-g sound or a short sound? Say /u:/. Is it a Lo-n-g sound or ashort sound? Listen to the words and repeat: Ce eT BDF look bake UNIT 30 /u:/ moon |65) Listen to pairs of sentences. Write S if the sentences are the same. Write D if the sentences are different. D (It says ‘pull’ on this door. It says ‘pool’ on this door.) Listen to the words. A B cooking soup football fruit good books blue shoes sugar swimming pools ic good food good schools cooking in the afternoon looking at the moon 66 UNIT30 moon Ss 685 Listen to the words in Exercise 4 again. Write ‘A; ‘B’, or ‘C’ to complete these sentences: Column ......... Contains the sound /u:/, Column contains the sounds /u:/ and /o/. Column contains the sound /w/. Now practise saying the words in columns A, B and C. 6 05 Listen to the conversation and rep JUNE: Do you like music? sue: Yes, | do. suwe: | like music too. Practise the conversation. Ask about music first and then everything in Exercise 4, Columns A, B and C. eg: ‘Do you like cooking?’ 7 G87 _Listen to the words. Put them in the correct column. good school look = moon _ pool cook tool afternoon foot _tooth lol EXAMPLE: good school UNIT 31 /t/ tin (67 Listen to /t/. Look at the mouth picture. % Listen to /t/ and repeat. oS ee. 2 ® You do not need your voice, just air. /t/is unvoiced. Listen to the words and repeat: Look at the pictures again. Use the word ‘pretty’ or the word ‘dirty’ to describe each picture. PLES: Picture 1: What a pretty telephone! You point at a picture. Your Picture 2: What a dirty televisi partner says a sentence about it. Talk about all the pictures. 690 Listen to the words and repeat: 2 awethat A wet hats ar 3 awhite shirt white shirts GBYF\ 4 ahotplate hot plates a sweet biscuit > sweet biscuits e- 6 aquiet student ¢ quiet students se w

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