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Age and gender:
My primary audience would be
females aged 16-24 as I believe
that these are the people who are
most likely to be influenced by the
media that they consume.
My secondary audience would be
more generalised, such as people
who are generally interested in the
wellbeing of teens.

The main socio-economic

groups that I would be
aiming for are D, C2 and
C1 as these are the middle
class people to which this
production would interest
the most as the main
character comes from a

The target audience
would prefer YouTube
and Twitter because
they are two of the
sites in which there
are more interactions
with other people,
leading to them

The psychographic group that the
member of the audience would
come from is the explorer group
because they are more likely to
try out the new brands or watch

The audience who I would like to
target this production at are
students who have just finished
exams such as GCSEs, A Levels
or have finished their university
courses as I believe that it would
relate to them more as young
people are more likely to
develop mental disorders such
as schizophrenia and bipolar,
which my
piece will explore.
The average audience member
would like to read and to watch
soaps on television because
they feel like they can relate to
some of the drama in the show
which happens in their everyday

Geographical Location:
The ideal location would be
somewhere that speaks
English, such as Great Britain
or America as the film is set in
Britain and the characters
speak English, so therefore,
the audience should speak
English to follow the story.

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