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5. Would you have made a different decision? If yes, what would it have been and why?

not why?

The decision that has been made by the top management of Amanah Ikthiar Malaysia was
the right thing to do. The punishment was to ensure that this issue will not be taken lightly and
can be an example for the company as well as the society in general. Besides, this unethical
action should not be existed in the company who entitled as the center of foundation to support
the entrepreneurship and alleviate poverty.
Next, this case will increase the awareness among the high prolific companies and as an alert
also for those who still new in this area. As a workers in any companies, we should identify our
role and also acknowledge the responsibility we are assign for when agreeing to be part of the
companies. Furthermore, we should create positive work environment so that we can feel more
appreciate and belongs to the company. As a result, we can build a worker who just not have the
credibility to complete any task but also an integrity in ensure there is no hidden agenda of
perform the duty that has been assigned.
Public image of a company is very essential in the eye of the investors and also for the
society. Bad public image influenced a person decision making in consideration to invest in that
particular company. As for the case of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia, the situation will make the
company received a mixed review as the case was very serious matter. The company situation
highlighted the lack of integrity to freely let the unmoral person does an unacceptable action. As
a result, the public image of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia will leave a scars in the public perspective
towards the companys reliability.


Believers! Do not be unfaithful to Allah and the Messenger, nor be knowingly unfaithful to your
Islam cover all the topic in our life. Islam strongly forbidden those who dishonest and unjust in
dealing in any transactions or in any agreement. Besides, Allah surely has a painful punishment
for those who neglect their responsibility as well as not amanah when he/she play their role in
the task he/she has given.
'Trusts' embrace all the responsibilities which are imparted to someone because he is trusted.
These might consist of obligations arising out of an agreement or collective covenant. It might
also consist of the secrets of a group. It might also consist of personal or collective property, or
any office or position which might be bestowed upon a person by the group.

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