01 Passive Voice Simple Tenses Statements

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Passive Voice: Simple Tenses - Statements

1. Present Simple: Turn Active Voice into Passive Voice
1. Maria writes the letters.
The ..
2. Dad washes the dishes.
3. Mum pays the bills.
4. Tom cleans the house.
5. Mrs Brown teaches Geography.
6. The men collect the rubbish.
7. My sister prepares dinner.
8. The doctor examines the patients.
9. Rich people buy expensive clothes.
10. Tonia takes the medicine.
2. Past Simple: Turn Active Voice into Passive Voice
1. Bob washed the dishes.
2. The dog ate the meat.
3. My sister sent the letter.
4. Jim fed the cat.
5. Ben cleaned the floor.
6. Vivian bought a new car.
7. Colombus discovered America
8. The little boy broke the window.
9. The police arrested the criminal.
10. The teacher solved the exercise.

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3. Present Simple / Past Simple / Future Simple / Present Perfect Simple: Turn Active Voice
into Passive Voice
1. My day has just bought a new car.
2. The teacher will correct the tests soon.
3. My brother will fix the bike tomorrow.
4. The postman has just delivered a parcel.
5. This shop sells delicious ice cream.
6. A rich man owns this house.
7. Anna finished the project yesterday.
8. Bob answered two questions correctly.
9. Ron will organize the party.
10. Maria has already cooked dinner.
4. All Simple Tenses (Present Simple / Past Simple / Future Simple / Present Perfect Simple /
Past Perfect Simple / Future Perfect Simple): Turn Active Voice into Passive Voice
1. Helen will have paid the bills by tomorrow.

2. They had finished the conversation by then.

3. Lina opened the parcel without my permission.

4. Agatha Cristie wrote many detective stories.

5. The men will have painted the house by tomorrow.

6. She washes the carpets every spring.

7. The secretary has already mailed the letter.

8. Tony had completed the course by May.

9. The journalist has written an interesting article.

10. The school will hold a party next week.

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