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European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

11:266–272 (2002) DOI 10.1007/s00787-002-0299-6 ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION

Auriol Drew A pilot randomised control trial

Gillian Baird
Simon Baron-Cohen of a parent training intervention
Antony Cox
Vicky Slonims for pre-school children with autism
Sally Wheelwright
John Swettenham Preliminary findings and methodological challenges
Bryony Berry
Tony Charman

Accepted: 30 September 2002 ■ Abstract Few attempts have several factors: a reliance on
been made to conduct randomised parental report to measure lan-
control trials (RCTs) of interven- guage, non-matching of the groups
tions for pre-school children with on initial IQ, and a lack of system-
autism. We report findings of a pi- atic checking regarding the imple-
A. Drew · G. Baird · A. Cox · V. Slonims
Newcomen Centre, Guy’s Hospital lot RCT for a parent training inter- mentation of the parent training
London, UK vention with a focus on the devel- intervention. Furthermore, three
S. Baron-Cohen · S. Wheelwright opment of joint attention skills and parents in the local services group
Autism Research Centre joint action routines. Twenty-four commenced intensive, home-based
Departments of Experimental Psychology children meeting ICD-10 criteria behavioural intervention during
and Psychiatry for childhood autism (mean the course of the study. The diffi-
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
age = 23 months) were identified culties encountered in the conduct
using the CHAT screen and ran- of RCTs for pre-school children
J. Swettenham domised to the parent training with autism are discussed. Method-
Department of Human Communication
and Science group or to local services only. A ological challenges and strategies
University College London follow-up was conducted 12 for future well-designed RCTs for
London, UK months later (mean age = 35 autism interventions are high-
B. Berry · Dr. Tony Charman () months). There was some evidence lighted.
Behavioural and Brain Sciences Unit that the parent training group
Institute of Child Health made more progress in language ■ Key words autism – early
University College London
30 Guilford Street development than the local ser- intervention – parent training –
London, WC1N 1EH, UK vices group. However, the present language – randomised control
E-Mail: pilot study was compromised by trial (RCT)

particular for pre-schoolers [12, 20, 27, 30]. Findings

Introduction from studies of both behavioural [25, 33] and education-
based approaches [28] have demonstrated positive out-
Progress has recently been made in the earlier identifi- comes in terms of IQ gains and reductions in symptom
cation of children with autism [4, 14] and many children severity. Intervention approaches that have placed an
are now first identified in the pre-school period [8, 19]. emphasis on the development of non-verbal social-com-
Given that impairments in social and communication municative skills have also provided promising data
abilities characterise children with autism [2, 37], it is [31]. Few studies have utilised the randomised control
imperative to identify forms of early intervention that trial (RCT) design necessary to demonstrate that treat-
are effective in promoting increased social and commu- ment effects are due to the intervention and not to other
nication competence in pre-school children with uncontrolled factors.
autism. There is an emerging consensus that joint attention
ECAP 299

There have been relatively few empirical evaluations abilities and other non-verbal social communication
of intervention programmes for children with autism, in skills are an important target for intervention in autism
A. Drew et al. 267
Parent training for pre-school children with autism

and that increased facility in joint attention behaviour is teria on retest by telephone. Forty-six children were seen
likely to lead to greater language and communicative for a full clinical assessment. The clinical assessment
competence [7]. The present paper reports preliminary consisted of a structured clinical interview including ad-
findings from a pilot RCT study of a parent training in- ministration of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Re-
tervention programme for pre-school children with vised (ADI-R) [23], and a structured child-adult inter-
autism that adopted a psycholinguistic and social-prag- action assessment to elicit examples of social
matic approach to language development [15, 29]. The interaction, reciprocity, non-verbal social communica-
training emphasised the development of joint attention tion abilities (e. g. joint attention, requests, imitation,
skills and joint action routines, as well as delivering ad- turn-taking) and affective responsivity. ICD-10 [37] di-
vice about behavioural management in particular pro- agnoses of childhood autism were achieved using all
moting compliance. It was predicted that the interven- available clinical, historical and psychometric informa-
tion would have a specific, beneficial effect on the tion.A consensus clinical judgement was reached by two
development of language abilities. clinicians highly experienced in the diagnosis of autism
The CHAT (Checklist for Autism in Toddlers) screen- and related PPDs (GB, AC). The ADI-R was not taken as
ing tool [3, 5] was used to identify the participants. The the sole arbiter of diagnosis, since the instrument has
sample is the youngest ever recruited into an interven- been shown to have only moderate specificity for chil-
tion programme for children with autism. The effects of dren with mental ages below two years of age [11]. All
the parent training programme for a small group of chil- subjects fell above the ADI-R cut-off on the reciprocal
dren (N = 12) were compared in an RCT design to that social interaction dimension and all but one also fell
for children receiving locally available services only above the cut-off on the nonverbal communication di-
(N = 12). mension (one subject was one point below the cut-off).
Seven children failed to reach the cut-off of the repeti-
tive and stereotyped behaviours dimension but all but
Method one scored only one point below the cut-off, as has been
found previously for children younger than 24 months
■ Procedure of age [11]. Previously it has been demonstrated using
the same diagnostic assessment that a diagnosis of
A shortened version of the Checklist for Autism in Tod- childhood autism can be reliably made by an expert
dlers (CHAT) including the key screening items only team at the age of 20 months [11]. Of the 46 children as-
was employed to identify children at high risk for autism sessed, 31 had childhood autism, 5 atypical autism or
below two years of age. The shortened version included pervasive developmental disorder – unspecified, 6 a re-
only the five key items for the high-risk threshold em- ceptive-expressive language disorder, 2 global develop-
ployed previously [3, 5], i. e. parental (A7) and Health mental delay, and 1 child had attention deficit hyperac-
Visitor (Biv) report of a lack of pointing for interest, tivity disorder (ADHD). Only one child appeared
parental (A5) and Health Visitor (Biii) report of a lack of clinically normal.
pretend play and Health Visitor report of a failure to If the child met entry criteria the parents’ consent to
monitor gaze (Bii). In addition, the parent report item enter the RCT was sought. Random allocation was ex-
A6 “Does your child ever use his/her index finger to plained and parents were told that their child would be
point to ask for something?” was included, as in the orig- referred for local service support whether or not they
inal study parents found it hard to discriminate between agreed to join the research. Allocation to the Parent
pointing for interest and for requesting [4]. In order to training or Local services only groups was made from a
minimise screen false positives, Health Visitors were random numbers table. Thirty-one eligible children
asked to refer children who failed all six items and about were identified by the screening process. Seven parents
whom there was also concern about possible autism, declined to enter the study and were not followed-up
and to exclude children with severe general develop- further as part of the study. Twenty-four parents agreed
ment delay (for whom the parent training programme to participate and were randomised into either the Par-
would not have been developmentally appropriate). ent training group (N = 12; 11 boys, 1 girl) or to the Lo-
On receipt of a referral the CHAT was re-adminis- cal services only group (N = 12; 8 boys, 4 girls).
tered by a member of the research team over the tele-
phone. If the child was still failing all six items the fam-
ily was invited to bring the child for a full diagnostic ■ Measures
assessment. This was conducted, as soon as possible af-
terwards, at the hospital clinic in which the project was The following measures were administered at baseline
based. The assessment employed standardised measures and follow-up by the research team. Language compre-
that were also baseline pre-intervention measures. Of 51 hension and production: MacArthur Communicative
children referred to the study, five failed to meet risk cri- Development Inventory (CDI) [13]. The majority of chil-
268 European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 11, No. 6 (2002)
© Steinkopff Verlag 2002

dren had insufficient language at both assessments to  Specific activities included mirror games (diadic
conduct a direct, formal language test. At the initial as- joint attention and imitation, moving on to mirror
sessment 22 from 24 children were non-verbal (fewer play with objects), index finger pointing in joint pic-
than 5 words), and 13 remained so at follow-up. Non-ver- ture book “reading” (insisting on an adult-led pace,
bal IQ: D and E subscales of the Griffiths Scale of Infant scaffolding and prompting index finger pointing to
Development [16]. Symptom severity: Autism Diagnos- elicit adult naming), games to teach the child to fol-
tic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) [23]. Parental stress: low adult index finger pointing (e. g.“Look!”to things
Parental Stress Inventory (PSI) [1]. Some questionnaire the child likes), gaze switching eye contact game with
data were missing. The CDI was completed at both time- balloons and bubbles, and adult-led “table games”
points by 12 parents in the Parent training group and 10 e. g. posting, lotto, sorting.
parents in the Local services group. The PSI was com-  There was an initial emphasis on teaching the child to
pleted at both timepoints by 10 parents in each group. be eager for more and for parents to acquire behav-
The children were seen for an initial assessment at a ioural management strategies to elicit compliance
mean age of 22.5 (SD = 3.4) months. The interim follow- and mutual enjoyment, as well as learning to watch
up assessments reported here were conducted an aver- and wait, look and listen and do as asked. Simple en-
age of 12.3 (SD = 1.6) months after the initial assess- active and representational gestures including ac-
ments, at a mean age of 34.8 (SD = 3.8) months. tions songs and Makaton nursery rhymes, holding up
In order to measure input from other health and ed- arms to be picked up and waving bye-bye were also
ucation services (e. g. speech and language therapy ses- scaffolded in repeated to-and-fro games. The pro-
sions, part-time placement in a nursery) for both gramme aimed to ensure that shared meaning was
groups, an activity checklist was completed every 3 established in joint action routines, and that the de-
months by parents. The type and amount of provision velopmental sequence of responding to, maintaining
their child had received during the previous 3 months and then initiating joint attention bids was followed
was recorded. Across the 12 month period between the [6].
initial and the follow-up assessments 14 parents re-  It also aimed to support wholistic learning of lan-
turned 4 activity checklists, 6 returned 3 and 4 returned guage by exaggerated prosody and analytic learning
2. Following diagnosis 3 parents in the local services by repetitive paraphrasing to maximise the likeli-
only group opted to enrol in intensive, home-based be- hood that the child would become able to understand
havioural programmes (in all cases the programme the meaning of key referent words in different sen-
started within 3 months of the initial assessment). The tence contexts [9].
hours of therapist and parent 1-to-1 intervention were  The programme was integrated into everyday rou-
also monitored in the activity checklists. tines, such as mealtimes, tidying up, and indepen-
dence skills such as dressing, washing and bedtime.
This allowed opportunities for generalisation of
■ Content and aims of the social-pragmatic joint skills learnt in specific intervention task activities
attention focused parent training programme. (mirror play routines, turn taking games etc.) into all
social contacts that the child experienced with their
The parent training programme had several features: parents [35]. Parent training interventions are de-
 Parents were given advice about behavioural man- signed to maximise the ecological validity of inter-
agement and promoting compliance. This included ventions and have previously been shown to be effec-
the principles of reinforcement, interrupting un- tive for children with language delays [24] and
wanted behaviours and positively teaching alterna- children with autism [18].
tive behaviours by keeping the child occupied in joint  The parent training programme adopted a consultant
action routines. model with parents acting as the everyday “thera-
 The programme focused on the development of early pists”. Parents were visited at home by a speech and
precursors to social and communicative competence. language therapist (AD,VS) every 6 weeks for a 3-hour
It aimed to promote joint action routines, the explicit session. Throughout the course of intervention the
teaching of joint attention behaviours such as index therapists described and demonstrated the principles
finger pointing and gaze switching, and the use of vi- of behavioural management, the social pragmatic ap-
sual supports for spoken language. Target behaviours proach taken to the development of joint attention,
included commenting or declarative acts such as non-verbal social communication and language
pointing, showing and holding objects out to adults skills, and monitored and provided feedback on the
(when combined with eye contact these are called parents’ implementation of the programme. The ac-
“joint attention” acts). It also included an emphasis tivities and the aims for each 6-week period were set
on non-verbal requests, object-function play, imitat- by the therapist in collaboration with the parent and
ing actions and turn-taking games. were determined by the cognitive and communicative
A. Drew et al. 269
Parent training for pre-school children with autism

level the child had reached and the child’s individual with initial scores on each variable being entered as a co-
learning style. The recommended activities were de- variate.
signed to be used both in “set aside”time for activities
(e. g.joint play times) and also to be incorporated into
everyday routines. Initially 2–3 minutes were recom- ■ Initial and follow-up group comparisons
mended for each activity, gradually increasing to 5
minutes per activity. Table games were gradually in- Group mean and standard deviation (SD) scores for all
creased to 15–20 minutes daily. Activities were de- variables at the initial and follow-up assessments are
signed to take between 30 and 60 minutes “set aside” shown in Table 1. At the pre-intervention initial assess-
time. However, as they became incorporated into ments the Parent training group and the Local services
everyday activities it was anticipated that some par- group were matched for age. However, the Parent train-
ents (for all children fathers as well as mothers at- ing group had a higher NVIQ than the Local services
tended some sessions) would spend considerably group (F[1, 23]= 14.8, p < 0.001). The groups did not dif-
more time than this utilising the social pragmatic ap- fer in language ability (number of words understood,
proach when interacting with their child. number of words used, number of gestures produced) as
The therapists were available for telephone support measured by the CDI. In terms of overall level of lan-
and advice to the parents throughout the intervention guage use as rated on the ADI-R, 11 of 12 children in
period. In addition to the Parent training programme, both groups were nonverbal (fewer than 5 words). There
parents were encouraged to take up the offer of whatever were no differences in symptom severity as measured by
therapy or pre-school services were available to them lo- the Reciprocal Social Interaction, Nonverbal communi-
cally. The use of a consultant model allowed daily input cation and Repetitive and stereotyped behaviours do-
to be provided for the child at a very much lower cost main scores of the ADI-R. Neither did the groups differ
than models where professionals deliver daily treatment in terms of parental stress as measured by the PSI.
to the child (though see the Discussion for comment on At follow-up there were no group differences in age
the parents’ need for support). or NVIQ. The Parent training group had marginally
higher language comprehension as measured by the CDI
total words understood although this missed statistical
■ Description of input to the Local services group significance (F[1,20]= 3.1, p = 0.09 two-tailed). There
were significant covariate effects (i. e. across both
The children in the Local services group received a mix- groups time 1 scores were associated with time 2 scores)
ture of services including speech and language therapy for initial words understood (F[1,20]= 6.6, p < 0.05), ges-
sessions, portage home worker input and other para- tures produced (F[1,20]= 7.9, p < 0.05) and parental
medical therapy services (e. g. occupational therapy, stress (F[1,16]= 8.7, p < 0.01). There were no group dif-
physiotherapy) (see Results for details). As described, ferences on words produced or gestures produced. In
three children commenced home-based, 1-to-1 treat- terms of overall level of language use as rated on the
ment based on behavioural, discrete-trial principles ADI-R, three of the children in the Parent training group
with ongoing supervision being provided by one of the had spontaneous use of three-word phrases, five had
recognised Lovaas/ABA groups in the UK. In some fam- single word speech and four had fewer than five words.
ilies parents themselves acted as part of the team of ther- In the Local services group no children had spontaneous
apists (under supervision) while in others outside ther- use of three word phrases, three had single word speech
apists delivered all of the treatment. The mean number and nine had fewer than five words. From the initial to
of hours of 1-to-1 intervention for these three children follow-up assessment significantly more children in the
was 32.9 per week across the 12 month period. In order Parent training group moved from being nonverbal to
to protect the RCT design an ‘intention-to-treat’ ap- having single word or phrase speech (N = 7) than in the
proach was taken, with the two groups of N = 12 ran- Local services group (N = 2 and one child went from sin-
domised children compared to each other at the initial gle words to fewer than five words from the initial to the
and follow-up assessments. follow-up assessment) (Fisher exact test, p < 0.05). There
were no differences in symptom severity as measured by
the domain scores of the ADI-R at follow-up, nor any dif-
Results ference in parent self-report of stress.

■ Statistical analysis
■ Data from activity checklists
Analysis of variance was used to examine group differ-
ences at the initial assessment. Analysis of covariance Summary data averaged across the whole year from the
was used to examine group differences at follow-up, parent-completed activity checklists indicated the ave-
270 European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 11, No. 6 (2002)
© Steinkopff Verlag 2002

Table 1 Group mean (SD) scores at initial and in-

terim follow-up assessments Group Parent training Local services
N = 12 N = 12
Initial Follow-up Initial Follow-up

Age (months) 21.4 (2.7) 33.5 (2.5) 23.6 (3.8) 36.2 (4.5)
NVIQa 88.1 (11.2) 77.9 (14.8) 66.0 (16.5) 66.1 (17.1)
Words understoodb 52.0 (60.5) 176.1 (121.9) 53.0 (63.7)e 100.3 (80.2)
Words saidb 6.8 (20.9) 96.6 (118.8) 6.6 (13.7)e 44.0 (50.2)
Total gestures producedb 20.9 (7.0) 38.6 (12.5) 20.9 (14.4)e 29.1 (18.4)
ADI – RSIc 19.6 (3.0) 18.3 (4.9) 20.3 (4.5) 20.1 (4.3)
ADI – NVCc 12.8 (1.6) 11.0 (2.8) 12.0 (2.4) 11.9 (1.8)
ADI – RSBc 3.2 (1.1) 3.9 (1.8) 3.7 (1.6) 4.2 (2.0)
ADI – Overall language rating
Nonverbal (< 5 words) 11 4 11 9
Single words 1 5 1 3
Phrase speech 0 3 0 0
PSId 113.8 (21.7)f 104.3 (20.0)f 110.0 (28.6) 112.1 (20.1)f
a NVIQ non-verbal IQ from D and E scales of Griffiths Scale of Mental Development (NVIQ NVMA/age).
MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory.
c Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised domains: RSI Reciprocal Social Interaction; NVC Nonverbal Communica-
tion; RSB Repetitive and stereotyped behaviour.
Parental Stress Inventory total score.
N = 11
N = 10

rage number of hours per week that children spent in tion skills. At follow-up the Parent training group un-
playgroup or nursery (Parent training group mean derstood marginally more words than the Local services
(SD) = 6.3 (10.7); Local services group = 3.5 (3.6)) and group. In addition, according to the parent report on the
the number of hours of speech and language therapy per ADI-R interview more children in the Parent training
month (excluding the parent training consultations) group than the Local services group moved from being
(Parent training group mean (SD) = 0.3 (0.3); Local ser- nonverbal to having single words or phrase speech.
vices group = 0.6 (1.1)). The groups did not differ on These findings are consistent with the theoretical and
these measures. The Local services group were in receipt empirical basis of the Parent training programme. A so-
of more other intervention (which for three cases in- cial pragmatic approach to developing non-verbal com-
cluded the intensive, home-based ABA therapy) than the munication competence should lead to increased lan-
Parent training group although this trend did not quite guage competence [9, 15, 22, 26, 34, 36]. This replicates
reach statistical significance (Hours per week: Parent findings for children with specific language impairment
training group mean (SD) = 0.3 (0.1); Local services [10, 15]. Note, however, that the language ability of the
group = 8.4 (14.9); F[1, 23]= 3.6, p = 0.07). There were no children in both groups remained severely compro-
group differences in the time parents spent in 1-to-1 mised at follow-up.At age 34 months the Parent training
structured activities with their child (Hours per day: group of patients were at the language age equivalent of
Parent training group mean (SD) = 1.0 (0.7); Local ser- approximately 16 months for words understood and in
vices group = 1.6 (1.1)). None of the measures of play- terms of words used they were only slightly above the 16
group, speech and language therapy, other intervention month ceiling on the Words and Gestures form of the
or parent time spent in 1-to-1 activities was significantly CDI [13]. Furthermore, there was considerable variabil-
associated with NVIQ, language measures, symptom ity in progress within each group. For example, in the
severity or parental stress at follow-up. Parent training group the range of increase in words
used from the initial to the follow-up assessment ranged
from 0 to 365. The small numbers of children within
Discussion each group do not allow us to identify the initial charac-
teristics of those children who made most progress in
This pilot study was an attempt to conduct a RCT of a each intervention stream. Such an analysis is required
parent training intervention for pre-school children with larger groups in subsequent studies to identify
with autism, identified before their second birthday us- which interventions may be best suited to which chil-
ing the CHAT screening instrument. Findings were in dren, or ‘what works for whom’.
line with our prediction that the parent training inter- The groups did not differ at follow-up in NVIQ,
vention focusing on joint attention and joint engage- symptom severity or parental self-report of stress. None
ment routines would specifically enhance communica- of these were specific goals of the parent training pro-
A. Drew et al. 271
Parent training for pre-school children with autism

gramme but comprehensive intervention approaches The present study employed a low-cost and widely
should target these important areas of child and family applicable professional-as-consultant, parent-as-thera-
function. There may be clear ceilings on the improve- pist model. Note, however, that the investment of thera-
ments to be expected in these core symptom domains pist time was not insignificant as the sessions lasted
following a one-year intervention period. three hours and arrangements were made to avoid the
This pilot study had several limitations and has high- breaks that occur in vacations etc. in many clinic-based
lighted significant challenges for future studies. Parents programmes. It is also important to note that many par-
of three children allocated to the Local services group ents (mothers and fathers) found it difficult to imple-
opted to start home-based behavioural programmes. ment and maintain the recommended activities as as-
However, such parental choice reflects the real-life clin- siduously as they wished, often because of the
ical situation. The analysis was conducted according to competing demands of other children, work, family life
an ‘intention to treat’ design in order to uphold the fi- etc. The frequency of therapist visits was dictated by the
delity of the RCT design. Further, the two groups were resources available to the research project and is not
not matched at the initial assessment in terms of NVIQ. considered the optimum level of support for families on
Thus, it is not possible to rule out that the marginally such programmes. There is also evidence that parents
significant finding of greater language gains in the Par- value the opportunity to share ideas about management
ent training group was due to this difference in initial and treatment strategies with other parents [32]; how-
characteristics. This reflects the small sample size of this ever this important additional element was not built into
pilot RCT. Future RCT studies should be of sufficient the parent training model at this initial stage.
sample size to avoid such biases and to increase statisti- Appropriate research strategies to evaluate treat-
cal power to detect differences between groups. ments can take a variety of different forms [17]. Al-
Another limitation is the lack of data on the imple- though no design other than a randomised control trial
mentation of the parent training approach. Although an can avoid bias resulting from unmeasured confounding
attempt was made to collect data on playgroup, therapist factors, other research designs are also important and
and parent activities in terms of hours of input at three data from all available sources are required in order to
monthly intervals, no data on the treatment itself were make judgements about which treatments are best for
available. The need to identify effective elements within patients. Single case, or small group designs are also
treatment programmes for pre-school children with needed in order to determine the types of intervention
autism and to document the consistency of application that are appropriate for more costly, larger scale ran-
of the treatment protocols is an important goal for fu- domised trials (e. g. [21]). The present study has high-
ture work. Related to this, systematic assessment of par- lighted the significant practical and methodological dif-
ent-child interaction was not conducted. An attempt to ficulties in undertaking a RCT of an intervention for
collect such data was made by the therapist at the initial pre-school children with autism. Notwithstanding these
and final home visits but this was not successful, partly difficulties, the modest findings of improved language
because of conflicting parental roles and expectations competence point to the need for further work on par-
and partly due to time constraints. Given the particular ent training approaches. This should include RCTs of
nature of the intervention tasks in the joint attention sufficient size and methodological rigour to confirm
parent training programme, the lack of such data pre- and extend these tentative findings and more clearly
vents determination of whether the groups differed in a demonstrate whether parent training approaches fo-
critical treatment variable before or after treatment.An- cused on joint attention and joint engagement have a
other limitation is that many of the outcome measures specific beneficial effect on the communicative compe-
relied on parental report (ADI-R, CDI, PSI). In part, this tence of pre-school children with autism.
reflects the difficulty of conducting direct assessments
of young pre-school children with autism. Direct mea- ■ Acknowledgements A Medical Research Council Project Grant
and a grant from the Special Trustees of Guy’s Hospital to SBC,AC and
sures of language competence were only completed on GB supported this research. We are very grateful to all the families
six children at follow-up as the majority of children at who took part in the study and to the late Natasha Nightingale and to
follow-up were below the basal of direct language mea- Mary Marden for administrative support. Patricia Howlin made in-
sures (not reported). However, direct measures of be- sightful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
haviour and competence need to be included in future
studies in order to demonstrate objective and general-
isable gains in skills.
272 European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 11, No. 6 (2002)
© Steinkopff Verlag 2002

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