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LAW3402 Property B (2016)

Important Note to Students Regarding the End of Semester

1. The Property B Examination will be of 2 hours duration, plus 30 minutes reading and
noting time. This exam is compulsory for all students.
2. The exam will consist of three (3) questions. Candidates are required to answer all
questions. The examination is worth 80 marks and carries 80% of the marks in the unit.
Question 1 is a problem question that carries 40 marks (5 parts). Question 2 is a question
based on one of the four nominated key cases and carries 15 marks. Question 3 is a
problem question that carries 25 marks (2 parts).
3. The examination is directed to topics dealt with in Property B, but assumes general
knowledge of material covered in Law2112 Property A.
Be advised that the substantive elements needed to establish a resulting or constructive
trust, or estoppel from Topic 1 will not be examinable. However, students will still be
assumed to have knowledge of these interests generally, including the factual and legal
circumstances in which they might arise, and may be examined on the consequences arising
from their existence and other relevant issues.
4. Instructions to candidates as they appear on the examination paper cover sheet are

Vanessa Johnston
Chief Examiner
14 October 2016

1. The duration of the exam allows time for you to plan your answers, and you are
strongly encouraged to do so.
2. The standard of expression, spelling, punctuation and grammar will be taken into
account in the assessment of your answers in this examination. Please note that it is
your responsibility to ensure that your handwriting is legible.
3. Write your student ID number (but NOT your name), your lecturers name and stream
on the cover of each answer booklet used.
4. This examination contains three (3) questions. All students must answer all
questions. This exam is marked out of 80, and worth 80% of the final mark for this
5. Questions 1 and 3 are problem questions. Question 2 contains questions that are in
the context of, and require an understanding of, one of the four nominated cases.
6. The breakdown of questions and marks is as follows:
Question 1

Total 40 marks
(a) 20 marks
(b) 2 marks
(c) 6 marks
(d) 7 marks
(e) 5 marks

Question 2

Total 15 marks

Question 3

Total 25 marks
(a) 18 marks
(b) 7 marks

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