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GPS or Global Positioning System is a navigation system to

determine the point of coordinate from satellite transmission. GPS
is the most modern evolution of old navigation system. GPS is
controlled by U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).
Every angle or area on the surface of Earth is caught by 3 4
satellites. GPS can receive 12 channels of Satellite. When the
condition of sky is bright and cloudless, GPS can receive the
signals from satellite easily. If there are many signals from
satellite are received by GPS, it means the accuracy of GPS is
high. But when the weather is bad such as drizzly or rainy, GPS
will be difficult to receive the signal from satellite.
How to GPS is worked?
1. GPS uses the triangulate calculation from satellite;
2. For the triangulate calculation, GPS will measure the distant
using the travel time radio signal;
3. For measure the travel time, GPS needs accuracy of time
which is high;
4. For the calculation of distant, we must know the position
and elevation of satellite on its orbit;
5. The last, we must correct the delay of travel time signal at
atmosphere until the data is received by receiver.

Satellite of GPS will surround the Earth for 12 hours in the orbit
and Satellite will transfer the information signal to earth. The
receiver of GPS will take this information and use the triangulate
calculation to calculate the user location correctly. Receiver of
GPS will compare time of signal is transferred to time of signal is
received. From this information, GPS knows the distant of
satellite. Receiver of GPS can calculate and determine the user
position. Receiver of GPS will display the data in the Electronic
The functions of GPS consist by:
1. Location
GPS can determine the location of Point on the surface of
2. Navigation
GPS can help to search the location of Point in the Earth.
3. Tracking
GPS can help to monitor the movement of object and to map
the position
4. Timing
GPS can be used to determine the time in all of world because
GPS uses the atomic watch and it is better than the normal

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