Basics PDF

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First steps in R

by R-Tutorials Training

1. Download of R and R Studio

2. RStudio Orientation
3. Packages

4. Help Functionalities
# shows supporting material

5. R as a giant calculator
4+ 4+

- space does not matter

- operators: +,-,*,/

- assign values to objects

x <- c(4,5,6)
c(4,5,76) -> y
x = c(4,5,6)
assign("x", c(4.2,1,5))
- c stands for "concatenate" - important command for vectors

- see which objects are already occupied


- remove objects

- some vector calculus examples

x = c(y, 5, y)
objectrandom <- x < 5



- to see which value this position has


6. Types of brackets

() round brackets as the standard brackets

[] box brackets if we are dealing with index positions of vectors
{} curled brackets for functions and loops

7. Data Sequences

seq(3, 5)

seq(from = 3, to = 5)

seq(from = 3, length =3)

seq(from = 3, length = 3, by = 0.5)

seq(from = 3, by = 0.5, length = 3)

- argument order does not matter

o paste Function - characters

paste ("xyz", 1:10)

paste ("xyz", c(2,5,7,"test", 4.5))
paste ("xyz", 1:10, sep = "")

What do you think this can be useful for?

o to repeat sequences

rep(c(3,4,5) , 3)
rep(1:10, times = 3)
x <- c(1,2,3)
rep(x, each = 3)
rep(x, each = 3, times = 3)

o knowing the position

x = c(4:20)

which(x == 10) # note the 2 equal signs, used for logical operations

o reverse of

Exercises - Coding Basics

1. Define the object "myobject" and assign the vector 1:10 in at least 3
different ways

2. Get the sum of your object

3. Create the following vector by using the paste function

- [1] "R is great 4 and I will love it"
- [2] "R is great 7 and I will love it"
- [3] "R is great 45 and I will love it"

4. vector of 1,2,3, repeat the vector to get 11 x 1, 10 x 2, and 10 x 3

5. What is the value of this vector on position 7 ?


1. Define the object "myobject" and assign the vector 1:10 in at least 3
different ways

myobject <- (1:10)

myobject = (1:10)
(1:10) -> myobject
assign("myobject", 1:10)

2. Get the sum of your object

sum (myobject)

3. Create the following vector by using the paste function

- [1] "R is great 4 and I will love it"
- [2] "R is great 7 and I will love it"
- [3] "R is great 45 and I will love it"

paste ("R is great", c(4,7,45), "and I will love it")

4. vector of 1, 2, 3, repeat the vector to get 11 x 1, 10 x 2, and 10 x 3

x=rep(1:3, length = 31)

5. What is the value of this vector on position 7 ?


8. New Datasets

R has the preinstalled package "datasets"

in this package you can find many test datasets for exercise


o to get a visual idea


o those datasets are dataframes - 2 dimensional objects with

different data types

o work with subsets of those dataframes: $


o or we can use the attach argument to make handling this set easier

9. Functions in R

Brief description: R functions are OBJECTS

They do calculations for you

R function structure: name <- function (argument) {statements}

The arguments specify the components to be used in the function

myfirstfn <- function(x) {x+x}


o stepwise working functions

mysecondfn <- function(t,z) {

value = z*3
value = value *t

t= 5
z= 9


Loops - loops and functions are a crucial part in

FOR loops allow a certain operation to be repeated a fixed nr of

This is opposed to the While loop where the rep nr is not prefixed
The syntax looks like this: for (name in vector) {commands}

for (i in 1:15) {print (i)}

for (z in 1:15) {print (z)}
o variable name does not matter although you will see i quite often

Can be used for quite complex calculations

Example calculation of primes with the Eratosthenes method (the
oldest known systematic method)
PrimVec = function(n){
# to start from 2
if (n>=2) {
# to further specify the sequence we want to work with
s = seq(2,n)
# p will be the container for our primes,
# numbers will be moved from s to p step by step if they meet the
p = c()
# we start the loop
for (i in seq(2,n)){

# we use any to check that i (of this loop round) is still in s, multiples of i
will be removed
# we store i if it meets our criteria in p together with the previous p
p = c(p,i)
# to search for numbers with a remainder at modulus division
s = c(s[(s%%i) != 0],i)
return(p) }
# to specify the output if n < 2 (optional)
stop("Input at least 2")

To learn more about loops and functions take a look at my Level 1

course Redeem the code happy17 to get it for $17 and save 70%


Graphs in R

many different types are available

different packages can help you
easiest way: scatterplot

or by using a dataset
plot(lynx, main="Lynx Trappings", col="red",
col.main=52, cex.main=1.5)
o the cex family can be used to change magnification factors

handling the labs

plot(lynx, ylab="Lynx Trappings", xlab="")
plot(lynx, ylab="Lynx Trappings", xlab="", las=2)
o changing the scale direction

las - 0:3, axis labels orientation

par(mfrow=c(2,2), col.axis="red")

plot(1:8, las=0, xlab="xlab", ylab="ylab", main="LAS = 0")

plot(1:8, las=1, xlab="xlab", ylab="ylab", main="LAS = 1")

plot(1:8, las=2, xlab="xlab", ylab="ylab", main="LAS = 2")

plot(1:8, las=3, xlab="xlab", ylab="ylab", main="LAS = 3")

colors() # huge variety

point symbol types

plot(x, pch="c")
plot(x, pch=13)

Line Types
par(mfrow=c(1,1), col.axis="black")
plot(1:6, ylab="", main="Line Types lty 1:6", xlab="lty 1:6")
ablineclip(v=1, lty=1, col="sienna2", lwd=2)
ablineclip(v=2, lty=2, col="sienna2", lwd=2)
ablineclip(v=3, lty=3, col="sienna2", lwd=2)
ablineclip(v=4, lty=4, col="sienna2", lwd=2)
ablineclip(v=5, lty=5, col="sienna2", lwd=2)
ablineclip(v=6, lty=6, col="sienna2", lwd=2)
ablineclip(v=7, lty=0, col="sienna2", lwd=2)

Types of plots
o by using "type" we can specify which kind of plot we want

plot(lynx) # plot for time series data

plot(lynx, type="p", main="Type p") # points (default)
plot(lynx, type="l", main="Type l") # lines (default for time series)
plot(lynx, type="b", main="Type b") # points connected by lines
plot(lynx, type="o", main="Type o") # points overlaid by lines
plot(lynx, type="h", main="Type h") # high density
plot(lynx, type="s", main="Type s") # steps
plot(lynx, type="n", main="Type n") # no plot

Example: by skilled usage of all the available parameters you can create
quite complex graphs
par(mar=c(4,3,3,3), col.axis="black")
plot(cars$speed, type="s", col="red", bty="n", xlab="Cars ID", ylab="")
text(8, 14, "Speed in mph", cex=0.85, col="red") # this adds the
explanatory text to plot 1
par(new=T) # allows 2 in one plot

plot(cars$dist, type="s", bty="n", ann=F, axes=F, col="darkblue")

axis(side=4) # y axis for plot 2
text(37, 18, "Stopping distance in ft", cex=0.85, col="darkblue") #
explanations to plot 2
title(main="Speed and Stopping\n Distances of Cars")

graphical parameters

Check out the Graphs in R course to learn about every single par Redeem the code happy29 to get it for $29 and save 70%


How to export your graphs


Alternative graphs packages and some examples

Exercise - R Graphs

Get familiar with the "rivers" dataset


find out how many observations there are

plot rivers against the index
name labels and header(red)
choose an appropriate symbol (not default) in green

# hint: \n for new lines in text


x = 1:141
y= rivers
plot(x,y, col = "green", pch = 20,
main = "Lengths of\nMajor N. American Rivers",
col.main ="red", xlab = "",
ylab = "length in miles")

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