Islamic Teaching

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Islam is the religion of God given to the prophet Muhammad to spread

to the whole of humanity, Islam has many advantages and benefits.

Islam rules governing not only the spiritual development of his people,
but also provides a set of guidelines for their daily life such as worship,
social behavior, and legislation or purchase.
The first one from the point of worship, Islam tells us to pray, to pray at
the same time can also benefit the Muslims, which is a way to exercise
and have been proven by scientists. fasting month of Ramadan is also a
benefit because it can reduce the sugar in the body that causes diabetes
and can prevent some diseases.
The second, the benefit of society, Islam has ordained marriage to avoid
problems of adultery and extramarital children. if people have a
relationship promiscuity would lead to moral degradation occurs. Islam
is keeping one's lineage and honor. any religion not like family lineage
and honor compromised.
The third, the benefits of purchase, Islam has permitted trade and
forbidden usury and fraud in business because it has an element of
oppression and will bring negative impact on society. Islam does not
prevent a person to own property, even Islam encourages its followers
to have its own source of income and does not encourage to ask for
In conclusion, Islam is a religion which suited with human nature
because it came from the gods, the gods created man, He must know
about man and nature. God sent a messenger to teach how to live as a
human being in both worldly and religious affairs of the Hereafter
because Islam is a religion that is perfect and blessed by the gods.

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