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IHS is a mobile communications infrastructure company accelerating the

development of Africas fast-growing information economy. Founded by Issam
Darwish, IHS the largest mobile telecommunications infrastructure provider in Africa,
Europe and the Middle East.

For 15 years we have been building and managing telecommunications towers

that are the essential backbone of mobile telecommunications in Africa the
leapfrog technology driving economic development, prosperity and selfsufficiency across the continent.
Right now, IHS is leading a new telecoms service sector driven by the growth
of middle class business and consumer demand for mobile and data.

Type: Privately Held
Headquarters: Plot 934 Idejo Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Industry: Telecommunications
Company Size:10,001+ employees

Founded by Issam Darwish in Lagos, Nigeria, in 2001, IHS is a company specializing in
building towers and managing sites for mobile network operators (MNOs). It is one of the
worlds fastest growing tower operators and maintains operations in Nigeria, Cameroon,
Ivory Coast, Zambia and Rwanda.[2] Following the recent acquisitions of the tower portfolios
of MTN and Etisalat in Nigeria, IHS owns and manages over 23,000 towers in Africa. [3][4]
IHS operates three business models: building its own tower sites and leasing them to
operators; acquiring existing MNO sites and leasing tower space back; taking over the
management of operators networks with an agreement to lease the sites to other operators.

Some of the MNOs that IHS works with include: MTN, Orange , Airtel , Etisalat and Millicom.

IHS is heavily involved in bringing broadband internet to the whole of Africa. [8] IHS partners
with startup telecom companies such as Spectranet and Smile to help finance the
deployment of their network into urban areas.
Aside from its founding partners, UBC, IHS is supported by a group of international
shareholders including Emerging Capital Partners, the International Finance
Corporation,Wendel, Goldman Sachs, African Infrastructure Investment
Managers, Investec, the IFCs Global Infrastructure Fund, the Dutch development finance
institution (FMO) and the Singapore sovereign wealth fund, GIC.[9][10][11]
IHS has also launched a variety of green energy projects in the five countries in which it
operates.[12] It currently employs close to 40,000 people, 95% of which are African. [13]

Colocation is the sale of space and services on a tower to a mobile
services provider. These customers could be a mobile network
operator, an internet service provider, security function or private
corporation needing point-to-point secure communications.

Where colocation is not an option, our team of Site Development
Project Managers handles every step of the project to build a site
specific to the operator's requirements.
We do everything: site analysis (land surveys, environmental site
assessment, geo-technical analysis, zoning and permitting); site
acquisition; permitting and legal due diligence; site development;
construction management; and equipment installation.

We buy a network operators towers (and related assets) and lease
space back to them. This frees up their capital, allows them to
expand their network quickly and for less cost, and they know
theyre getting best-in-class service and up-to-date practice. We
then have sites that we can share with other customers on a
colocation model

Managed with Licence to

We manage sites owned by network operators, with the authority to
lease out space on the tower and manage shared resources. The site
owner reduces their operating costs, eliminates capital expenditure
and frees up management time.

Managed Services
We offer a full suite of services to manage any site, which we can
tailor to our customers' specific needs. We monitor and manage the
use of fuel and other energy, and we run and optimise sharing
infrastructure with others all with the aim of reducing operating
costs and capital expenditure.

In-building Solutions
We offer connected solutions for large buildings and offices such as
hotels, offices or shopping malls, which require more robust mobile
services. This is an efficient and discreet way of creating better

coverage for operators, and is also known as a Distributed Antenna

System (DAS).


The backbone of
mobile in the
emerging markets
IHS spans the African continent,
bringing the power of mobile to
millions, whilst creating strong
returns for investors. Learn more
about our thriving markets here.

The right engineering expertise

Our technological know-how and understanding of the wider mobile
market are best in class. We build and maintain towers based in
deep expertise the environment they function in, and the technology
of the networks around them.

The best people on the ground

IHS employs close to 40,000 people directly and indirectly through
our exclusive subcontractors, and over 95% of our employees are
local. Our engineers local know-how and technological expertise
ensures that our towers are fit for purpose on day one and every
day thereafter.

Respect for the environment and communities

we operate in
Social and environmental sustainability are at heart of what we do.
We are leading the way with our solar-powered towers, and continue
to make lasting social investments in our local communities.

Market opportunities
The emerging markets will lead smartphone growth over
the next few years.
Africa is the worlds fastest growing mobile market, and the biggest after Asia. The facts below
are just a snapshot of the EMEA market, but they tell a compelling investment story, especially
in light of the relatively low penetration of mobile in Africa just 67% on average compared
with Western Europes 129% and East Asias 92%*. With a prediction of internet use on mobile
phones increasing 20-fold in the next five years.
This combination of low penetration and strong growth represents a major investment
opportunity at every point along the mobile supply chain from handsets to towers.
* Source:

There are over 150 million active mobile telephone users in Nigeria, according to the Nigerian Communications

Between 2012 and 2013 mobile data use doubled in sub-Saharan Africa.

Connecting people and their

communities Far more than a
business story
Mobile throughout the emerging markets, and the towers that enable it, are not just a business
story; they are a social phenomenon, linking people and communities to each other and world

Enabling better business

In Rwanda mobile phone payment software has opened up
opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses by providing
ease and flexibility of use.
Farmers all over the emerging markets can receive the latest market
prices with a single text message or gather information about sales
and stock.

Mobile learning
Improving education throughout the emerging markets is at the
heart of solving many economic, social and healthcare problems.
Increasingly, mobile communications are understood to be key to
remote learning in Africa - which is often the only kind of learning
possible. Mobile technology has huge educational potential

For mobile to work networks have

to be working
In Europe, Asia or the US network downtime is a rare inconvenience.
In the emerging markets where there are far fewer fixed lines, and
less broadband penetration, downtime can be disastrous.
IHS is the most reliable tower operator in the emerging markets. Our
towers are up and running at least 99% of the time.
The level of service that IHS has provided, and we believe you will
continue to provide, far exceeds our expectations. We are
particularly impressed that, within eight months, the power
availability on the Airtel Zambia network has improved
tremendously. The average power availability before you took over
was 98.3% and has increased to 99.58%. We previously had
numerous challenges with passive infrastructure but, since youve
taken over the sites, youve always managed to provide workable

Our people
Our towers are the backbone of the emerging market mobile
industry and our people are the foundation of our company.
Were able to find the best people and keep them because we
have earned a reputation for strong training programmes and great
career progression.

Long-term thinking
The story of mobile in the emerging markets,
and therefore our story, is just beginning. We

expect IHS Towers to play a vital role in it for

years to come.
IHS Towers focuses on three areas in order to operate greener, more
reliable towers than its peers.

Planning for a sustainable future

Pioneering alternative energy supplies; investing in the communities
around us; attracting, training and retaining the best talent from the
emerging markets building a sustainable, efficient business thats
equipped for all of tomorrows challenges and opportunities.

Building the reliability the emerging markets

As mobile becomes increasingly important to people, businesses
and communities throughout EMEA, so does mobile reliability. IHSs
towers are already the most reliable throughout EMEA and we strive
to continue to improve our performance.

Driving down costs

For mobile to fulfil its promise throughout the emerging markets,
costs must come down. Through consistent investment in green
energy solutions and R&D, IHS is succesfully driving down costs for
operators which makes their services more afforable for the end

Issam Darwish, co-founder of IHS Towers, speaks to Forbes Africa


2. 2. MARCH 2014 FORBES AFRICA | 13 Bus Or Food? The First Crossroad On The
Path To Being A Millionaire He spent $1 billion last year and is going to invest $850
million more this year. These are the high stakes of $200 million-man Issam Darwish
who is swooping on the lucrative African telecom market and thinks more about
Africa with a cell phone signal right now, one mans job is done. If youre without one,
the same man promises to hook you up .This is at the heart of the business of Issam
Darwish, the Lebanese-Nigerian who grew up in war and rose from a desk job to
become one of Africas powerful telecom tycoons. When he got his first job, he was
so poor, that his boss had to lend him $8,000 to buy a car so he could get to work.
From creating billing systems for a handful of dollars a week to leading a
telecommunications infrastructure company in AfricaDarwish is now a man with a
wealth of $200 million as valued by the FORBES wealth unit in the United States. He
has walked a long road and you believe him when he says he has a lot longer to
walk yet. Ambitious, maybe, but this is the hallmark of a driven, self-taught
entrepreneur who once dreamt about winning the Nobel Prize for physics in Oslo
when he was a teenager. Darwish is a bubble of energy, one who hates the rigidity of
business suits, yet wears one well. As he goes down memory lane while in his
corner office in Lagos, he is as sharp and eloquent as a business man, yet as
relaxed and witty as a next door neighbor. Its a story that began in Beirut in
Lebanon. This is where Darwish was born on the cusp of the brutal civil war that was
to tear the country apart. He was born to a fairly wealthy family, but with no silver
spoon in his mouth. In the turmoil of civil war, Darwishs father lost everything. The
family believed education was the way out. His father took two jobs and his mother
did embroidery work to keep their children in private schools in Lebanon. Darwish
senior encouraged his children to read and rewarded them for finishing books.
Luckily, young Darwish was an inquisitive bright spark. He nurtured an interest in
electromagnetic fields, quantum mechanics and relativity. I was always the best in
my school. I graduated from the best university The American University of Beirut
in Lebanonand I wanted to do physics, I
FORBES As a young person growing up in a war-torn area, our minds were
cultured, but not our existence.
4. 4. MARCH 2014 FORBES AFRICA | 15 loved the sciences. When I did my SATs (the
standardized tests for college admission in the United States), my grades were so
high the dean of engineering called and encouraged me to do engineering instead.
So, I opted for computer and communications engineering. I was among the first set
of engineers who graduated from that program with distinction, barely aged 21, says

Darwish. I also understood the value of money at an early stage in life. During the
war, I remember my father would give me some money before I left for school [and]
Id have to decide whether I would use that money to eat at school or to take the bus
back home. I had to make a decision between the two every day. Darwish is thankful
for these realities. As a young person growing up in a war-torn area, our minds were
cultured, but not our existence. Youd hear the fighting, see people die, you cant go
to school for weeks because fights have broken out, you experience the effects of
war firsthand and you begin to appreciate the basic things in life, like electricity,
water, fresh air and ultimately life, he says. By 1992, he was armed with an
engineering qualification and a desire for more. Darwish toyed with the idea of
furthering his studies with a Masters degree in the United States (US). As he
applied, he looked for ways to occupy himself. As luck would have it, a group of
Lebanese businessmen returned to Beirut with a partnership with MCIone of the
largest telecoms carriers in the world back then. They wanted to set up a network in
Lebanon and offered Darwish the job of creating a billing system. I joined the team.
While I was there, there was also a satellite station present and I was fascinated with
this. Id work on the billing system during the day and come back at night, with the
permission of the CEO, just to learn more about how it works. That was my first
hands-on experience in telecoms. In a short space of time, I could now operate the
station by myself. Soon, Darwish was managing the satellite systems at MCI. He
played an instrumental role in setting up the first Lebanese mobile network, after a
GSM licence was won, in his role as network manager for Libancellnow called
MTC Touch. Darwish may be Lebanese by birth, but he is a true Lagosian at heart.
His Nigerian citizenship is expected to come through this year and has already been
awarded a chieftaincy title, The Adimula of Erin Ile by the traditional king, in Kwara
State, northern Nigeria. He knows how to navigate the streets, from Victoria Island to
Lekki, with his eyes closed; he can even hold his own in pidginthe informal lingua
franca spoken in Nigeria and parts of West Africa. Lebanon is where I come from
but Lagos is home. When Im away, anywhere in the world, I think about Lagos more
than I think about Lebanon. This is where I became a man; this is where Ive lost
money, made money, made friends. Most of my friends are Nigerians. This is home
for me. The call of Lagos came many years ago. Following a streak of successful
network set-ups in his region, investors approached Darwish to set up a mobile
network up in Nigeria; things werent going too well with the license holders and they
needed someone to sort it out. This coincided with another offer from Britain, but
Darwish plumped for Nigeria. In 1998, he brought in around 40 expatriates and
trained at least 500 Nigerians in technical, billing, sales and marketing in his role as
deputy managing director of Motophone, Nigerias first GSM operator. We created a
network in six cities, together with Motorola and Ericsson. We started selling, we had

thousands of people coming to our points of sale, people started buying the
license was soon revoked however, due to transitions in political structure that
affected the financial commitments made by the license holders. This lasted five or
six months. We settled our liabilities and left things there. This was an unpleasant
setback in a difficult market. In those days, infrastructure was thin on the ground. It
had 400,000 fixed telephone lines and a mere 2,000 to 3,000 cell phones.
Telecommunications was mostly for the rich; power supply was sporadic, security
was a problem, the ports were in chaos and diesel shortages could go on for weeks.
Every logistical aspect was a nightmare but we found a way to set things up. We
had to import generators, there was also a lack of skilled manpowermost of the
skilled Nigerians were out of the country working overseas, he says. In 2001, the
Nigerian government privatized telecommunications and auctioned the licenses.
There was then a need to build sites to power these networks. This was a big break
for Darwish and gave birth to the leading telecoms infrastructure company, which he
co-founded IHS. We had built some sites in the past. My partner, brother and I
decided to invest some money in this and build a few sites. In the beginning, I had to
borrow money from This is not a sexy business.
FORBES my father. My partner invested and we borrowed some money from the
banks with an interest rate of 24%. It was staggering but that was our seed capital.
We, however, made very good margins because we delivered on time and delivered
quality. Motorola gave us our first contract and we learnt a lot from these guys. Soon,
we started running the management of the sites as well, the business moved into site
management, which was recurring. The cost of setting up these towers back then,
was between $250,000 and $300,000. Today, they range between $150,000 and
$250,000. To cover itself, a country like Nigeria requires around 20,000 of these
sites. Power and security, or the lack of them, are thorns in Darwishs side. Each
tower needs at least two generators, automatic transfer switches, regulators, a
massive supply chain to make sure diesel is bought at the right price and quality.
This alone costs around $3,000 to $4,000 a month. IHS currently has around 4,000
towers in Nigeria and more than 10,000 across Africa, with operations in Nigeria,
Cameroon, Cte dIvoire, Sudan, South Sudan and recently, Zambia and Rwanda. It
is working on tripling that number. The rapid growth in demand wasnt expected in
the early years. It meant, when Nigeria tried to catch up, there was a mushrooming
of towers. In Lebanon for instance, when we started with the GSM networks, people
thought wed have 50,000 subscribers in three years. We had 350,000 by the end of
the first year. In Nigeria, people thought about a million subscribers; by the time they
started selling, they realized everyone wanted a phone line. They started setting the
towers up everywhere without the right planning. All the service providers were just

scrambling to have these towers everywhere, so this was a good period for us, says
Darwish. In the US, the mobile industry was built on the idea of sharing towers and
competitors became partners to lower their costs. This wasnt the case in Africa.
Darwishs team had to convince operators it was the way. The idea of sharing didnt
even exist back then. They all had the capital and the sites, but the management of
the site was a headache. They started pushing the management aspect to us. We
started pushing the idea of sharing. By 2008 and 2009, with the financial crisis,
output became low, capital became scarce and people started thinking differently
and sharing became an attractive idea. It was more innovative and valuable, he
says. Darwish is impressed with the booming growth of the telecommunications
sector in Africa and sees voice calls becoming obsolete. The future is the
smartphone; this is a fact. Africa has not caught up yet because the operators need
to invest the capital to ensure that the tablet gets cheaper and cheaper. Africa wont
progress technologically without the smartphone and tablet playing a key role. The
continent has not been able to build the kind of infrastructure it requires to satisfy the
penetration levels in voice and broadband that it requires. The average age of the
population in Nigeria, for instance, is about 22 to 23. It is a young population with a
burgeoning middle class. This massive consumer market is being created and
growing in size and this enables us to experience the great growth pattern and the
need to satisfy and cater for this group, says Darwish. On his work with IHS, he
says: This is not a sexy businessit is a hardcore, roll up your sleeves, be an
engineer, jump into the mess, see how to fix it, be patient and connect with the
grassroots type of business and I love every bit of it. Youre not going to find a lot of
engineers who are also Lebanon is where I come from but Lagos is home. IHS
6. 6. MARCH 2014 FORBES AFRICA | 17 Taking Advantage Of An Opportunity BY
OLUWOLE ABEGUNDE Access to funds from shareholders has been vital in
ensuring IHS can build its own infrastructure and successfully manage infrastructure
for its clients. With the growing pressures on operators to manage their network
traffic and costs, an opportunity exists for IHS as International Data Corporation
(IDC) expects service providers to offload their network assets to third parties like
IHS. This allows operators to focus on their core businessselling telecoms services
without having to worry about infrastructure rollout and maintenance. The major
challenge in the telecommunications space in Nigeria is the lack of reliable power
supply. An average cell site is powered by two diesel generators. The dependence
on these generators increases the operating expenditure for infrastructure providers
and mobile network operators. The price of diesel cost and generator maintenance
accounts for more than 70% of the operating expenditure for a cell site in Nigeria.
Security is another challenge. In the last two years, there have been cases of

persistent vandalism of fiber cables and theft of diesel generators from sites. The
downward pressure on tariffs, driven in part by competitive forces, has seen
operators top line revenue year on year growth rates decrease. This, coupled with
the ever-rising cost of operations has seen some Nigerian players falling out of the
market or struggling to make investment. There is also opportunity for growth in the
infrastructure space in Nigeria. As of October 2013, there were around 121 million
active mobile subscribers. Mobile penetration has reached 87%. These figures, to a
large extent, are made up of multi-SIM users, meaning that the actual penetration
rate is far less than what is reported. A sizable market still needs to be addressed for
new cell phones users in Nigeria. The increase in subscribers is expected to boost
growth in network capacity and coverage. To capitalize on this opportunity, more
investment in telecommunication infrastructure is expected in Nigeria in the long
term. Oluwole Abegunde is a research analyst for the IDC in West Africa. good
businessmen. In 2009, IHS was listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange and over the
past year has raised more than $1 billion of capital equity from the likes of the IFC,
the sovereign wealth fund of the South Korean governmentthe countrys first deal
in Africa and Investec in South Africa. In December, IHS acquired new towers in
Rwanda and Zambia, through MTN. Darwish is looking at more than just
telecommunications and has an eye for investment in real estate in the US, Beirut
and Dubai. He is currently involved in setting up incubator programs for aspiring tech
entrepreneurs to develop a content platform. Everything from social networking,
mobile money, music and fashion using digital information is his new area of interest.
Content is another area Im investing in. Ive created a team to look into this. The
more power I create on the broadband side, the more relevant the content will
become. Darwish is also engaged in community upliftment. I like to see things
being built. Improving the quality of peoples lives is what ultimately drives me. As
long as this is your drive, youll always be successful and this is why anything I invest
in must be something that involves the transformation of peoples lives. Darwish has
founded other companies in the US and Middle East, including Vorexa software
provider for small enterprises in the US. Darwish credits a handful of names that
inspired him to become a successful tycoon. He says he learnt a great deal from
Raphael Udeogu, the former managing director of Motorola in Nigeria, about proper
corporate governance processes, systems and operations. Bashir El-Rufai taught
him about having faith in people and the value of goodwill. He also refers to his
partner, William Saad, and his brother, Mo Darwish, as strong pillars that have been
highly instrumental to the growth and sustenance of IHS from the beginning. When
we started IHS, we set a goal to be the leading tower infrastructure service provider
on the continent in 13 years. We were young and passionate, and it is due to Issams
passion, leadership, wisdom and skills in all areas of management, engineering,

finance and relationship management that we were able to achieve all we have,
says Saad. IHS, with an average monthly turnover of $28 million and which now
employs people of 19 different nationalities, has ambitious plans to become the
largest tower leasing operator on the continent. Well be investing heavily in Nigeria
this year. We invested roughly $1 billion last year, in Nigeria, Cameroon and Ivory
Coast in building our sites and buying from operators. This year, well probably invest
more than $850 million and are also looking at Zambia, Rwanda, Senegal and
Guinea. I want to drive IHS and content to the next level. Through war, education,
bureaucracy and new terrains, Darwish has emerged as a formidable warrior in the
telecommunications industry and has ambitious plans to push the envelope even

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In a textbook scenario, a help desk is a physical space that's often manned by
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Most companies give out an email ID and/or a toll free phone number to their
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comprehensive CRM, delivered in an extremely affordable, intuitive
system that automates many of the processes in the selling cycle,
making users more efficient. With Mothernode CRM, SMBs have a
feature-rich, agile system that grows as the company evolves.

Great product for those who don't need the expense and


Product Quality

Customer Support

Likes Best

Ease of use while maintaining a complete profile of prospects has

been key. While other systems touted the ability to capture lots of
information, it usually results in requiring the user to manually input
extraneous data, which for busy people means they are less likely to
utilize the program. With Mothernode, the being able to quickly
enter the few necessary fields means our sales people are actively
using the program, which leads to better tracking and makes it
easier to follow up, and close more sales. While a prospect moves
through the funnel, then we can add additional data as needed.
Likes Least

The only real dislike is with the lead capture forms. While they
absolutely work, their design is a bit old and our responsive website
requires two different versions of the same form so that users can
see a correctly sized form based upon if they are accessing via a
phone or a desktop computer. We have multiple different forms, and
in multiple languages, so then number of forms can grow

We are increasing accountability with our sales people. Previously

they sales people would be on the road and we would only get
emails back about progress without knowing what customers they
might be vising. Now we can better understand what our sales staff
is doing and in turn, the ability to follow up as a company with new
leads has increased our sales.

Hero Outlook

Leads and Opportunities


Template Studio

Supported Operating System(s):

Mac OS, Web browser (OS agnostic), Windows 10


customer support ticket



Its owned by the company and developed by the UK

based partners. It is a trusted open source support
ticket system that seamlessly routes inquiries created
via email, web-forms and phone calls into a simple,
easy-to-use, multi-user, web-based customer support
platform. It comes packed with more features and tools
capable of supporting the teaming customers of the




Top 25 Help Desk Interview Questions

1) How important is customer service for you?
The whole business depends on the customer service, and if you are at the help
desk you are holding an important position to help the customer in best possible
2) Do you really think that company or organization really needs
a helpdesk?
The key to run company effectively is that the resources are available and
operational all the time, especially if it is an IT company. Helpdesk is necessary as it
makes sure that resources are available for customer and also operational reasons.
3) How important IT skills are in help desk service and how you
keep yourself updated with those skills?
To process your work quickly computer skills are very important these days.
Computers not only make your work easy but also save your time and energy. I use
internet, online books and other educational resource to upgrade my IT skills.
4) How you deal with the frustrated customer?
The first thing a help desk person must do is to try understanding the customer, also
try to avoid the conflicts or any such things that disturbs the customer. Then you can
confront with each other and try to solve the problem.
5) What are the three abilities of an ideal help desk person?

Ability to listen others

Ability to present your thoughts clearly

To be patient especially in a tense situation

Help Desk

6) What motivates you for the help desk assistant job?

I like to communicate with people. Help desk assistant job is a type of job where you
continuously interact with people and help them to solve their problems.
7) Imagine if there is a customer who does not understand your
language then how will you help him/her?
I personally think that to help someone, language should not be barrier. Anyhow if
you cannot help him out then the best thing would be to make him understand with
the sign language (obviously when seeing the customer physically). Over a call, you
can use google translate or similar tools to communicate with customer.
8) What is your worst experience so far as a help desk assistant?
Try to give answer where you had a minimum conflict or misunderstanding with the
customer, and then explain how you had solved the problem.
9) Are you flexible with the weekends job?
As far as I get another day off in place of weekend, I dont have any problem in doing
weekend Job.
10) How do you respond when you do not know the answer?

When you do not know the answer, tell the customer straightway that you dont know
the answer instead of hitting around the bush. And ask them to wait till further
assistance provided by your colleague or supervisor.
11) What is the best thing you like about your job?
When you bring smile on tense face of your customer by helping them and by
solving their problems, it is the best thing that I enjoy during job. So, customer
satisfaction is the best thing that I like most in my job.
12) How would you rate your problem solving skills?
This is a common question asked for help desk jobs, so again it is a personal
question, and you can rate yourself on number 1 to 10 / 10.
13) How you face the criticism?

Answer to this question will judge your level of patience, they want to check how
positively you can take your criticism and how you deal with them without losing your
14) How good are you at solving problem on phone?
Solving problem face to face is different than handling them on phone. To convince
your interviewer that you have an ability to solve the problem you can put an
example of any previous incident where you have solved the customer problem on
phone easily.
15) Are you a team-player?
This question is generally asked to check whether candidate is capable of working
under different circumstances and with different people. As help desk associate has
to constantly deal with different people of different departments, and to work with
them smoothly and efficiently teamwork is very important.

16) How you deal with a customer who is on the phone and
refuses to calm down?
Such situation is very common in a helpdesk job. This question is again put in-front
of you to check your ability how you face the stressful situation.
17) Tell me one thing that you dont like about your job?
Give your answer in brief and avoid telling something that related to customer
service. If you want to say something that you dont like than you can mention that
long queue of customers waiting for their turn is something you dont like.
18) How you will organize your work schedule?
Based on the priority, I will schedule my work and assignment accordingly.
19) In a situation where caller did not understand what you are
explaining, what you would do?
First I will repeat the question and try listen to the customer and if the customer is
annoyed and is not ready to listen what you are saying, the best thing is to transfer
the call to supervisor or another assistant.
20) Please tell me some of the task that you had performed in
your previous company?
Explain him about your job responsibility in previous job citing few examples of
customer handling and solving their problems.
21) If the customer is not satisfied with your service do you
analyze your mistake or just move on to another customer?
Help desk associate responsibility is to give a satisfactory solution to their customer,
and if the customers problem is not solved then a follow up needs to be taken till the
problem is not solved.
22) What is the difference between helpdesk and service desk?

A helpdesk ensures that the customers problems are resolved in a timely fashion.
The service desk is a single point of contact between customer and company, where
all the information regarding the companys service are delivered.
23) What experience do you have as a help-desk associate?
Speak about the experience that is related to your position, tell them what are the
responsibilities that were involved and also explain what additional thing you were
doing like managing call or using any software. If you dont have experience, you
dont have to worry, you can tell them you are a fresher.
24) What are the new help desk techniques you think would be
helpful to improve the service?
IT and computer knowledge would be an additional assets for an helpdesk
associate, and evencompany can take a help of computer software to minimize the
workload and to communicate with the customer effectively.
25) What is the recent skill you have learned that can be helpful
for help desk position?
If you have done anything then you can mention to the interviewer like attending a
seminar on mass communication, or any computer course. But it is still ok if you
havent done related to position.

Help Desk Interview Questions and

Answers: IT, Computer and Analyst
The general responsibility of help desk personnel is to provide customer support
services for the firm.
He or she must be capable of troubleshooting technical problems and providing
solutions to customers.
If you are applying for this position, your experience in diagnosing and resolving
technical issues using standard help desk procedures and tracking applications will
prove most useful. Additionally, if you have kept up with system information

knowledge and updates, those habits can help you land a job.
A working knowledge of fundamental operations of relevant software, hardware and
other products is very important. There are many similarities and therefore familiarity
with one will assist you in becoming familiar with the next.
Additionally, one may be required to provide training to other or new help desk
employees in various areas of the company.
This article provides help desk support interview questions for: IT support, computer
support and help desk analyst. The article also provides general questions.
After reading this article, refer to the articles:

Call center job interview

Customer service job interview .

Job Interview Questions for Help Desk


How did you hear about our products and company?

Do you use any of our products or similar products/competitors?

Would you say that you are hands-on type of person?

What is your expected typical time spent on an average call?

Have you ever dealt with service and warranty centers?


How would you describe your interpersonal communication skills?

Have you ever had to deal with an extremely difficult customer/caller? How
did you handle the situation? What do you do to de-stress?

Have you ever been unable to help a customer or diagnose their technical
problem? What did you do? Was it because you did not have the right information to
solve the problem or issue?

Have you ever had a customer get very angry? How did you handle the


Have you ever been unable to solve a help desk call?

If the customer requires knowledge of a product you do not have, how would
you respond?

Would you describe yourself as organized?

When you see a call is taking too long what did you do?


How do you work as part of a help desk team to solve a problem?

Do you solve problems better as a team member or individually?

Can you describe a time when you worked with other help desk personnel to
solve a problem or issue for a customer? Was it satisfying for you to be a part of that
Answering the above questions:
Basic problem solving and the ability to overcome and handle a stressful customer
or situation will highlight your skills.
Most of these questions will focus on how self-motivated you are. In this area, you
will be dealing with customers on a personal basis.
Therefore, not only your technical knowledge is important, but also your customer
service skills helping a customer whatever the situation could be.
Past situations in which you were successful should be prepared and practiced
giving strengths to your problem solving skills.

Technical Support Help Desk Interview

IT help-desk interview questions
Computer Help Desk Questions

What IT help desk tools have you used in the past?

What types of software applications and networking programs tools do you

use? Can you list different IT products and your knowledge of these?

Have you ever been responsible for maintaining a network setting? What was
the base size, and expectations?

Describe your IT trouble shooting procedure.

What programs have you used to log and date calls?

Describe you experience in: firewalls, spy ware detection and virus ware

Describe your knowledge in: PC hardware and operating systems.

Answering these questions:
If you are applying for these help desk positions, you may have vast IT and
computer knowledge you must have mastered your skills on many products.
Therefore, display that no given situation too complicated.
You should present not only your knowledge of certain operating systems and IT
products, but also your trouble shooting abilities must be on a ground level.

Help Desk Analyst Interview Questions

How have you built knowledge of products and services?

What type of process discipline do you use?

What communicating and networking systems are you familiar with?

Have you ever used SAP or similar system?

How do you manage and organize several departments? How do you monitor
these departments?

What type of systems development skills do you possess?

What are your administrative practices?

Have you noticed some product-issues that you perceive could cause
possible calls by end users/ customers?

What steps do you take when handling an awkward call such as when the
caller is concerned with their warranty or asking for a return or refund?

Are you familiar with service manuals/schematics and how do you use them?

What if a warranty has expired and a customer demands a no-charge repair?

A customer could damage a product and expect the company to fix or replace
it. How would you handle this situation?

Are you able to study manuals and take computer tutorials on your own?
Answer: Your responses will be individual, according to your educational
background and job experience. Review these questions, and compose answers,
alone or with a friend. Rehearse your responses. If an interviewer asks you a
question you did not expect, take a minute to compose your thoughts; if possible,
find a connection to what you are prepared to say. Then elaborate very briefly on the
connection and add in your prepared answer.
In responding, you want to demonstrate your leadership and teaching skills. as well
as a diverse knowledge of Help Desk practices.
Ensure you have certifications of any classes or programs you have attended in your
Understanding the basic need of the jobs listed above will play a key role in landing
this type of position.
Job Description for Help Desk Specialist
A help desk specialist is responsible for maintaining customers' relationships with
the company, providing answers to customers' questions and other needs related to
technical support. These specialists are responsible for a variety of duties in the
company, depending on the products or services for which they provide assistance.
But the help desk specialist's main objective is to maintain a high level of customer
satisfaction and provide them with any necessary support.

Most help desk specialists need to be capable of using particular software programs,
as well as possess the ability to type. A polite and professional phone manner is
necessary, as help desk specialists troubleshoot customers' problems and, at times,
deal with angry and upset customers. A help desk specialist must be able to sit for
long periods of time and answer multiline phones. It is important for help desk
technicians to maintain a positive demeanor, and the help desk specialist must arrive
to work on time, as it is necessary that a help desk environment be fully staffed.
The position of help desk specialist may require a bachelor's degree; however, a
high school degree is usually sufficient. Previous experience as a help desk
specialist or in a customer-support role may be preferred.

Help Desk Specialist Tasks

Troubleshoot all information technology issues, including software, hardware,

and networking.
Install and update desktops, laptops, PDAs, peripherals, networks, and related

Help Desk Specialist Tasks

Troubleshoot all information technology issues, including software, hardware,

and networking.
Install and update desktops, laptops, PDAs, peripherals, networks, and related

a customer service oriented Help desk specialist to provide technical support to users in an
efficient and accurate manner. You will be considered as the firms front liner and you will
solve basic technical problems and provide support for all assigned areas. The goal is to
make sure that customer value is maintained to the standards set forth by the company.


Provide first level contact and convey resolutions to customer issues

Properly escalate unresolved queries to the next level of support

Track, route and redirect problems to correct resources

Update customer data and produce activity reports

Walk customers through problem solving process

Follow up with customers, provide feedback and see problems through to resolution

Utilise excellent customer service skills and exceed customers expectations

Ensure proper recording, documentation and closure

Recommended procedure modifications or improvements.

Candidate Requirements
Applicant must possess a minimum of National diploma or degree certificate in any related
field. Professional qualification will be an added advantage.

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