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5th july

8 SS in classroom
T greets + asks SS to sit on the front
T asks about last class
La ultima clase vimos algo que
SS react positively.
T: El pasado simple y como se dice en ingls?
SS: Simple past
T: se acuerdan que salieron a la pizarra?
SS answer different things
*7 SS come late
T: se acuerdan que vimos una pequea lista de verbos? Vamos a ver lo mismo, pero
con otros verbos.
T draws a chart on the board.



1 S late
T: regular?
S1: cuando el verbo cambia es irregular.
When you add ed is regular or irregular?
S2: regular S3: regular S4: irregular
S4, regular or irregular?
S4: irregular

T: so the second verb?

S1: esperar
T: good, wait; esperar
T: regular or irregular?

Wait/waited / regular

T goes on with start, break and SS seem to follow exercise. They seem interested.
T example. T writes on the board: ex= last class
I _______ an essay about Chilean history.
SS complete sentence. Grammar analysis.
SS have a confusin of tenses, present and past.
T clarifies briefly
T goes on with +, - and ? versions. Grammar analysis again. T helps SS noticing.
T asks some individual SS to repeat words. Purpose? Is i tan attempt of teaching
T has a nice attitude.
T draws on the board.

(+) (-)

(+) (-)

T: si digo yo soy o yo estoy? Si lo digo en forma negativa?




T: what about she, he, it?

T: He qu? SS: HE is
T: y la forma negativa?
SS work language out successfully in the end. SS analyse bits of language, though
T goes on eliciting about the language.
T: voy a hacer unos gestos y ustedes dicen la oracin (interesting activity!)

SS follow activity.- they try to work out the language enthusiastically, but not
necessarilly succesfully.
T addresses one individual student. usted no ha participado en nada, qu pasa? T
does it gently
T writes another chart on the board.

The classroom is cold

The classroom

T elicits and prompts answers.

T asks S6 to go to front of the class.
S6 seems to have problems with grammar.
T makes him 10 exercises on the board.
T asks another student to go to the board.
Grammar based lesson.
T writes one more exercise on the board:
crate 5 comparison between present and past using verb to be
T: ya Angle, que dice lo que acabo de escribir?
S2 answers. (checking understanding of instructions)
T monitors SS work.
(Liceo Arturo Alessandri)
SS start to misbehave
T goes on monitoring.

Bell rings
T says good bye.

30th June
T greets, asks SS how they are.
T L1: como lo han pasado? T asks SS about weekend?
T L1: ustedes ha nestado fuera de Santiago?
S1: en villarica

T: X

S1: tambin en San Carlos.

T: y algunas vez han estado fuera de Chile?
S2: Argentina.

T focuses only on some SS.

T asks similar questions to a different group of students.

T goes back to 1st group of SS and asks: Han montado una moto alguna vez?
8:30. Late student.
T: las preguntas que les hice ahora son para introducir la unidad que vamos a ver
ahora, presente perfecto, o present perfect tense.
Cuando se usa present perfect?
present perfect SS dont pay attention
T shows a definition of present perfect.
(15 SS in class)
On the board: she has visited me.
T: qu dice ah? Qu significa?
S3: qu es she?
T explains sentence. (Grammar only!?

T shows a 2nd sentence. I havent been in the north of Chile.

S4: algo del norte.
T explains sentence again (negative havent)
Next sentence: have they done the homework?
T esta pregunta seguramente la han escuchado
SS dont react. T writes on the board: Have: Tener, haber.
8:44 Another late comer.
T asks a group of SS about sentence.
SS dont seem to follow. T insists on explaining structure + translating words, trying
to prompt answers from SS.
Several SS using mobile phones.
T: bueno, lo voy a escribir como lo decimos en espaol.
Ellos han hecho la tarea? Ese es el significado
T: Si yo les pusiera esta cita X, que dira?
T speaks in a low voice.
How is it created? (X)
T: como explicar la estructura gramatical de esto se pone el auxiliar have mas el
verbo principal en pasado.
8:50. Latecomer.
Only two SS seem to be paying attention.
T asks SS to explain structure on the board. (individual work?)
8:51. Latecomer.
T noto que igual les complica el tema, asi es que vamos a ver un video para que les
quede ms claro. (addressing only a group of SS)
T repeats
T plays video (a collection of clips, X, where pres. perfect is used). HEre most of SS
are using their mobiles.

T: Los videos son un compilado de oraciones y la meta es que los vayan viendo
para que endientan
8:56. One more latecomer.
Video problem with audio.
T plays video (audio not synch)
Only four SS pay attention to it.
Video sequence contains language that may be too complex for SS
S6: profe eso es modern family?
T nods.
T: alguien ve juego de tronos?
Stops video.
T: voy a mostrar de nuevo las oraciones y ustedes me van a decir que querien decir.
T translates how long. T: los que tienen la lista de verbos la pueden usar para
responder las preguntas
T:que significa? (Pointing at still image)
T insists on grammar. T asks about to be.
S7: ser. T: en pasado? S7: sido. T: very good.
9:08. Another late student.
T: que significa engagement ring?
S8: de oro.
T explains about sentence.
T goes on translating sentences from video.
SS use swear words constantly. It seems ok. !!
T shows instructions of a post activity.

Ya que vieron el video que sirvo para que tengan una nocion del present perfect
Yo les voy a ayudar.
T goes through sentences (questions), translatin basically, trying to clarify meaning,
in the hope they understand them and then, answer them.
T asks questions individually.
9:20. Two latecomers.
9:21. One student leaves the room.
9:26. Another student leaves the room.
T continues monitoring work?

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