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The Colour of RLM 02 Grau (Grey)

A series of photospectrometric measurements of samples of the German RLM 02

colour Grau (Grey), sometimes referred to as Grungrau (Green-grey), were
recorded from various sources together with difference-calculated comparisons in
Munsell, FS595B and RAL Standards.
The results are presented here in the accompanying schematics as a resource,
showing the original colour in sRGB format calculated from the the measured
L*a*b* values and their closest Munsell, FS595B and RAL equivalents. Difference
calculations of DE2000 less than 2.0 = a close match.
For completeness I have included those closest Munsell, FS and RAL values
even where they exceed 2.0. Also for completeness a table showing the
measured L*a*b* and sRGB values from which the chips have been rendered is
included here.
Two chips are included in the Monogram publication and measurements taken
were slightly different so again they have both been included for completeness.

The measurements were taken from the relevant standard and reference source
paint chips - not from examples of applied paint - so please bear in mind that
distinction which is always emphasised here. When some people enthuse about the
paint colour varying - and it did to the extent that the Luftwaffe told their personnel not
to worry about it - they can often infer that paint colour standards are useless for
modelling purposes. This is to misunderstand the purpose and value of the
standards. Rather than pinpointing how each and every aircraft might have been
painted they provide a benchmark for the intended average colour to be visualised,
which in the absence of documented and accessible samples of extant paint, might
otherwise be in a vacuum Even with extant samples of applied paint many
authoritative researchers and authors still have to rely on colour photographs,
subjective visual comparisons and/or descriptions in order to communicate the
colours. Standards can be used to triangulate this information. Again, it may be worth
emphasising that the purpose of this blog is not to promote an agenda but to explore
and discuss subjects in order to provide a resource by which informed decisions
might be made. It is not in competition with anyone and challenges to statements in
other forums as being inconsistent with the evidence should not be misconstrued as
such. Besides, it's your model, painting or restored aeroplane, not mine!

One extant formula for this paint as a "Rubber Varnish gray N 243" is included in Jerry
Crandall's 'Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Dora' Volume 2. It is given as Titanium Oxide and Zinc whites
with three yellow pigments Hansa Yellow, Zinc Yellow and Yellow 420 N and, apparently, what
may be RLM 66 dark grey (?). If the designation does not mean the latter then the formula
appears to be missing a black or grey pigment.
Another RLM 02 formula comes from Herbig Haarhaus A.G. of Koln in their trademark
'Flieglack' series of fire-resistant lacquers. This is for Aviation Lacquer 7115.02 in their
Herbeloid series. No less than 73.03 parts of the formula made up a proprietary lacquer
binder/solvent consisting of 'vinoflex', butanol, butylacetate, toluol, spirit and ethyl acetate to
which the following pigments were added:Antimony white (Timonox RS) - 2.94 parts
Chrome green - 0.08 parts
Titanium dioxide (white) - 2.15 parts
Chrome yellow - 0.18 parts
Sechsbrandruss - 0.02 parts
Aluminium bronze - 0.59 parts
Essigather (ethyl acetate) - 16.44 parts
Black paste - 3.47 parts
Red paste - 1.10 parts
Interestingly, ethyl acetate appears twice in the formula, as 17.60 parts of the binder/solvent
and in the proprietary 'Essigather' with the pigment as 16.44 parts. The lacquer was intended
to be spray-applied with equal parts of thinner. 'Vinoflex' was a polyvinyl chloride made by I.G.
Bitterfield. 'Sechsbrandruss' was a proprietary six times refined carbon black pigment.
'Timonox RS' was a proprietary fire-resistant form of lead white. Chrome green is correctly a
green mixed from chrome yellow and Prussian blue but was also used, incorrectly, as a
generic term for chromium oxide (green). Aluminium bronze was a leafing pigment usually
added to improve impermeability to moisture and thereby resist corrosion and gave the paint
its earlier description of 'silver-matt grey'. The formula is more complex than expected and the
type of pigments used for the black and red pastes unknown.

As can be seen, a consistent Munsell equivalent value of 7.5 Y 5/1 has

been calculated in this analysis, but although very close it still does not
quite convey the true yellowish caste of the original colour. There are no
usefully close FS595B comparisons; the closest, 34201, is too yellow. Two
RAL values, 7002 Olive grey and 7003 Moss grey, offer useful
comparisons, the former probably providing a slightly better average visual
comparison than the latter which strays towards a cooler grey-green in
character. But the comparisons probably highlight a variance present in the
original paint, sometimes warmer sometimes cooler. RAL 7003 is available
in hobby paint as Revell 45 'Light Olive' but has not been tested against
the samples.
Please bear in mind that all the chips are probably slightly darker than they
would have appeared 70 years ago. The type of yellow pigment in use
probably ensured that thermally aged browning was minimal but the paint
as applied probably appeared slightly lighter and almost certainly brighter.

Notice of Update ~ RLM 02 & RLM 63 Graus

Updated the analysis of RLM 02 colour with a comparison of the Kiroff sample to
measured samples of three well known RLM 02 hobby paints and to measured
samples of RLM 63.
Kiroff sample RLM 02: 7.3 Y 5.0/1.2
Testors RLM 02: 8.1 Y 5.3/0.9
GSI Creos RLM 02: 7.8 Y 5.3/0.8
LifeColor RLM 02: 7.8 Y 5.2/1.5

Kiroff RLM 63: 2.8 GY 5.0/1.1

Merrick RLM 63: 6.0 GY 4.7/0.9
Monogram RLM 02: 7.6 Y 5.0/1.2
There seems to be a misperception about the appearance of RLM 63 in some
discussions whereby it is presumed to be a light, neutral grey. It is rather a cool greygreen and is similar to the cool grey-green of several hobby paints which purport to be
RLM 02!

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